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The Moment of Fate That Generated $1 Billion in Sales

Get your ticket to PLF Live here: - - - -  One moment 20 years ago defined the incredible success of my business. And it defined the success of…

Push the Button – Change Your Life

Get your ticket to PLF Live here: - - - -  How long are you willing to wait to make the change you’ve been dreaming of? Hours become days……

The Secret Path to Great Marketing

Let me take you on a little-known path to great marketing… The good news is that it’s not a long, winding journey. It boils down to just one word.  If…

The 3-Step Path to Leveraging Up Your Income

When I first started out in business over 25 years ago, I had a hard time explaining to people what I did for a living. They couldn't get the idea…

The Four “Make Or Break” Elements of Successful Launches

Why do some launches, webinars, or campaigns succeed… while others fail? After 30 years of launching, I’ve boiled it down to four “make or break” elements. And it doesn’t matter…

Lights, Camera, Impact! How Elliott Connie Served His Way to a Million-Dollar Business and His Own Network TV Show

“Unbelievably surreal.” That’s how Elliott Connie describes his business journey. And it’s easy to see why… His goal starting out was to open a psychotherapy practice so he could help…