I used to think that worrying about the “core values” in your business was just for big fancy corporations. Well… I was completely wrong. This video is about why your values matter to you AND your customers…
- April 29, 2017
I used to think that worrying about the “core values” in your business was just for big fancy corporations. Well… I was completely wrong. This video is about why your values matter to you AND your customers…
jeng cua
True Jeff!
Your core value, integrity, credibility and right principles will truly reflect your business. This is how your team, your people, your suppliers and your customers would love to follow , work for you you and buy from you because they can feel this if you are just taking advantage on them or truly want to help them. Love the view and I am hoping that I can meet Richard as well. Enjoy and stay safe Jeff. GOD BLESS!
Greetings Jeff. Loved this blurb. My wife always says you can’t eat like a bird and poop like an elephant. If we have beautiful core values there is no need to put another face on. You are inspiring. Thanks
Joan Vernikos
Why did it take you so long? . I switched off you years ago because I got tired of hearing about you your products and …how clever you are.Well I guess better late than never.
Susan Kearney
I wish more business owners were open to this message. Knowing and owning your values makes it so much easier to make decisions, surround yourself with great people, make an impact, and have fun. It’s not fluff, it’s a super power!
Scott Neal
Love it.
Mine are:
A passion for Excellence
Integrity of thought, word, and deed
Always Learning
Leading by Example
Respect for the uniqueness of every person
Jenny Payette
Jeff Walker and Richard Branson are both shining examples of living true to their values and being authentic. Anyone would want to be in their circle. So inspiring!
Charlene Hiscock
Thank you, Jeff. As a newbie in business I find your messages highly inspirational each week – not bored yet so clearly you’re doing something right. Thank you for your time!
Ya!!! You are talking my language! I Just started my version of ski Friday 4 weeks ago… it’s Mountain Bike Thursday Mornings. Amazing how much it helps the soul. Thanks Jeff for the inspiration to go for it!
Jeff Walker
@Dave: our ski season is ending this weekend… so I’m about to switch my “Ski Fridays” to “Mountain Bike Fridays” and “Tennis Fridays” for the season. 🙂
Jenny Payette
That sounds awesome!
Excellent, very insightful
Cathy Hay
Hey Jeff, you really made me think today. I would have thought this would be an easy question for me, but it’s not at all. I know that I want my clients to feel that my team and I believe in them, until they are ready to believe in themselves. That they are capable of more than they think they can do or be. There, I guess I did know after all. 🙂 Have a great day!
Sherry Phelan
Good one, Jeff. We see our core values reflected in how the people around us FEEL! Be the change we want to see, right to the core of it!!
Ashwin Bhadri - Equinox Chat Support
Very True! It took me a while to figure it out. Todays we have over 300+ People working our Company, and it is the Core Values that help us hire, fire and grow our team. It is extremely important that every single person in the team should resonate with these values.
Core values is key! That’s why I partnered with the company I’ve been with for 2 years. Leadership is the key for success or failure of the company. I’m excited to start my own brand and help others build their confidence and reach their goals!
I love it. I did the start with why process of simon sinek and transmit my core value in all interactions, top people of the industry im in become partners just because are indpired by the same force.
Now i help my clients to find their core value before i develop custmize wellness or transformational property for them which makes all the diferent. Thanks Jeff !! I agree is key.
Paula MacLean
The core values of anyone’s (owner operated businesses) are the owner’s core values. You can’t fake it. You can’t pretend that your business has core is something different than your personal core. And, then there is no issue about living your core values in your business or being authentic or congruent. The business is who you are.
Staying green to the planet is at the top of my list, no matter what. Money can’t come before our environment.
Thanks for these great videos Jeff. Much nicer than reading a blog.
Hi, Jeff.
This is a great video. One of my core values is generosity. I try to give of myself whether that be knowledge, time or money to others. I never expect anything from others in return for my generosity. I agree with you that your actions in business are a reflection of your core values as a person. My favorite quote in the video is “What your clients are feeling, that’s your core value.” So true!
Love you, Jeff – you always leave me feeling awesome with every video you put out!
Matt Edison
Jeff, it’s so true that when we speak and act from our core and not from our heads (and slightly to one side) that we are able to change the world. The best part is that acting from our core is a matter of peeling away attachments and letting our true selves shine through. We all have that ability inside, we just need to let it out. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and experience. Long live Canyon World!
Realized one thing after hearing you today;
Getting clearer and working on my mission and vision is from my perspective.
What my people are feeling about me is the real reflection of my core values.
The better my core values get , the closer I feel to accomplishing my mission.
My people-Core values- mission
Thank you for that deeper layer of insight!
Timely… I have been through a personal re-invention and a difficult season (or two) in the past 3 years, finally daring to put a product out there. What has been central to the transformation of my life is the importance of feeling. Questions like “How do your customers feel?” “How do your team and close friends feel?” and also “How do YOU really feel?”
Maya Angelou had it so right on, and so do you, Jeff.
Douglas Kelly
Who can disagree with what you’re talking about. It’s so obvious it’s hardly worth talking about unless you’re a spiritual advisor or a preacher. Yet you speak as if this is something you’ve just discovered. If that’s so, then you’ve wasted your life up until now.
I loved this video! Came at such a great time! I’m really lucky to have an amazing loyal team. But I think it’s because I treat everyone like I want to be treated. We don’t use the word “boss” or “employee”. We are a team. As part of my content to my customers I’ve been giving them sales tips- but before I went on to Tip 2 I spoke to them about their core values and company culture. So it’s so cool you talked about it too!! Thank you!!!
