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This video is all about one of the biggest mistakes that I see online entrepreneurs make, a mistake that's responsible for more epic fails than anything else…

And please leave a comment for me down below… have you made this mistake? Or have you successfully avoided it?

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89 Replies to “FAIL: How To Create A Product That Won’t Sell”

  1. The message is clear that people buy only what they want. Though there are in my field, where I’m an expert in, people surely want the result of the product. So what I experience is that the market have many times an other vision of the product they need that is available at other sellers. It doesn’t deliver the wanted result in the end and the market is comparing these products with the products we do not deliver. And probably don’t buy because of disillusions of there negative experiences. Off course testimonials will help. We are doing ok but it could be much better and faster. How can I communicate that our products are what they need and want?

  2. Hi Jeff,
    great video with great information.
    This is one of the big mistakes I see others do and that I often do too.
    It’s like a trap that we get into, thinking that our big ideas, insights are what people wants and needs without asking the audience.
    One of the things I found my self thinking, is “What if I ask, or make a survey, and nobody answers?”. So the main question for you is:
    “How can I ask my audience the right way so that the answer what they really want and need?”

    Thank you for all your information and great person,

  3. Heidi Hicks


    Jeff! I loved this! I’m still really new to the entrepreneur world (don’t have a website yet) and I really appreciate your insight as I’m thinking about my first product. Thanks so much!! ~Heidi

  4. Hi Jeff,

    I love what you say, specifically around the dialog and interaction approach to tuning to the market. I’ve been doing this with interviews, surveys, and FB questions and it has been hugely helpful. It also creates investment on the part of my potential clients since they are literally co-creating the product with me.

    I do think however, that there is something to be said, especially if one is on the cutting edge, of offering something that is genuinely coming from something unique inside of us that might be “unrecognizeable” by others. I think the beauty comes when this “unrecognizeable gift” in us finds its expression clearly, simply, and beautifully in a market that is ready and wants it.

    That’s my thoughts – curious what you think.
    Thanks for everything!

  5. Jeff, I agree with you. A tough one for me is offering something already out there with maybe a little tweak. It doesn’t feel like ‘mine.’ I want to create something unique…. different. As I write this to you, I feel the desire for uniqueness is my stumbling block. I took your program two years ago and loved it. However, I have not found that special ‘something’ that calls me to internet marketing. My current services are office based.

    You wanted comments….so ….this is my 2 cents worth. Thanks for all your wonderful work in assisting others in making dreams come true!

  6. It is totally against our common sense, but it is really what generates results! Thanks for the tip!

  7. Jeff,

    this is not a new concept…. I’ve been on line sense 09 and when I was 1st starting out, all the freebie training was hammering this in our brain “supply and demand” or in other words, find the demand and supply it (only after much research)

    thanks for the reminder!

  8. Hey Jeff,

    Your words are golden! You can even see it beyond product launches.

    It’s amazing how many business owners develop their web sites around information that “they think” their customers want. Instead of taking time to discover what their real needs and pain points are.

    Many don’t even really know why their customers chose them over their closest competitor. Simple interaction with their customers will most often reveal their real needs and wants. Then they can target their content directly at those needs and wants.

    Thank for the quickie lesson. Keep em coming!

  9. You are right Jeff.
    I think I’m in the middle heading for the right approach.
    I’m about to start my business, Self-Knowledge College, (which is to help people learn more about themselves so they have the right and best info ON themselves to make the right decisions re careers and mates FOR themselves.

    MY book, WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? The way to know yourself and get what you want is about how to succeed in life on your own terms through Self-Knowledge.

    But I can’t really sell Self-knowledge per se, for a lot of reasons: people think it’s too hard, takes too much time, or is only for Phds. It isn’t true, but it’s an uphill battle to convince people of that when they are not even aware that this is the crux of their problem! I’d have to convince people that they NEED this before I could sell them a solution to the problem and they are already predisposed to walk away because of the perceived difficulty or irrelevance to their situation.

    So I have to engage people on a problem presentation level—procrastination or time management or career choice, for example.

    In our telephone conversation, you said that those WERE real problems for people and should be addressed but that my other product idea– how to help people stop dating or marrying the wrong people– had more visceral, emotional and psychological punch –that these people are in REAL everyday Pain…and that I should start with that problem.

