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The song says, “You never count your money when you’re sitting at the table”… well that might work in some places, but it doesn’t work in business. You need to count the money, and here’s why…

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20 Replies to “Counting the Money”

  1. Hmmm, I don’t hear that song for years and years, then earlier this week I see a Netflix documentary which plays it at its end, tonight the neighbour was playing it loudly while in the swimming pool and now your email. A little synchronicity going on here!
    Super agree with your message today. I too started with everything free and still search Google for a free version of any web tool I might want. Only spending on necessary tools that are effective in helping grow my business or that save me mountains of time. Thanks Jeff.

  2. Thanks so much Jeff!! Your teachings mean more to me than you’ll ever know. Someday I hope to make it to an event to tell you in person 😁

  3. Great tip. Provided great insight, context and motivation for compliance in a humble and on point generous spirit. Thank you

  4. I am so grateful for this money series Jeff. Now that I’m generating income from my business I have all these questions that are not usually discussed – thanks for getting to some of them here.

  5. Jeff, thanks for the great words! Two things: When I started off, I was told if I count dollars, I’d stay in the red. If I counted pennies, I’d stay in the black. How true! Second, I got turned onto a system called ‘Profit First’ by Mike Michalowicz and it’s revolutionized my business. I’m now making a profit and paying myself (which my wife super appreciates!).

  6. Jeff,
    Thanks so much for your sage advice.
    What you suggest as a good if not necessarily percent margin for an online product?

  7. Hola Jeff….Muchas gracias por aclarar el camino con estas sencillas pero importantes lecciones…saludos cordiales.

  8. Thank you Jeff, for this series on money.
    Great information, it’s great to be here!!!

  9. Thank you so much for your insight on this. It’s easy to come up with ideas that seem simple at first, but actually making the business make sense can get complicated, especially when you aren’t accounting where every dollar is spent and having a solid plan. This is something I need to get better at.

    And you are spot on…accounting and legal are the parts of business we all want to avoid, but the most important parts at times.

  10. Hi I think the important part of that song is ‘know when to walk away, know when to run’.

  11. Hi Jeff

    I really appreciate you for so many reasons. These are just a few.

    I absolutely love your humility, your integrity, your deep love for and belief in your fellow sojourners throughout the world, each one of us.

    I’ve always believed that there is a tremendous responsibility attached to earning and creating wealth – especially as a leader, mentor, teacher and friend.

    Thank you for recognizing and always taking that responsibility seriously and teaching us, through your example, to do the same.

    This series on money is yet another demonstration of your dedication and devotion to those of us who are striving to follow your remarkable leadership and wonderful example.

    I am so grateful to have been led to you and the rest of your amazing staff and the community you have and continue to develop.

    You attract extraordinary people. It is an honor and a privilege to learn, grow and be a part of all of this.

    You are helping each of us individually and collectively, to contribute and truly make a profound difference in the lives of others.

    You are performing a great work.

    Thank you!

  12. Hi Jeff, its funny to hear you say that just behind legal, accounting is the one thing that people, and especially entrepreneurs hate.

    As both a lawyer for entrepreneurs and a CPA, I would love to help anyone in our group find the right people for their team as they start and build their businesses.

  13. Hi Jeff,

    First of all, Happy Holidays.

    I been following you for some time. I found you in YouTube where I have my own channel since 2010…wow it’s a decade! I also offer lots of Free content in accounting and taxes for entrepreneurs especially e-commerce and real estate so if anyone is interested feel free to visit Luzvideos1.

    Thank you for bringing up such an important topic to why is necessary for owners to hired professionals to help them with crunching numbers. So sad, I seen a few clients go out biz due not tracking their revenue and expenses properly. After all there is a big difference between making income vs profits.

    Wishing everyone lots of success and good health for this new year 2020…🎅 God bless.

    Liz Soria , ATP

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