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Here's 13 specific strategies to maximize your results whenever you go to a live event.

I've been going to live conferences and workshops for 15 years, and they've been a huge part of my success – these are my strategies to get the most from those events.

In other words, this is how you win at live events.

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64 Replies to “13 Specific Tips To Get The Most From Live Events”

    • Fantastic advice, Jeff! I can hardly wait to meet you and all the other PLFers. Only 4 days to go! And you better believe I’ll be bringing the best of me ready to receive and so very ready to give!

  1. Jeff, your personality can energize any message. The “champion” point is my favorite. And you’re absolutely heating the point with friend making advice. In Russian there is a saying: when you try to catch two rabbits, both escape. So to be focused on one person, the one you feel empathy to, is crucial. This way you solidify that relationship rather than trying to grab the too big of a territory.

  2. Thanks Jeff, another cool video with great advice. Coming from a small remote town in England, I always have to make an effort to travel to live events but never regret it! They’re such a great way to make new or build existing relationships. Keep the videos coming!


  3. Hi Jeff,

    Thank you for your time and content sharing with this video.
    My feedback is that I really enjoy all of your videos. This last one though, I found the delivery a little chaotic. Content was very good.
    Many thanks,


  4. Cayce McCrary


    I really enjoyed this video because it put words to some of the ideas I have about going to a place and building connections without feeling selfish or slimy. I really enjoy connecting other people with each other! I now have more structured ways to Connect and grow relationships while getting the most out of live events! Thank you for your wisdom Jeff!

  5. Thank you, Jeff! Very inspiring. I’ve never been to big events like you did but I see how the same tips apply anywhere, not matter the impact of the live event. I agree with you about engaging and creating relationships, not hunting for lists of contacts like some do – it’s annoying and not at all a smart thing 🙂

  6. Great tips! Love the idea of an integration day and a separate page for action items – I’m going to implement these to try and avoid that Monday burnout day I always experience. Because coffee can only do so much. 🙂

    • Hi Shelley,
      I love what your doing at Loops! You are actually the reason I joined PLF. I have a fashion design and sewing school for kids in North Carolina. And I am starting a monthly sewing kit for kids. I took a class about a month ago and the instructor told me about you and PLF. I joined right away! I will be in Phoenix for the event next week (my old home town!) I was hoping to meet you there. Please drop me an email and lets meet up (in the bar!!!)

    • I completely agree with Shelley. I have always written on one side of the page but never used the left side for action items. Love it. I usually try to go early to events but I like the idea of staying a little longer if possible to think about what I just learned. Nice presentation style too. Thanks!

  7. Kadi Abdul Hameed


    Thanks Jeff for the most valuable advice.on what to take out of an event to build our business.
    every advice is worth its weight in gold.

  8. Great reminders and tips Jeff. After watching this I am even more excited for the live event this Friday. Thank you for the tips.

  9. Hello, Jeff

    Thank you for your time. I appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge. It was clear, concise and helpful. I will make it a point to record those points and use them myself!

    You’re an inspiration to do what it is you love to do…and THAT’S living!

    ALL the best to you,

  10. Jeff,
    Great points! My best take away is; Show up and once you do, be present and all in!

  11. Elaine Allen


    Hi Jeff
    Lots of good information here. I especially liked the idea of separating out action items so that I have a plan when I reengage with the world

