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Here’s how Susan Garrett took her dog training business online, and then turned it into a seven-figure business that’s grown 17x over the years… (and yes, you really can teach dog training online)

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23 Replies to “Growing Your Business by 17x (and It’s Not All About the Numbers)”

  1. Thanks for sharing your story! What an inspiration :-). You totally spot on about dreaming bigger! I’m going a little bit every day and starting with the end in mind. I meeting with possible investors this week for my program and looking at becoming an affiliate sponsor and what not. Every day is fun focusing on my mission to help people with with mental health overcome their depression. Thanks for inspiring me to keep on!

  2. Awesome Jeff. Thanks Susan for being such an inspiration.
    I remember you.

  3. This was so inspiring! Also, the background in the video is so beautiful! Loved it!

  4. Robert Duval


    Thanks for inviting Susan to the video Jeff. Susan, thank you for being such an inspiration and refreshing the concept of dream bigger. Thank you also for talking about finding your tribe. I often lose sight of that, as many do, as I think I have to latch on to the next “shiny new object.” The reason is not because someone else’s product or service is better, it is more about my not believing in myself long enough to make something work. Thank you both again.

  5. Great inspiration! Love Susan’s discovery of new opportunities in her own businesses and focusing “on the other end of the leash” 😊

  6. Thanks Jeff – 9 months ago I sat on this beach in Spain on holiday and read Launch … now I am running an 8 module course with a beta group ready for my full launch . Just listened to this message – am in a mastermind now but am on the look out for more and a good coach – thank you- you give me so much

  7. Thanks Jeff for another inspirational video. I recently heard Susan speak at an event and sounds like her journey has been incredible. You have both motivated me to keep moving forward with my dreams of providing great quality online training for the people I serve.

  8. I have loved your training, Susan. Thanks for sharing your story here. It was because of your story on Jeff’s training that led my husband and me to sign up for your course. You are an excellent trainer.

  9. Hey Jeff,

    I too agree that one of the things we have trouble doing is dreaming bigger! Our society wants us to believe that ANY dreaming is just wishful thinking.

    Not so!

    As you, your Plat Plus group and countless of your students have proven true success STARTS with a dream and finishes with ACTION. Surrounding ourselves with people who nurture our dreams is KEY here.


  10. Pete Leckemby


    I first heard of Susan from The Tim Ferriss Show and then when I heard she was a PLF Alum, I was inspired. Thank you Jeff for building such an amazing tribe. Thank you Susan for being a great example!! Very inspiring.

  11. OMG. I love hearing Susan talk. You are a great motivator…just by your enthusiasm…it’s contagious…and I always want to hear more about what you are saying….Thanks

  12. Congratulations Susan on your great success. I would love to have as much success as you have had. I have a teaching beginner guitar lessons course.. Does anyone else teach guitar?

  13. What a wonderful video! Two such inspiring people. Jeff and Susan, you made me realise how small my dreaming still is. What a revelation! I’m stunned.

    As always, a sincere thank you.

  14. I heard first about Susan from Attila Pongor-Juhász, but to see this video was amzing! I dont know what to say! Business from passion and business with passion! Thank you!

  15. I resonate with the impact word. Sometimes I feel it’s just a word. A marketing stuff, you know. But I know that people need this impact. It’s worth fighting for it. Especially (in my mind) for people, everyone have given up. It’s what is keeping me awake and determined to find a way.

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