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To me, Ski Fridays are sacred. It's a necessary part of my lifestyle.

Since the time I was stuffing my kids’ feet into ski boots until now when they can easily beat me on a run, there’s nothing I’d rather be doing on a Friday.

Which is why Fridays during ski season, my team knows I’m out on the slopes. 

For a lot of people, it’s hard to imagine being able to do that.

But it’s because I’ve created a business that allows me the flexibility and freedom to live a lifestyle beyond my wildest dreams.

Entrepreneurs who don’t prioritize lifestyle ultimately burn out and can find their profits diminishing. The most successful business owners I know place a heavy value on the people, places, and activities they enjoy.

Now, don’t confuse this with “internet lifestyle.”

While it’s great that having an online business that lets you work from everywhere, it’s all too easy for this to become a trap — to the point where you’re always connected, always needing to check your stats, always having to respond to one more email…

When you’re first starting your business, you might be very busy getting things off the ground. But it’s important to know when to take your foot off the gas pedal.

It might seem counterproductive to take time away, but focusing on lifestyle is actually one of the most productive things you can do for your business.

I’ve been known to take an entire week away on a boating trip with no electricity, so I’m forced to be disconnected. As my business becomes more and more successful, this down time has become essential to keep my mind sharp and my creativity flowing for bigger and bigger opportunities.

Can you imagine your ideal lifestyle?

Where do you see yourself unplugging and recharging? Who do you want to surround yourself with?

Dive into these posts to get inspiration for your own #LaunchLife.