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Sometimes you just have to go your own way…

Sebastien (the French Marketer) is in my Platinum mastermind group… and last year he came to our Plat meeting and told us about a plan he had to take six months off, only work one hour a day, and travel around the world with his girlfriend Cecile.

Sadly, we had to tell him that he didn't have the proper systems in place to take the trip without blowing up his business.

Then four months later Sebastien came to our next Platinum meeting and showed us the systems he had put in his business so he could take his trip.

It was heartbreaking, but we had to tell him that we just didn't think he was ready. The trip was a disaster-in-the-making for his business. No matter how badly he wanted to take the trip, we just didn't see how his business was ready.

But there was a secret Sebastien hadn't told us about – he planned to propose to his girlfriend while they were on the trip. And there was no way he was going to postpone or cancel his trip around the world…

Watch this video for the story of Sebastien and Cecile's trip (and to find out what Cecile's answer was)…

P.S. Happily, this is one time when Sebastien made the right call and ignored our advice. Sometimes you have to listen to your instincts… and he did. And his business is doing just great.

P.P.S. I just love my “job” … helping people like Sebastien create the lifestlyle they want just never gets old. 🙂

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78 Replies to “Taking Six Months to Dance Around The World”

  1. Thank you Jeff for this post!

    That’s really what I dream =)
    To date, I can afford to travel 3 months around the world, without touching my internet marketing.

    I do not need expensive machinery and equipment, my freedom and lifestyle the most expensive for me.

    I am Russian, and we have so many guys who lives earning in the information business. This deystvitlno cool, cool that you write about it, Jeff.

    Thank you!

    PS: Forgive me for the bad english

  2. Thanks! That brought a tear to my eye. It helps remind me of why I started doing online work to begin with.


    Ryan Nagy

  3. That is pure awesome and one way to really hone your dance skills. Way to go Sebastien!

  4. Jeff,
    I recall you mentioning something about this video at PLF Live, thanks for sharing.
    What a way to celebrate life and love. Congratulations Sebastien & Cecile!
    Corey Quinn

  5. Absolutely and wonderfully delightful. Way to go Sebastien!!! And thank you, Jeff, for helping so many make their dreams come true.

  6. How wonderful!!!!! This is exactly what I was talking about today. We all want to help people live happier, fuller lives– including ourselves!! This is exactly the degree of freedom I want–and am on target to achieve. Excellent to see it in motion!

  7. Well – that was completely awesome! Sebastien and Cecile – wishing you great happiness. Jeff – what can I say – don’t stop providing the tools to make dreams come true!

  8. What a great story, thanks for sharing! I am glad he did not take your advice either as I know first hand the importance of making such life experiences happen. On April 1st of this year my wife and I set out on our own year long dance around the world. We went “all in” by selling our house/cars/stuff. And my online business was not in a place to sustain while traveling. BUT I am a PLFer and I know I can build a new business when our trip of a lifetime is over. I am writing this while relaxing in a small village in France while raising a glass to you and all you do Jeff, thank you!

  9. Wow awesome!!! I was there we he brought up the idea of the trip to the mastermind group, great to see him realize his vision, and living out his dream. Much success to you Sebastien!!!!

    Awesome video…

  10. Perfect!
    Design your Ideal Lifestyle first.
    THEN have your business be a component fo your ideal life.
    If you’re business is awesome but you’re not happy, what’s the point right?

  11. Wow, that’s inspiring. Traveling the world is something I wanna do. It is so joyful to see other people doing this. Great story. I wish Sebastien and Cecile a wonderful life.
    Jeff, it’s amazing how you are making such a huge impact on people’s lives.

  12. That’s AWESOME! Very inspiring and I LOVE how Sebastien made his dream (and his girlfriend’s) come true even despite nay-sayers! Congratulations on your engagement, Sebastien!

  13. It’s really enthusiastic to watch such simple moments means so much to all of us that had the chance to fly overseas and fell the freedom that we feel when you are traveling! Hope one day I’ll be able to do so with my beautiful Mariley, my wife! Thanks for share with us.

  14. Wow…
    Thank you Jeff for this blog post, and thanks everyone for your comments !

    I have to say that I *DID* listen to the group’s feedback : Although I tuned out the conclusion that I didn’t like, I listened carefully to every cause of warning that the group raised. And I took massive action to eliminate those problems in time.

