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Your business success comes down to one thing – how and where you focus your precious time. Do you even know where you're spending your time in your business? And how much time you spend on those things?

Here's how to figure how to figure out where that time is going – and how to get more out of that time.

I would love to hear what you think – where are you spending your time? And how can you use your time to do more of what you're great at? Please leave a comment below…

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29 Replies to “How To Crack the Time Code In Your Business”

  1. I looked at my time spent in the last year. My worst time waster is looking at various emails & videos that people send me. Majority of emails and videos are trying to convince me to buy something. They promise how to make money online. They make it so easy but in reality it does not work because the of details the they do not tell you about.. I wonder if there is a way to efficiently screen the good offers from the bad ones?

  2. You’re the best Jeff!

    We tossed the corporate shackles because we want more free time and money. But in the seed/start-up phases we’re back to square one because we don’t have the “infrastructure.” Getting the rote business functions on auto-pilot like air in the lungs from the autonomic system, allows us to do what we are designed to do “Create.” As a metaphysician there is a distinct difference between the energy of survival and the energy of creativity. It’s pretty hard to be “creative” when you’re trying to keep the wolves away from the door.

    In a new businesses I say, focus on building a superior product, exceed in value what the customer has paid and generate money, money feeds the rest of the business.
    Thanks for your inspiration!

  3. @ Oscar…I’m like you sir. I have bought like 4 products in the last year and I am just now ordering my 3point lighting system and iPod(5th generation) to film my video courses. I had goals of launching a product WAYYYY last spring(april 2013), and here I am just finishing my product with hopefully launching in may. I found through Jeff’s friend BRENDON BURCHARD, that you can do mostly everything with KAJABI. Between Jeff and Brendon…you don’t really need anything else……BONUS: sooo many people are going to impulse buy your product one day too. You just gotta get it done.

  4. I have stuff I need to outsource, like writing a bio, and instead I agonize over every word. Thank goodness for elance. They are becoming my team for so much of what I don’t need to be doing. Thank yo, Jeff, for the reminder that we build our business by focusing on our genius.

  5. Hey Jeff
    Thanks for the video. Since I do all my own html, php and MySQL coding sometimes I get lost in the technology and spend way too much time working on details. As the great Jim Rohn once said something like “We have to make measurable progress in reasonable time”.

  6. Hi Jeff, I’m so glad that you made this video. I spent a lot of time in front of my computer, learning my passion in internet marketing. I’m only in the beginning stages so I’m devoting a lot of time to it, so I don’t have the luxury of outsourcing due to financial constraints. Hopefully things will change in the future. Thanks once again.

  7. Hi Jeff; great video! As a multi-VA practice owner, I’ve been very fortunate to look at this dilemma from two sides: I check in with myself often on where I am in my business and how can I make it run more efficiently by outsourcing tasks to my VAs and other resources. What I learn in doing so, I let my clients know my experiences and as a result have been able to find their process “holes” and advise of efficient alternatives, which often leads to new revenue. The trick is, I think, is to not be the bottleneck in your business thus freeing up that precious time to be your genius.

    • @Barb: totally agree about not being a bottleneck. AND it’s something that I continue to work on myself – because I seem to have a natural flair for becoming my teams bottleneck-in-chief. 🙂

  8. Beatrix Willius


    Great video as usual. Working smarter is always a good goal. I’m not so sure on outsourcing. You need a good partner to make this efficient. And that makes it more expensive.

  9. Jim McKellar


    Hi Jeff, Great video. Opened my eyes to new ventures. I would like to ask you an off the wall question. When looking at your video your head shot is very stable yet your background isn’t, meaning it moves. What are you doing or what are you using to do that? Jeff you are amazing, thanks.

  10. My biggest time waster by far has been trying to learn everything there is to know about internet marketing. Finally, sadly I come to the conclusion that it is impossible to do this. So now back to my areas of expertise and empower my tiny, but growing team.

    • @Terry: Good move… none of us will ever master everything there is to know about Internet marketing. It’s impossible – the knowledge set is expanding at too rapid a pace. The key is being able to discern the things that are important to move your business forward. And for most of us, that’s being able to craft compelling content and sales processes.

  11. Thank you for sharing what you’re currently learning in your business. I do have a question. Where is the balance between saving money and outsourcing tasks? I can see the benefits of outsourcing to established business owners, but when you’re just starting out and have no money and no budget, is it wise to spend money you don’t have outsourcing tasks instead of trying to do as much yourself as you can? For example, I could outsource the formatting and graphic design of my ebooks, but that costs money, and there’s no money coming in yet. On the other hand, it costs me time to try to do it myself, and the results aren’t as good as if I did outsource it. What do you think is the solution?

