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OK, I went and made a big deal about my tag line… even offering to give away an iPad to the person who came up with the winning tag line – and I ended up with “Powered by Internet Marketing” for my tag line…

So why is this blog “Powered by Internet Marketing?

Well… I could be wrong about this, but I think I've got a bigger vision for your business than you do.

You see… since I started my online business in 1996 I've been on a wild rollercoaster ride… and it's taken me places that I literally couldn't have dreamed of when it started.

Like so many of us, I started with nothing. I literally did not spend a single penny on my business in the first four months – primarily because I didn't have very many pennies back then.

When I started my business, my ultimate dream for the business was to make an extra $10,000 a year. I actually wrote down that goal way back then.

Well… ummmm, I hit my goal. And then some.

The numbers have gotten bigger and bigger, and it's been one long exercise in learning to constantly think bigger and bigger.

(How big? Well, let's see… I've actually had a $10,000 second and a million dollar hour. And more importantly, my students and clients have done well over $200 million in sales.)

Along the way I've gotten a chance to meet a crazy cast of characters – some of the most amazing entrepreneurs you could ever meet (and sadly, some who are no longer with us – RIP Gary Halbert, Corey Rudl, and Ken Giddens)… and pretty much all of my past mentors and teachers have become either friends or students/clients.

And along the way I've seen “Internet Marketing” go from being mostly an “underground” type of community, to one that's doing hundreds of millions (or maybe billions?) in sales every year.

And this might sound a bit corny, but this all goes way beyond the money… I really believe in what we're doing. I think we're changing the world's economy, and that means we're changing the world.

We're building businesses and creating entrepreneurs… and I personally think that entrepreneurs are the agents of change in this world – they're the people that are creating jobs and will be the salvation of this world.

I know that's a big, crazy thing to say…

But we're the ones who are rocking and rolling right now, and it's not going to slow down any time soon.

Like I said – I've been constantly forced to think bigger and bigger… to re-imagine where my business can go, how big an impact I can make.

And a big part of my job is to have a bigger vision of your business than you do… and to continually poke, prod, and teach you to build your business so it fits your ultimate dream (money, toys… or I think more important for most of us – freedom.)

And that's what this blog is about. And that's why it's Powered by Internet Marketing.

– Jeff

P.S. About that iPad contest…

In the end, after looking at all of the 18,000+ suggestions for my “tag line contest”, I ended up picking NONE of them… I came up with the tag line myself, right in the middle of going through all the suggestions.

But I'm still going to give away an iPad… and since I feel pretty bad about not picking a tag line out of any of the ones suggested, I'm going to ALSO give away a Flip Ultra HD video camera. This is how it's going to work… for the iPad we had 2,032 different people enter the contest – so I decided to pick a random entry. I used the “randbetween” function in Excel to pick the winner at random., and let's have a drumroll please…

The winner is Ricky Buchanan

(BTW, Ricky's suggested tag line was “Building and Profiting from Products, Lists, and JVs since 1996”)

OK, now onto the next contest – the Flip video camera will go to the person who puts in the coolest comment below — and I'm the sole judge of coolness in this matter  🙂 … go ahead and tell me what Internet marketing means to you…

I'm not looking for someone to suck up to me… just an insightful, intelligent comment that tells all of us how Internet marketing has impacted you (or will impact you if you're just starting out.) You can give me something from your gut, or something really cool, or even something heartfelt.

The bottom line is that I'm uber-passionate about what being an online entrepreneur has done for me and thousands of my colleagues, clients, and friends… and I would like to hear about what it's done (or will do) for you.

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255 Replies to “Powered By Internet Marketing?”

  1. Okay, okay just kidding. (But you have to admit, being first is cool!)

    Really, internet marketing is all about freedom.
    -Freedom to live how you want
    -Freedom to love on family when you want
    -Freedom to give what you want
    -Freedom to do nothing, because the pressure of financial burdens is lifted
    -Freedom to sit in your underwear at the office 🙂

    Internet marketing means to me a chance to live a better life.

    No matter who you are or where you live, if you can get to a computer connected to the Internet, then the opportunities are limitless.

    I always have the “opportunity” to quit or to succeed at the same time. It’s my choice.

    I choose success.


  2. Jeff, your solution to the iPad contest seems really fair and reasonable.

    At any rate, welcome to the blogosphere. It’s really great to have you here.


  3. Quite simply, Internet Marketing is the New American Dream. It’s a total game-changer, putting regular folks on the same playing field as Big Guys. And you don’t have to be an American to play, either: everyone gets to dream this dream.

  4. Hi Jeff,

    I like the look of your blog. BTW I loved this post. For me it’s all about freedom and as I see it, the Internet provides that for many and the way things are going it will provide it for many new members of this community.

    Thanks Again,


  5. Jeff, You are one of my greatest (and favourite) mentors for your integrity and vision.

    Internet marketing means to me, the ability to leverage even more the quality of my life, the lives of my family and the lives of those I impact and teach the strategies to leverage, outsource and automate via the internet, and internet marketing.

    It resonates with my mantra since 2006: “To become a global citizen, with multiple streams of passive income, and no anchor in any one location.”

    I’ve achieved that …and now taking it to a higher level.. Thanks in a huge part to you..

    – Katie Joy
    “The Global Butterfly”

    p.s. I posted this again, because I realize the link to my ‘pic’ didn’t work because I put in two websites… You can delete the first post if you like 😉

  6. Hi Jeff

    Internet Marketing is all about trying to find freedom and allow yourself to work from wherever you want and do what you want. If it’s sunny outside and you want to play golf / go for a long lunch / sip champagne all without the fear of trying to figure out if you can afford to do it.

    It sure isn’t as easy all the hype, but if you work at it and treat it like a business then it has a lot more potential to give you the dream lifestyle than working for a big corporation.

    Look forward to reading the content that you’re going to be publishing.

  7. Jeff – welcome to blogging. You are a big voice, and your blog will speak loudly. Don’t let it slide into nothing. It will be more important than you might even imagine (or as important – you’re thinking big after all).

    Your tagline is a bold statement. It states that you’re proud of internet marketing and you believe in it. By making the statement, you help undo a lot of the ‘smear’ that’s been plastered on it over the years.

    I’m happy to see you have a blog. And it’s a very nice looking blog at that. Kudos to your team that helped.

  8. > And along the way I’ve seen “Internet Marketing” go from being mostly an “underground” type of community, to one that’s doing hundreds of millions (or maybe billions?) in sales every year.

    I guess it depends on how you define it – last year Econsultancy reported that affiliate marketing in just the UK would generate more than £4 billion in online retail sales in 2009.

    It’s exciting to see how this world has evolved.

  9. FINALLY! The #1 name in the internet world has his own blog 🙂

    Welcome Jeff! I can’t wait to see what kind of goodness you’re going to have.

  10. Jeff,

    It is always a pleasure to see you and watch your progress. Your business is solid and you over-deliver. Stats show that only 10% of sales are online so there is plenty of room to grow. The PLM marketing gods are well poised to make this happen for many businesses – and they’ll do it the right way – with your excellent training.

    Happy to know your blog is live!

    Sherrie Rose
    The Love Linguist

  11. Hi Jeff,

    I always think of my computer as my “window to the world” and Internet Marketing has not only given me freedom in my local world, but kept my “window to the world” open for fun and business!

    Delighted to see you have a blog now – I’ve subscribed – so share your story with us, as it unfolds.

    Gripping reading / viewing it will be, I’m sure!


    p.s. I remember well the first time I saw you speak at Yanik’s London “Underground” event – I had my credit card out and was buying PLF before you had even finished speaking. Been using it ever since and had the pleasure of working with one of your PLM trained teams just before Christmas.

  12. Love the look of the new blog Jeff, I look forward to seeing what new things you’ll be doing and creating for the community in the future.

    I love your product launch products like most people, I was wondering what direction do you think you will be going in now? Will you be keeping the product launch formula materials, and branching out into a different specialization?

    thanks for everything you do, I look forward to reading the blog going forward.

  13. Congrats on getting your blog live bro! I’m looking forward to seeing you utilize this means of creative expression 😉

    To answer your question, I have to start by saying I agree with what most of the people above say, but with a change in wording to be more accurate…Here’s what I’m talking about:

    Freedom is usually what most people want, and is what most people chase after their whole lives. Freedom is seemingly so elusive due to the emphasis on not having it, when in reality, we ALL are free. We can say anything we want, do anything we want, and go anywhere we want, but not necessarily in an easy and stress free fashion.

    What people are REALLY striving for related to Freedom is Liberty. Liberty as defined by is:

    “Freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc.; power or right of doing, thinking, speaking, etc., according to choice.”

    This distinction is so important, yet very subtle…

    So what does Internet Marketing mean to me?

    It means Liberty. It is the ability to go where I want, when I want, with whom I choose, at any time, no matter what the circumstances. It’s Family. Connecting with like minded individuals along similar paths, with integrity and a sense of purpose, drive, and passion. It’s the sharing of ideas, the supporting of each other’s ventures, and the overall shared enjoyment of the finer things life has to offer. It’s traveling the world together, going on crazy adventures-jumping out of planes, skiing the craziest peaks in the deepest powder snow, throwing parties, having huge dinners, and enjoying other activities that sometimes aren’t always shareable on Facebook 😉

    It means being able to take care of the ones you love. It means being self sovereign and in a position to make an impact where we direct our focus. It means identifying synergies between people that once brought together make things happen in a measurable way.

    Internet Marketing to me is one of the most profound vehicles for change and evolution. Personal, social, and global change.

    Internet Marketing to me is wielding the power of the Force…and it’s up to each of us on wielding it wisely 🙂

    Internet Marketing is a massive part of my life, and my gratitude and respect for it can’t be expressed through words alone…

    Thank you Jeff, for being a big part of our IM family 🙂 I’m looking forward to catching up with you soon! Keep rockin’ on your blog…you’re off to a great start!

  14. Excited to see and read what you have in store for your Global Domination tour Jeff! Thanks for all the free content and stuff that you have given away over the years. It makes it that much easier for us all “normal” people!


  15. Once upon a time, there was a hard-working girl who got up at dawn every morning and drove an hour to work. Her days were filled with deadlines and stress, and she arrived home each night after dark, exhausted. At the end of each week her reward was ALMOST enough money to live on.

    She thought this was how the world worked.

    Then one day, disaster struck her family. Her sister’s house burned to the ground leaving her sister and two daughters homeless… but that’s not all. Her parents were both diagnosed with terminal illnesses and, with a limited fixed income, had no way to pay for their medical care. Worse still, her neice developed a severe seizure disorder that no one seemed to be able to figure out.

    She needed money.

    She needed flexibility.

    She desperately needed to help her family.

    So this girl took a giant leap of faith – and quit her job.

    She dove into Internet Marketing head first, weathering the disbelief and derisive comments from those closest to her… she closed her mind to the negative influences of those who feared for her and kept her eye on the goal.

    As you’ve likey guessed, this girl is me.

    What does Internet Marketing mean to me? It means health care for my parents and my neice. It means my family can pay their mortgage and household bills on time. It means having the ability to step up to the plate and take care of my loved ones when they have no place else to turn.

    It means being able to take that gut-wrenching fear out of the eyes of my father. He’s my hero, and that alone would be worth it.

    I almost went with the standard “It means the freedom and money to enjoy all the finer things in life” line, but at the core of it, it’s much more than that. Internet Marketing is more than just a way to make money, it’s a way of life. It’s a business unlike any other, as it is created from an integral part of who you are – it’s not just something you do.

    It’s a way of giving of yourself to others in a way nobody else can.

    I am an Internet Marketer. For life.

  16. Congrats on your new tagline – I do indeed like it better than what I came up with on my own!

    As for the iPad … all I can say is OMG!

    I have been craving an iPad (they’re released today here in Australia, I believe) but can’t afford the cost even though I have two great websites on which I can write about iPad related stuff. I haven’t quite mastered this Internet Marketting thing yet, it seems!

    So thank you thank you thank you. I assume you’ll be emailing me? I haven’t spotted anything yet but I have been monitor-less for several days so your mail (if sent) may have been sorted into the Newsletters pile which I have not yet got through.

    Thank you again! And … wow!

    • Ricky… congrats! You’ll be getting an email from Betty on my team so we can figure out how to get you your iPad right away.

  17. Hi Jeff,
    Very nice looking blog, it’s Thesis powered but how did you get the look? Did you use a custom skin? Is it available on the market?

    Would appreciate your response.

  18. Hey Jeff,

    Love the new look. As you know I am one of your biggest admirer’s and devoted students.

    If anyone needs help with their product launch (no charge – just a commission of the launch profits) and a reliable virtual assistant – drop me an e-mail

  19. IM is the embodiment of what I teach, living in the present moment. The IM lifestyle facilitates living life to the fullest. There is no waiting to enjoy a someday that never seems to show up. Embracing work with the IM lifestyle is embracing life. There is no such thing is tomorrow – now is the moment for all creation, enjoyment, love and compassion. Live your dream life now.

    If I win I will give the Flip to one of amazing readers.

  20. I believe IM is really different than the perceived idea that it’s about selling just products. IM is more about bridging a person to the idea. It’s connecting those who need to those who provide…online of course 🙂

  21. Congrats on your new blog Jeff. It looks great.

    Just wanted to give you a personal shout-out.

    You managed the first big launch I ever did around 3 years ago that raked in close to $2 million in less than 7 days. Working with you was a life-changing experience and I’m blesses to have you as a friend.

    Keep up the great work and keep changing lives!

    Oh yeah.. I almost forgot to answer the question. Internet marketing means just one thing to me: “freedom”. Pure and simple.

    -Ryan Lee

  22. Joel Sanders


    Cool stuff Jeff. I kinda think “Powered by Internet Marketing” is a bit boring, but at least no one can doubt what the blog’s about. 🙂

    I just finished Seth Godin’s book TRIBES, which is what the Internet Marketing and PLF crowd is – a big, revolutionary tribe setting out to change the world.

    To quote from that book, “To have all these advantages, all this momentum, all these opportunities and then settle for mediocre and then defend the status quo and then worry about corporate politics, what a waste…I think we have an obligation to change the rules, to raise the bar, to play a different game, and to play it better than anyone has any right to believe is possible.”

    – Joel

  23. What Internet Marketing means to me? The responsibility of choice, and the freedom of perspective. Nothing else has changed my life as much, or enabled me to affect the lives of so many others.

    And, it all started when I took a leap of faith, and invested in Product Launch Formula early last year (2009).

    Thanks, Jeff, for all you do.



  24. When I started internet marketing it meant good delivery – literally, we are a transport company. It meant raising the standards in our industry by selling ebooks and coaching, about our business, often to our competitors. It means still delivering online as well as offline, it means that every person has a different way of delivering internet marketing, and the difference is in the delivery

  25. Martin Howey


    Very nice blog, Jeff. You’re a continual inspiration to me and our consultants. Thanks for your example and your friendship.

