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Is selling evil? Or is it sacred?

When have you done good by selling someone? Please leave a comment and let me know…

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34 Replies to “Is Selling Sacred?”

  1. Hi Jeff….

    Timing – In the Greater Scope of Things:

    You know it is funny Jeff, how sometimes I find your posts in my YouTube stream of things to watch at the best times…

    I have been working on a product release that I believe will help people on a lot of levels for a long time.
    I don’t have a lot of debt – don’t have to have the money… can live fairly comfortably on my retirement income.

    Here I am today really burnt out from more work than I absolutely have to do – Self imposed work…
    I have some help in coding – design – product suggestions but mostly I am on my own.
    It is something I really love and want to do – but, 12-18 hour days for weeks no months on end…
    Have left me drained…

    Today… I wonder “Is it worth it”… “Will my product really help as much as I believe it will or can…” Will it pay off…”
    It has been long in coming – tons of research – keyword evaluations & tracking – sales copy written with the consumer in mind-
    scripts after scripts for videos – all to be used in SWSL’s in part as you suggest…

    Then this video today… about 7 hours ago… “Sacred Selling”
    Selling is essential I have no problem with it –
    Nothing moves if something is not bought and sold- so goes Master’s level instruction in Industrial Marketing…
    I have been successfully doing it for more that 37year

    Funny how certain things come at the right moment…
    “Sacred Honor” – “Duty” are very cherished concepts and words to me.
    When I heard your message today these two words jumped out “Sacred & Duty” to form “Sacred Duty”…
    Therein lies a particular process the speaks to me of Honor- It is the right thing to do for the right reasons….

    Thanks for the continued positive content –
    it is making a difference – stirring the hearts and souls of its recipients…

    I was thinking today during my lunch – how much I almost hate the fact – of what others do with their mailing lists –
    It seems that most think that all I am is their personal ATM machine – send an email – buy my product – haven’t heard hide nor hair from them except to try to sell me their new thing… Not to be to harsh – that type of sales burns out their lists – Yours certainly does not…
    Thanks 🙂


      • I enjoy sharing enthusiasm, but I think selling can be evil when the goal is to sell someone “a thing” they really don’t need. I love educational marketing, on the other hand. I’m deeply committed to the environment, so I’m delighted to be in business that shares information in exchange for compensation!

        • Great point Anaiis. That’s the reason Inbound marketing is gaining so much momentum. It doesn’t interrupt the audience with promotional messages but creates trust through valuable content.

    • Dear Jeff,
      As you Americans would say, right on the money. I’m studying open intelligence presently. One of the interesting idea that is easily tested is that afflictions or aversion is simply “stuff” we haven’t yet integrated into the whole. There is a simple indivisibility to pure consciousness, selling isn’t good or bad it is part of the dynamic expression that we all take part it.

      And you’re right we owe it to ourselves to express fearlessly from the heart, them others “get it!”
      Great sharing,


  2. I like your enthusiasm, well said, Jeff. Selling = transferring enthusiasm, when done the right way. “to lead, serve”…”to serve, sell”.
    Another rockstar video, thanks — I love selling, because it’s Helping transfer knowledge when done ethically. You’re the most relevant voice in IM — keep it up…

    to massive profits,
    ken c

  3. I love the concept of transferring enthusiasm. A powerful start to any transformation! Thank you Jeff Walker.

  4. Good video Jeff. Like you say, selling is just a tool and I think you are doing your prospects a disservice if you don’t offer them a product or service to enrich their lives.

    Many people think of a salesperson and the sleazy car salesman comes to mind (sorry car salespeople for the generalisation) but if you are offering good products or services with valuable information then you are not being sleazy, you are trying to help your prospects.

    I think as long as you are selling with integrity and the goal is to add value to your prospects, not to make lots of cash, then selling is a valuable tool and you are potentially causing your prospects more pain by NOT offering them your solution.

