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One time a friend asked me how I became a marketing “guru”… and my answer was simple – I sent 10,000 emails in my first nine years in business, and I tested everything I could think of. Here's what I learned…

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20 Replies to “Day 18: What I Learned After 10,000 Emails”

  1. Thank you Jeff, I think that you tapped into a few very important messages today for us as entrepreneurs:

    1. The power of repetition
    2. The power of Intention – I recommend Dr. Wayne W. Dyer book here…
    3. The need to generate money before you start serving Humanity.

    I personally love and feel really engaged with the third one as that drives everything that I do every day. That may resonate with others too.

    I have to say that this 30 day video experience is being really eye opening, you keep on impressing me by the wealth of your experience and by awakening so many neuronal connections that were asleep.

    Looking forward to tomorrow’s.

    With a deep appreciation always!

    • Jeff, I have followed you for many years (maybe not quite 20!!) The repetition of these daily messages … for me… has me looking forward to hearing what you have to say today! It’s like sitting down for a cup of coffee with you, and (as always) I am quite enjoying my time with you (and gleaning wisdom from one of my favorite mentors!) I like what you said about the purpose of emails – 1. Building relationship 2. Asking to buy something. Being clear about the purpose when sending an email is very important!

  2. Hey Jeff, I look forward to each day’s email of the 20 years in 30 days. Day 15th wasn’t delivered to any of the three email addresses I have on your list so I went looking for it – lol. There are so many golden nuggets in these emails that are so valuable. It’s fascinating to hear what you went through and tips to help us avoid some of the challenges you experienced. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Loving this video series Jeff. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with the community. Look forward to coming to your event in LA in October. : )

  4. Ndifreke Atauyo


    Great.. it is a sure way to generate revenue and become marketing guru from email marketing through testing. Great lessons…

  5. Aw, man! Jeff, your videos keep getting better by the day! This was the best one yet! So many powerful lessons learned – email lists as a tool to build relationships first, and then make money from those relationships; understanding the costs and benefits of sending emails to your “tribe”; making sure every email has a purpose – wow! I have so much to work on with my online website. Thanks to you, I know what I need to be doing – you’re the best, Jeff! Thanks so much for sharing your hard-earned wisdom! It really means a lot to subscribers like myself!

  6. “You can’t save the world if you aren’t making money.” That is profound advice. Love that Jeff! Thanks for this great video.

  7. Hi Jeff So many great tips each day, like others I look forward to your daily email and yes I had to go look for 15/30. There’s going to be a big hole in my email box come day

  8. Hi Jeff – I would like to mention that watching your videos has been lovely and I feel your warmth every morning. I think I will miss you once the month is over ): You are authentic and it radiates through everything you do. Have a beautiful day!!!

  9. Great video Jeff.

    Really important topic. An email list is an incredibly powerful thing and it needs to be treated as such. Sometimes folks abuse and sometimes folks don’t utilize it. Finding the happy medium that works for you and your personality is key.

    Once you’ve figured that out and you are consistent with it the fruits naturally come so to speak.

  10. Jeff, I’ve been trying to keep up with these videos. They’re fantastic!! Keep ’em coming!

  11. Tracy Schira-Parker


    Just wanted to send a quick note to say thank you for the investment you have made into this series. I look forward to the emails each day & enjoy the drip approach to absorbing information.
    Thanks again!

  12. Simon Kramer


    Good solid stuff again Jeff. That is why you survive every inbox clean out I do.

  13. Hello Jeff, I loved your video of day 12 as I opened it after one of my colleague shared the link. I’m from Saudi Arabia and I watched all the previous videos. Your experiences are so rich with lessons I do need in my work. I love them all as today is the international day of humanitarian work I think that what you do now is resonating with this day essence.
    I shall never blast an email following your advice. I believe words have soul and could deliver and change the world! Thanks so much and I can’t wait for the rest of the days of your amazing experience. Happy 20 years in advance!

  14. In Josh Kaufman’s book, The First 20 Hours, he argues that anyone can go from zero to pretty darn good in 20 hours. I think you help everyone go from zero to hero in short time. Thanks

  15. inbal Segev


    Hi Jeff
    It is not exhausting it is fascinating! and bring so much value.
    It easy to fall in love with your character
    Still I am not sure how I can do and apply all these wonderful tips in a business I haven’t started yet, but is gives me a lot of things to think about and it kinda feels like having a good friend that care about my success. Like the Jim Rohn’s story about the rich man who mentored him just out of generosity and good will.
    This is how it feels like to me and I really truly appreciate it.

  16. Anthony Beckman


    This one is a great lesson for me. As someone just starting out i need to remember it simply takes time and repetition. Thank you for sharing.

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