    So, when I open my site next week my first product will be a short course on HOW TO STOP DATING LOSES AND FIND A GOOD MAN (OR WOMAN)!

    My related site (under construction) will be Dropout to Dean’s List (for at-risk students). I taught college for many years and know that problem or “market” well. I know the need and I know students (and parents) want their kids to succeed so I’ll create products to help people with that problem. A million students–probably millions!– are suffering with this so I’ll start there.

    So I have a solution to a general problem that many people have as expressed by a lack of self-knowledge, but I have to begin with specific, identifiable, painful problems and move indirectly and gradually (a sales funnel?… laughing!) to the elemental cause.

    In a sense, I began in the wrong direction with the book (although that was originally slated for college students until I discovered non students said they needed and wanted something like that too!–so I WAS listening as you teach!)) but the book can be easily broken down to address specific problems and that’s what I’ll do.

    Ultimately, the problems are all interrelated but I have to start with one aspect that is torturing for each person.

  10. Hi Geoff,
    Incredible talk. I shared this with some of my friends who needed to hear this. I am glad you did this talk so I didn’t have to convince them about this.

    You are AWESOME!


  11. I’ve made this mistake, too.

    I did a free coaching call recently, teaching an approach to something, and asked the callers if they would like to enroll in a workshop on doing this process together. 1/2 the people on the phone said YES. So, I guess that was good feedback! Will be interesting to see how many actually buy.

    I’m wondering, Jeff, if you have a defined process for how to survey your list to see what they want? I think that is my next step.


  12. Very timely for me. This summer I will be filming my video curriculum modules for my writing program for kids that I am putting online. My writing program has been used for 15+years, but it’s never been an online curriculum before. I’ve been wondering what type of delivery would be best, how parents want it, etc., so now I will engage them in the process. Maybe do just 1 module, offer it at a low price and invite them to be part of the process. And do a survey of my small, existing list before I start the first module. I like these ideas.

    I think what stops some of us from embracing these ideas right off is because we are professionals, and have spent years building up that reputation as professionals and experts in our field. As experts we TELL, we don’t ASK. We’re supposed to know everything.So if we ask, it might appear like we don’t know what we’re doing. Do you know what I mean? This type of conditioning runs deep in some of us older people. Maybe you could address this in another blog. 🙂

  13. THANK YOU for this VERY IMPORTANT reminder! It’s time for me to implement this into the product I have been creating. It will save me not only time but money as I make my own product.

    What questions do you ask when talking to your market to find out what they want?

    Thanks, Jeff!

  14. It is common sense and it can save us precious time and energy. That being said, it is some time tricky to find the right questions and to stimulate the right interraction to find out what is it they want (content, format, pricing). I would be interested in a training that focus on that: how to fit your product to your readers.

  15. Although I agree with you for the most part, one should also consider the other side of the coin. Steve Jobs said if he waited for the market to come up with a requirement for the iPhone, it would be a long time before it happened.

    Your suggestion is a much safer way to do things, I believe, – and how many Steve Jobs (plural) we have out there?

    • @Matt: yes, I’ve heard the Steve Jobs argument many times. And there is certainly room in this world for revolutionary creativity… in fact, I celebrate that kind of creativity. The only problem is that for the vast majority of us, it’s like buying a lottery ticket. As you point out, the odds of anyone becoming the next Steve Jobs aren’t very good.

  16. I really agree with this – in fact I get most of my article ideas from comments people make on other articles – if I see something that hits a nerve and resonates out to a lot of like-minded people, I know I’m on to something – in fact it was several comments on one specific article that gave me a great idea for a program to create, which I’m working on now. And thanks Jeff – because if I hadn’t taken your product launch course (which I’m re-going over now) I never would have had the nerve to think I could even create anything – you not only gave me inspiration, but a step-by-step roadmap to follow. And I love the way you share your knowledge freely and with enthusiasm for what you do. Big Fan.

  17. Hi Jeff,

    Great reminder, let the market talk to you. This fundamental technique also works great for the stock market.

    Thanks again.