  26. michael chimalizeni


    well to me internet marketing means the levelling of the playing field in the world of business and for most of us in Africa, a ticket out of poverty.

  27. Oh, I thought you went with the tag line ‘creator of the Product Launch Formula’ and I thought that’s lame. Then I thought it’s ‘Product Launches, Living Large, Building Businesses’ which also did not sound too cool.

    ‘Powered by Internet Marketing’ is a good tag. I guess it describes your feelings to a ‘T’

    Little bummed that I did not win 🙂 I think Frank Kern would have LOVED my tag line…
    -> (with a background image of a pencil and a wrinkled up piece of paper having a clever little plan of taking over the world or making billions)

    But the trademark signs etc – are they required? Simply cause somehow I did not even read the tag because of the trademark sign (made it look sorta like a copyright notice or something like that, something that you just skip).

  28. You realize you could have remained consistent with PLF by making a one word change:

    * Product Launches
    * Living Large
    * Forming/Forging/Fast-Tracking Businesses (Building Businesses)

    The blog looks terrific. Another great THESIS customization.

    I’d wrap up Internet marketing in one word, CHOICES. Like Ryan said, it’s freedom! You don’t get that when you have no options/choices.

    Just one of many PLF customers,
    Randy Cantrell

  29. internet marketing to me is daring to bare my ass in public – almost literally *lol*

    it’s about self exploration and sharing my deepest fears, embarrassments, desires and crazy ideas as I have discovered, in doing so, it frees others to do the same and achieve so much more.

    it’s the poke in the ribs, the thrill of ‘fuck it’, and the biggest, cheesiest grin on your face when you’ve achieved something that not only makes you feel 10 feet tall but potentially, does the same for others too.

    it’s living your truth, as @ElizabethPW will tell you – and you should listen to her 🙂

  30. Jeff,

    Congratulations on the new blog. All I can say is… it’s about time!

    You and your ideas have made it possible for me to be “powered by Internet Marketing”, too.

    I believe we’ve only just begun to scratch the surface of what is possible when it comes to building businesses on the internet. I believe more individuals will create million dollar incomes online in the next twelve months than did so in the last twelve years. That’s not hyperbole on my part.

    Internet Marketing is the New Economic Frontier – thanks for being one of the pioneers.

  31. Wow Jeff, I can’t believe this is your first blog…

    Your tag line is very appropriate in my mind too…

    The internet is the future of education which teaches people the financial system… ultimately we all need people who do the little things in life, but the demand for
    knowledge is as great as the demand as healthy food.

    The internet allows for each of us to be a leader and share our perspective…

    I am going to Franks live event this weekend and look forward to sharing my perspective soon…

    Thanks Jeff for your perspective

  32. Internet marketing is a way to visibly grow.

    It means an opportunity to take responsibility for my success. A way to break through my resistance. A tangible way to witness my positive evolution, evidenced by my increasing traffic, readership, income and partnerships.

    It’s a way to grow and watch my growth, without the temptation to hold others responsible.

    I love how it enables me to provide meaningful growth opportunities for others.

    Yep, at this moment in my evolution, it’s all about growth.

  33. Susan Dutton Freund


    Internet marketing means bringing a message and a story to the people who are looking for it. It means helping people connect to their own dreams and pursue their own goals. It is putting a life raft into the huge ocean of information that is the digital age. At least, that’s what it means if one has meaningful information to share, and a sincere desire to make the world a better place.

  34. Hi Jeff,

    Firstly, I love the look for your blog, very cool, calm & professional; good choice.

    Now: what does Internet marketing mean to me?
    When I first heard about it in late 2007, it set me on a path that has changed my life’s direction.
    I was unemployed, fearful & broke, and it prompted me to use the talents I’d developed from about 18 years in IT, to set up my business building WordPress websites & blogs for people. I realised the potential to serve people in that way.
    Now I’m blogging more & learning social media techniques, and am growing my list, and slowly but surely heading towards some passive income that will lead to financial freedom.

    It has helped me, at my own pace, start & run a business, regain my self-confidence and grow personally like I never thought possible 🙂

    Thanks to you (I’ve been on your list for quite some time) and guys of your calibre who help people like me!

    Best wishes

  35. To me, internet marketing is just a means to get great information to more people in an easier and cheaper fashion than has ever been possible in the world before now.

    I’m a marathon coach (marathon as in running) and it is awesome how great I feel after getting emails from perfect strangers that feel they know me and tell me how much some tip I gave them or CD I sold them helped make their experience and performance better on race day. It’s cool to go to a race and have somebody come up and shake my hand and thank me for helping them out…whereas my own running career is leaps and bounds ahead of where it would have been had I had to motivate myself without this constant reinforcement from the interaction I have with my friends on the internet.

    Internet marketing is just an efficient way of helping other people achieve their goals and dreams by giving the marketer better tools than were available 100 years ago when you had to physically be in front of somebody to give them your own experiences and knowledge. (Plus, the sales don’t hurt either.)

  36. Hi Jeff – Congrats on your blog.
    You helped change my world when I enrolled in your PLF course last year. I had just taken the leap off the cliff, quit my job and started my own business. While my plan was still in the works, I discovered you and your plan. You changed how I looked at business and my approach to being an entrepreneur. For that I say “thank you.”
    For me, Internet marketing means choice and possibilities. I have a choice everyday to be successful and the possibilities are endless with the Internet. Ultimately, it’s up to me.

  37. Feel the power of freedom being an internet marketer.. It’s the next best thing after the Internet!

  38. Internet Marketing means helping other people get what they want while working at home in my pajamas. From helping the general public better find the websites they’re searching for with SEO to helping a new entrepreneur learn how Facebook fits in his business, Internet Marketing extends a helping hand to those reaching for it. Don’t tell them I’m NOT sitting in a stuff cubicle in an uncomfortable suit . . .LOL.

  39. Jackie Stone


    Congratulations! You have “birthed” a new baby for which you should be very proud.

    I believe you tagline is most appropriate. I remember hearing you speak several years ago at Rich Schefren’s event and I immediately felt that this was what I wanted to feel about internet marketing. Your sincerity, your desire to help others, your passion, the ability to take the idea and make it exponential – from that moment on – internet marketing was defined.

    Thank you for defining the way – thank you for taking us with you – thank you for believing in us when we falter and thanks for making us see our visions much bigger than we could ever imagine.

    Wishing you every success,

  40. For me internet marketing is something new and interesting to learn. Its a challenge that I want to figure out.

  41. Hey Jeff;
    Thanks for the opportunity to voice what internet marketing means to us.
    Internet marketing is the ability to reach out to others to fulfill their need, whether it be a physical, emotional, or spiritual need. Marketing often involves strategies and techniques applied on the Internet to support the organization’s overall online marketing objectives. Our objectives though should be geared toward making a better world by helping others achieve their own successes, creating jobs, and contributing to a better economy. The law of giving and receiving states that whatever we give will return to us to fill that void. We receive back in so many ways other than monetary, we should make it our goal to give as much as we can. Internet marketing allows us to reach out and give to those in need. Anyone that understands this will be blessed beyond measure.

  42. Internet marketing — what does it mean to me?

    It means freedom. Freedom to set my own hours so I can be with my family. Freedom to work from where ever I want.

    It means power. Power to share my ideas and my ideals with a broad audience. Power to participate in community around the world.

  43. Jonathan Walsh


    Internet Marketing is Uber Cool 🙂 ! Its application enables us to spread messages accross the whole world. Putting things in places never before accessable. Be it a product, a service, free information or just a random snippet of fun from your thoughts !

  44. Devon Child


    Can’t believe you went through all 18,000 tagline suggestions and didn’t pick any of them!
    I like the “Powered by Internet Marketing” choice, and here’s my answer for the Flip:
    To me Internet marking gives the ability to share power with others, be heard, and to make a difference, Also, the income it gives allows me even more freedom of choice- the best part being time and money freedom!


  45. internet marketing to me is the ability to start a low cost, low risk potentially high return business in my own hours without quiting my job with no face to face networking, no inventory, no shop/lease, no staff, no ongoing franchise fees, no boss, and without the need for my own products and my own customers in order to make a windfall profit.

  46. In the mid Nineties, as I struggled to even put food on the table, I had to continually disappoint my children by telling them we didn’t have the money for what they wanted.

    Then one day, with tears running down my face, I made myself a promise to myself that I would NEVER have to tell them “I can’t afford it” again.

    That was the impetuous, and Internet Marketing was the vehicle!

    Since that time, my girls have traveled the world with me, been on countless cruises, and although I certainly don’t give them everything they want, it has NEVER been because I couldn’t afford it.

    But more importantly, I have been able to spend all my time with them, raise them myself, and watch them grow into the beautiful young women they are becoming today.

    In the whole of history, there has never been another career that could have done that for us. I thank God for being born in this place in time.

    Internet Marketing gave me back my children. And it can change the lives of ANYONE who wants it bad enough. You just need to find the right motivation and the perseverance to see it through!

    Here’s to YOUR success,

  47. Raw, Honest and from the very depth of my guts!!

    The most important freedom that IM could give me is the possibility of ditching a J.O.B. that I despise and the possibility to deliver on many promises I had made to my wife that I am very late on and that she deserves for being such a wonderful human being!

    Wish you all the success you deserve and looking forward to learning a lot from you.


  48. Hi,

    First, Lisa Preston’s comment above is very moving, I’d like to give her a hug.

    So what’s internet marketing to me? Nothing much yet, I’m still in the learning mode. There are so many techniques out there that it’s really difficult to choose path to that freedom everybody talks about.

    So let me answer the question when the first cool million is in the bank, ok?

    Please mail us the Thesis parameters for the blog, looks really great.


  49. Internet marketing is like having the ability to put an advertisement in every single book in print, but not paying for it!

  50. Hey Jeff, sorry you didn’t pick one of my tags! The blog looks good though 🙂

    While I’ve been devouring info about internet marketing for a year or more, I’m really just dipping my toe in the water now with my first real venture. To me, internet marketing is about sharing knowledge. Now everyone can teach what they know to anyone in the world, and we all have something to teach and something to learn, so there really is room and opportunity for everybody. Too many people think of internet marketing as hucksterism or a mindless gold rush, when at its best it is an exchange of ideas. And that is priceless. (Or, for you, $1997.)

  51. Hi, Jeff,
    Here’s to your vision and may I add…
    PLF will be taught in universities… and one day you will written about in history books.
    I’ve taken PLF offline because that is where I come from. It simply blows away traditional marketing. Out here it’s a Wild West. The opportunity is boundless. Major banks, cosmetics manuf, auction houses, consumer products… this is where it’s at.
    I tip my hat to your genius and I salute you,
    All the best, all the time,

  52. Ron Messimer


    Opportunism as an inherent element of internet marketing has no limits except us. A digital universe where the power of thought manifests……. $10,000 in one second! That would be an annual income of 315.36 billion dollars.
    I don’t know about you, but my universe (and goals) just expanded.

    Very Cool Stuff Jeff!

  53. Jeff…

    Funny story, I was asked to come speak at the University of Houston Business school. They have a degree in Entrepreneurship and to get into that program you have to take an Intro to Entrepreneurship class.

    The class is held in a big lecture hall that holds several hundred students. Anyway, I was telling them about what I do and the benefits of it. Basically, I was just telling them my story and speaking from the heart.

    I told them I get to do “what I want, when I want” and went on to mention that what I was wearing that day was not my typical work clothes. As a matter of fact… I told them ” I typically work in my underwear.”

    I am now known by that class as the “Guy who works in his Underwear”

    Well, for a guy like me to be able to make money in my underwear… I say its not all that bad!

    BTW, just to set the record straight. I work from my home office most days and that is why I get to work in my underwear!

    Lovin Life…
    Chris Clements

  54. I started online in 1996 too, and honestly believe that I’m a
    success today because I refused to EVER even consider
    giving up.

    I watched many internet marketers burn out along the way,
    and honestly believe the secret to both success and
    lasting happiness is finding passion and purpose in your
    work. I could not have done this for 14 years if I didn’t
    honestly believe that by helping others in their online
    businesses, I’m making a meaningful difference in the world.

    In that sense, we seem to think alike.

    We do have to give ourselves permission to not only
    dream bigger, but also not to feel guilty when we achieve
    those lofty goals.

    Thanks for being such an inspiration Jeff.

    Willie Crawford

  55. Jeff,

    Great looking blog, glad to know we’ll be getting regular updates from you.

    For me, Internet Marketing means being able to do what I want, when I want, with whom I want; and not having to answer to anyone about anything.

    I was over $40,000 in debt at the age of 25 and declared personal bankruptcy (probably one the lowest points of my life), but stayed committed to my goals of succeeding online.

    Today, I work from the comfort of my own home, get to travel around the world, and don’t have made a lot of cool friends along the way.

    If it wasn’t for the Internet, who knows what I’d be doing…

    With that said, love the tag line of the new blog… Powered by Internet Marketing.

    Brian T. Edmondson

  56. Internet Marketing is what I call HOPE, and a very bright light at the end of a tunnel when youre Struggling to get to the end, for me is the best way to do what I always dreamed of doing, and that is HELPING PEOPLE,

  57. Kevin Madison


    Simple… Internet Marketing marketing to me is the silent way of kicking azz and taking names of those who feel you wouldn’t amount to anything or doing anything(career wise, business wise, etc). All the while you’re learning, you’re grinding, you’re burning the mid night oil becoming a beast in your business. All of a sudden the game has changed, and those who thought your little “internet thing” was child’s play. Now, can only marvel and look stupid with deer in headlight syndrome asking, “What is it that he/she does again?”… And you simply being able to say “It’s nothing, just like you thought” while you’re laughing. Jeff, my man that’s what IM is to me….Ultimate Liberation! Love & Light!

  58. Internet marketing to me means the world market is open…not just the United States or English speaking people…I can market a product in every language to every corner of the globe. I can reach and help people in Africa that use a solar-powered laptop to connect to the web. I can help a Sherpa guide at 28,000 feet…or a tribesman in the Amazon…or my neighbor across the street. I no longer have any boundaries…except the boundaires I place upon myself. I get to determine who, where and when I reach out to anyone on this globe…and in the not-too-distant future…some astronaut on their way to Mars. And I can do it all from my favorite recliner or my favorite bench in the park…or maybe I’ll be that astronaut on my way to Mars…reaching out to customers while I’m millions of miles away. As far as communication can reach I can reach. That is the internet…open everywhere, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. What more do you want? You’ll get that too. It’s coming.

  59. Internet Marketing to me means “Stop Working for Someone else and Start working for yourself”….

    That’s just what I do Jeff….I took your advice and now help people with their Product Launches for Free (just take a percentage of the launch commission). I also help with content, article marketing and social media services.