  12. @Jeff: Good reminders. Still haven’t mastered the email and all the programs. I like to learn and that takes time. Also you never know when you will find the next great path to pursue.
    @Rachel: I know where you are coming from. I started like Jeff & Brendon & learned how to do all the stuff myself because I couldn’t afford to out source. That doesn’t mean it will never get done, just takes a little longer. I’m assuming you are eating, and perhaps driving a car. Those things cost money or someone is subsidizing you. Ask them for an allowance then budget that. Open to transforming and receiving. If you are waiting for everything to be perfect, let go now. Move forward with what you have. The second edition can be totally remodeled later. You will keep growing and learning. If the book is done perhaps Crowdsourcing might be a place to ask for start up money. Don’t know the parameters but at least check those places out. You will make connections, get more ideas. Also if you are not willing to invest in yourself you will not get a lot of assistance. The energy you put out says “you are not capable or worthy.” This process will cost money. Get a credit card if you can, ask friends and family for loans. Sign a contract if you do, even if it is with your mother, and honor it, . If you are “on purpose” you will achieve this goal. What you think you create. Stop thinking about the “yes, but” and making excuses. See what you want to achieve. Put that energy there and stay there. It will happen. I’m launching my first offering this next month. Still have lots to do but I have the cake made and can get assistance with the frosting, sprinkles and whipped cream – if I need them. It’s all another step in life and growth. It’s pretty awesome.

    my ‘take aways’ to have a look at…. love your consicse delivery…even though i can’t spell worth a darn…. Thanks for being you Jeff…the inspireer!!!!! Rena-inspired!

  14. I tend to get sidetracked very easily and before I know it I am having a go at doing something that really is wasting my time, such as making a logo. I would have to say staying on task is my biggest issue.

  15. Hi Jeff, Thanks once again for wonderful video. I waste my time on reading e-mails and looking at new ways of making money. I think I need to stop doing that and try to improve my website as I know it is not working.

  16. I find that I can identify how I use my time by time-blocking. I learnt it after reading a post by Cal Newport of Study Hacks:

    And it can be complemented with an accountability chart (read this post by Gregory Ciotti –

    Hope that can help your readers, Jeff.

  17. Jeff,
    You mentioned in another blog that not building a team for so many years slowed your growth rate. I had been a solopreneur for 21 years and that woke me up! I have begun to outsource and partner and my business has been so much more enjoyable. Not only do you save on time you save on mind-space. Technology can be a tool to be more efficient but if you only use it to get more stuff done in the day and not to get the right stuff done in the day you can go into overwhelm and shut down. Thanks for this framework to get into the genius flow and out of the eternal to-do list. – Canon

  18. This is my second week with both kids in daycare. Before this, I found I had to work in the middle of the night to make up some extra time. It feels incredible to be at a desk, and efficient during the day. I try to do my learning time at night now, and CREATION/EARNING time in the day when I am fresh and can work much faster and really value this time I have at my desk.

  19. Jeff, great video, really relevant. Like I’ve said before, I love your casual style. T-shirt or casual clothes in a natural environment. Makes you very easy to relate to. The one thing that’s a bit distracting is the way the video shakes cause you’re holding your phone (looks like?). I’ve used (I believe it’s) the Joby gorillapod tripod. It has flexible legs that you can wrap around a tree or post …just about anything. $30 really well spent.

    • @Suzanne: thanks for the tip. I’ve got all manner of pro video gear (including a gorillapod) and a great videographer. If you look at some of my other videos you’ll see very high-quality video. But sometimes I wake up at 600am in a hotel with an inspiration or topic on my mind… and when that happens I often don’t have any gear available except my phone. My experience is that it’s almost always better to get the video done than to put it off until I have the right set up.

      • Agreed Jeff – when the inspiration comes to you, spirit is calling you. You have a message to share. When you record these messages right away, you at your prime to tap into the divine energy that is within you. It is your highest self. I’ll hazard a guess and say this content comes to you the most naturally. And you probably don’t need to do any editing. Well done! It’s a good reminder to let the energy flow, to just go for it rather than wait for the “right” time with the “right” equipment because that time may never come.

  20. Jeff, I totally agree with you (better to get it done than not at all – always). And as I mentioned, the phone videos are more intimate than the super high quality ones. I’ll keep watching either way.

  21. Timely & great video Jeff! I’ve just finished reading the book ‘The Big Leap’ by Gay Hendricks. Such an inspiring read that makes so much practical sense regarding working in our Zone of genius.

    I love the big bucket list you mentioned and areas of where to focus… It’s amazing how easy it is to get caught up in the small daily tasks that can be out sourced. I’m certainly working on growing our team to be able to do this smartly…. Thanks for all the great info’, Guy.

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