  12. This is pure synchronicity

    I attended a nonviolent communication workshop yesterday and sat on the hot seat, shared openly about my experiences, was communicative to people, connected actively, showed interest in their lives and at the end, asked to exchange phone numbers and email addresses.
    Got everyone to share theirs on a common DINA4 that the workshop leaders will send us all per email.
    At the beginning and at the end of the workshop, we had a sharing round, the majority of the attendees directed their thanks to me and showed their gratitude because I had taken risks and showed vulnerability.
    I dared to get out of my comfort zone. Usually I would go home and feel I missed on something, that something was connection. This time I got so much out of this workshop for myself not only on content but on live exercising with the coaches in front of the group as well as getting direct coaching from the leaders who are more experienced.
    So I know what you are talking about
    I had always stayed on my chair and not mingled with the crowd
    This time I was on stage, next to the lunch table listening and conversing with others.
    The day before, I went to an introductory evening that took place in a different city and I took my Photo album to show the Shop owner my Art work, I only mentioned that my work was going to be shown in Findhorn which is in Scotland introducing my Photo Album which contained Works that I will be showing at my exhibition next month. There was no real time for me to show it in a relaxed enjoyable way so the workshop leaders heard me talk about Findhorn which they had visited ( I had read they had done their own learning in Findhorn) and asked me to bring my Photo album the next day for the coffee break. So I did. The next day the people got excited about what they saw. So they
    can spread the word about my exhibition to their Colleges and friends.
    I told the trainers about my intention of me giving or leading a similar workshop in English (I don’t see them as rivals)), I told them I would spread the word to my Portuguese speaking friends and they
    Tadmora may do that with the English and German speaking people that approach them Additionally I thought that I can get some testimonials from the people who showed their gratitude for my webinar introduction as a marketing tool. So just being a student helped me to get so much value through giving value.
    So I really explored all these possibilities intuitively without your video and your video gave me clarity about using this Workshop attendance in the most useful way possible

  13. Eric Schurr


    Jeff, thanks for the tips and reminders. I find it easy to ‘get lost’ at events, because usually they attract hundreds to thousands of attendees, and most of their expressions are the same, of dear in the headlights. I’m attending a large event in two weeks and you’ve inspired me to leave my fear and phone in the room. Thanks!

  14. Great Info about attending events and how to be the most productive there. Loved the VIP idea and how it is worth the money. Impressive strategy for separating action vs information and how to propel that once you return home! Thanks again! Dede

  15. Thank you, Jeff! I’m so looking forward to the beauty and energy of PLF Live!

  16. I am an event planner and your tips are very good. Live events, hosted or attended are great ways to market a business. I teach a class on the 20+ events that a business’s can host. Thanks for speaking Event-ese!

  17. Thank you Jeff!
    Great tips. I just started working for a company. Their only sales funnel is attending Trade Shows. The only strategy they follow on the list is: Go to the Bar to try to drum up business. It doesn’t work that well because they don’t build on the relationships they made.

    With a trade show coming up in 2 weeks I have a relationship building strategy to follow.

  18. Jeff,
    Excellent advice- I’ve attended numerous events and have been that guy in the corner. No more!
    I want to learn about your journals- in one of your earlier videos on PLF I noticed stacks of them on your desk. Can you share your experiences and technique on how you use them? Thanks!

  19. Jeff,

    This was great. Especially as at the end of the week I’ll be at my first PLF Live. Thanks for the tips!


  20. Jeff: Awesome suggestions. I had never considered going a day early to an event. Perhaps it would make sense to go to fewer live events and take your suggestion to go early and leave late for a fewer number of high quality events. Thanks for the inspiration!

  21. I can’t believe you give all this FREE ADVICE! Jeff, U R an inspiration and i hope to be just like u when i grow up!!! 🙂

  22. Great advice Jeff – this video is one to watch again and create an event checklist from. Thanks for sharing!

  23. I love this video. I like how you talk about really specific aspects of live events and how to work with each piece to get the most out of the experience.

  24. Brilliant marketing leading up to PLF Live 2015!

    As a new PLF owner, I can see so clearly the process and sequence you are integrating into the last two videos. I feel fortunate to have access to the engine that drives PLF.

    After 3 weeks of drinking from the PLF fire hose, my mind is firing on all circuits! A whole new world is opening up before my eyes.

    This video and your list is another sign post that confirms I am on the right path. I have taken note and will come prepared to PLF Live 2015 ready to fully engage at all levels.

    You have heard me say this before but I have to say it again, you have created such an amazing collaborative community unlike anything else. Your gifts and talents are inspiring and impacting me in ways you could not imagine!