  18. Nigel & I have had so many excuses over the years for NOT asking our market what they want, and even though they seemed like good excuses, that’s all they were. And every product we made without asking them bombed. And they had good content, and they were innovative. But bottom line is what you say. Now we poll our list often to see what THEY want, and when we get a great idea out of the blue, we look at each other and say, “Guess we better test that.” We don’t make any big moves without surveying our list now. Thanks for the reminder.

  19. You’re right to a point, at least eight percent of time but the thing is, people don’t know what they want, they want what they know. Henry Ford was quoted as saying, “if I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” Steve Jobs of Apple also said something similar.

    Although I believe that this advice should be followed, a percentage of your time should be devoted to thinking outside of the box and creating something nobody has seen before otherwise you’ll end up looking like everyone else.

    • @Nathan: you make some good points… and I totally agree with spending time thinking “outside the box”…

      And the reality is that when I came out with Product Launch Formula, there were no products out there about doing product launches. I was the first, I was a pioneer.

      The difference is I found a way to start quickly and start small… and test the idea. I didn’t sit in my office for six months creating the product. I made an offer and I tested the offer. After I found there was interest, then I created a quick first version… and I went on from there.

  20. I just did exactly what you’re talking about…kind of. I’ve created the content and I know that people are looking for it, but the format I was looking at was all wrong, too long of a subscription (6 months) and the pricing was all wrong (too cheap, no perceived value).

    Back to the drawing board to re-edit the content and make it fit into the new module.

    Thanks Jeff for all the great content and advice!

  21. Hello Jeff,

    Great reminder. Thanks.

    But going back to Steve Jobs for a moment… He was creative, yes. But what I mostly see in him, is his ability to give a product to people who didn’t think they needed it and yet “show them” their “need” for it. An iphone, it’s useful but nobody really needs it… Then the shows, he used to put on, did the rest. Isn’t it? Probably the I-something fans won’t agree with me and will want to crucify me, but really nobody needs a phone that take pictures, with games, music, etc…

  22. rhanks Jeff for this video. it’s very important to get this mindset. i have not yet done a product launch and perhaps my list, however rtowing regularly, would not be sufficient to get this conversation list. The first product i decided to launch is part of a very competitive market, so i am sure many people are interested by this product. Then , after a period of “sensibilisation” through webinars, articles, bonus given to grow my list, i will do a survey to make my product better. i will do then a pre launch and a launch for this product which will be an e-book with upsell products following. Hope i am on the right way for success? Please do let me know

  23. Like all things in life, when we’re not getting the results we want, getting back to simple truths make all the difference. We often become fixed and focused with tunnel vision, don’t we? Thanks for the reminder with these pearls of wisdom, Jeff.

  24. Lloyd Dobler


    Good stuff Jeff. Although I really don’t want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don’t want to sell anything bought or processed. Or buy anything sold or processed…or process anything sold or bought. Would your information work for me?

  25. I would submit Jobs is just like all of us wanting to sell our message But the more “out there” the product/service is the more one has to sell the concept of what the product represents eg freedom from pain etc I have to show my audience that what I have is what my listeners need BUT as you say you have to find out how they see their need being fulfilled by asking them I believe that sometimes the consumer isn’t thinking about or doesnt know what they need All they know is that they’re in pain And so it’s my job to help them flush out what that need is by asking them, doing surveys, sending “shots across the bow”, doing webinars telesems etc
    So to always be in listening mode is a great art and skill(that’s why I have 2 ears and one mouth) with the our niche market and trying to understand how I can fill that need is exactly what I think you’re saying
    This is subtle but also very real Thanks Bill

  26. Hi Jeff
    Thank you very much for your video today. I totally agree with you. Listen Listen and listen to understand which are the problems out there and which solutions we may have for them according to our own journey. It is very important to make the connection with the language for people to perceive your solutions with the wording of their problem
    Thanks a ot! Have a great weekend!!!
    With Love Light Gratitude and Abundance to all here in this forum

  27. Jeff, your video, How to Create a Product That Won’t Sell, hit home hard for me. I spent nearly a year creating a membership website, only to realize miserable results when launched. My product has wide appeal, yet only a handful of people joined. Where I went wrong I believe is how I positioned my product with my existing mail lists. My mail lists total less than 2200 people (some of these people are on more than one list). And the subjects of my mail lists, except for one small list, are not related to my launch subject. Of 2200 people, my open rate is about 35%. Click through rate about 6%, so you see my reach is small. Therein lies my problem I believe.