    If I can help any of your subscribers – just ask them to drop me an email at

  60. There once was a corporate wage slave who thought he had everything in the world – a high paying six-figure low-stress job, the perfect wife, a great social life, owned his own property, and all in all thought life was good.

    Then his world got shaken to the core, and he lost ALL of that. Literally. Even his friends were two states away. He did still have an amazing family, for which he was quite grateful.

    But that’s getting ahead of myself…. because that was 2009. The story actually begins in August 2006…

    When he first began learning about internet marketing. It started as an experiment just to see if he could earn a few quarters from Google Adsense and learn some new skills. The money didn’t matter because, remember, he had the “perfect” job at the time and way more money than he knew what to do with.

    But what started as a small experiment traversed a parallel path of him discovering his passions, and the combination of the two propelled him faster and faster to turn his passions into profits. The more he learned about himself, and about internet marketing, the more he realized that though he was financially abundant in the corporate world, he was in fact, not free.

    For the most part, he still played it safe. Continuing to purchase $27 ebooks to learn about internet marketing, most of his investment money went into maxing out the 401k and Roth IRAs. Yes, because THAT was the illusion he held onto about freedom.

    Then in 2007, he created his first product (using the power of stories for personal transformation) and planned to share it with his 300 person list. A friend and colleague suggested a “product launch,” but quite frankly, that was all a foreign language, so he signed up for a few internet marketing lists to learn more.

    He kept hearing about an upcoming promotion for a program called “Product Launch Formula 2.0” but quite frankly had no real interest in joining. It would obviously cost more than $27. That is, until, he was listening in on a promotional teleseminar with three people: Rich Schefren, Mike Filsaime, and Jeff Walker.

    On the call, they talked over and over about how important stories were to internet marketing. And the corporate wage slave repeatedly banged his head against the keyboard in denial…

    “So let me get this straight. My program is all about using stories for personal transformation, and you’re telling me that the very way to sell this program is to use stories? You’ve got to be f’ing kidding me…” He didn’t want to admit that the Universe was challenging him. It was asking, “Are you a chump, or are you going to man up?”

    That night he couldn’t sleep at all. He realized he had come to a crossroads where he would either back down from his dreams and stay a corporate wage slave forever, or he’d “man up” and put some real skin in the game… he’d invest $2,000 not just to learn some new skills, but to acknowledge the truth in his heart that he deserved freedom, and he wasn’t going to get it until he took some massive action.

    One would think the story ends happily there, right? Launch his product using JW’s PLF, leave corporate world, make bazillions of dollars. No. Not this time. Remember, that was 2007 and he didn’t have his life-destruction year until 2009.

    The corporate wage slave continued to work nights, after his wife and son went to sleep, to learn PLF 2.0 and ultimately launch his product for MASSIVE profits. Yes, the launch to his huge 300 person list yielded about $216 in total profits. Hey, that’s like 8 sales at $27 each… barely enough to cover the ecover design.

    “Don’t quit your day job.”


    Then he brought on some joint venture partners to do a public launch, tripled his price (same product) and generated about $2,500 in sales and built a new list of 1,500 people.

    “Don’t quit your day job.”

    That was in early 2008. In August 2008, the corporate wage slave realized something: His passion was undeniable, and he HAD to leave the corporate world. He gave his employer a full year’s notice.

    Nevermind he had no idea HOW he was going to go from a $2,500 product launch to supporting his current six-figure lifestyle. He just remembered the lesson he learned when first enrolling in Product Launch Formula:

    “Put some skin in the game. Some real skin. That’s the only way to make real changes in your life.”

    And what better way to put skin in the game, than to tell your employer a YEAR in advance that you’re leaving? (let’s also not forget the timing… leading into the worst recession in this lifetime)

    Then in early 2009, two very interesting things happened. First, he told his employer, “If you have to let somebody go, please make it me. I’d appreciate the severance to help launch my business, and you don’t have to lay off somebody who doesn’t want to go.” The second thing is that a well-known “best of the best” launch team had a single opening in their schedule.

    Is it any surprise that the retainer for the launch team was almost the same cost as the amount of severance he received when his employer did lay him off?

    Probably not.

    And with the layoff in 2009, the corporate wage slave could no longer afford to own the property he had and it went into foreclosure. Also, his marriage was on the rocks and divorce was almost certain. In fact, that did happen later in 2009.

    But back to the launch…

    What ultimately ended up happening was he rebranded his product, added tons of new content, and bought a Flip Cam to do a video-based launch this time. Nevermind he had NEVER done videos before… it couldn’t be all that hard – set up a tripod, turn on the camera, and talk.

    Those two videos generated nearly 2,000 comments in under a week, the launch did tens of thousands of dollars, and it brought in over 25,000 new subscribers. Sounds great, right? Well, except for the fact that it STILL wasn’t enough total income to support his family.

    “Don’t quit your day job.”

    Wait. That WAS his day job. 🙂

    Fortunately, the massive launch ultimately positioned him as a leader in his niche, with people continually approaching him for both joint ventures of all kinds, as well as interviews. And over the year since that launch, his list continued to grow to well over 50,000 and continues to grow rapidly… all from just a 300 person list he had before his first launch in spring 2008.

    The story doesn’t end there…

    Because, see, even though he hadn’t done any videos in about a year, he was recently getting ready to do some more until he encountered a problem: His Flip Cam disappeared! No matter how hard he’s looked, he hasn’t been able to find it anywhere.

    But whatever…

    At least now his day job gives him the freedom to live anywhere, work anywhere, deduct personal development workshops from his business taxes (because personal development IS his business), and most importantly of all… he can play with his son any time of the day, any day of the week, because his business can run automatically for days and even weeks at a time.

  61. Hello Jeff,
    What internet marketing means to me is that I will not have to get a phone call at work someday soon telling me that my mother has passed on and I wasn’t there for her. It also means that I can be around to do the little things for her like rub lotion on her back or legs because it makes her feel better, or make her some egg custard with cinnamon on it for a snack. I want to be able to do for others when they need it, not when I have time after getting home from a job 40 miles away. What is important in life is family and I want to take care of them in whatever form that is needed.
    That’s probably not what you wanted to know, but it’s the way it is with me. Great, now I’m blubbering like an idiot, thanks alot!

  62. Jeff: here’s what IM means to me …

    It’s about living NOW instead of waiting for “retirement”
    Its about doing what I want to do, while simultaneously putting food on the table

    It’s about living a lifestyle congruent with my beliefs

    It’s about PROVING that you don’t need to fall into the mass hypnotic trance of having a “job”, a state so many people are trapped in.

    That’s what it means to me.

  63. Maybe I should have entered this as a slogan suggestion. To me, internet marketing is about reaching the right people, with what they want, when they want it.

  64. SEO:
    Google is like the cute boy in Highschool that every girl wants to date.
    I dress myself up in lots of on-page SEO and a short skirt.
    But Google only has eyes for the popular girls.
    So I try to get everyone to tell the cute boy that I’m cool. But apparently Google doesn’t count my mom’s vote as much as the cheerleader’s.

    My Internet Marketing Journey:
    Hope – Learning – Trying – Stuck – Disappointed – Hope – Learning – Stuck – Disappointed – Hope – Learning – Information Overload – Confused – Learning – Trying – First Sale – First Subscription – Learning – Distracted – Confused – Trying – ? ———-> Freedom?

  65. Noooooo my beautiful Ipad…Sinff 🙁 anyways To me Internet marketing mean’s Hope where there was absoloutly none at 30 years old, and being extremely sick and fighting bouts of terminal threats, taking hours to be able to get out of bed in the mornings, and medications that take over half of my disibillity income, that sometimes seem to make me worse than better. However When I wake up in the morning the first thing I think of is the excitment of what i’m trying to do with online marketing. It’s more than wanting to earn money, and out of this I can say that I have been givin the most positive outlook on life and could easily say 80% of the worlds population could ever hope to even understand let lone quote it, and pretend they get it. Based on that I can honestly say It’s not about the money, money does not fix everything, it won’t give me my health back, it won’t ultimatly improve my attitude deep down, although it may for a time on the surface, but thats not REAL is it?

    What get’s me excited about internet marketing, is the awsome energy that sorounds it, the people that I get to interact with and learn from. I have grown more in the last 2 years interacting with like minded people that want to succeed in life not just thier biz, and that single side effect of being in this biz, around the right people makes it such a wonderful place to be. for example Technology has given me a “in” to have a chance to interact with greta people or even you and possible personaly Jeff, it connects me to people that have been able to make a profound impact on my life through E Biz.

    And Why? All because of Internet marketing, yes INTERNET marketing. So this is the major reason I love this stuff, it puts me in a place with others who wish to grow in more ways that money, sure the cash is of course a GREAT side effect, but I’ve found nothing but great people wanting to do and achieve great things with thier life here, and this is what stuff of dreams are made of, even for someone like me.

  66. Hi Jeff,

    To me, IM means that, if I am successful at it, my wife can retire in 2014 and have more time to enjoy her new grandson.

    Heck, it’ll also mean that I have more time to enjoy my new grandson. Not to mention my entire family.

    That’s my biggest motivation. Now I gotta get back to work on it!


  67. Internet Marketing to me is:

    A hope for leaving the trade of dollars for hours.

    It’s being able to have enough time to coach my three year old’s soccer team.

    It’s about maintaining my current lifestyle without working 60 hours managing a

    It’s my hope for a better life.

    Thanks for your case studies Jeff. They’re packed with good stuff.


  68. JW-

    This blog sums you up. Simple. To the point. Real. And not a lot of words. Hahaha, Looking for more from you, our humble leader. Now get to writing, geez!

    James Radina

  69. Well you know what they say, “It Takes A Village”…with a sweet highspeed connection ;-D

    Jeff, you’re an evangelist of sorts, my man. Ok, inspirational at least. You seem to have harnessed the power, and are pullin’ on the reins…hehehe…the ‘net whisperer’.

    Internet marketing provides a conduit for me where I can pair my creativity with a myriad of problems, providing solutions beyond the scope of ‘my little town’.

    Thanks for your insight!
    …:::tippin’ my hat:::…

  70. MasterYoung


    Internet Marketing is new rich for people form around the world. In every country you can start big business only with your laptop and determination. No longer JOB is your only choice. There is freedom waiting for you. Catch it!

  71. When I first started and stumbled onto the online world, all I could think of was freedom, freedom, freedom, but then after struggling with the business of being online for many years, something wonderful happened. I discovered a training about helping other people online… and from there I was re-created, re-focused, and re-newed in my online business.

    I live in a very small town in Colorado. We don’t have any big businesses where I live, but the small business owners that I know were struggling to get online, figure out this website and google thing and really needed help.
    It’s amazing to go from being the underdog, under achieving online marketer to someone’s hero and expert and more importantly to help them get results for the first time online- that first page one google listing.

    I had a small brick and mortar massage and hypnosis business for 16 years and know what it’s like to be a small business owner struggling for the next new client and how to spend your advertising bucks and being frustrated as all get out when your newspaper ad does not pull.

    I now love what I do. I am passionate about working online and helping small businesses to get online and be found there. Even if someone were to give me ten million dollars tomorrow, I am so passionate about helping small business owners that I could not walk away…. ya, I might outsource a few more things than I do now, but the thrill of helping small business owners has me hooked for life.

    I know lots more than I did 6 months ago and hope to know more in 6 more months.
    I am grateful for heart filled, enthusiastic and dedicated teachers like you who really want to make a difference for people like me and now I pay it forward.

    Thanks so much Jeff for what you do and how much you “want it” for the rest of us.

    From another Colorado person

  72. Dad of six incredible kids, husband of 15 years to the woman who just keeps saying “Yes, we can do this!”, youth worker of 15 years and a vision to reach people and help them wake up to a meaningful life.

  73. I’ve been “optimizing” my Facebook friends list and email subscriptions, getting rid of anyone who tries to sell me more often than they bring enrichment into my life. Jeff, you’ve always been a keeper! 🙂

  74. Internet marketing to me is the ability to connect to people who have a problem I can solve. It’s also the ability to surprise people with kindness (when I send them random, free content that they’d gladly pay for), and the ability to make friends and connect with people all over the globe who I wouldn’t have otherwise. And since I’m a copywriter, and everything I do on-line is related to that – it’s great to know that as I make more money, and improve my lifestyle, I’m helping others do the same.

    That’s my answer. 🙂

    Have a good one,

  75. Internet Marketing to me is the greatest hope for freedom. That freedom consists of being able to really live your dreams and not just hope to do them. That allows you to have both the time and the money to make the difference in the world that only you can achieve. Everyone has a dream to fulfill. Internet Marketing can get you there.

  76. What Internet marketing means to me…

    I’m still somewhat of a
    Newbie but I
    Trust the advice of
    Experts I follow by
    Reading and taking
    Notes of
    Everything they

    Marketing online can lead to
    Ample freedom
    Ripe bank account
    Killer toys
    Easy work
    Tons of friends
    Incessant business with
    No shortage of

  77. How Internet marketing has impacted me?

    It (being an Internet infopreneur) has been the way I’ve funded life-saving heart surgery for 70 little kids, helped thousands of information marketers build their business, and become part of a network of nearly 15,000 people from all around the world – among them, the most fascinating people I would have never met or know otherwise!

    Among the more esoteric things Internet marketing has done for me is:

    * let me have dinner at the British House of Commons
    * shake hands with one of the world’s greatest living marketers (Jay Abraham)
    * get a personally autographed copy of Jack Canfield’s “Aladdin Factor”

    In a nutshell, it has been exciting, fun and fulfilling 🙂

    All success

    P.S. – Did I say your blog looks COOL, Jeff? No? It does 🙂

  78. Internet Marketing is the best way to score points online. It’s also a way to make a living that people dream about but never get around to doing.

    For me it’s the best way to build residual income on the side along with your full time job. Since you are using the web to make residual income, I call this Websidual income. Pretty clever huh? Thanks.

  79. Barbara Rosson


    Internet Marketing is freedom.
    Freedom to live, work, and play anywhere.
    At anything.
    Internet Marketers create economic supernovas!
    Then we selectively support and nurture the brightest stars. . .
    Until the whole world shines.

  80. Internet marketing means my 4 horses, 1 mule, 4 dogs, 2 pot bellied pigs, 4 goats, 1 cow, 2 parents, 13 barn cats, 1 baby bird saved from one of the barn cats mouths, and so many chickens I can’t even count ALL GET FED! And, that I have the crappiest Internet service in the world because I *get to live* in the middle of nowhere. 🙂

  81. A cool comment….hmmmm… Well give this some thought

    A polar bear hunting in the arctic waits patiently by a seal hole in order to catch his dinner. While doing so he covers his nose with his paw to conceal his black nose and blend in with his surroundings to achieve success… How does he know his nose is black? What does this have to do with Marketing?