  25. Jill Astall


    Thanks Jeff
    Your terminology is wonderful and pure “Brad Sugars/Bruce Doyle” whom I have worked with in holding small business seminars and building data base. Synergy and leverage! Since commencing I have done a promo video and met a production technician living just one street away from me to video my book launch/exhibition of paintings. Lateral thinking and taking ideas from you and others associated with Hay House is so motivational. So, a big thank you. Synchronistic!
    Jill Rosier Astall

  26. Great tips! I love the action item list. I just got back from 2 live events. I wish I had that advice 3 weeks ago. My tip back to you is to use a LiveScribe pen to take notes. That way, you can replay exactly what the speaker was saying at the time it triggered your thought for a note. FYI… Rich Lindner at Digital Marketer speaks very highly of you and PLF.

  27. great tips- you really made me think of what I’ve been missing – very important.. Thanks for your great insight

  28. Jeff i am excited about all you are doing especially the PLF i am working thru now. i finished 7 videos today and am ready to do the Pre Pre-Launch then Pre Launch to Launch. Your blueprint and guiding modules are so impact and i can wait for tomorrow morning to receive Module 4. You are one of a kind and i look forward to be a case study of major impact for your PLF. thank you for being really you!!!! Jeffrey Paul

  29. Thanks, Jeff. You are always so inspiring, clear and helpful. I also love your ease on camera and all that you share! Many thanks, as always!

  30. Great video, Jeff. Love the “champion” approach. That’s the ethical way to approach any business – personal or other. No more squirreling information away be transparent and make connections. Thank you for sharing.

  31. Thank you so much, Jeff, for being open and sharing the words of wisdom and inspiration! Every your tip is valuable and recognizable as a very true. I can see it from my life experience. Love your video. ))

  32. Great tips Jeff – especially the false email address. One of my mentors who does a lot of speaking at events actually has two versions of his business card printed – one with his phone number, and one without. He keeps one set in his left pocket, and the other set in his right pocket. That way he can easily choose the appropriate card, but no awkward conversation trying to avoid giving out his contact details.

  33. I am inspired for the live event. Trying to review all modules and stay on top ready to accelerate. Gotta watch the burn out.

  34. Marji Armstrong


    Thanks for the video. As usual you are inspiring. I have just finished with a great group in UK. Now packing to meet everyone at PLF Phoenix. (I am coming the “long way.”) I am very excited- a little nervous. Arriving on Wednesday to sleep on Thursday. 10hours flight from London. Look forward to all the positive people. Yah.

  35. Lorraine Warshaw


    I love that every video you do, you provide straightforward advice that is really useful. Great tips as I get ready for PLF live in a few days! I usually don’t hang out with other attendees in the evenings (I’m always so drained after a long day of learning), but you’ve convinced me that the relationship building element of live events is so important. Thanks for helping me to be more successful.

  36. Debbie Brown


    Thank you…I am at a conference right now and will be practicing your directions. I really benefited from the yellow pad story…I was all ready to get as much information, talk to the most people and be what I thought a networking queen looked like. Now I know I should be connecting personally. Great video!

  37. Darlene Osowiec


    Jeff, Once again, your energy and enthusiasm shine through with some excellent tips about attending Live Events. I like the building relationships idea rather than collecting business cards, too. I laughed when you talked about giving a different email address to those who were obviously collectors of contact information. Yes, be Present, be Engaged, be Inspired and Inspiring!