Steven Thrasher
Jeff —
Great comments!
At PLF Live you drew “your Why” getting into alignment with your avatar’s needs — core values are kinda like a circle outside of those . . . they are the bridge between your why and your actions.
For busy entrepreneurs, core values just aren’t something you think about or ponder while you’re trying to build a business — like one can ponder higher things while putting together that InfusionSoft sequence (sarcasm)!
Core values are, like someone’s “why”, a “thing” you kinda have to tune into (like an old radio). When they are genuine, they kind of “emerge” (to use an Eben Pagan phrase).
Go get ’em!
Jeff, that is good stuff to hear. I felt my attitude had consistency, which seemed to resonate with core values. You have struck a chord that got my attention. When you say Richard Branson knows his core values, I feel like I hear what you mean. Thanks for the inspiration!
Daniel Kanow
Thanks Jeff for the eloquent speach in a beautiful setting. These core values and thruline are what make us who we are. My personal and family life is an extension that is found in my business and my creative passions. My core values are justice, nature, adventure, and kindness. There should be no difference between what is on the screen, in the sales video, or what is spoken politically or socially. Keep the philosophy rolling out. It is much appreciated.
Ken Ca|houn
Another excellent video; thanks as always Jeff. Back in my corporate life we did a lot on strategic planning with mission, values & goal alignment. Top finding was that conflicts occur when values are out of sync (eg short-term profits vs innovation culture etc). Agree with your points, it’s helpful to dialogue with colleagues & customers to discuss values & progress towards goals.
back to work,
ps also thx to you for being a great vlogging role model; finally launched mine recently … it’s a great way to show the ‘real you’ to connect with customers & friends 🙂
Allana Pratt
Jeff, thanks for this video as I just had a BIG copy problem as I did my 2nd launched that led to some upset registrants… yet it was my CORE VALUES of transparency, vulnerability, connection and love that turned it all around for the better. AND even my team got transparent and this strengthened my brand and connection to my community. How did the tennis match with Richard go?? xoxoxo Allana
Jeff Walker
@Allana: we didn’t play… Richard had a case of tennis elbow, so he couldn’t play.
Thanks Jeff. A good reminder to keep checking in. You certainly set a good example. Cheers!
Phil Heeley
This came up at just the right time for me Jeff. Thanks!
Alvin Weiss
Thanks for all of the insights you share.
I just shared this vid with my team. And asked everyone to pay attention. To your authenticity, transparency, and humility.
I really appreciate what you say and how you say it. You are a quality example of living your core values.
Scott Rosberg
Love it! In the organization for which I speak and do workshops called Proactive Coaching, we talk about the importance of teams establishing “Core Covenants,” which are your team’s core values. We use “covenants” because a covenant is a binding agreement that you can see in action. The key is that covenants are not just words on a poster or a mission statement. They are living in the actions of your team. I love your idea, though, that they are also visible in how your people feel! Absolutely! Thanks for all your inspiring messages and videos. I look forward to them every week!
Josie Tytus
Living from Values is so foundational to the achievement of success. There is a distinction, however, from personal values and corporate values. Too often I have experienced a leadership team force feeding corporate values into the organization without effectively engaging employees to become a part of it. Today as a business owner, I have the privileged position to infuse my personal values into my company, but I am acutely aware that personal values vary by individual. Ideally, you want to find a match from both sides of the fence to be able to give and receive at the highest levels.
Jade Campbell
Jeff, thank you.
This is your BEST MESSAGE YET, and I know there have been plenty of amazing thoughts you have shared in the past. Love them all.
BUT our CORE VALUE is where we need to start, stay true to who we are, what we are prepared to do, how we believe we should show up in the world with our message, our training/products and live our lives.
It all must be congruent, if we are to be at peace, focus on our reason to be, and have anything of value to impart to others in living a fulfilled life personally and professionally.
So that inner game has to be dealt with at the outset, and yes it is a work in progress, and will always BE a work in progress, but if we don’t recognize there is work to be done on our inner game to start with, there will be no longevity and scaling in our business.
Then and only then will it be possible for our business to become effortless – serving those who appreciate us, and who are aligned with our core values. We will be in “flow”. . .
We won’t have to “sell” them with stupid scarcity, pop ups or any other “needy” behaviors – they will WANT to support and learn from us, because they know they can TRUST who we are . . . .
We must show our vulnerability, show how we are trying to “step up”, deliver better outcomes for our audience .. not just share rags to riches stories – that frankly most look like they have escaped from an outdated spinner software.
No one is ever truly – there yet – “arrived” at this lofty ideal, but sharing your journey with this truthfully, will encourage your followers to do the same.
It’s best for our audience to spread our word passionately and viraly, rather than we send 20 emails a day pounding on doors who have already tuned out – because our messages and behaviors are NOT congruent and NOT aligned, . . all . . because we have NOT established who we are at the CORE.
THANK YOU !! For this reminder.
Immediately now – going to the top of my weekly Kanban board I will write . .
“Stay true to my core values”
Lorrie Hargis RA
Wonderful information! My meditation teacher taught a similar envisioning of your future! It is the reason I live in France!
Felicity Lerouge
So important to create a focused, aligned team – and as you say, this has to be based on true, authentic core values – not something that has been created by a PR team. When it’s an integral part of your business brand it will attract the right people and repel the wrong ones. Worth laying this foundation at the start of your business – or realigning as soon as possible! Thanks for raising our awareness on this, Jeff.
Brian Ward
If you want to discover your core values, examine what you do, how you spend your time, day in and day out, and how you feel about that. That will tell you more about yourself than anything else.