    Quite simply in order to achieve success YOU MUST be aware of your surroundings whether it’s on the frozen plains of the arctic or online 🙂 it doesn’t matter. Nature has learned this lesson and we need to as well. One of the best ways to do this is observe those who have shaped the business such as Jeff.

    You may have just realized you have a black nose like a polar bear (i.e. something is preventing you from succeeding) so if you listen, learn and become aware of your surroundings you will succeed.


  82. Internet marketing for me, is a way to be free from the financial stress… I am making some money right now, but I’m actually doing a product launch in July, and another one in September with a partner. Its already a reality in my mind what these launches are going to do!

    I am going to finally live my dream of being totally financially free, living on the beach, relaxing, and having that dream life! Its already inevitable!

    Internet marketing, If I could sum it up in one word – – FREEDOM

  83. Internet marketing means my little girls won’t have to grow up wishing daddy had spent more time with them. I can’t put a price tag on that.

  84. Internet Marketing is the field where men and women of all kinds can come share their stories. A tool to educate, inform, sell, provide, service, and share. A place where anyone’s product, service, or message can be seen, heard, felt and spread. It is an opportunity for anyone to become fully engaged with their seed of an idea or a full-fledged passion in a worldwide forum.

  85. walter daniels


    To me, Internet Marketing proves my belief. Customers form an opinion about you, before they every meet you. Now it can be seen on more than just a local, or if big enough scale, national. The truth can be seen on a planetary scale, because of the WWW.
    Ideally a prospective customer has seen your ad’s, even if they don’t remember them. If not, you are at the mercy of Public Opinion about your industry. In either case, your marketing efforts will either change opinion, or confirm it. Hopefully, a good opinion will be confirmed, or a bad one changed, by that effort.
    As I said, they buyer has an opinion before you ever make an effort to sell to them, and Internet marketing makes that easier to do than ever before.

  86. Utilizing technology, being a citizen of the world with the ability to help many; and all without leaving home! Cool!


  87. Bro Gilbert


    There is a crack in everything…but that’s how the light gets in.

  88. Christopher Dittemore


    Internet Marketing has removed the barriers that I thought were necessary and given me permission to dream BIGGER dreams that I ever thought possible.

    Dreams of making a difference, impacting the world, being able to CHOOSE when and how I work, and the ability to leverage my skills and information on a MASS scale to people who are looking for hope, guidance and leadership.

    Christopher Dittemore

  89. Internet Marketing is creative, dynamic and systematic ways to help the online audience find what they are looking for, whether they know exactly what that is or not, and see… understand… get excited … and move to benefit from the values you offer that matches what they need so that everyone wins in this online inter-action.

    The user gets what they need (info, contact, product, service, etc.), you reach your goal with the interaction (make contact, form relationship, spread your brand, opt in, sale, etc.) and everyone is happy and more than willing to do that again!

  90. Internet marketing means confusion,annoyance and frustration when you get it wrong,
    BUT when its right…..The possibilities are endless.Wishes are granted and dreams come true!

  91. Internet marketing is FREEDOM! Freedom from having a boss tell me how much they think I’m worth, freedom from driving in rush hour traffic, freedom to take vacations when I want and for as long as i want, freedom to sleep in, freedom to spend time with family and friends, freedom to help people, freedom to give back, and freedom from letting another human being control my future!

  92. Internet Marketing to me is a very passionate way to learn about other people everywhere!

    Since starting over ten years ago, i feel like ‘around the world’ is no longer ‘waaaay over there’ … it is just a click away next door.

    And to become a good marketer – you need to connect.

    We actually recently opened a new social network that is free – in respect for and to help others just like ourselves.

    Internet Marketing – Means Connections first, sales later.

    Nice Blog Jeff,


  93. Jeff,

    Get that Strat out and “once and for all” get with me. I want to show you some cool things you never dreamed you could do with it.


  94. Jeff,

    Love the new blog site, it looks great.

    As a 30+ year veteran of traditional direct marketing, Internet Marketing is a marketer’s dream come true. Pure marketing without the obstacles that we’ve had to deal with in the past. Internet Marketing is freedom as many above have stated. Internet Marketing is also fun. The ability to be able to develop ideas, present them, measure them, and make money is what marketing is all about.

    David Ogilvy, the father of modern advertising, believed that direct marketing was a major step up from general advertising. I can’t begin to imagine how excited he would be by the world that Internet Marketing has created.

    Ultimately, it’s impossible to answer the question because Internet Marketing can be whatever you’d like it to be. It gives you the ultimate control, the opportunity to do what you want, when and how you want to.


  95. Well for cool factor all I have to say is Chuck Norris and Mr. T’s names are now at least in the comments of your blog 😉

    And as far as internet marketing goes… for the longest time I hated marketing. I thought it was a way to trick people into getting something they don’t want or need. Now that I have learned a lot more about this, it really is about doing everything you possibly can to get the right person the right education or product to make their life infinitely better.

    Yes there are some out there who just use “tactics” to get sales and that may work in the short term, but it isn’t a sustainable business and I wouldn’t consider those people successful.

  96. Internet marketing is going to allow me to be there for my daughter, who is disabled from a car accident and my granddaughter, who is 17 and having surgery to fix holes in her heart and learning to live with EDS. There will be doctor’s appointments, surgeries, and learning to live with their lifestyles for the rest of their lives. Because of internet marketing, I am going to be able to be there whenever I am needed and have the extra cash for the things they need – and want. Internet marketing offers many joys and freedoms, and in this case it’s going to offer better care, thus a better lifestyle, than these two beautiful people would otherwise be able to have. I don’t expect to live a lifestyle like you, Jeff – which, by the way, sounds wonderful – but this will offer us many choices that would not have been available. And, like you, I am looking forward to thinking bigger and bigger.

  97. internet marketing is like being a drug dealer. Except the people advance their life and business instead of get high. IM is legal also, whereas, most drug dealers are not.
    nice lookin blog.
    – marc

  98. Freedom was a HUGE motivating factor for me to start my Internet business in 2001. Freedom from my then boss, whom I affectionally referred to as “Satan’s Wife”; freedom from the 9 to 5 rat-race and my 3 hour daily commute, freedom to pursuit my dreams of a better life with more time for for my family and friends; freedom from financial constraints and finally, freedom to become the person that I am today – one who leads, teaches and truly laps up all that life has to offer.

    The Internet oddly enough, has allowed me to really learn who I am and what I can offer to my peers and colleagues. I’m an online business manager with a large team of virtual assistants (20), I own three related associations, I train others to pursue their online goals, and am amazed at the information I have been able to amass in this brain since jumping online in earnest 9 years ago.

  99. I’m not interested in Internet marketing. I’m interested in good marketing. And today, the Internet happens to be a very good channel for doing good marketing.

    If you put the “Internet” before the “marketing” then you’re just a hammer in search of a nail.

  100. Done well, Internet marketing provides us with the opportunity to be GENEROUS with others. You are living proof of that, as the simple act of generosity you showed me last year was a blessing and an inspiration and one that I’ve since passed along to someone else who needed it. While I agree that is an outgrowth of the freedom one can have as Internet marketers, it is one that not all successful marketers demonstrate.

    Thanks for all you do. Love the custom Thesis theme!


  101. Brian Miller


    Not wearing socks for 3 days in a row. Not wearing underwear for 4 days.
    Taking my kids to school and then picking them up.
    Taking my family on vacation 3 times a year.
    Responding to customers and e-mails on my front porch watching the sun set.
    Meeting new people just as “wacked out” as me.
    Having $10,000 of income per week rather than a $400 paycheck.
    Having the jobs I “hate” to do done by my “virtual” employee.
    There is hard work but it’s a BLAST!
    Teaching my kids that internet marketing is a “career”.
    Loving life.
    I can’t forget the long islands. (I can’t go wrong, my wife used to be a bartender)
    Good stuff!

  102. Hi Jeff,

    Firstly I would just like to say that I love your new blog!

    For me Internet Marketing is simply helping other people to achieve their goals and get paid in the process. Period.

    Jayneel D

  103. Mr Williams


    You are doing it again and believe me I am taking all the notes needed.

    First it was the survey about what we would like you to talk about on your blog.

    Then you laced it with a cool gift / contest for whoever can give you the coolest tag line.

    Now is another contest for whoever can leave the coolest comment?

    So what is next?

    You tend to make your stuff event based. And about what Internet Marketing mean to me?

    Here is the thing!
    1. I think there has never been a time in the history of the world where everyone (black, white, brown, whatever) can actually dream. Not just dream but dream really big.
    2. There has never been a time in the history of this world where (brown, black, white or whatever the color of your skin is) can actually make some money on the same platform without worrying about your accent, color of your skin or whatever.
    3. In my own humbling opinion, there has never been a product that give you a shot at making a truck load of money(if you make some grave mistakes). As long as you get some core contents of the system right. I am talking about PRODUCT LAUNCH FORMULA OF COURSE. It is one product that systematize the whole process of making money online. So easy a cave man(no matter what or who you are ) from any part of the world can actually do it and make some money with it. PLF so easy it hurts!
    4, Your system allow me to dream some crazy dreams of making it big online and I know that I will as long as i work hard, and am prayerful, patient and persevere.

    5. And this is not sucking up either. This is the truth.

    This is what internet marketing means to me. Being able to be blessed and be a blessing to others without loosing your damn mind.

    This is just crazy!

    And I am so blessed to be part of this trend. Really blessed. So My jeff, where is thing doing ?

    Today they say long sales letter is dead, yesterday another camp said PLF don’t really work. That it is just a ? and yet they quietly used the same process.

    Thanks for making it so simple that not so smart folks like us can use the blueprint to make a living online.

    God bless

  104. Mitch Magic


    What Internet marketing means to me:

    …Pulling down borders, racism, and segregation
    …Keeping the marketplace more fair through reviews and reputation
    …Putting Grandpa/teen/Apple on the same playing field
    …True freedom of expression
    …Escape from tyranny
    …Opportunity for a new life
    …Make friends and business relationships all over the world
    …People who would never have a chance at economic freedom now do

    The number one thing internet marketing means to me is that it brings me freedom, which in turn inspires others to create freedom, which in turn creates inspiration etc….

    It is the ultimate snowball effect of freedom and opportunity!


  105. Peggy Warren


    Internet marketing – a means of self discovery and learning. What do I value? Why? What distracts me? Why? How am I using my time? Why? What is my expertise and passion? Is it valued by others? Am I greedy, fearful, looking for a magic pill? What am I doing with my resources? What skills do I have to develop to have a successful business?

    Internet marketing is a slice of reality. What problems do people share? What psychological tactics do people use to get their own way? Who is trustworthy? How much money is needed and what is the return on investment?

    Internet marketing is being a publisher of information. It’s communicating with people all over the world through technology. It’s finding answers and more questions.

    Internet marketing involves finding friends who are willing to help you along the way and encourage you. It’s finding skilled marketers who steer you in the right direction.
    It’s recognizing some of the names of some who comment on blog like this – hi, guys.

    Internet marketing -By definition it is selling ideas and products on the internet, a technology that empowers us. It’s up to us to use it for the freedom, the family time, for a closer observation of what is around us, and to not misuse it in a quest for the monetary reward.

  106. I think the majority of Internet Marketers
    don’t realize the kind of information they
    have in their hands.

    The emotional triggers we learn alone, can
    help better our lives, whether it’s for Leadership
    Influence, Relationships or Communication within
    troubled Relationships we may have in our lives…

    When people start promoting or marketing
    they become focused and quite frankly
    consumed by their own motivations –

    – whether it be money, growth, contribution, significance etc.
    Sometimes when you take a moment to realize
    how much you changed for the better with the knowledge acquired►

    You realize how much of an agent for Good You
    Can Become…

    I have a couple of Product Launches
    coming this summer and I’m giving a portion of the
    proceeds to Haiti. But even that is self serving cuz
    I’m Haitian…

    But because of things I’ve learned from Jay Abraham,
    Tony Robbins, Kern & Yourself and even a rapper like
    Jay Z – I’ve become an influencer… And I greatly appreciate
    this subculture that we Have “Internet Marketing”

    I’m an internet marketing Nerd – “Powered By Internet Marketing”


  107. The coolest thing by far about internet marketing is it’s accessibility..

    Any one
    Any age
    Any where

  108. Internet marketing means to me:
    * impossible anywhere lifestyle
    * freedom from any bosses, big offices, bulky equipment or machinery
    * high speed to khow a new, implementation it and get results at any point on Earth

    Best Regards,

    Mikhail Trishin
    Hello from Russia

  109. Being where I want be – doing business without guilt – leaving legacy to the masses using it as the most effective, economical, value driven attention grabber.

  110. How is it we are supposed to believe your blog crashed with only 100 comment??? What would you make up something so crazy as to have us believe that you, the master of the product launch formula would generate all this traffic and your own blog crashes???

    Do you think we are that dumb. Maybe you really dont have the traffic you think you have!

  111. Internet Marketing to me is….

    an elusive sexy woman, whispering sweet words into my ear day and night, skimming my legs with her soft touch, running her hands through my hair, making my toes curl up like a teenager in love, while she’s eagerly awaiting my next move and ultimate conquest.

    …. but I’m in shock and paralyzed at the possibilities, frozen like a statue with giant peering eyes, while I watch from the sidelines as others emerge from the shadows and carries her away into the sunset.

  112. Dauphine514


    My definition of Internet Marketing is that it synthesizes both intelligence and creativity. As a firm believer in form and function, Internet Marketing encompasses both brilliantly.

    Congratulations on your new blog!


  113. Jeff,

    Internet Marketing means freedom to me. Plain and simple. A little over one year ago I walked away from a multi million dollar business that I built from the ground up and was a majority owner of. It provided me with comfort and security – but I had no freedom. After over 4 years of it running me – I had enough.

    I’ll never forget the looks on my partners faces when I told them I was done and was moving another direction. They told me I was dumb, would be back, and that I would fail.

    I didn’t care, I knew I could make it, and worst case scenario – I could reclaim my life and live it on my terms.

    This year as I sat on the porch of our house in Argentina hanging out with a friend, He asked me “How can you be here for 3 months, what about your work?” I looked at him and smiled, with my horrible espanol I explained – my work was “here” (and I pointed at the computer). Thats the beauty of this lifestyle. I can travel and work from anywhere, and yeah the money is good.

    Getting started in this biz wasn’t easy and I had to pay many dues. It was stressful on my wife and kids, I still remember the shouting matches that erupted from the stress of not having money. But with enough persistence and determination – the payoff has been huge.

    I now have the freedom I wanted so bad, I control my own destiny, my family is comfortable, and I am making a difference in peoples lives.

    That is what Internet Marketing is to me – Freedom and the lifestyle I was dying to live.