    I enjoy your videos and try to learn to them. However, I work alone and have to create
    everything myself. So, I am certain I have overlooked various marketing aspects that you have taught could make a big difference in results. So before I abandon a years work, I need to examine the best way to tap into my prospect world, and determine a way to tap into it. Thanks again for what you do. Best regards…Jim

  28. Mauricio Martinez


    Bravo! Like!

    The most difficult and most expensive lesson I ever had to learn.

    It’s good to hear it again… and again and again 🙂


  29. I can’t believe you had to make this video, Jeff! People still don’t know this? I guess there’s always a new batch of people entering the world of entrepreneurship who need these kinds of lessons. Great video and thanks for sharing!

    • @Tom: Yes… people continue to make this mistake.

      And it’s not just newbies. We are ALL susceptible to this mistake (including me). What I’ve noticed is that advanced people (who have often learned about this mistake through painful experience) will often fall into the trap that they think they know what the market wants. This is something you have to be on guard for no matter how long you remain in business.

  30. Hannah Rose


    Hi Jeff and a big thank you. How timely. (There’s an exclamation mrk there. You just can’t see it. You will, when I can afford a new keyboard. 🙂

    Even though I’ve heard it from Lisa and others, it’s really good to have it re-inforced yet again, starting out, so a person doesn’t fall into that trap and discouragement from having spent time on the wrong activity.

  31. Hello Jeff,

    This is exactly what I needed to hear. I am in the process of developing a product, and I was designing it to what I felt the market needs- My foucs is now going to be centered on checking in to see what the market is asking for. You saved me a lot of time and helped me zone on on what I should be focused on.


  32. Thank you for your video. Looks like I have made this mistake every now and then. On the other hand: When Apple came up with Final Cut Pro X for video editing so many pros rejected it. After a while one by one they admitted they quite like it. Dosn’t the market need some courageous entrepreneurs to come up with something that the market hasn’t asked for just because nobody could even imagine such a product?

    • @Heiner: There will always be room for innovation and courage. The question is… how many people have the cash and market traction to wait around for their baby to grow up and start to attract an audience?

  33. Thanks for this critical insight, Jeff. I was already going down the wrong road that you mentioned as I am beginning to brainstorm ideas for a product, thinking that I need to “solve” one of my target market’s perceived problems. Now, I won’t do that : )

  34. Diana Robertson


    Thanks, Jeff! This is just what I needed to hear! I so appreciate you & your teachings!

  35. Henk van der Wijk


    Good marketing (= integrated activities resulting in purchasing customers) is much more than the creation of a product. Even in the case that the product has the benefits to satisfy a certain target audience, success may not be achieved if the vendor makes mistakes in the communication process. By building a relationship in advance, he knows their demographic and sociographic profiles, their emotional hot buttons, their needs, problems and wants, where they hang out and how to reach them. This way the mistakes will be avoided and the process controlled.

  36. I agree on your points. The same points goes into the Lean Startup methodology. Building your minimal viable product, testing your hypofesis via the Build – Messure – Learn paradigme and pivot when it’s necessary. In short – involve and learn from your customers if you want to have a higher chance of success.

  37. As one of my personal mentors says: “Its easier to sell cures than prevention.” For the former, the already know they need help…which means half the sale is done. Thanks for all the wonderful content, Jeff.

  38. I have been subscribed to your information and i have never commented.but today video sent the message home. It came a time when i am planning to create a New product. Thank you, you have saved me great deal .

  39. Thanks Jeff for the advice that could save my tail. I only have a few thousand to invest, and very little time. Although I do feel I have a visionary idea that could transform people and some have shown enthusiasm and support for it, I really do not have the luxury for a substantial gamble. I like how you hedge your bet by starting with something small and testing it as opposed to waiting around for the monumental project to unfold onto the world. It only makes sense, and there are ways to inspire people along the way. In the the initial testing we can listen to what they don’t know they want, while also listening to their needs and desires. Your ideas may be obvious to some, but for me are helpful for someone just starting out. Much appreciation!

  40. Jeff,
    Thanks for the reminder and reframe! I have been pushing the content creation buttons lately and thankfully your reminder came to check back in with my market to see what they need NOW!

