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My students have done some amazing launches over the years… 6-figures, 7-figures, and even 8-figures in revenue. The thing is – it’s probably not gonna be your first launch out of the gate. But here’s why that first launch is so critical (even if it won’t make you an instant millionaire)… 

Here’s a link to Susan’s case study:

Here’s where you can sign up for my upcoming Launch Masterclass:

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14 Replies to “How Many Launches to Get to Six Figures? (It Can Be Done)”

  1. I have done my first Launch in the first week of Covid Madness – with just my notes from your book, Jeff… Tuning a little bit the process by seeing the free Masterclass you posted right when I was sending the last videos (open cart). And I did a little over 6700 dollars.
    Since then, I bought your course, and joined the Club. I’m working very hard to implement what I’m learning. And I’m confident my next Launch will be a success.
    It’s tough, for sure. Today for example I really needed a little rush of energy. Your video gave it to me. By remembering that in February, I hadn’t started anything. And that now I’m having an all different perspective on my business, and on my life in general.
    SO, I warmly, deeply encourage all the people watching this video today to stay tuned, watch the next free Masterclass… and to make the investment to join the Launch Family. It’s the best investment you’ll make, because it’s an investment on yourself – on new perspectives.
    All the best from a French guy, lost in the hills of Spain, and fully immersed in that wonderful American energy of “hard work gives great results” !

  2. Colin Johnson


    What I see so far is inspiring. My wife and I have something great. We have an idea to launch but we would to gain more more knowledge.

  3. Message received.

    That’s sounds too easy.

    Shouldn’t I make it more complicated? Like focusing on all the things I don’t have—or better yet, focusing on things I need to do before I host a seed launch.

    : )

  4. James M Hughes


    Jeff, diving through your wisdom this morning it struck me “ what’s Jeff mean by “creating your product after you get paid?”

    Much appreciation,

    • Often it’s something like people signing up for a live class and paying tuition before class starts. Then you record the series of video lessons and package them into a product to see down the road. It’s a twofer!

    • If you buy his book Launch, then read the Chapter on the Seed Launch, he walks you through the high level concept of product validation through sales prior to product creation. It’s a brilliant strategy that has been very helpful to me in ensuring any product I make will have buyers prior to creation. Hint- it also helps you have the motivation to see it through!

  5. Yes, it seems many people seem to think they have to come out of the gate with their ultimate business launch all mapped out, perfect and reaching ultimate success right away! It takes time to build something, and you just need to begin, a few failures and reviews, experience! Good video Jeff

  6. Thanks for the re-cap of Susan’s amazing success. I built my whole online business by doing seed launches for all three of my autism courses starting in 2015. I’m very thankful I found you Jeff so many years ago. Your advice has already helped so many families struggling in the autism world and we’re just scratching the surface!!


  7. It is very inspirational, and it is amazing how she could do the projection in her mind, and she did obtained even bigger and bigger results later. Thanks for PLF and for the powerful testimonials.

  8. Jeff, I want to be part of this case study! I have a team and am tracking the data and building a social experiment case study off the work I am doing with Product Launch Formula. We are LinkedIn connections and I am the type of person who can not only provide info, but design it to help further your brand…especially amongst younger generations 20-35 year olds.

  9. Love this – “the way to get started is to get started”. Yes. You have to not be afraid to fail

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