    Sean Malarkey

  114. Internet Marketing is a gateway to global economy. It acts as a great catalyst to business activity to all cross section of world population cutting across gender, race, color, social status, economic status etc., helping millions to narrow and eliminate the trade barriers. Internet business is hope for millions and millions of people across the globe. The coming decade will witness a explosion of economic activity with advent of further technology harnessed and utilizable for the better of mankind

  115. Hey Jeff

    Internet marketing has meant I was able to watch my daughter receive Dux (highest academic results) of her School in year 7 when most dads were at work, I get to pick her up from school in the afternoons and share time with her every day, and I get to teach her a way she can earn money for herself at age 14, so there’s a good chance she’ll never need a ‘JOB’ or a boss who makes her life suck.

    Now that’s cool…

    Rocky Tapscott

  116. Wow! So many responses! One of your buddies..Mr Koeings? Is that spelled correctly?
    Anyway, he is promoting the Kodak camera as way better than the Flip. Just thought you should know.
    And this in itself is what internet marketing means. Getting the word out and helping others.
    I sincerely hope I can help others when I get to or near the top.

  117. Int. Mktg means extending yourself beyond your boundaries and sharing your value with a world that is anxious to see what difference you will make.

  118. To some, especially those that associate the term with scams, “internet marketing” is a dirty word and looked down upon. While every industry has its black sheep, most of us doing this “internet marketing” thing are good people with the best intentions.

    Internet Marketing is a means to an end. It has the power to help you reach your goals and the potential to make insane amounts of money while helping others reach their goals and potentially make insane amounts of money. However, it is not easy. It requires hard work, dedication, practice and failure before you can succeed.

  119. What does Internet Marketing mean to me? Well, to answer that (and I’m not even going to try to be cool) question, I’ll just say this – it means that I can succeed (or fail) on my own abilities (or lack thereof), and achieve a lifestyle that is “powered by internet marketing”.

    Okay, so I did try to be cool… 😉

    Be Well!
    ECS Dave

  120. I think your comment and attitude about entrepreneurs being agents of change and the salvation or cure for many of the world’s problems is right on target. And the Internet has leveled the playing field. It has eliminated so many gatekeepers that at one time held so many people back. Now the only thing holding anyone back is their lack of focus and effort.

    Thanks to you and many others who teach people how to leverage their passion and skills, entrepreneurs can do what they love, make an impact and a great living.

  121. Hey Jeff – Love your photos, man – more please…show the people the lifestyle. Far too many people showing the BIG NUMBERS – whoopee shit…let’s see the fruits of our labours and the never forget the reason we got into IM in the first place – Wahay!

  122. Great Post, brother!

    August 4th will mark 14 years full time working from home for me. Freedom means being able to do what I want, when I want, and with who I want. I couldn’t imagine living any other kind of life – Man was born to be FREE.


  123. Internet Marketing is a passion and challenge for me.

    I just love what I do everyday when it comes to IM, but sadly, people around me still thinks it’s “dumb dream” to make solid income from the Internet.

    I just know that success is just right behind corner, and I will catch it soon!

  124. Internet Marketing allows one to creatively expand one’s personal “Response-Ability”

    Thank you for being you and all the you do

    Live with Intention,

  125. Internet marketing has allowed the average person, regardless of any restrictions that society may have thought it could place on a person, to create a business with absolutely nothing and end up with incredible profits. Talk about getting outside the fish bowl…

  126. Hey: what internet marketing means?I would say a way to start your own business. I know of at LEAST 20 people that have told me this won’t work! The more they say this the more I know it WILL.
    Thanks for sharing YOUR knowledge.

    • Mark… when I started my business, my inlaws would always grumble about me wasting my time in the basement “playing” on the computer – they thought I was playing video games.

  127. what Internet marketing means to me…

    I get up, grab two cups of coffee. One for me and one for my wife who yells from the bedroom that she loves me. We just lay there, sipping and chatting for about 45 min.
    When I finally head down the passage to my office it’s about ten. I sit down and dive in.
    When I start hearing rumbles from down below, I know I’m getting hungry. That’s about two. I’ve hit the point of diminishing returns. I wrap for the day. Power down. Office closed. How much have I accomplished? I don’t care. Was my work day any good? I don’t even think about it. All that matters is I’ve put in my time, used my allocated time slot and hit it with all I’ve got.


  128. Austin Holt


    “It’s not wise to upset a wookiee!”

    In my mind, internet marketing has kinda played almost like some sort of cheesy (yet unabashedly awesome) Star Wars saga: A bunch of rogue rebels who were just trying to live a little bit better; to have a life that just plain seemed ‘right’. Yet their dreams were under constant oppression of The Evil Empire of Normality, with an army of naysaying drones, who insisted “that just ain’t how it goes, bros” (and they said it just like that too!).

    What started off as a few crazy characters, scattered across vast spaces of the web, and working in their own remote worlds, seems to have been brought together in some strange way (The Force? Whatever, let’s be serious people), and a few leaders began to emerge. These were the ones who first realized that this could be about something much bigger… that this wasn’t just about them, but that this might be about something that even those controlled by the Empire would begin to break rank for. Yes, you guessed it, as it almost always is in these things, it was about… FREEDOM!

    Today, many of these folks we have grown to know and love. There is of course Jeff “Sky” Walker (I just had to do it), Frank “Skipper” (ie. Solo) Kern, and show me someone who can sport a desert slave costume, because we’ll give her (or him?) the Princess Leia part. These, and many others, continue to lead the way, and I know I’m not alone when I say that I look forward to standing with our Alliance, against the general limited thinking that leads to the dark side, to one day celebrate in a new and more abundant world… powered by internet marketing! Thanks Jeff!

  129. Austin Beatty


    Internet marketing is its own entity.
    It comes in many different forms (search engine optimization, forum posting, spam [the undesirable/loathed one], and a bunch of others I can’t readily think of at the moment); pick the one that suits your own interests best.
    Should the internet gods bless you and drive tons of traffic to your website, you either did your homework or got very lucky.
    I’m still treading water in the ocean that can be called the Internet; it’s constantly changing, just like the sates and forms of water itself given any and all circumstances.
    It’s a bunch of ideas not based on fate or luck, but rather internet marketing is like a massive-scale collective think tank, aiming to reach into the minds of all internet users and provide them with the information they might want or need or have a use for at a later date.
    There’s no doubt that internet marketing is a multi-billion dollar business ($$$ cha-ching! $$$), but it didn’t get there overnight. There’s lots of people who put that business together, pioneers of the internet, making their stay in the ever-changing economy.
    On that note, the internet and the economy are like the double helix of the modern age. What affects one will readily influence the other in the same retrospect. If a website or two (thousand) caused the stock market to lose a couple hundred points, then I rest my case. Conversely, if the stock market rebounds, then it’s good for e-traders and other internet-savvy users.
    It’s impossible to describe internet marketing in just one comment box; too many have tried, and they all have failed in some aspect. Me? I’m just a retrospective thinker, an intern philosopher if that can make any sense at all.
    Marketing on the internet, like anything else on the internet, has infinite possibilities. Leave it to the experts to pick it apart, or become an expert yourself if you want to make the tiniest difference.
    Even the smallest of ideas can change the course of the future via internet marketing. The age of the Information Superhighway is here to stay, but it’s always going to change.

    – Austin Beatty

  130. Internet Marketing is the way to make lots of cash that makes your friends drop their jaws especially they see you in your home everyday 😀

  131. Internet Marketing = Radically New Belief System

    We just did our first ever Product Launch this week (new to PLF2.0). In fact as I type this we just shutdown the cart about 45 minutes ago…

    My belief system has been turned upside down and I’m now forced to question if my dreams are big enough!

  132. Beatrice Bruno


    I just signed up for MyProfitSite, have set up five or six websites with the proposed customer service and feel really good about it. Haven’t seen any income yet but I know that I will. When I first saw this program, I felt something different about it in comparison with other programs. I have started other programs but quickly got my refund. I am prepared to stay the long haul with this because I believe it is different and will give me the push I need to become financially free. Thanks for all the awesome information! God bless you abundantly! Beatrice

  133. Simple…
    Quality of life!
    Widowed 7 years ago I knew there was a better way to earn a living than spending 50+ hours a week working away from the house with two little kids!
    Being able to meet people all over the world has opened up SO many possibilities…..that’s what IM is to me too….limitless possibilities!

    And I always remind myself…”A bad day working for myself is better than a great day working for someone else!”
    Looking fwd to seeing what PLF3 has in store!
    Congrats on the blog!

  134. I’m really glad you are doing this. I feel that this blog is the moment where you go mainstream.

    Now, don’t get me wrong, you are a very important person in the Internet Marketing community. But even in that community, you are part of a niche that not everybody knows about.

    I feel that this could be your Seth Godin-like breakout moment. First this blog, then a book, then another book… then next thing you know you are keynoting in venues you would have never dreamed about.

    Keep up the powerful work, man. This is a good next step.

  135. Hi Jeff,

    Was this a trick question?

    I thought you drilled it down pretty hard in your PLF course.

    Internet Marketing is all about “Conversation”.

  136. Honestly, I started looking into internet marketing to help an idea for improving education, from the perspective of a tutor and frustrated student. The first two sources I came across, and seriously paid attention to were Andy Jenkins, while he was still at StomperNet, and you Jeff, with your Product Launch Formula. The reason I stuck with those two is that they fit the research I’d done and resources I’d made on Effective Communication. (Capitols intended.) That was it. I wanted to learn how to format my information so it could actually help people, rather than be ignored or discarded. However, that was just the start.

    Since then I have started following the launches of people like Frank Kern and Brendon Burchard. Through the combined free content of all these launches, and seeing the teaching in action, patterns started coming to my attention from internet marketing, game design, teaching, learning, media design and social dynamics. This has even lead to the creation of a framework and a future line of information products. Those information products are part of my overal goal to improve education, as well as help society in several ways. These information products give me the possibility to get started with almost nothing, and that’s my situation.

    My parents run a small business that has outsurvived their competitors, but had very little results to marketing effeorts. Add into that a quadruple by-pass heart surgery this last fall for my mother, which she only recieved through the help of a non-profit, and I’m sure you can see the time issueswe currently face and future potential through internet marketing. I want to be able to help them stay afloat, and they seem to be more open to it now than before. The free content from all those launches, good internet marketing, helps empower me to help my self and my family through more internet marketing.

    Through those efforts I’m also trying to get some local efforts going. With a number of potential ways to get them started, I am confident I can directly and indirectly help many of the local people through stimulating the economy, while teaching others how they can do the same through example & possibly classes. A few of the info products I’d like to do are even aimed at helping the local businesses and their personel.

    So, on the whole I believe responsible, high quality, internet marketing means facilitating socioeconomic flow of value, which opens doors and creates oportunities for more value to all involved. It’s also an example of effective communication practices that can be used to help most other parts of our lives, and the lives of others. Personally, it is a catalyst of positive change in my understaning, persepective and hopefully the lives of all around me.

    That’s what internet marketing, when done right, means to me, helping people through effective communication

  137. … freedom! – right … money! – yes …. the (american) dream! – sure … is “Getting” to all of this the G’Point of Internet Marketing?

    At the end of the day my IM friends, after you’ve learned all the basics, failed a few times and made your first sale on the internet (wow – what a feeling!), you need to follow simple laws in order to succeed. And No! – it’s not “The Secret”.

    Simple and natural: “Sowing the seed – and to reap that which is planted!”

    Even the internet loves speed and everything grows or dies faster, you can not outwit this simple law and organic process. Ask your self: “What do I want to reap? and “What do I have to seed?” in return.

    As you may know 95% of all Internet Marketers fail. They hope, they follow, they buy, they plan, they buy more, they do, they get stuck, they buy even more, they copy and paste the guru stuff. Hello? Anybody…?

    The solution – your success is not outside of you. You won’t find it there. The solution is inside of you. Please, start thinking by yourself. Be yourself. And from there sow YOUR seed. We will know you by your fruits.

    Awakening! The G’Point of Internet Marketing is GIVING!

    Thanks for reading my personal “IM short story”. I’ve been there … after 4 years of investing 5 figures into guru stuff and jumping around I’ve made a few decisions and everything turned around. Today I have happy offline-clients and I’m on my way to make my living online.

    Thank you Jeff for being one of the `real` IM gurus.

    Roland speaking, … painting the mandala called life.

    P.S. The Time Is Now – The Power Is You!” (native)

  138. Hey Jeff, been watching you in this market for a long time. Always fun to see what you come up with next, but a FLIP? Come on man! You can do better than that 🙂

    “The number of people who are the TRUE millionaires in this business are few, it’s nice to see you be one of them”

    Great looking blog.

    Michael Murdock, CEO

  139. I’ve been studying, watching and testing for about 8 months. I am constantly amazed by the online marketing community. It is one of the nicest and giving communities I have ever been a part of.

    I am now starting my local web marketing business. (Should launch next week) I chose this because after learning from the community, I see that I can have a HUGE impact on not only my community, but globally with outsourcing. I hope to make it possible for each local company I help to hire at least one person. Then I see the need to hire a few people overseas to help me run my business, along with one or two local people.

    If I can help 10 companies hire 1 person each, and I hire 4 or 5 locally and global, then that is HUGE to those families. I can’t think of anything better and it was this community that helped me realize the potential.

    Thank you and your peers for your knowledge and leading by example.


  140. Great Look Jeff! I’ve been “doing” Internet Marketing for two decades – starting back before the WWW – I used to post Ad’s on BBS’s. Ohhhhhh what a fun time I’ve had. I’ve been semi-retired many times over the last 15 years, and have enjoyed a wonderful lifestyle because of it. Want to see? Here’s a video I created at the Marina on the boat. That’s what Internet Marketing means to me. 🙂 Looking forward to your updates. Enjoy the weekend! ~Bill

  141. Being that I just the last 2 years I have become disabled and now just living on disability payments and all my savings gone to pay medical bills, being able to use the internet to possibly increase my income so I won’t have to be so tied down. I’m looking forward to start my own business online. I have some ideas, and are kicking them around, and since video is the latest way to go online with a business, my wife and I are contemplating having a teaching center online for how to deal with pet birds, from little finches to parrots and all the ones inbetween. How and what to feed them, do birds really need toys? Are hand fed birds any better than parent fed birds? You get the picture.

  142. As a classically-trained marketer and a professional copywriter, I object to the general misuse of the term “internet marketing.” A lot of people use it to try to add a veneer of respectability to what is more accurately the “making money online” (MMO) business. Internet marketing is a set of tactics — not a lifestyle, philosophy, or industry. See my blog post on the subject here:

    That being said, Jeff, I think you are using “internet marketing” correctly in your new tagline. While other marketers might be “powered by brand marketing” or “powered by direct response marketing” your tactics seem to fall into online marketing realm. So while your tagline lacks the emotional/aspirational impact of my submission (“Launch Yourself”), there’s nothing wrong with it. Well, except the honking big TM at the end of it. But that’s a graphic design issue. 🙂

  143. Hi Jeff

    A quick comment on your new tagline: Just like for another commenter, the “Powered by Internet Marketing” doesn’t grab me so much. It sounds a little like you are just another follower of internet marketing,and your blog is powered by the ideas and technologies and processes drawn from other people’s ideas. In fact, it’s the converse: you’re one of the people shaping the industry, and your contributions are helping very much for “POWERING Internet Marketing”.

