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We made it! It's “Day 30” of the challenge… and it's also the 20 year anniversary of starting my online business. Here's the single biggest lesson learned in those 20 years (and in this 30 Day Challenge)…

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52 Replies to “Day 30: lessons learned in 20 years (and 30 days)”

  1. Hi Jeff,

    Congratulations and all the best to you and your family and your team. And thanks a lot for sharing your story. It’s very much encouraging.


  2. 20 Years can go by so fast – hopefully you are in a better place than when you commence those years, not always the case! You do have the option of making the next 20 much better though…

  3. Greetings
    Awesome idea to celebrate 20 years of creativity with the challenge of video every day for 30 days
    You are an inspiration to me

  4. It’s really profound to me that after all is said and done, after you acquire all the skills, after you get all the knowledge, after you gain all the discipline, it really comes down to what you think about yourself. I know you didn’t exactly say that, but that’s what I heard “behind” your words.
    Self image, confidence – that’s a huge part of the game. Incidentally, I’ve recently noticed that the most confident soccer players are paid the most money. Not necessarily the best players.
    So then truly, “As a man thinketh so is he” must be a natural law.

  5. Congratulations Jeff. You have always been a great inspiration. I believe in growing every single day. Even if it is small steps. Makes me think of the Movie “The Martian”. At the end of the movie the character, played by Matt Damon said. “You solve one problem and then you solve another problem and when you solve enough problems, then you get to come home. Powerful stuff. Never give up and keep on learning. Wish you well and looking forward to your weekly videos.

  6. You’re done some fantastic sharing these last twenty years, Jeff. Directly and indirectly millions of us have benefited. Wow! Hard to fathom! Thanks and Happy Anniversary!

  7. Congratulations Jeff! Congratulations on your 20 Years in 30 Days video series and Congratulations on the awesome business you have built! I have watched every one of these videos and plan to watch them all again. All of them share a different piece of the puzzle and serve to inspire us and pull us along. You are a great leader and mentor! Cindy & I are very glad to have crossed your path and joined your PLF Tribe. Keep up the great work!

  8. Congrats Jeff on your 20 year anniversary! This video summed up everything you’ve gone over these last 30 days. Success in business, online or offline, boils down to two things: mindset (I can do this) and knowing what is the next step to take your business in (one baby step at a time). I’m really glad you put together this series of videos – I’ve learned quite a lot! Thank you!

  9. Happy Anniversary, congratulations on the success, looking forward to seeing the growth moving forward. And of course, thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to make my business better.

  10. Thank you Jeff and congrats on you anniversary. Looking forward to October, now even more after watching your video’s over the last 30 days! Can’t wait….

  11. Amazing! Congratulations! You always seem so calm. I wonder if you ever lose your temper. I am at that beginner’s part of the journey where I still wonder if anyone would buy anything I had to offer (or even take it for free – how pathetic is that?). And I’m still a bit stuck on how I want to make money, whether it’s as an entrepreneur, freelancer, or day job employee. I’m starting to make real progress, though. Baby steps for the win!. Thank you again for all of your insight and inspiration.

  12. Grant Small


    Congratulations. May this be just the beginning of even greater things.

  13. Your commitment to your goals, and your “God-like ego & God-like humility” is particularly attractive to this viewer. Congratulations, and thank you for all your inspiration. Your “slow and steady” is winning the race, and become very rewarding to your personally, I am quite certain. Keep ’em coming!

  14. Steve Mc - Toronto


    Congrats Jeff. Well done. Very encouraged by you. Still moving my endeavour forward slowly. Fighting the daily battle. 2 forward, 1 back.

  15. Congratulations on your 20 years in business. May you have 20 more years of success, God willing. I’m looking forward to that series.

  16. Congratulations Jeff! This is a big one. Happy anniversary, here’s to twenty more even better ones.

    Just to respond to your thankfulness about being born into an era where you were able to create what you did, I am sure you would have rocked any other century before this too. You standing next to a Colorado pine talking with confidence about buckling down and moving forward reminds me of good old fashioned American can-do attitude done very well (I am a Canadian). Seems obvious you would have found your calling in another time too.

    That said, I am selfishly happy you ended up in the here and now because you have been such a guiding light for our business. The best part is, this day and age we don’t have to visit the guru on the mountain, he can send us a video from the mountain. Pretty cool.

  17. Jeff,
    Thumbs up for you and twenty wonderful shouts of celebration for your achievements so far.Yours has been a journey from very humble beginning with a fair share of life pitfalls but with a driver who will never say ‘no’ to what would have made an ordinary person to throw in the towel. These ‘3o days’ challenge have been very encouraging and I will always cherish your golden advises and encouragement.
    Happy celebration to you and your team.