  38. This is such a great subject! I have attended many live events of various sizes, and have always made the mistake of taking the ‘red-eye’ to get there and having to rush right back to work the night of the last day or on a red-eye’ the next morning. The fatigue from traveling and the stress of rushing to meet deadlines steals away the opportunity of gathering to network after and redirects the attention away from whatever was learned. Showing up relaxed and leaving fulfilled sounds so much better!
    Being somewhat introverted, I must give acknowledgment to Tadmora’s comment above. I attended a workshop and shared that it was driving nails into my skin just to walk into the huge room of people for a large seminar or workshop event. Just admitting this vulnerable feeling was so nerve wracking, I was in tears and still, to this day as I write this, the emotion wells up along with the fear. Though many came up to me later and echoed my feelings, and it did make me slightly more comfortable, I was still unable to truly feel a part of the whole. Until I was paired in an exercise with two of the ‘repeating’ successful attendees, and they shared the same feelings of awkwardness and inferiority. That was real eye-opener! We all have our fears, some just show it differently that others.
    The odd thing is, I am fairly comfortable when I am giving a class or workshop, and can help others feel like they are a part of the whole. Granted, I haven’t led more than 20 – 25 people, but I am keenly aware of those who are uncomfortable and try to help them feel safe and courageous enough to glean my content.
    Next time, I go early and leave late!
    Thanks for the tips and allowing me to have the insight that saving a few dollars on a room or airfare, results in a waste of money in attending the whole event and being able to be fully present.

  39. Great video, Jeff…imo one of your best ever. Super tips and very valuable insights. I just got back from speaking at a big live Vegas event; I wish everyone could see your video, you aced it. The friendships, the networking and meeting face to face is an amazing experience. Your points are all extremely well thought-out, and correct.

    I especially liked your 2 points about a) leave the cell phone off (a pet peeve, it’s odd to see people living w/noses buried in small electronic devices, even at seminars, poker tables, in the exhibit hall…I just want to tell them “get a life” lol)..and b) identifying one action item to start with.

    Truly brilliant video, Jeff – everyone should see it. You keep getting better and better….thanks! 🙂

  40. Hey Jeff,

    I really enjoy your videos and look forward to the email announcing a new one each week. I also look forward to the day our paths cross, possibly at a bar after an event, when I can look you in the eye, shake your hand, and say thanks for showing me the way.

    How about that win on Saturday?! Go Spartans!

  41. The video was perfectly timed! I’m heading out to a conference tomorrow where I will be keynoting and we were talking about how we were going to get the most out of the event. This was a great framework video. Going through the PLF course has generated a ton of excitement in our small team and we are really ready to put all the pieces into place. Thanks!

  42. Jeff, I’ve just started my business as a life coach/counselor/hypnotherapist after 50 years as a mechanical design and manufacturing engineer. I knew I had to go to events and ‘network’. I had no idea how to do that, so I just took a big breath and leapt into the void! The value I got from this video was the note taking and the action listing. Never did that…..just took notes. By the way, I’ve learned even more just reading the comments others have left. Thank you-all, or in Texas….all you all!

  43. Thanks Jeff. Love this.

    I started loving “networking” events when I decided to go in with the mindset of finding new friends (even if just one, as you said) – vs the mindset of trying to meet everyone I possibly can (which is what I mistakenly thought it should be when I started doing them).

    The latter is exhausting and anxiety inducing. The former is worth everything.

  44. Thanks so much for sharing this Jeff. You shared some great insights and strategies. As a non drinker I had always stayed clear of the bar after the event, as I have generally found it difficult talking to people that are slightly intoxicated whilst I am sober. I realise now that I have been missing out on lots of selling opportunities and will definitely be going in now and not feel guilty that I am not drinking. I also liked your idea of being a champion and how to avoid the Monday crash. Will definitely be using these ideas too.

  45. Jeff,
    I have to admit, I am one of those guys who goes to events to soak up everything.
    However, I usually miss the opportunities of the networking and socializing at the bars. Only cause I don’t know where to start.
    I love how you approach them, look to make that 1-2 connections that takes the pressure off and probably leads to more actions.
    Going to keep that when I attend my next event.
    Thank you.

  46. Jeff! You have spoken like a champion. I agree with you 110%- Live events are life changing. I especially like the idea of a separate area with action steps I can prioritize on the day after the event! Thank you for sharing from your mind and heart. OOOOOOOhugs

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