    I think this small shift from “Powered By” to “Powering” would make your tagline much stronger for me. I vote: change it to “Powering Internet Marketing”!

    I’m looking forward to the content on your blog, and to PLF 3!


  144. It’s actually an equation:
    IM = (F + NB)*(MM + MT)/(LS +C+HO)

    Internet Marketing =
    (Freedom + No Boss)*(More Money + More Time)/(Less Stress + Charity+ Helping Others)

  145. Hey jeff I really don’t know what internet marketing really means,I mean I don’t have a mentor and a lot of money to get one,I had been trying to make a living online but I don’t know where to start,I recived so many emails about internet marketing products or fomulas but I’m not sure if are real,for me internet marketing its an oportunity to save my family,others and myself from this economy,when I see my parents working hard during the nite,my friends with no work to support their families,I’m tired of marketers trying to just get the money out of my pocket,I need a real mentor that save me and change my world so I can change my love ones world. (I don’t want the camera,all I want its FREEDOM). God bless you.

  146. Hi Jeff,
    So pleased to be able to meet with you in this blog format.
    (My vote in this contest goes to Lisa Preston way back near the beginning…Wow! what guts & courage she had.)

    Internet Marketing to me means that I can get to hang out with the worlds biggest thinkers…on a daily basis and not be made appear a fool for having a big…oops, a VERY BIG dream myself!

    This is the way forwards for sure.
    If over 55cents in every US dollar is transacted online (over a yr ago stats), then learning how best to carve out a spot for oneself in the whole width of the industry, has to be a top priority.

    I was sailing along on my 5 year plan, towards my achievable mission, using the top IM gurus wisdom as my guides and mentors, when I abruptly did an about face yesterday!

    Same industry, different approach…and BOOM!
    My goal will be achieved a lot faster now, because of the leverage of the ‘net and the audacity of the big thinkers to put out big ideas!

    You just gotta love it!

    It is so exciting, stimulating, addictive, and can be overwhelming unless you have and end goal in view.

    Bring it on…
    Kindest (and thank you for your VERY timely e-mails I do read and am guided by).

  147. Ok, I’m 17 yrs old from the Philippines.. and trying and doing IM stuff for the last 5 months….. so far I’ve made 0.. but does doesnt matter cause this is what IM means to me…

    It means hanging out with Frank kern at La Jolla….
    it means talking and be friends to the IM guys like Jeff Johnson and Jeff walker ( Jeff who? ), Ryan Deiss, Andy Jenkins, Stomper guys, and many more…
    It means time freedom..
    it means freedom in every aspect of my life…
    it means job for my countrymen..and
    jobs for the people in this world we call earth 😉
    It means millions for my customers and clients
    It means solving the problems of other people and them giving me what I deserve.. money ^_^ ( I really think I deserve it )
    it means living well and providing things that my family needs..
    it means my father and mother don’t have to worry about our tuition,, EVER.

    It means LIFE.

    P.S. – NO JOKE, I really idolize Frank Kern..he seems to have the personality that I can’t explain through words

  148. Looking forward to your new blog, Jeff

    The internet allows the Davids of the world to keep the Goliaths of the world accountable. The internet gives people with interpersonal intelligences an amazing opportunity to thrive and add to the world. The internet will continue to allow people to contribute great things to the world when they couldn’t otherwise because of time and money. I think of how teachers will come to flourish with the internet. I am fascinated and looking forward to it.


  149. IM is the employment of an evolving system to create an online asset in a niche market that replicates a process and records metrics that may be rapidly analysed at a time of choosing in order to make a valued judgement on the effectiveness of the asset in achieving the desired outcomes.

    OK… it’s hard work that is enjoyed by obsessive compulsive entrepreneurial dreamers that results in affiliate commissions and hanging out with a bunch of creative tech cool cats online.

  150. the delayed gratification thing with no ” free goodies” available upon signup sort of violates one of your principles, doesn’t it?

    if you want to coast on your past performance and hope word of mouth confirms, and it works for you, then cool. if you think making someone first signup and then verify for nothing more than a “thanks, catch ya later” auto-responder message impresses someone I think you should revisit what you told everyone with Product Launch Formula 2.2+ (as in not cool)

    personally, I feel shorted, but that may just be me because I expected more from you from this launch, perhaps because you teach how to produce a top notch product launch? i’m still deciding how cool that is

  151. IM revoles around every basically if I have to put into one word



  152. Internet Marketing to me is…
    The ability for anyone, no matter how big or how small their company, product or message, to reach out and touch people all over the world. When you have something great don’t you want to share it with everyone? Never in the history of mankind, has there been an opportunity as great as the internet for communicating and reacting to your audience in almost real time.

  153. We live on the tiny island of NZ where the population is small and with the economic downturn has become smaller. We decided to make the globe our new community. We are middle-aged with children in different parts of the world and us not able to financially visit for the time being. So…..making passive income to free us to see our children and families is our greatest motivator. We are newbies still learning the ropes and enjoying the wonderful teachers out there in internetland helping us with their roadmaps. Our aim is to offer our insightful products and help as many people along the way. Thank you for the opportunity to express this. Cheers.

  154. Internet Marketing is about making a living by helping others.
    The more problems you can solve, the more you are rewarded.
    Online karma.

  155. Internet Marketing is….well….. Marketing using the medium of the Internet!. But it is still marketing nevertheless. A lot of times we forget that we still have to market, no matter what the medium is. The advantages IM gives us are speed and a massive audience.
    Personally, I hope to use the internet as a medium to grow my personal wealth. I am still very far from it though, but the journey is gradual….

    By the way, Jeff, congrats on the launch of your new blog: very crisp and clean.

  156. Internet Marketing is a magnifying glass.

    * It can take a little dream and some hard work and deposit a 17 year old straight into first class.
    * It can transform a homeless man in a library into a successful man in his own home.
    * It can deliver a harried, hurried single mom from a life of limits to a life of limitless options.

    ** Or **

    * It can paralyze an optimistic dreamer with no work ethic with a sea of choices.
    * It can satisfy a cynic with a self fulfilling prophecy of negative returns.
    * It can give a guy who “just wants to figure it out on his own” a REAL wake up call.

    For me, Internet marketing has been a way to take ideas, both good and bad and magnify them, the good ones have made millions, and the bad ones burnt out even faster then “real life” (Thank goodness, fast burn = less loss)

    Tom bell

  157. There is so much passion in the comments already posted. Internet marketing to me is being able to ‘Turn Dreams Into Reality’.

  158. Internet Marketing provides the shot at the seemingly elusive dream we all have to succeed and better ourselves, and in turn, to help others, making it possible for them to fulfill the dreams they may have felt were previously unattainable. In short, it is the epitome of ‘The American Dream’.

  159. Internet Marketing could mean that I can gradually pay off the bills incurred due to my husband’s long illnesses, all while earning the means to have a life during retirement. Working for a corporation will never give me the ability to focus on my life’s priorities or choose when and how I work, let alone provide a way for me to stay out of debt and follow my writing dreams. And we won’t even mention the daily politics and abuse that are inflicted.

  160. Hi Jeff,
    I am just getting started and have incredible passion to get out of my current situation.
    I have had my own design and apparel corporation that for 18 years. Just recently 7 months ago i was faced with my business shutting down over night due to the economy and companies cutting back.I lost my home and had to move into a 2 bedroom apartment with my wife and 2 kids Gavin 6 and Owen 16 months. I had to go on food stamps and now am have been working every night till 3am in my closet which is 2 x 3 feet to make this happen. I have a vision to not only become successful but get to a place where i can coach people and help others in the same situation or worse. My tag line once i am successful will be the closet millionaire. I love all your stuff and would love to meet you some day. Great job and i am fighting the good fight for all the Cubicle escape artists who desire true Freedom!!!!!!!!!!!

  161. Looking forward to regularly reading your blog.


    Internet marketing = Opportunity

    It’s an opportunity for just about everyone to create something; business, simple income, personal brand, ability to impact/influence, contribute to their niche, and connect with others

    Internet marketing = Magnifier

    Here’s what I think, internet marketing at a basic level is not all that difficult.
    BUT this becomes a magnifier of a person’s true desire to accomplish.

    The responsibility comes down to the individual to execute and make something happen; can’t make excuses about money or resource because everything is readily available…just gotta execute

    This is of course a reminder to myself before anyone else, use the internet as a means towards achieving whatever goal one has instead of adding internet marketing to the basket of excuses why we failed and the world sucks.


    Take care,

    ps. Hope this has something of benefit…a flip cam would be a nice upgrade 🙂
    The videos on my site are actually with the 1st gen. flip camcorder.

  162. I challenge internet marketing to change a country, the Philippines. One that just finished the most amazing automated election while politicians are clowning around blind to the miracle that just happened, a non-failed peaceful election in a nation of 90million people.

    IM I challenge you to help provide livelihood to my people.
    IM I challenge you to help me create one million Filipino millionaires by 2020.
    IM I challenge you to teach me how to create product launches for different companies in different industries in the Philippines.
    IM I challenge you to expand my curent membership site to touch 10 million Filipinos living and working abroad and growing (10% of our population).
    IM I challenge you to daily bring out the best in me as I grapple with my next product launch for a July 29, 2010 Marketing Internet Marketing (the first) in Manila.
    IM I challenge Jeff Walker to visit Manila as Keynote speaker in that landmark Conference where the good guys will introduce Internate Marketing to the Philippines (without the hype).
    IM I challenge you to bless me so I in turn can bless others.
    Mabuhay ang Filipino!

  163. What internet marketing means to me is:

    I will get to be a hero to my family (wife, two boy’s 8 & 10 and my parents).
    The cool part is they already think I am (a hero) but my success (when I get there) will make me feel like one. I can’t wait!! 😉

  164. What does Internet Marketing mean? ***Shrugs*** What doesn’t it mean?

    If I had to choose, Opportunity would be it.

    PS And not having to be at work at 800 am is pretty cool as well.

  165. Those who are most successful in Internet Marketing are those who use their passion (IM) to help other’s fulfill their passions. Pay it forward and you will get it back ten fold.

  166. I have been searching for the success key until I stumbled on your interview with Tony Robbins. Man that interview opened my eyes wide. Now I feel that I am going up to something with internet marketing. Searching about you through the internet, I have found all of your mastermind group and all great honest achievers out there. You and your peers are the true entrepreneurs makers in the internet. I feel lucky to find you before I gave up thinking that internet marketing is all a lousy game to take money from people bucket without contributing to people and adding value to the community.

    I am taking whatever you say word by word and implementing it to my local market and “patient and testing is the key”



  167. Lino Alanguilan


    Hi Jeff! I’ve never been into internet marketing until today, You awaken my mind, It’s a work of ART, great to have this blog. I would probably love to visit your blog very often to persuade myself to get into Internet Marketing Business.

    For me, I’m strongly agree with all the comments above about Internet marketing, nothing left for me, they already commented everything i wanted to say. I could say, Internet marketing is “ROCKING CHAIR Marketing Business”, you know what i mean?

    Lino Alanguilan

  168. Internet Marketing to me is happy, helpful advice. I’m just getting started out and actually just started building my list a month ago and can happily say I have 18 folks on it! What makes Internet Marketing happy, helpful advice is that all of those people on my list, the people who follow me on Twitter, and the folks who have “liked” me on Facebook, all want to learn from me and they are eager to hear what I have to tell them. I didn’t have to find them, interrupt them and try to sell them what I have. It all works the other way around: they found me, they liked what they saw, and decided to follow! They are happy and I am happy. 🙂 And it makes me feel SO good to be able to write to my small list of 18 people knowing that they WANT to hear from me and they WANT me to help them!

    Before I moved to the internet world, I tried cold calling and family and friend referrals to try to make a sale. I was taught that it wasn’t even important if the person wanted what I was selling, that I had to convince them they needed it! I felt horrible about this and the fact is, I wasn’t good at it because I couldn’t let myself convince someone that they needed something if I knew they really didn’t! However, with Internet Marketing I don’t feel like the evil saleswoman only looking out for myself. It’s totally the other way around. I am looking out for my clients and only giving them what I truly believe they need.

    So, to sum it all up, Internet Marketing to me means being able to offer people happy, helpful advice with endless possibilities! 🙂

  169. No, I don’t want to writh a social Proof comment 🙂 Just to comment on something that you wrote, I want to create a dialog… not a monolog….

    You wrote that you had your first one second with 10,000$ and one hour with MIL $, how much time you prepared for it?? it is the most important factor, The money you earn DIVEDED by your time and effort (and I am sure you put a lot of effort and time).

    Lets Call this factor – The Silly Factor.

    So, I am sure – your silly factor is quite high to other people around the world, BUT who has the highest SILLY factor? 🙂 that’s what interesed me, and that’s another whole way to look at this…

    Adi 🙂

  170. Jeff,
    First I want to say how much I admire you and what an inspiration you have been. I have been following you for about 2 years…first seeing you speak at Rich Schefrens’ seminar in FL a couple years ago…what was it? … you spoke of a time that you were deciding which was less expensive…cloth diapers or pampers for your baby? 🙂 Well, many of us can relate to that space of finances…and to see where you are now says …yes, this is real, this can be done. Such a down to earth man and inspiration you are … and touching many people and improving their lives!

    What does internet marketing mean to me? It means possibility …big possibilities…where there was no hope… for a woman abused for many years and with crisis after crisis to the point of almost giving up from this once strong positive person. It was through the internet that messages kept coming in a night for me that was “it is about over, the struggle that I so believed I would overcome, was overcoming me, I was going under totally” …when I was sent e-mail messages online (from a marketer whom had no idea what I was going through and did not know me)…”Do Not Give UP”. I clung to those words…knew there was a higher power using the internet to send me this message. I grabbed a hold of that and today have doors opened wide and will soon be to the point that I am embarking on an internet business where I can reach a whole world. To have finances that I can live a life without desperation, that I can spend time with my father (that I did not get to do with my mother whom is now passed)… and so much other…bottom line is:
    Freedom to do and be with whom and what we Value in life…. And in so doing, to give others that opportunity, touching people through this world -wide web at our fingertips.

    Thank you Jeff for all that you are doing.

  171. Hi Jeff …

    A lot has been said already and some I see & agree with … well, some! 😉

    I think the “Readers Digest” answer is … Internet Marketing leaves me empowered to make choices, freedom to enact those choices and blessed to be a blessing to others both financially and altruistically … in short, everyone wins …

  172. To me Internet marketing means freedom! Freedom of time, money, and location. Freedom to go out, serve the world unselfishly and profit from it.