  41. Thank you, Jeff!

    I do agree with you. As Matt above, I also agree with Steve Jobs on creativity. So for my business, I choose the balance of both.

    I tune in to what my target market wants by listening to them, interacting with them + speaking their language. But I also want to open their minds for much more – they are hungry for more.

  42. Perfect video Jeff.
    The ideal product is in our mind? No, this is the wrong way to go.
    The ideal product is in client’s mind. But how to ask clients?
    I use ads (Affiliate program) and see the statistics.
    What else?

  43. Hey there, Jeff!
    I get the standard flood of email than anyone with a dream who has reached out to others gets – yet, when your messages come through – it’s like someone put a big, flashing, green light on them. Why – it’s not just the great content . . . it’s because I trust you. Even though we’ve never met, I believe you honestly care about those of us who have reached out to you. Thanks so much for all you do! May the Bird of Happiness really lay it on you! :o)

  44. Thanks Jeff. I think you just saved me some time and money. As an attorney, I often want to make solutions available to people that I see they need. Unfortunately, they do not often see the need. For example, the need for a Will.

    What did you think of Carlos (Comment 47) statement that “it is easier to sell a cure than prevention”?

    • @Gary: In general… that sentiment is right on – it’s almost always easier to sell a cure than to sell prevention. I don’t like that it’s so… because it’s not my approach to life, and I would rather see people being proactive. However, changing human nature is way above my pay grade…

  45. Jeff – wow – what a whack on the side of the head! I have several projects ‘in the oven’ and for my cloud course I have been thinking in exactly the way you describe in your video. There is something there – but I need to engage first and find out how to create something the market values, not me. Otherwise, my project might be destined to end up in the graveyard of great ideas…..Thanks Jeff!

  46. Jeff, do you ask people directly (so they would know you are creating a product early on) or do you ask indirectly for what they would want (so they wouldn’t really guess that they’ve been asked for you to create a product)?

    • @Myrko: it really depends… whenever I’m getting feedback and comments, I’m always looking for an idea or a thread that could lead to a new product idea. But lots of times you can be more overt and ask people what their problems, challenges, or questions are – and those things will usually give a lot of insight into what they’re looking for. And then from there you can ask more directed and pointed questions…

  47. I’ve been following you for years. I’ve taken the course, but somehow this basic point had totally escaped me. Really, just let your list tell you what they want. One again working smarter trumps working harder. Thanks for emphasizing this point, Jeff

  48. Jeff,
    I have been following your stuff for a long time, right now I am trying to find the best way to make my Lead generation campaign more appealing to small business owners, does any one have any advice?

    How do I make our products we already sell more attractive and appealing to our Target Market?

  49. Dear Jeff,

    Coming from a recording artist background with (Grammy Level) success, the process is backwards to your suggestion. An artist gets inspired, makes some cool piece of media for their particular audience. Usually they too belong to that tribe so they create and duplicate what others are feeling through artistic media. Then if they are really pro they do great pr campaign that duplicates and soothes the pain of their fans thus selling units.

    Now as a magazine publisher of our own magazine I am soon to test in June (applying your PLF series lessons) our new info products. We did however take time to develop but that is after 25 years of prior success in that market place.


    1) Did I already screw up by taking time to create via an artistic POV?

    2) Can a happy balance exist between a true artistic vision and IM sales?

    3) I would love your feedback on the artist mindset creating in an IM business space.

    This may be an issue for other people wanting to create super valuable content rich media.


    • @MDR: if you’ve had 25 years of success in a market, then the rules are a little different… and you can trust your instincts more. I’m in that boat to some degree… I’ve been continually upgrading and selling Product Launch Formula for eight years – I pretty much know what the offer should be and how to sell it.

      Nevertheless, no matter how much experience you have, you need to keep your ear to the ground and always be looking for changes in your market. But I suspect that you know that.

  50. It’s not enough that people need this, that people have a problem and this is the solution; they also have to want it, to consider it appetizing. A cure for cancer will not appeal to someone who feels like they ought to die of cancer.

