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I’ve got almost 1,000 people at my LaunchCon event right now. The crazy thing is they might not be here with me (and you wouldn’t be seeing this video!) if it weren’t for one chance conversation…

The big takeaways:

  • How I found my first mentor
  • The dangers of living as a lone wolf
  • The importance of building a tribe of people who love and support you

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39 Replies to “One Chance Conversation…”

    • I so-o agree with you Andrea! It’s a great reminder to stay in touch with our feelings… To notice when we feel really great meeting someone at a live event… resonance!

      I did my own pre-launch, list building live event yesterday… 15 people only, but a start! My message really resonated and I was thrilled to add value. Jeff’s message gave me the idea to think, “Who do I want to do lunch with… to become friend’s with?” I knew the answer immediately… and she has International contacts to boot!

      Thanks Jeff!!

  1. I’m very glad John Reese gave you that little push because since then you, Jeff, have changed the world and future for so many many x thousands of people, changed the way this is done and gave us the most brilliant tool there is to start from scratch too.
    I’m sad I could not be there now at LaunchCon, but I am sure my time will come.
    Whishing you all a fabulous time !

  2. Nora McGurrin


    It seems to me we never know how one, apparently everyday conversation can and does change the way the world works….. individuals change the world one conversation at a time …

  3. Jeff can you help me find a new normal please? I would appreciate that so much, I would love to hang out with you, I love how happy and buzzing with life you always seem to be it’s great x

  4. Hey Jeff!

    What an amazing story to reinforce the power of networking! How interesting it is that you were just helping someone be more successful by teaching them a technique that they actually TAUGHT YOU that the WORLD needed what you have! It’s truly amazing how these coincidental meetings happen when one puts themselves out there! I for one am VERY GLAD that you two met as I have learned SO MUCH from you!

    Take Care,
    Rob Anderson

  5. Jeff, I am loving LaunchCon, my first event with you. What an amazing event and people you have surrounding you.

    I’m not sure if you recall, but I met you at Brian Kurtz’s Titans Mastermind when you came and spoke to us. I was the guy who Brian asked to come up and talk about my “Extra Mastermind Day” I started within our group. You heard how much each member got from the meeting I ran, so hopefully you’ll know I’m the real deal. :0)

    By the way, I joined Launch Club the first day of the event and I look forward to working with you and your team in the coming years! Oh, and I asked to be put on the list of potential “Plat” members should you ever have an opening. :0)

    Thanks, Jeff, for impacting my life already and for what I will learn from you in the future!

  6. When you are at an event like LaunchCon, everything seems possible. Of course, a lot of that has to do with the amazing content/information we are receiving from the folks putting on the event. But the other aspect, the part that continues to amaze me, is the support from people attending the event. This is only my second Jeff Walker event but at both events, I have yet to meet anyone who wasn’t awesome, supportive, brilliant, and motivated. It’s like being immersed in an ocean of wonderful possibilities.
    I came by myself to Dallas and walking into a room where I don’t know anyone can be a difficult thing for me…not Grand Canyon river difficult but difficult none the less…:-)
    Has it been worth it?
    I have met so many wonderful people, some that I will stay in touch with until we can meet again in April at PLF LIVE…
    Thank you, Jeff Walker for building such an awesome tribe!

  7. True, true, TRUE!!!! I’ve been a lone wolf for many years in my accounting practice and now I’ve finally found MY tribe with you Jeff. I’m FOREVER, grateful for this amazing group of people you continue to bring together and especially LaunchClub. Thank-you, thank-you, THANK-YOU.

  8. I believe I will find my group of people one day and we will fullfill our life soul purposes together.I know that it’s all about friendship and living in comunity with people we love.

  9. I have one observation of you. But first, overall such great, stuff. I’m beginning to get, having formally coached and consulted to global regional and country heads of major multinationals, what an online offering would look like thanks to you.

    My observation, in addition to your great content and particularly your story telling, trigger hitting transparency, it’s your likeable nature that truly stands out to me. I’m sure you’ve heard it before though you’ve not mentioned it. It may be seen as an inevitable by product of the other good stuff you do or may be not. But independently of the business edge I hope you meditate on your like ability.

  10. I hear the warning in this one, I am the original Lone Wolf, but I am always open to authentic relationships, one of the problems with online business is the prevalence of the superficial, the convenient glib language and I can’t deal with flim flam-anyway Jeff i am always inspired by your authenticity and the value you bring.

  11. Thanks as always! I got my Aha moment again because I used to live as a lone wolf. I just started learning PLF and hope to join your event next year w my launches. Have a wonderful time, Jeff.

  12. Thank you Jeff as always great advice. I love that you always remind us to keep things in perspective.

  13. Thanks for the great reminder Jeff!! Such truth. I wouldn’t have ever launched my business if it weren’t for a few people who kept pushing me forward. Have a great event!! One day I’ll see you there.

