A famous business author recently asked me an interesting question… how have I gotten to be so well known in the online business world when it’s such a crowded marketplace?
I think there are a number of things I’ve done over the past 2+ decades that have helped me get where I am today. But if I had to choose just one, it would probably be this…
PLF changed my life for the better, just as much as it did for you Jeff!
The launch story about you leaving the classroom – while you still did not have financial security for your family – it hit me like a sledgehammer. It gave me the courage to start all over at 42.
Now 10 years later – all my dreams and need for fulfillment have been been realized – much more then I ever could have hoped for.
Believe me, to do a successful launch, you need a backbone of steel and fight as if your life would depend on it. It’s not for the faint of heart. But if you are willing to roll the dice – and go all the way – it’s the only good fight there is. (Bukowski).
Thanks man – for ever thankful to you..
Claude Cote
Thanks Jeff
Sergey Zhukovsky
Hi, Jeff. Great insights. Thank you for your wisdom.
JP Flintoff
I can really see how that works. I am starting to do somethign similar and it really feels good to be devoted to the success of others, instead of wondering if I’m doing well. Thank you Jeff.
Ethel Phelan
Good .morning, Jeff
Thanks for this video. I love it. I woke up at 5am and saw your video.
I use the nuggets I learned from you since 2012, the first time I joined your seminar.
Thank you
Ethel Phelan
Rumina Lalonde
I appreciate yooooo and the follow ups….thank yooooo
Richardson Tim
As a young entrepreneur, I once asked a prominent leader in a one-on-one meeting if he had any wisdom he could pass along to me…and This is what he shared with me: “Love people for who they are, not what they can do for you”
Jeff’s Just passed along that same wisdom in different words!
Thanks Jeff
Richard Eckley
Cheers Jeff yes it’s all about the long game establish your brand then build it over time
Mike Gorman
Well you are living proof of the power of delivering value Jeff. Persistence and authenticity always helps also! Thanks Jeff
Mike Gorman
Well you are living proof of the power of delivering value Jeff. Persistence and authenticity always helps also! Thanks Jeff
Abdullahi Bello Umar
Awesome sauce, always. Thanks for clarity in the art of simplicity.
Azlan Erin White
Hi Jeff! Im in PLF this year and soooo happy to be there following your modules! 💗🌟
Judith Cassis
I believe your passion has contributed to your success. I feel it every time I listen to one of our videos or audio modules or get a message from you by email. I appreciate what you teach, but more than that, I value who you are.
Thank you for the hope, the tools, and the motivation to make it happen in my world.
Judith Cassis
Writer to Writer
Renee Stilson
Thank you for this, Jeff!
PaTrisha-Anne Todd
Serviing others with constant applicatoin to giving value and preseting offers – product launch style! It’s good to view your video for confirmation. Thanks.
Scott Rosberg
Love the message, Jeff. You just described about your business the same feelings I have had in a 35+ year teaching and coaching career. As an English teacher, I got addicted to two things more than anything else – the fun I had in the “performance” of teaching students about the literature, writing, grammar, communication skills, etc., trying to get them to enjoy and understand it and then the proverbial “light bulb” going off above their heads when they figured out the messages and lessons I was teaching. For my athletes, it was seeing the joy on their faces being part of a team experience, developing their skills, having success both individually and as a team, and learning the important life lessons and character traits that I was trying to teach them through sports.
When they have come back to tell me or write to me years later or when they now tell me as friends of mine on Facebook about the positive impact I had on them, that became my drug. I had to have more of that. It is one of the greatest feelings in the world knowing you have in some small (and sometimes large) way helped contribute to the success and positive experience of someone else. Kudos to you for providing that for so many people in their careers and helping them live better lives!
Anselmo Lima
Wonderful, Jeff! In my view, that is really the number one thing we should care more about in our online businesses. Thanks for sharing, always! You are an inspiration.
Wayne Cotton
The “Value Stream” is essential. Everything comes together works when your heart is into their success and not your wallet.
Trudy Rilling-Collins
Wow, excellent video! I hope to soon be feeling exactly this way, reveling in the success of my students!! Thank you Jeff!
Totally get this, as a Medicinal Nutritionist who has created a wellness/weight loss program, it is the successes of my clients that drives everything I do. It is my clients that lift me. Love your work Jeff. thanks
Thanks, Jeff. I missed your free training in September. Are they available online now for me and I believe many others to look at, pls?
Jeff Walker
@Martin: no, I’m sorry but it’s not – it’s only available during our Launch Masterclass window.
Lori Johnson
Quintessential Jeff!
Saw a really engaging commercial last night for “Launch Your Website” and had 2 immediate thoughts:
1) I wonder what Jeff thinks of the ‘launch’ tagline….
2) I wonder if the creator is a PLF Owner!
Covid PLF Master Class graduate / Owner
Sabrina Cassiano
Your 2020 one week free training was amazing! Building my way to next September, we’ll see there!
April James
Wonderful, Jeff!
Dave Bratcher
I LOVE this video, Jeff. Thank you for providing clarity around your success. So many brands could learn so much from this 4:30 video, ours included. Hope you have a GREAT week.
I really love this video, and it’s come at a great time. You can really feel Jeff’s energy and enthusiasm for the value exchange with the people who have taken the PLF training and ran with it. As many times as he tells us that “selling is helping”, it’s a whole different thing to actually feel this energy than just reading the words. Committing to the long game is a just a fear we all have in common. Thanks so much Jeff!
That is great info Jeff, thanks!!!
kaltak kalsakau
Thanks Jeff for your wisdom in the online world.
Howard Whiteson
In a world where so many people are flitting from one “shiny object” to the next, this video is testament to the value of sticking with what works, refining and deepening it, focusing on success and letting the path unfold before you.
Something we can all learn a lot from, I imagine.
Thank you for your wise words
Thanks for this great video, Jeff. Specifically, thanks for highlighting how you built a great “brand” around leaning into client successes. The brand isn’t about the website, logos, etc, it’s about the person behind it- your hopes, goals, attributes and love of your clients and their success.
Ardyce West
Thank you, Jeff! Your heartfelt enthusiasm and sincerity in helping your clients succeed is what drew me to PLF in the first place. You exemplify the way to be successful in giving your best, directing others to do the same in positive, uplifting, forward-moving ways, and celebrating their successes by always giving more of yourself – bringing it full circle. I’m learning from your wisdom, one step at a time. and it feels so good!
Ever grateful,