    I believe that the strength of this Mastermind that you built, is that it is one of the very few places where one can show up and be vulnerable and share the actual challenges, and get both amazing business feedback and heart-to-heart support.

    That’s why it was also so important to me that one of the places I’d bring Cecile too would be the Plat meeting. It’s a second family to me, and now she can understand it for having seen it first-hand.

    That is something I’ll be grateful for on Thanksgiving… and since we don’t have this holiday in France, I get to consider that everyday is Thanksgiving this year ! 😉


  15. Some day, Jeff… I’ll have to tell you about the life style I’ve been living since PLF… cause I’m not really in Vietnam anymore, I’ve been traveling the world for over a decade now.

    Ever since my very first launch that’s been happening on passive income.

    There is NOTHING like it. And I owe that to your work.


  16. Very cool! Way to go Sebastien! Pretty amazing stuff Jeff it must feel so amazing helping so many people make their dreams come true.

    ……..Thank you………..Richard

  17. Hello Jeff, Sebastien’s video is doing a big buzz in the French marketing community!!!
    We loved it!!!! what a beautiful trip and Love story!!! I already worked with Sebastien : Seduire le client and lancement orchestra. a few years ago… He is really great!!;-))
    I will also meet on december David Jay for a workshop, Sebastien was his client. I am happy the French community is a part of your team!!!
    It’s thanks to Sebastien i decided to get into Marketing!!!
    kind regards to you and your team.

  18. Jeff:

    Have followed you for several years & truly admire your work & the quality of person you are. Thanks for this great video & Sebastial you did the absolute right thing. Sometimes you truly just have to follow your gut. Oh, & congratulations to your and Cecile……..

    Best and a very Happy Thanksgiving to all….



  19. WooHoo magnifique Sebastien! Tres impressionante votre video! Love that you followed your dreams and did not even let the well meaning advice of others get in your way. Bravo to you too Jeff for sharing that sometimes it is most important to listen to that inner wisdom even when it goes against all logic! Merci beaucoup!

  20. Jeff,


    I think what I love most is that he made his dream a reality. Anything really is possible (especially with *love* as the motivation) 🙂

    Thanks for sharing!!
    Jennifer Trask

  21. Way to go Sebastian and Cecile! What a wonderful idea and video! Loved it and am immensely fired up to do something similar! Thanks so much Jeff; I hope to take your course in 2014 and transform my life and business. Thanks for sharing this inspirational blog.

  22. I just got back from 5 months on the road in Europe. 10 countries and 23 cities with a shoulder bag and my girlfriend. Our videos are almost identical to his. Best thing I ever did. Do it!

  23. As we get ready for a half way around the world trip I completely understand that not all decisions make the most sense. But in the context of a full life they fit in and add purpose. Great video. thanks jeff

  24. That is pretty cool. Traveling is life-changing and incredibly addicting. Having a solid system that brings in the money while on the road is priceless!

  25. Beautiful video. Shows the life and dreams you can achieve with some work, and taking a chance in the process. I’m impressed.

    All the happiness in the world to the Sebastian and Cecile.

  26. Beatrix Willius


    Beautiful video.

    What will Sebastian dream of next after he fulfilled his dream?
    Why did Sebastian ask his peers for their opinion if he didn’t want to listen to their answers?
    Why did Jeff and collegues think that Sebastians business would tank with 6 months of absence?
    And why didn’t it?

    • @Beatrix: The answer to your second, third, and fourth questions are contained within Sebastien’s comment up above – see comment #21.

  27. Simply awesome! Sebastian, as Tony Robbins talks about, you “knew your outcome” and weren’t willing to let any obstacles stop you from executing the plan you visualized. Way to go. 😉 P.S. Enjoyed our chat at PLF Live immensely! Too bad I did not get to meet your sweetie pie 😀

  28. Maria Zita S. Villar


    I was amazed of Sebastien and Cecile… They made such a wonderful trip with full of love. Though I am not an internet marketer or doing any internet business, I was clearly enlightened of the ways and truth revelation you made. God bless you!

  29. Félicitations Sebastien et Cecile! 🙂 Sometimes you just have to follow your heart. And thanks for the inspiration this morning Jeff — much appreciated….