  5. I resonate with your “sacred” perspective Jeff. It makes sense. I do not have a sales gene but I am passionate about what I do and how it benefits couples and families. Producing and selling products that help people connect is sacred work. I learn a sales approach by integrating PLF, but the heart of the process is a sacred belief in what I do and offer to others. Thank you.

  6. I love the phrase transferring enthusiasm. My natural perfumes enrich lives and provide transformation. Conveying that on my website with integrity is key. Thank you for the wonderful video…sales is sacred.

  7. This post should be read by all job hunters who shudder whenever the word “selling” is mentioned. I loved Jeff’s concept about selling: to think of selling as another tool to be used well or poorly, it will be used well when we try to help someone with a product, and how everything we own and love is the result of a sale. Jeff also mentioned enthusiasm as a necessary ingredient to have. Jeff has it. Look at how animated Jeff is while presenting. People conducting job finding campaigns should listen to Jeff’s video over and over again.

  8. Hi Jeff,
    Great video, I’m passing it on to my sales team. That in and of itself is funny. I have a sales team! After less than 8 years in business we have three of us doing what was one of my 16 jobs a few short years ago.
    We now have a saying that it’s not a good week if we didn’t make someone cry.
    We sell signs. Many times we are selling a sign to a first time business owner. When someone has taken the plunge into a business after working for someone else or moving from a home based business into a store front, it is a culmination of a dream for them. We get to be there for that moment and watch their face as they well up in tears at the realization that the sign on their building brings them. Yes I will sell them a sign and I will cherish it every time!
    Sacred indeed!
    Rene Paré
    MI Custom Signs
    Taylor, MI

    • @Rene: thanks for sharing… it’s funny, I never thought about how selling/creating signs before – and what a pivotal, epochal moment getting a new sign is for a new company. I’m smiling just thinking about that moment, and how you get to share it with so many entrepreneurs! 🙂

  9. This is well done and the timing is great for me.

    I have stepped out of a life of deep depression and still have a problem with procrastination. One of my most recent books “The Species Who Tells Stories: Humans That Is” would likely be of great interest to you, although I am still doing some further editing in it! When it is ready I will send you an invite to comment upon it.

    The second blog session is running in the background and I will quit writing here so that I can focus upon it.

    Great messages and so well timed for me. Thanks

    Love and Above to all who seek the Truth!
    Jim H. White
    writing as
    Jesuis Laplume

  10. Wow. Your blog post was very timely. I am not your typical reader because I am not a marketer per se. I prepare Weight Watchers inspired meal plans for subscribers. I have a very small team of 4 back-up employees. Lately the time and effort put in to the business has made me pause to question whether this was all worth it. Although I realize what I do makes a difference in people’s lives (I get feedback daily), your video solidified my commitment to “serving” my clients. That is ultimately my goal and your video just “woke me up”. Thanks immensely.

  11. I’m HUGELY enthusiastic about the product I make – In fact i spend more time making it and bringing out new models than i do selling. However, I STRUGGLE immensely with transferring my enthusiasm to the market ! I dont seem to be able to get that energy I have and feel out to the market….. :/

  12. Stephanie L. Jones


    As a speaker and author, I always tell myself that I have something that millions of people want but don’t know how to get, and that’s healing (from abuse) and joy, so it helps me (sell) what I know. I know that I’m helping them heal.

    Great, great video! It made me think about my days as a bank teller when DEBIT CARDS came out. I actually did good convincing people to sign up for the little plastic square that would replace their paper checks. “If you don’t like it, just cancel it.” That never happened.

    Thank you Jeff!

  13. Patricia Grace


    Hi Jeff,
    Once again you have demystified a very real dilemma that many have. Whether real or perceived, this is an issue often by virtue of their experiences with “being sold” something. I too have had an aversion to being “in sales”. Changing the focus to being “in service” to those I present my products and services to and “transferring enthusiasm” is the proper scope. Thanks for the reframe. My heart just connected, which is what was needed.
    Continue in excellence.