  14. Love this one Jeff. Quick story, I went to PLFLive2014 alone. I felt so isolated in the mass of people. The 2nd morning I met a great guy from Ireland during breakfast (Mike Pettigrew). Since then we’ve met via video call every other Friday, gone to events together, and it’s one of my most beneficial business friendships. Thanks to PLFLive! Thanks for that!!

  15. Hi Jeff,
    Those of us who are in your tribe are truly the ‘new normal.’ I feel like I’ve finally found the group I’ve wanted to be a part of for most of my life — people who believe that we can achieve our dreams! Loving PLF and LYL!

  16. Do you have a 2018 live launch event schedule yet? I would like to attend in person which is not available to me at this time.

  17. Hi Jeff-
    I was at Launchcon, and I want to take the opportunity to thank you for:
    a) your amazing team–what a huge production to pull off with such grace and style!
    b) your Plat friends who shared so generously and passionately
    c) Scott Harrison of Charity:Water. I was profoundly moved and inspired
    I have had my dream on the back burner for awhile now, and I noticed today that I have trust in my heart that I will now make my dream real. That trust is grounded in my choice to join Launch Club, and I AM SO EXCITED.
    Thank you!!

  18. Jeff, thank you so much for all you do. I am developing education and outreach for addiction to processed food. I am very grateful for the training in how to reach those who suffer. Many kudos to you.

  19. Thank you, Jeff! I just got back home to Oslo, Norway after attending your AWESOME event in Dallas. As one of your newest Launch Club Members, I feel deeply grateful for being a part of your tribe. You mentioned that we each hold 50 percent of the responsibility of a relationship. I believe that any relationship includes a 200 percent commitment, and I am willing to invest 100 percent of my effort and energy into Launch Club. I cannot wait to see the transformation that I know that this will lead to. For myself, my business, and – more importantly – to the people I work with. To my tribe. So, thanks again, Jeff. The ripple effects of your message has an impact all around the world.

  20. Hey Jeff – I’m just back from LaunchCon, and I want to thank you for your incredible generosity – it’s so obvious that you’re in this business to serve. And yes – it’s true – we need a pack. I’m blown away by the support I received, but also after I left. I’ve GOT to tell you what happened to me as I was leaving LaunchCon…’s one of those stories that just shows the power of what you create….

    I was at Love Field, waiting for my flight back to San Diego on Southwest. My “number” was something like B45, so I was waiting off to the side for them to board the A group, when a woman walked up and stood next to me. When I turned and smiled at her she asked “How did you like the conference?” I hadn’t met her there, I wasn’t wearing my badge — I had no identifying marks – so I had no idea how she knew I was there, but I said “It was GREAT! How’d you like it?” Long story short – she had a much lower number in the Southwest lineup so she said “Come with me”…..we boarded together, sat across from each other in aisle seats, and chatted the entire way back to San Diego. At one point she told me that she had come with a friend who was kinda down, so she said to him – “Pick a person in this room — anyone – and just focus on them and send them positive energy. Anything that feels right to you…..” And then she paused, looked at me and said “I picked you. I was sending you love and positive thoughts that you’d have a HUGE success”. We’re now going to be starting a Mastermind group with the PLF-ers here in San Diego.

    So THANK YOU! When I arrived I was in one of those contracted, fearful, doubting phases…..fortunately not one I go through very often! I now feel more alive, more excited, more fired up to LAUNCH! than ever before – and it’s because of the magic that happened at this event. Thank you, thank you, thank you for creating the most AWESOME community!
    p.s. I’ll be following the advice I got during my coaching session at Launch Pad with the goal of being able to join Launch Club at PLF in April!

    • Wow, what an inspirational story. Thank you so much for sharing the details. That’s the magic that can happen when you are in a collective community of like minded people.

      I wish and hope for so much success for you Toni Narins and the entire San Diego mastermind group that you are putting together.

      Thanks Jeff Walker, without you these masterful connections wouldn’t happen!!!

  21. You’re such a great storyteller!! You know how to connect from the heart and keep things real which I really admire. So, glad you talked about the importance of mentors and connecting with your tribe. I’m launching a new course soon (with the help of PLF) and meeting with mentors about upscaling my business. I feel I’ve been driving with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake. I realized I needed help to navigate the process to upscale and connect with mentors and a tribe of people who support my growth and development in business in a new way. Thanks for the inspiration. Glad PLFCon was once again so well attended and such an amazing experience for everyone attending.

  22. From introvert to introvert: you are awesome, Jeff!
    Thank you for keeping the message so consistent and clear throughout time. It’s all about connecting, I know that but it helps so much to get your encouragement, every now and then.

  23. I know someone named John Reece. Years ago they had soccer after school and we both stayed to play soccer. That was in Malibu before it got pricey. Good fun, though its probably not the same John Reece.

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