  51. Great video and point Jeff! The earlier comments about the iPhone reminds me of the old marketing concept of ‘needs’ vs. ‘wants’. Most people don’t really ‘need’ an iPhone – there are many smartphones out there with many of the same features. But massive numbers of consumers ‘want’ the iPhone, and the very latest version available.

    I’ll admit I am guilty of trying to put together products that I think people ‘need’, when I should be asking them what they truly ‘want’. And if I could find a way to give it that “I gotta have that!” wow factor, even better.

    My biggest problem right now is finding a way to interactively question, probe and survey people when I have very limited funds and no current list to survey.

    Thanks again for the video!

    • @Greg: you can use for surveys – they have a free package. You can also use Google Docs to do surveys for free. As far as a list, the only way to build a list is to start building a list. And even without a list, you can do a lot in social media in terms of querying people.

  52. Hey Jeff,

    I built a product that I wanted. So far, a few others have wanted that product as well, so I guess I’ve gotten a bit lucky that my needs matched those of my list. I also ask a simple question when people sign up for my list, and their responses indicate that they “like data at their fingertips” (which is exactly what my product provides).


  53. Hi , Thanks for your talks. Your point is well taken. Just wondering if this sounds like a good enough question? Thanks again . Sharain

    America spends more on Pre and Post Natal care than any other industrialised nation but has some of the highest intervention rates . These include forceps, caesareans epitisomy s and epidurals .
    If you are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant and would like some proven science based info and wise woman understand on how to best tap into your own instincts to take safer steps to help avoid becoming a part of that statistic, please shoot me an email. For personalised response register below for this enlightening teleconference with other concerned parents and special guest (…) from the birth world. Feel free to list you and your partners each top 3 concerns .

    Knowledge is power

  54. Jeff, you are the master among masters of the product launch:I’ve met a couple of those folks who have raked in big bucks as a result, but apparently I am the master of creating impossible situations because I can’t see my way out of this one.
    I’ve got a ‘product’ that is no product at all, it is a fund raising campaign for a sort of “legal defense fund”. Do the public want such a thing? Well, I believe they do, but I don’t have a “community” to tap into and test the waters, because I don’t think that people know, yet, that they want this “product” (non-product).
    Steve Jobs was very good at knowing what to create that he knew people would want when they understood what (and sometimes how) it did, but he couldn’t test something that didn’t exist. My problem, on top of not having a community from which to receive feedback, is that “the public” don’t yet know that they have received a great gift (a legal decision) that is going to be challenged by some very heavyweight (financially) opponents, who will also have little or no trouble drafting a “moral majority” (who are, of course, the minority who guard against any progress in morality of any kind). So beyond the fact that the public is pretty much unaware of the “gift” of freedom this legal decision from the courts have given them, that restricting access to a “morning after” contraceptive pill by age, by parental consent or doctor’s Rx is a violation of a young woman’s fundamental rights. Moveover, they have no idea that the steamrollering moral conservatives will almost doubtlessly resort to any trick they can, and will have little or no difficulty in finding funds to fight against this highly progressive ruling. Teens (and believe it or not, even pre-teens) will be getting pregnant at rates that will continue to match the alarming rates that are already happening, because this contraception method, the “I made a bad decision last night” kind of “correction” will be taken away from them by people who have no right to force them into unwanted pregnancies, not to mention raising children who were unwanted in the first place, and worst of all, forcing some young girls to choose abortions that would have been completely un-necessary if they had only had access to this kind of contraceptive.
    How do you tap into that kind of marketplace? Where are the “listening posts” to find people who will shout from the rooftops the need for a legal defense fund? It would be easy enough to find the groups of opponents eager to falsely accuse this if being an abortion method (it is not, since it prevents fertilization of eggs in the first place), but how does one find those with a couple of dollars to spare, and a set of lungs to shout out the importance of this issue in a way that can and will be heard?
    I would love to know from initial feedback that such a “market” exists, but how does one find them? Who do you ask about their willingness to commit to this kind of a cause when it is already “ahead of the curve” in terms of being more of a readiness response than an urgent and obvious need (though from my perspective, the tiny amount that I am trying to raise will barely get the attention of a PR firm to spread the word, much less pay attorney fees, and court filing fees to actually make progress to block the blockers).
    Can you help? Is there anyone out there who can be of assistance in any way?