  14. Great video, Jeff. The word “selling” conjures such negative images and suppositions. Selling done right is simply telling. I wrote about this from a similar angle recently — —
    when I explored the spiritual aspects of entrepreneurship.

  15. Jeff,
    I remember what you said at plf 2014 – they come to you for help but stay for the love.
    As always, thanks for the reminder that when done well, we can transform and spread our love. Big hug!
    Shannon Sedlacek

  16. Great video!
    So many great products and entrepreneurs get stunted in the sales piece because they have deep rooted beliefs that money is evil and that spiritual people shouldn’t make money with their divine gifts, or with the work they do. “Money is the antithesis of spirituality…” and all those types of thoughts.

    There’s all sorts of beautiful, generous things we can do with the money we make. It took me years (and years) to get past the belief that money can’t go hand in hand with goodness, spirituality and a really sacred life.

    I wish there were more videos like this years ago when I first started out. It would have saved me years of struggle if I had learned to get past my money-is-evil mentality when I was a fledgling entrepreneur! I’m a designer and my very best work now happens when I help clients jump into branding while keep one foot in their own sacred space. Thanks for bringing this topic to your audience 🙂 It’s so important and it’s amazing to see!

  17. Thank you. I’m trying to decide whether to charge a very small subscription fee to my online only local newspaper. My readership has grown exponentially in the five+ plus years I’ve been doing it. I’ve offered the news at no cost, but am seriously thinking about the subscription option. I know I’ll lose some readers, but I think I’ll keep the dedicated ones, I hope. I know I have helped those who buy ads with me, which is what has powered the news so far, but I’m always worrying about enough money to pay my freelancers. Still trying to make the decision. This has pushed me a bit toward selling it, but am still a bit reluctant. Would like to make the advertising aspect work better.

  18. Hi Jeff,

    This is such an important point for me as a beginning entrepreneur and as a person of faith. Selling that is in the service of others, is value packed (even to overflowing), and meant to improve other people’s lives, is indeed good (even “sacred”) and is a blessing for all. — Steve

  19. It’s important to consider Marketing as Sacred, because otherwise you’ll feel guilty when you sell something!
    Thank you Jeff… from an italian supporter! 🙂

  20. I always look forward to these messages. I am going to go and get ’em this week! Thanks!

  21. Very powerful words, thank you. Sacred selling. That resonates well in two directions. In how to treat the customer and in how to create the product/deal. New standard? Sounds good. THX from Germany.

  22. Jeff– I’m so glad I found you or maybe the universe put us on the same path for a specific reason. Regardless, timing is perfect. I am a professional dog trainer, am a 1-woman show, & love helping pet parents communicate clearly with their dogs & stop unwanted behaviors via private, customized training in their home. I’m not the best trainer in the world, but I’ve helped a boatload of people in the past 7 years. The basic nature of my business is to continuously find new clients, since they only need my services for a few weeks or months. And I’m not good at the sales close. I want to help the prospect, but need help feeling better about asking for them to invest. I know it will improve their lifestyle & especially improve the bond/relationship they have with their dog, so I like your approach of thinking how what I have to offer is very beneficial to the buyer. And I don’t have to use aggressive sales tactics to achieve that message. I look forward to learning more from you.

  23. If it weren’t for you Jeff, I wouldn’t be selling anything as I always had the sleazy image in my mind! So this post on selling is sacred really hit the mark and aligns perfectly with PLF. I’m thankful that I’ve been able to apply PLF and be able to share my meditation practices to be people who are desperate for rest and relaxation as well as getting some decent sleep! For me to get feedback from clients saying that they feel better about themselves, they don’t feel so anxious, that they slept more than a few hours at night, it’s awesome. Yes, we need to move past the connotations that sales has and move from a place of sharing our gifts and transferring that energy to where it’s wanted, needed and appreciated.

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