  30. This video just goes to show 2 things:

    1. Follow your hears desire… always!
    2. If in any doubt, refer back to point 1…

    Made my day! Thank you Sebastian!

  31. Thanks for sharing this been struggling for a while but after seeing this I know it will not be a longer journey than I thought This actually brought tears to my eyes! HAPPY TRAILS TO ALL WHERE EVER THEY MAY LEAD!

  32. Hi Jeff
    I am newbie just started online business last month. This is a wonderful story. I love travelling, have done some but would like to do more. As I am nearly 60 and just started the business I think it is going to take me some time and lots of hard work to even think about this much travelling.
    I wish all the happiness to Sebastian and Cecile.

  33. Mes félicitations a Sebastien, le marketeur français. Un jour j’aurais l’honneur de vous rencontrer. You rock Sebastien!

  34. I love to see fellow travelers falling in love
    With the world. My dream was to sell all my belongings
    In Palo Alto, the center of Silicon Valley and be a
    A location independent entrepreneur.

    It’s been 7 years of amazing adventures and still
    Going strong – just do it! Live your dream and don’t
    Wait for later.

  35. Great story. I took the same plunge 35 years ago and it was the best decision I ever made. Just started a new business and so glad I found you Jeff.

  36. What an amazing story. This is what life should be about. Living your dreams and following your passions.

    Wish these guys all the luck. They look like an amazing young couple.

  37. Sebastien commented: “I listened carefully to every cause of warning that the group raised. And I took massive action to eliminate those problems in time.”
    Good sense + good action = a wonderful result!
    Have many happy years together, Sebastien and Cecile, and an excellent Thanksgiving.

  38. Beautiful! That was some good tango dancing. The thing about following your heart is that if it goes great, it is amazing you learn a lot in the process, if it goes wrong, it also feels good and you also learn lots from it but it you don’t follow your heart you always end up wondering what if… and that’s the worst feeling.

  39. I haven’t had the courage yet to take 6 months off to travel around the world… but it’s indeed inspiring to see someone who is living your dream.

    Awesomesauce!! 🙂

  40. I remember meeting Sebastien at last years PLF and he was awesome then and his life reflects his character. Congratulations to you and Cecile. I LOVE the video and it is no wonder that you chose Jeff to be your mentor, the best of the best. Thanks so much for sharing your video.

  41. Great Video!

    Beats living in a “Cubicle 9 to 5 Job” anyday!

    What kind of Business did Sebastian develop that allows him to work location independent?

  42. Yes, Jeff it’s awsome. Fulfilling the dreams is the biggest reward for patience and persistence. The time is coming for my turn as well 🙂

    Congrats Sebastian 🙂
    Congrats Jeff 🙂

  43. Jeff, what a beautiful video and inspiration to everyone.

    Sometimes we get so involved in our businesses that we forget why we started them!

    I mean, the goal for most of us isn’t to make money for the sake of money, but rather to be free to experience life the way we want.

    So I congratulate Sebastien on going ahead with his dream. The experience and memories will last forever.

  44. Very inspiring to see people living and following their dreams. We are off as a family of 4 on a 6 month adventure to Europe from NZ via Australia, UK, France and Sweden (so far!) – the passive income is coming in and the rent from our home will cover the rest of our outgoings. Anyone fancy living in New Zealand for 6 months in 2014 let us know!

  45. Great post Jeff! Being able to make money online and have the freedom to do whatever I want is a dream that I have as a beginning internet marketer. There is a lot I need to learn before I can get to the level that Sebastian is at. But I work at it a little everyday and perhaps one day I can post an experience like that on my blog.

  46. I just loved it and felt super inspired!!! I wish I did the same with my boyfriend and I know that I can. I will share this inspiring video with him.

  47. Tom Livingston


    Thanks Jeff, Sabastian, and Cecile! Your awesome video inspired me to set a few goals for 2014: complete PLF and mastermind, launch my business, get engaged, dance galore, and do water and air sports like crazy to produce an awesome video too! It’s TIME!

  48. Jeff this is my first time visiting your site and I’ll definitely be coming back.

    Such a great story with a lot of wisdom to take away here. Proof that sometimes we have to go with what our heart is telling us even if it seems counterintuitive. Big up to Sebastien for having the courage to follow through.

    Oh yeah, sweet moves guys!

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