  55. Jeff,
    This takes the adage “The customer is always right” into product creation. Genius. Thank you for all of your advice. I’d love to see a video on impactful survey questions. Anyone have any tips?

  56. Hi Jeff,
    I am just starting to get on the web and create some videos and information products. I’m so glad I found this as I see that I should start blogging and communicating with my audience before I spend hours creating something that I think in my head is important. I find that I’m so busy I don’t communicate with my customers as much asI want to. But I’m going to make the time now. I see it invaluable. I always wondered why people create such long sales pages. It looked so corny to me. So it makes sense to me to send three informational emails before closing a sale. But my question is, how do you then design the good sales page or sales letter?

  57. Josias Smith


    Hi Jeff,

    Great learning from you. I am very interested in your marketing tools.
    I have been struggling to find a niche that feels right to me, and look forward to learning more from you.

  58. Hi Jeff, I enjoyed this video and you make a lot of sense. Because publishing is changing so much, before I published my last book (my 8th) I asked all my readers, through my list, if they wanted an ebook or a ‘real’ book. They were enthusiastically behind having a ‘real’ book. This is New Zealand, and some articles I’ve read also back this up. So I published a real book, and my readers have bought it enthusiastically.




    Your saying “Find out what beneits your prospects are looking for before you launch” rather than fill with 20 pages of features……..

    OK, I’m hooked….you must have many good ideas….how can I learn more???

  60. An interesting case study is “Hello” from the folks at Evernote. While Evernote has garnered a following in the tens of millions, Hello has thus far failed to make any kind of a splash, and ironically the product is all about face to face interaction. Maybe the folks at Evernote could benefit from exposure to PLF…

  61. Hi Jeff, Truly an inspiration.. I have just two weeks ago done UPW with Tony Robbins and now registered for Brendon Burchard, Experts Academy Elite Coaching Progamme. I have followed you for years so your next bud.. Just to say the content you deliver has helped me to no end and this video just nailed it on the head. Thanks so much for making a difference in my life.. Best wishes, Doug from Northern Ireland.

  62. Your videos are excellent ! I’m French and discover your blog after research on your selling method “launch method”

    I ve started my first blog 8 month ago and i start think what kind product could i sell and how to sell this product.

    After watching this video i understand i was start on the wrong way. I m gonna make the work to research what people really want in my domain.

    Thanks a lot for your videos


  63. Big thank you for your advice. I have just started to write an online course and this video came to my knowledge just in time. It makes sense to engage with my audience to find out what they really want, and not to offer that what I think they need.
    Many thanks,

  64. Hi Jeff,

    Newbie here! Really enjoying your kind delivery and wise words.

    I’m working on a digital project and this video was well-timed for me. I have a question (concern?). I currently have a small list of past clients and contacts (all personal connections). They are proponents of the program I’m working on as most have experienced it live. To test it outside this finite group, I really liked what you said about joining interested communities. How, in the process of investigating what the market will want, do you prevent something you think is a great idea by being “borrowed” (copied) by others?



  65. Awesome question, Pam! I’m experiencing that very same uncertainty right now during my product research phase. Hopefully Jeff can address this 🙂

  66. Thanks Jeff,
    Cool video & Love the quote :
    ‘ Build your plane as you learn to fly ‘ !!!


  67. Hello Jeff. Although I am in the Fist Aid Training industry, this is one of the massive mistakes I see myself and other do often. I have taken a lot of what you have said and will apply it. Will keep eye for more videos/articles. Thanks for sharing with us. Paul, Lisburn, Northern reland

  68. I like the premise but I am in a situation that makes it difficult to apply it. Here’s the deal: I am collaborating with the author of a bestselling book on organic farming to turn his book into an online course. He is a proven authority in his field and his book covers the complete model he teaches. So we are engaged in exactly the path your are describing of making one big digital product rather than experimenting with the market and building something as we go. While I would want to take more of your approach, his time is extremely scarce and he is simply not avalable to engage in webinars and respond to questions on a consistent basis, and he wants to create the course in one go during his downtime season. How would you approach this kind of situation? Thank you for your time and work. Your kindness really shines in everything you do.

  69. Pingback: Brianna Lamberson › You I Launched a Pop-Up Store; 4 Tips That Made Me Succeed.

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