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As we approach the end of another year, it’s natural to reflect on where we’ve been and where we want to go. This time of year feels like a chance to look at our lives and businesses with fresh eyes and decide how we want to move forward.

One of the greatest things about having an online business is the freedom to design your life. 

You get to ask yourself questions like: 

Who do I want to work with? How much do I want to work? What kind of lifestyle do I want to create?

After nearly 30 years in online business – and teaching people how to launch their businesses –  I’ve seen firsthand how powerful it is to pause, reflect, and make intentional plans for the future.

Let’s explore some proven tactics that will help set you up for a successful year ahead.

Reflect on What’s Worked and What to Improve

The first step is to look back and evaluate what’s gone well over the past year. It’s not about dwelling on what didn’t work or getting bogged down in mistakes.

Instead, it’s about recognizing the wins and understanding what you can do better.

For me, I like to ask:

  • What worked well that I want to repeat?
  • What do I want to change or eliminate?
  • How can I make things more streamlined and focused?

This year, I decided to take one major project off my calendar because I want to simplify things and focus on what really matters. The goal is to keep doing more of what works and let go of what doesn’t serve you.

Set Your Vision

Once I’ve reflected on the past, I start looking ahead and mapping out the upcoming months. I ask myself, What do I want to create? Where do I want to lead my clients and my team?

This is where you can start sketching out your goals for the year, whether it’s planning new product launches, refining your offerings, or developing a clear marketing strategy that truly resonates with your audience. A well-thought-out plan helps you stay intentional about your time and energy, while a strong marketing strategy will be key to driving engagement and growth.

Here are a few questions to guide your planning:

  • What types of promotions or launches will I run?
  • What value do I want to bring to my audience?
  • How can I lead my team and clients to the next level?

Review Your Tactics

After setting your goals, it’s time to get into the nitty gritty. Look back at the strategies and tactics that worked well over the past year.

Which campaigns brought in the most engagement or revenue? Which platforms delivered the best results? Did your organic or paid traffic perform better?

By analyzing what worked, you can make informed decisions about what to replicate and what to refine. This process of review is something we take seriously in Jeff Walker’s Launch Club®, where we regularly debrief launches and learn from them.

Learning from Every Launch

One of the most valuable things we do in Launch Club is our debrief process. After each launch, our members fill out a form that documents their results – what worked, what didn’t, and what could be done differently next time.

But it doesn’t stop there. We schedule one-on-one debrief calls with a coach, where we dig deeper into the data and insights. It’s all about refining the process, tweaking offers, and figuring out how to engage a bigger audience next time.

This process has helped countless entrepreneurs fine-tune their launches and see even better results. It’s not just about the launch itself but the learning and growth that comes after.

Adapting to Market Shifts

Because we do so many of these debriefs, we’ve got a pulse on what’s happening in the market right now. Over the past couple of years, we’ve seen some big shifts in online business,  especially as the world has been adjusting to the 2020 lockdowns.

While the Covid era brought challenges, it also created opportunities for many online businesses. But as things have started to settle, new challenges have emerged.

The landscape is always shifting, and staying ahead of these changes is crucial. That’s something we’ve been closely watching, and the lessons we’ve learned are already making a huge impact on how we plan for the future.

As entrepreneurs, we’re wired to be optimistic. We believe in what’s possible, and we’re always creating, building, and pushing forward. That’s why this time of year is so exciting – it’s a chance to plan, create, and build the life and business you want.

As you reflect on the past and look ahead to the future, remember to stay intentional about your goals, focus on what truly matters, and embrace the process of learning and growth.

Enter your best email address here, and you’ll get instant access to Launch Quickstart – my FREE training designed to help you build a business you love.

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