  18. Jacqueline Elliott


    Realized recently that as I watch your videos, a spontaneous smile unconsciously develops on my face.
    That’s a beautiful thing! Thanks for BEING YOU Jeff! With Love and Best Wishes for your next 20 years!

  19. Congrats on your anniversary. I’ve enjoyed the video series. And hey you’ve got 5 years to plan the next ones!

    It made me realize it’s been 18 years since I took my first baby steps on the internet and built a business there.

    The changes have been so rapid you literally have to re-invent yourself every month.

    Anyway keep it up. I like what you do!

  20. Congratulations Jeff on 20 successful years. Your videos are always so inspiring and uplifting with some great ideas.

  21. Jeff,
    You are an encouragement. I have been an entrepreneur for 40 years. I took my first steps into the internet world seriously just this last year. I am still just one day at a time striving to get a foothold. The baby steps are moving into the realm of progress. Wishing you a great year ahead.

    Carpe Diem (Seize the Moment)


  22. Congrats Jeff !!! Great to hang with you in MI !! Good luck on the Colorado !

  23. To me, the most significant “of the entire series was this: ” even though I didn’t have a skill set back then.”

    That just blows my mind! I absolutely what love what this implies . I love what it implies for the coming generation that needs to get ready for real world 2.0, where everybody is going to launch themselves. It will be the resume in the future.

    What that simple quote, that little section that you said implies is that you build what you need as you go. You can’t think it all through. You can’t perfect yourself before you start. You just need to start and with deep desire and dedication, you can figure it out as you go.

    You slipped that one in there, but I just wanted to unpack it because I think it is huge for entrepreneurs now and for the coming generation of entrepreneurs.

  24. Congratulations, Jeff and your team! This has been an awesome way to celebrate with you over the past 30 days. I have enjoyed getting to spend this time with you and wish you the very best as you continue to grow. Ever onward! Let’s go get ’em today!

  25. Congrats on 20 years Jeff! and thanks for the insights on where you came from and how you got here. Many folks come from humble beginnings and stop themselves with the mindset of “who am I to do this or that?” You show us all “Why not me, why not now?” I Appreciate the encouragement!!

  26. Thank you Jeff, and congratulations to you and your team! I can only wish you “many more”. It has been great having the daily instalments and, as it were, re-living the 20 years with you in the past month. This has been very inspiring; I look forward to my own next 20-year success trail!

  27. Peter Gjersoe


    Congratulations. You said you would do it; and you did it! Excellent messages throughout.

  28. Hi Jeff,

    This video series was really amazing and every day I was looking forward to your videos.

    If I don’t see anything , I even checked by spam box !

    It’s true that , what is between your ears is what matters , the mindset to never give up and
    to figure things out as we move forward and grow.

    Thank you Jeff for sharing your amazing journey and life 🙂

  29. Thank you, Jeff, for sharing your story and the key points you’ve learnt along the way. You’re a shining example of what a good atttude and persistence can achieve!

  30. Woop woop. Ending on a great note! I am working on bringing my husband home from work so he can be more involved in helping with our special needs son. So I look forward to that “Bringing my Husband Home” Launch!! I love the mindset teaching. Keep moving forward, day by day…… and the faster you go the faster you can go…. I am moving!! Again, thanks for the 30 days! Epic!

  31. Jeff, I am just a beginner with my 1 year in Online Marketing experience, but congrats to your success! Hope it will hold on AND INCREASE!

    Best wishes from Germany

  32. Jeff, Congratulations on 20 years of building a great business and making your impact, your stamp, on so many lives. I applaud you and hope to follow in your footsteps. You are inspiring and truly an amazing guy.

    And the videos were great… lots of ‘golden nuggets’… and totally a Great way to get to know you and your business. Thanks!

    Best to you, always,

  33. I didn’t get time to listen daily so I have started at number 1 and am devouring them in one day, loving it, thanks Deb

  34. Thank so much. So loved watching these videos, Jeff. So many nuggets. I’ll definitely watch them again. You’ve inspired me to do a video a day for my audience. I’ve got your book and launched my first product a year or so ago. You continue to inspire me, and attending your live events is on my dream list to continue to grow. Can’t wait to get your next book. Wishing you much love to you and your family. Keep soaring. Xx

  35. Been a great video series Jeff. I have a feeling you must be an Aquarian.
    I went myself to Kenya just recently and so I could relate to that; the safari and the children, how happy people are and how amazing your schools are going to be for the communities. I went to a Masai village, gave them what cash I had in my pocket. What you’ve done is outstanding. I hope I can make a different in the world, I’m not entirely sure how just yet but I’ve started by publishing my first children’s book which I’m looking to launch and I’ve just ordered your product launch book.

    All the best, Christine.

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