    I am 23 and just quit my full time job. (Sorry for the brag but very, very stoked about that) Internet marketing has freed me up to be able to do things that have meaning to me. Like run my non-profit (feeding homeless in NYC on the weekends – any NYCer’s on here are welcome to join in!)

    Internet Marketing = Freedom (any kind you may be looking for)

  173. Wow! Almost TWO HUNDRED comments.
    Cool 🙂

    My favorite was #94 by Jason R. Ayers

    Jeff, you’re on the way to becoming the
    Amitabh Bachchan of I.M. 😆

    See Big B’s blog:

  174. Internet Marketing to me is simply “enlightenment”. An inner freedom of expression that is independent of time, money, or location. Freedom to fulfill passions, but an obligation to give back to the world and make it a better place. An opportunity to experience the revelation of life, a deep insight into the meaning and purpose of all things. An opportunity not only to shed the self limiting beliefs that you have allowed to be stored as your truth, but an opportunity to change your beliefs about what is possible.

    Internet marketing is your chance to breath. To exercise. To get outdoors. To meditate. To read. To love. To disconnect.

    It’s your chance to take a deep breath… to fulfill your prophecy.

  175. Hi Jeff,

    Like your tag line. Still trying to think of a slogan that could beat Frank’s “Do good. Get Paid.”

    ~ What is internet marketing to me? (Apart from the 142,561 unread emails…) ~
    Internet Marketing is learning to speak in the heads of thousands if not millions of people around the world, to concur with them their problems and pains, fill them with hope, and give them clickable buttons so that they can seize the opportunity to create change in life for themselves. Should they turn down your offer, learn to give them a second chance, bundled with gifts and words of wisdom that would cost them nothing but their name and email.

  176. Allison Sheffield


    Internet Marketing is a double edged sword, it can be used honorably to truly help people or it can be a money trap, using shady methods to convince the buyer they need and will not succeed if they don’t buy your latest (fill in the blank). The use of NLP on unsuspecting customers falls in the latter category, IMHO, and it basically is wrong to coerce people into doing things that really may not be in their highest and best interest. To all the IMers out there, please think of the customer and not just the money flow.
    If IM is used for good purposes and by honest methods and you make some money….great! If you are in the other camp, it may be time to reconsider what you are really doing.

  177. Jeff…welcome to the world of blogging and enjoyed your post here. Internet Marketing is an adventure in itself full of wondrous moments but also times of frustrations. However, when you put forth effort, dedication, perseverance, and hard work anything is possible and that also applies to Internet Marketing. Best wishes to you in this journey and look forward to hearing more from you.

  178. Hi Jeff,

    You are an inspiration. Congratulations on all of your success and the insights you’ve shared along the way. Obviously, there’s more to come and I can’t wait.

    I’ve watched you for a long time and always look forward to see what you’re up to.

    I’ve been around for many years. Going from part time to full time back and forth for years… and working a full time factory job along the way. And I’ve learned a lot along the way. Most time has been spent servicing clients but in the last year that’s starting to change. You see, I’m focusing on my own projects and the income is starting to roll in.

    It’s very exciting. You see financial issues really set the fire under my butt. And I’m glad it did. Internet marketing to me is helping me get caught up on the bills.

    And like everyone else says Internet marketing is all about freedom. And to get it you should help others along the way. When you lift up others you can all succeed together!

    I’m looking forward to the day I can leave the day job and pursue a full time Internet marketing career!

    All the best to you and everyone commenting on this blog

    Eric Bonnici

  179. Hey Jeff,

    I forgot to mention… my in-laws were always grumbling about me being on the computer too. Always yelling at me to get off the computer and stop playing around. Like you it wasn’t playing.

    Now that they’re seeing checks coming in they sure haven’t said too much. 🙂


  180. Jeff,

    Here it is 16:23 EDT on 5/29 and I’m post number 202 or at least I was when I started writing this. Talk about social proof and scarcity. All these posts and only one Flip Video. It’d be nice to have a flip video. Shoot a quick sequence then post it quickly to the web. What Awesome potential.

    Back to the real reason that I’m posting here and that is your request: “The bottom line is that I’m uber-passionate about what being an online entrepreneur has done for me and thousands of my colleagues, clients, and friends… and I would like to hear about what it’s done (or will do) for you.”

    In response to your call to action here goes –

    We’re a lot alike. Entrepreneur-ism and helping others is critical to who we are. There will still be brick and mortar businesses but the web will determine who the qualified prospects are. In today’s market economy the successful businesses will be the ones who are creating and maintaining relationships over the web. PLF is a prime example of relationship building and business development. Permission based marketing and the horizontal helix allow the Entrepreneur to utilize the power of the web without being obnoxious about it. There are so many internet marketers who just don’t get it. I see it all the time. The super long sales letter. The Subject lines that tell you your stupid if you don’t take action now. They may actually do business. When it comes time to reorder I often wonder if the results will allow that.

    We are getting ready to provide the tools necessary for entrepreneurs to build and advance their businesses. The very things that they will find useful into be in business for themselves but not by themselves. Training and mentoring, resources that we all wish we had access to when we were getting started. Today the internet levels the playing field. People know that they should be doing things on the web. They just don’t know how. That is what we are here for to give entrepreneurs the resources they need to build a nice business based on systems. When your business is based on systems you own it versus it owning you.

    PLF has taught me that email is not dead. With everything people have coming at them, all the information, over 3000 stimulus per day. If you want your message to make it though the noise and achieve a top of mind awareness in your buyer then you have to change the way you’ve been doing business or you won’t be doing business anymore. People, Entrepreneurs who get this simple message will be the ones who are changing the world. That is the change we want, Entrepreneurs bringing products and services to the global community that make life better.

  181. Internet Marketing is the best thing that has ever happened in my life, period. It allows me to be a geek but to be cool at the same time. I can run my virtual mini-empire of goodness from my undies and still remain professional with clients. It’s geeky because most of my friends have no idea what SEO, Google Juice, Squeeze Page, Copywriting or Blackhat is. But I’m still cool, because most of my friends think I’m a genius since I can make money while I take a dump, sleep or have a cocktail in the sun. Everything is automated, and I don’t even need a warehouse to store my digital bits. It also means that I can go to the bank, grocery stores at the best times because no most people are at the office. Internet Marketing makes me feel like Neo in the Matrix. I’m so glad I took the red pill.

  182. This is not a suck up, but your blog is really nice and beautiful. It’s simple and your words are clear and the information in here are easy to understand.

    The reason I choose Internet Marketing is beyond what I can comprehend. It has become really vast, and it had consumed me and it’s a huge maze and really challenging. The fact is, it’s not constant, and it keeps on changing.

    Since it is changing in it’s nature, when you achieved a certain success, the satisfaction is unparalleled. I know the lifestyle this internet marketing can give, and everyone’s dreams of having the freedom to do when you like and from wherever you are. But nothing can touch the achievement and satisfaction it has to offer.

    I refer back to my experience having been 1 year doing the internet marketing (I did not do product launch , sorry). It was at the right time when I was spontaneously having an idea and implemented it in just an hour. And the result was amazing.

    I was in the google 1st page for 1 of the keywords, and the sales was pouring in. I was thrilled because the idea just pop out from my mind.

    Once I laid the foundation of the internet marketing, it’s really the sky is the limit. For me, the creativity and the unlimited ways of doing marketing in the cyberworld, produce that kind of satisfaction no other jobs can come close to it.

  183. It’s all about Freedom. Freedom to move my disabled Mom up to the mountains where she can sit on the porch, look at the pine trees and breathe fresh air. Freedom to take her back to Iowa when I want so she can spend time with her sister and old friends. Freedom to pull out a twenty every time a homeless person asks me for some spare change. Freedom to try new things. Freedom to work for myself wherever I want, whenever I want. Freedom to market to an ever growing global market regardless of traditional economic conditions. Freedom to learn. Freedom to grow. Freedom to find peace and contentment.

  184. Jeff,

    Here’s my list of Internet Marketing methods, from least to most effective:

    Darketing – Marketing without information, a target, or a plan – completely in the dark. Least effective, and by far most common, marketing method used by businesses today.

    Larketing – See ‘Darketing’ – Marketing by whim without plan or purpose.

    Parketing – Hanging the shingle and assuming that, by mere fact of existence, the world will beat a path to your product.

    Quarketing – Invisible marketing, most often employed by those lacking any confidence at all in their own product.

    Barketing – Making a lot of noise, generally annoying the hell out of everyone. Filed under, ‘Local Car Dealers.’

    Starketing – Grabbing attention at any cost to your budget or brand image. See Superbowl Ad,

    Sharketing – Always moving, always looking for opportunities for attention, but never stopping to check results. Most lethal form of marketing – big spending, no measurement.

    Tarketing – Using research to aim your marketing at a good target market, your ideal customer. Here’s where we make the turn to good marketing methods.

    Farketing – Marketing your brand by staying in the news with good PR. See Apple Inc., Ford Motor Company; not Kanye West, Tiger Woods.

    RARketing – Sometimes it’s far more profitable and easy to market your way into being Second Best.

    Snarketing – Sometimes it’s also more profitable to be divisive instead of mass-market. Being the bad boy underdog can earn fierce loyalty among customers.

    Embarketing – Staying fresh and exciting by frequently having something new to share with your market. A sense of adventure keeps folks tuned in.

    Harketing – Marketing by listening. Social media has given your customers a voice louder than any ad campaign. Pay attention, and be responsive.

    Remarketing – Strive to make your product or service completely remark-able by customers. Then let the world know what you did. Seth Godin-style, Purple Cow marketing.

    Arketing – Visionary. Have the only umbrella kiosk in a rainstorm, or the only boat in a flood. Beat the game by staying three steps ahead of the other players. See Facebook, Twitter,


  185. “Being able to empower many more people, in much less time”

    That is what internet markeint means to me!

  186. For me Internet marketing is the way you attract and persuade soemone to do something using the online means. Just a way of living and a tool.



  187. Internet marketing is an opportunity which takes action and creatively makes it successful.

    Honestly, most IM fail to communicate properly with their audience and while I am new to the scene instead of being bombarded with products and retweets after another on who’s who, I like quality participation, thought-provoking incentives, thus it’s the way the blogosphere is heading towards. The kids are getting smarter so we don’t want selling. Just give us something worth the time and creatively make us give our money without feeling cheated.

  188. Jeff, I’m just starting out, trying to get my blog set up, learning, learning, LEARNING about uploading, ftp, hosting, etc…all the stuff that needs to be learned in order to function in this field. I hope to soon get proficient enough to be able to make a profit in this endeavor. I’m in my sixties and I know I can’t depend on Social Security to keep the wolf away from our door. I hope to be successful enough so that I won’t be collecting Social Security, I’ll still be funding it, in a BIG way!

  189. Leif Stenlund


    Internet marketing is all about two things.

    Believability and trust.

    If people don’t believe or trust you, you’re screwed.

  190. I’m thinking what internet marketing will do for my family mostly, how it will change the way my kids will look at the usual ways to earn a living. Independence and freedom are words tossed around a great deal but I think security is probably the biggest advantage internet marketing will give me and to my children. I am new to internet marketing and being in the later part of my life as well but I feel like a teenager getting my driver’s license, that feeling is so cool!!

  191. I really like what you said here, especially the part about entrepreneurs being the “agents of change” in this world.

    That appeals to me not only as an internet marketer and entrepreneur, but from a “philosophical” perspective too. I am a life long student of eastern philosophies, and I spent 10 years of my life studying a system of Chinese, Taoist based martial arts (Hsing-I, Ba-Qua, and Tai-Chi.)

    In Taoism, one of the main concepts, if not the ONE concept that the entire system of thought is based on, can be summed up in a very simple, but paradoxical statement:

    “The Only Constant in the Universe is Change.”

    Not to re-state the obvious, but in case it isn’t, it just means that there really are no constants at all and that Change is the Way (the Tao) of the Universe.

    I think people generally go through life believing the opposite, and attaching themselves to concepts they hope, pray, and believe will be “constants” because it is human nature to fear the unknown (myself being no exception.)

    And I absolutely agree that online marketers truly are shifting the paradigm of the world economy (as Tim Ferris calls it, the “New Economy”) and that this shift is very much a needed one, not just in terms of the dollars, but in terms of the re-shaping and evolution of our concept of business and work.


  192. Absolute Zero Cool!!!

    Dear Jeff,
    I saw your interview with Tony Robbins, and you were the initial force that drove me into the world of Internet Business. You opened up my eyes to the possibility that was right in front of me. I now run four, soon to be five, internet businesses that keep growing every day and move me closer to my goal/dream of thriving on purely passive income.

    Had I not seen that one hour interview, my life would be entirely different. Had you not told your success story, I’d probably be chasing down another one of my crazy ideas. I have referred to many other Internet Business Guru’s, many who have done interviews with you, but you were the first, and without that, none of the others would have followed.

    My response: Internet Marketing Changed My Life Forever.

    Honestly, the camera is nice, but I’m more excited about the thought that you are actually reading this, an Internet Marketing Celebrity, reading my post. Fantastic. Thank you for changing my life.

    -Ryan England

  193. Internet Marketing = Opportunity
    Learning, understanding and implementing IM has created nothing but Opportunity for me.
    For that I am extremely thankful

  194. Jeff it been amazing to know the way you work and it has got me going.

    For me
    Internet marketing is a thing; and a small drop of ink / Falling like dew upon a thought, produces / That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think….

  195. Hi Jeff,

    Great to see you get the blog up & running!

    What has Internet Marketing meant to me?

    It’s meant quite a bit—

    In 2008 it allowed me to take a 3 month unpaid leave of absence from my main job so I could take care of my wife as she battled cancer & underwent multiple surgeries.
    The affiliate income I made online paid all my bills during that time. I would’ve been screwed
    had I not started an online business in late 2007.

    Since then it’s also allowed me the opportunity to meet, work with & become friends with
    some amazing people who I most likely would not have otherwise met were it not for being involved in Internet Marketing.

    And I see it only getting better for the future because with what I’ve learned, I’ll be able to
    pass my knowledge on to my son (he’s only 3 but gets a kick out of watching Frank Kern videos with me & he loves it whenever Big Jason Henderson visits us here in Vegas) so that he’ll have choices & opportunities in life that I never had at such an early age.

    He’ll be able to decide whether to create his own online empire or take a more traditional job if he wants in order to gain that experience. He won’t be forced to work a traditonal job if he doesn’t want to.

    I don’t think it gets much better than that!

    Thanks for asking us all the to post on this topic, it makes for fascinating reading.



  196. I must agree with you about Internet Marketing changing the world’s economies.

    I remember when I realized the power of internet marketing.
    It was when logged back in to my accounts after a little more than a year of no computer and no internet access. I was expecting everything to be gone, or closed due to inactivity but was shocked to find it had just kept earning monthly even when I had no way to access it! That’s when I thought, WOW This is something game changing here.

    It’s definitely a liberating moment when you realize you can make money while you are carrying on with your everyday life. The whole, set it up once and let it earn is possible. It may not be the most efficient way but it’s possible.

  197. I must agree with you about Internet Marketing changing the world’s economies.

  198. Hi Jeff,

    I’ve been watching you since you were answering questions on the
    Warrior’s Forum 4 years or so ago, then you launched your PLF and
    became an “overnight success”.

    You are living proof that internet marketing done right works!

    What internet marketing means to me is being able to spend time
    with my children and Grandchildren at the drop of a hat – regardless
    of what day of the week it is or what’s going on…something I couldn’t
    do while the girls were growing up because I had to “work” all the

    It also means being able to do things for the community like donate
    to the teen center and help build a new children’s classroom on our

    It means going back and showing my wife some of the cool places
    I’ve seen while I was driving a big truck all over the country that
    she couldn’t see because she was at home taking care of the
    kids – places like the real Colorado Springs; (she’s a big fan of
    Dr.Quinn, Medicine Woman) and the Hoover Dam, the St. Louis
    arch, etc..

    Internet marketing to me means being able to hang out with
    successful people and learn what it takes to be successful when
    normally, I wouldn’t be able to because of distance, or the expense

    I’ve heard it said that your income can be determined by the
    average income of your five closest friends, so the internet gives
    anyone an opportunity to choose friends who share a common
    mindset and goals.

    My best friend is Willie Crawford, thanks to the internet and the
    Warrior’s forum. I meet Willie online, then met him face to face
    at a seminar in Atlanta 6 years ago. We’ve been friends ever since
    and it wouldn’t have been possible with out internet marketing.

    To boil it all down, internet marketing means having the lifestyle
    most people only dream about while watching their favorite movie
    or TV show.

    The internet levels the playing field for anybody with enough sand
    to get up off the couch and actually DO something.

    Wher else can you start a multi-million dollar business for less than
    fifty bucks?

    And thanks for all the great stuff you send out. It really helps!


  199. Here is what internet marketing means to me in two words: TIME & RESOURCES!

    More TIME to devote to the people and things that matter most, and less TIME spent on things, people, and chores that I don’t enjoy.

    Along with getting TIME, you can also have the RESOURCES to make the most out of that TIME.

    The RESOURCES to devote to the people and things that matter most, and the RESOURCES to take care of all the things, people, and chores that I don’t enjoy.


  200. muhammad salaam


    I don’t know much of anything about computers,much less about the internet,but I know the internet is the way to go. You mentioned how corny it may sound to say it’s beyond the money,but it truly is beyond the money,and it is about FREEDOM.
    I’ve been out of work for a year,spent all my savings,gave my son my last ten dollars 30 minutes ago,he’s an “A” student in his 2nd yr. in electronic engineering,he’s also unemployed.I keep telling him it:s going to get better,because I believe it will. I’m convinced my possibilities for success is in the internet. Until two days ago I had no idea of who I could possibly trust in this internet world. Iwas reading a publication by a best seller author named Kevin Trudeau, and he mentioned Shortcuts to internet millionaires,and then he mentioned Jeff Walker. So, here I am.
    Jeff, this is beyond the money and the ipod, it’s Freedom.

  201. Hi Jeff

    First, I love the look of your new blog – it is very easy on the eye!

    What internet marketing means to me is a chance to regain the respect of my wife and to repay the hardship I have put my family through.

    Let me expand on this.

    My wife Robynne and I married back in 1985 as two starry eyed youngsters in their mid twenties. I promised so much back then in terms of fulfilling her dreams and as being a provider. But I am sad to say I have not lived up to these expectations at all, far from it to be truthful.

    I ended up working for a non profit organisation from 1987 right up until now. The work I have done has been of tremendous service to others in need and to disadvantaged school children. But unfortunately the remuneration I have received has been very meagre to say the least.

    It has put my family under tremendous strain over the years and of course has fallen well short of fulfilling the dreams and aspirations of my wife – which I might add – were not over the top, but very realistic.

    Sometimes life just gets you in a corner and it is not possible to move – this is what happened to me. People might say you could have left for a higher paying job but things weren’t as simple as that. When you are helping people so much there is a tremendous fulfilment that goes with this – and this is what my major motivating factor is – I hate to see people suffer.

    Further I suffered from quite horrific health problems and this was the only type of job I could hold down. I wouldn’t have lasted a week in a normal company – so I was stuck here – fulfilled on one level but earning very little.

    Then I discovered internet marketing last year. I know it might sound a bit corny, but it literally changed my life. Here for the first time was a way I could keep doing the very helpful and rewarding work I had been doing but could also give back to my family what they so desperately needed and wanted – some financial security.

    But herein lay a problem, but a problem that would be the beginning of a major transformation for the better.

    I desperately wanted to start an internet marketing course but didn’t have the 2000 or so dollars to do it.

    Here I am – a 49 year old man who has been working for many years and still didn’t have $2000 in the bank!

    I found this absolutely disgraceful and absolutely disgusting!

    This was a life changing moment – something inside me shifted and out of this disgrace and disgust arose an overwhelming desire to change and to provide for the family in a far better way. I have saved and worked out a way to get this money so will be able to start the mentoring programme.

    I have learnt a very important lesson from all this.

    As we all know, it is wonderful to give to others, but giving like everything else in life has to be balanced. I was giving tremendously but to the detriment of my own family – this was not balanced or good.

    My family really have suffered a lot over the years with the lack of income – it has put us under incredible pressure regularly. How my wife coped I don’t know. She has been a Trojan – she has stood by me the whole time and supported me fully in the altruistic work I did and as she saw all her dreams slowly but surely disappearing. I have got to give her real credit – she could have walked out numerous times and I am sure many women would have under the circumstances she found herself. Had she walked out I would have been devastated but at the same time I would have completely understood why.

    My children have not missed out on any love and attention which has been there in abundance. They have also learnt a lot about giving to those who are needier than us. But materially they have missed out on what I feel most children should have. Further and the worst aspect of it all, they have had to cope with unpleasant family pressures brought on by my lack of income.

    When my wife and I married she had tremendous respect and admiration for me – here was the man that was going to fulfil her dreams. As the dreams disappeared, so has her respect for me. We still get on well but I know the respect has gone. It hurts, but I can completely understand why.

    I blame no-one but myself – this was all my doing – my inadequacies have led to this all. But now I have a wonderful opportunity to change everything.

    Internet marketing is my one chance to gain back the respect of my wife and remove the financial pressures of my family. I also feel I have a debt to repay to my family for all the hardship I have put them through and of course would very much like to set them up for the future.

    I have no doubt in my mind that it will be very successful because internet marketing is such a wonderful vehicle to leverage ones time and create wealth – one simply needs to apply themselves diligently, be teachable and follow the well trodden path of the experts. And of course – be patient as the business grows.

    It is a huge thank you to people like yourself for guiding us on the way and for providing us with the opportunity to learn and grow and realise our dreams. Without this opportunity I truly don’t know what I would have done. I mean this literally.

    I have got to be honest and say I have used our middle names as I am ashamed and embarrassed by the situation I have outlined.

    Also my apologies for such a long discourse – I never intended it to be this long. I just set out to tell you my story … and this is how long it took.

    With sincere thanks


  202. Pingback: Future of Business and Education « Healthy American Politician's Blog

  203. When you build a website with the bells and whistles you have your maserati. Internet marketing is taking the maserati out of the garage and driving it!!

  204. I started online in 1992 advertising on BBS’s. Since then I’ve started over a dozen site’s – sold two, and let a bunch go. Now my main push is to market the Accelerator for Success system using the Dream Bar cafe principles. which is a combination of Tony (peak performance) Robbins, and Jay (the Marketer) Abraham. It has been a wonderful experience earning a living online. Wishing you (the reader) much success.

  205. Wow Jeff~
    Thank you so very much. I am honored and sooo excited too.

    I love what I do and love helping people and am so grateful when I find great teachers who really do want to make a difference. Thank you for being one of them and for picking my comment as the winner! I am sooo psyched!

    Thanks thanks thanks

  206. Pingback: Healthy American Politician » Future of Business and Education

  207. Pingback: Jeff Walker Gave Me An iPad! | ATMac

  208. To me, the evolution and impact of internet marketing and all the opportunities it brings along is a sign of our movement towards The Singularity 🙂

  209. Why you? Why me? Why us? Why not?

    Although I have a lot to be humble about, I have found that humility is overrated for getting what I want. Audacity and tenacity have worked better for me.

    My desire is to make the final years of my career of chaotic creativity more productive and profitable. Not just for the money, because if money were my main motivation, I wouldn’t have pissed away so much of it. I would also very much like to help make the world a better place. Right now that would not take much.

    People toss around the term “business model”. Referring to online marketing I may have thought about “portal”. While I have a couple of dozen proprietary products and services with trademarks and DNs, I have over 300 more DNs which were created for probably another couple of dozen discrete business, consumer, geo, legal, political and financial niches. I don’t care what we call the model, but my desire is to set up and launch groups of minisites, blogs, etc. which drive traffic to affiliates, advertisers, or owned product, publishing or membership sites. I want to do this in as subcontracted, joint ventured, or licensed and automated a fashion as possible. Freedom is what means the most to me and Creativity is my strong suite. I already have relatively low-rent autonomy. What I want from now on is relatively high dollar AutoMoney.


  210. Well, I have been attempting to learn how to do business online for about 6 years now. I have made about 2 or 3K in that time. But, I will not quit. I know, the first dollar is the hardest one to earn and I have done that. For me, having a successful internet business would mean being home for my youngest son. Being there when he has his surgeries and not have to leave him to go to work. (he was born with a unilateral cleft lip and pallet (sp), while he has had the lip and pallet surgery, he still need the surgery for the gums. They will take the bone from his hip.) It also means getting out of debt.

  211. Keep at it Christina!

    Don’t give up because you have a compelling reasons to make it happen and if you stuck with it this far then the future looks bright for you!


  212. LIFE SUCKS!

    In general that’s the starting point for everyone. Bills, work, not enough time to do what we we want with who we want, go where we want. So, we settle, knowing that there’s gotta be a better way, we can all see it. And know that if we just had a little more, time, money, and means, we could be a better us. Experiencing more of the glimpses of heaven that we have randomly been exposed to thru our life. And the older we get the list grows longer. Just a little more giving us more faith and hope to do what we know deep down we have the heart felt desire to express. To add more to the magic moments in our life and share them with everyone, in a simple way experiencing the heaven that life can be on earth for us in our own unique way and giving that experience to others. But life sucks, and knowing that heaven is just beyond fingers reach, and knowing that it exists is what puts a wall between the magic that can be and what is for most. The keys that unlock the ease of life and lets the light shine in is 2 magical things, loving life, and leverage. They go hand in hand. With a light load anyone can find more of their heart and life gets better as a byproduct. And leverage is the key that makes the transformation possible. Leverage, it always has been, the wheel, mass production, etc… What the internet does is allow almost anyone and everyone the door to this leverage. The key is to know how to use the tool to lighten the load of life long enough to experience the joy just being alive has to offer. The finer things, friends, family, nature, travel, gift giving to see faces light up, charity to make the world of difference to one person for less than a dollar and then multiply that, all this by offering a little bit of time and connecting with those like a part of us in a way that ads a little value to their life. Everything in life takes 3 things to manifest time, money, and ability. With money you can hire just about any service, giving someone else more business, buy a tool that does it faster, better, or for us, with money you can hire someone to fix your car, plumbing etc, instead of spending that time doing it yourself, with money it buys us time the one thing that is in a limited supply for all of us. And the 3rd is ability, with money it can even help with ability healthier family, etc… Stress is the number one cause of ill health it breaks down our immune system weakening the human body for foreign life to grow that is counter productive to our genetic make up. Money and time, leverage is what the internet offers and marketing is the tap the opens the barrel, to a better life for all of us it makes everyone in the world closer and instantly accessable. We are the only animals on this planet that have the ability to communicate to another one of our species at this moment on the other side of the world. That is profound.
    There are powers in numbers. And the internet is what allows the minorities to become groups able to connect and express different aspects of the human experience. This is our time to enjoy life, express it, and experience the fullness of it. What will we do with it? Will we make the best of everything that is be offered to us in this moment? Will we make the world a better place by just being a better us? Internet marketing means that life doesn’t half to suck anymore. Now it’s a choice.

  213. Hi Jeff, I am doing your course now and I feel like saying here that I came to your course through a very difficult time in my life. I had an amazing successful offline business that I lost in a divorce. It was unfair and devastating and since then I am struggling. I signed up for your course to turn my life back around. For me, the motivation to turn my life around is big, but it isn’t even enough to keep me going. For me I have two other motivations that keep me going and keep my determined to learn from you and succeed. One is that I have two girlfriends who are on there own and need financial health in their lives. I want to take them with me on a journey to success. The other is that I believe the higher purpose to me losing my great business is I am meant to connect with the world in a way I couldn’t before. I think I am going to find a way to do that through Product Launch Formula.
    Thanks Jeff, may our dreams come true

  214. Jeff,

    I’ve gone back as far as i can on your blog to start my reading. Proves something I often say … A few good blog posts trump a legion. As for my cyber-stalking — there’s got to be a better term for it — more like a completely transparent and thorough investigation of a company that I’m looking to give my child’s education money to in exchange for a concrete path and hopefully a few connections with others who are also neck deep in the “lawlessness” of living outside of the lines. So, yah … I wont even be bashful about it … I’m going to see what your absent presence looks like on the web. I’m even, dare I be so honest, going to use “the way back machine” and even torrent you. … Now quit looking at me with the same eyes Mike Myers used at that read head in Waynes World 🙂

    I have a feeling we’ll get a good laugh about this someday. … So how did you two meet? … Well Brett Allen pretty much stalked me on the web and while he seemed a little insane at first, he turned out to be quite upright and insanely honest!

  215. Thanks, Jeff.
    My Hero was and still is my Dad. He died 40 years ago, but the lessons he taught me still live on in my heart, mind and actions.

    “ROCK ON”

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  218. Hi Jeff,

    I think the coolest thing about Internet Marketing – and this is what jumps out to me about it, is that it really has become “the rocket-sled out of the world of ordinary-ness” .

    I’ve just climbed into the seat and strapped myself in and I’m as nervous as anything. I can see this is going to be something of a ride, the switches are engaged, the GO button is hot and my finger is just there ready to press. I’m just going to take a deep breath, shut my eyes and….

    Wish me well.

    PS: I think this might hurt a bit but here goes anyway.

  219. Hello Jeff,

    I have earned all my money till date from Freelance websites so for me it would be dream come true if i can earn seven figure income from product launches.

    Thank you

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