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So last November I got a chance to sit down with Paulo Coelho for dinner. I've written about Paulo before… and the impact that his book “The Alchemist” made on my life.

(If you're not familiar with Paulo, he's sold 150 million books, he has 7 million Twitter followers and 10 million Facebook followers, and “The Alchemist” is the fifth most read book of all time, ever, in the entire world.)

With Paulo Coelho

With Paulo Coelho

It was an amazing dinner – there were five others there in addition to Paul and myself – bestselling authors Brendon Burchard, Chris and Janet Attwood, David Bach, and Paulo's agent extraordinaire Monica.

As you could imagine, with that cast of characters, the conversation was extraordinary – and it leapt from topic to topic. Writing, publishing, books, war, spirituality… and that was just the first 10 minutes. 😉

We were in Geneva, Switzerland, at one of Paulo's favorite restaurants. After a leisurely dinner, we decided to walk to a nearby bar to have a drink.

And, for me, this next part was simply amazing – the path we walked to get to the bar was literally on the Road To Santiago – the ancient and holy path that is the subject of Paulo's book “The Pilgrimage”. I had no idea, but it turns out, a portion of that road is in Geneva. Who knew?

It was there, as I walked on the Road To Santiago with Paulo, that I got to tell him the story of the impact that “The Alchemist” had on my life… and consequently, the lives of thousands of others. The whole thing seemed magical (or at least mystical)…

So what was Paulo like? He was charming, engaged, curious… and most of all he was passionate. You might think that an author who has sold 150 million books might sit back and rest on his laurels. Not Paulo… he is all about his next book. He is all about engaging with his millions of fans. He is all about making an impact.

dinner with paulo

What a group to have dinner with! Brendon Burchard, Janet Attwood, Paulo Coelho, David Bach, myself, Paulo's agent Monica (Chris Attwood is not pictured.)

I've been fortunate enough to meet a lot of people that are making a huge positive impact on the world. And I've gotten to meet a number of my heroes. And the thing I see over and over is a passion for their work. A passion for honing their craft. A passion for their business. And a passion for their impact.

Each of them have had a true Heroe's Journey, where they heard the call to adventure… and they struggled with that call. Some of them refused the call, some of them couldn't answer the call. Some of them tried to answer and failed… the first time. Or the first twenty times.

But you know what happens next. Each of them faced many challenges along the way, and each of them eventually persevered. And that's the path we all face if we're going to lead our biggest and best lives.

It never comes easy… even for the people that make it look easy. But there is no dress rehearsal. We only get one shot at this world. Make it count.

One more thing, and this came directly out of that dinner with Paulo in Geneva – Brendon Burchard lucked out and snagged the worldwide exclusive video interview with Paulo Coelho for his new book, “Manuscript Found in Accra.” The video interview is only available for a limited time, and you can see it at this link:

CLICK HERE: Worldwide Exclusive Video Interview With Paulo Coelho

Go check it out now. Paulo is amazing, and it's a great interview.

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26 Replies to “What To Do AFTER You Sell 150 Million Books”

  1. Nikos Efstathiou


    Always I follow your blog and enjoy it very much! What you doing it’s a contribution to many of us to read & listen to a special human being like Paulo Coelho.
    Thank you Jeff Walker

  2. Dear Jeff

    I always love your emails that you sent me. It is not only inspirational but also amazing to hear you talk about your experience about your company. If I am correct I discovered you in Tony Robbins and I love your video blog. If you ever get a chance i would love your feedback on my startup. Im focused on helping kids with hygiene- washing hands.

  3. Philip J. Donovan


    Thank you Jeff, I’m making a list of books to read for inspiration and this one sounds like one I should venture to read. Thanks for passing this story along.


  4. I love this post, Jeff. It’s very inspiring that you had the opportunity to have dinner with Paulo. As a practicing alchemist, this is a dream.

  5. I loved The Alchemist, couldn’t put it down once I started reading it. However, it sat on my shelf for almost 3 years after I bought it. I had to wait for it to call to me before I could start reading it.

    Loved your article Jeff and I can so relate. I am on the verge of a huge break through in my journey, can feel it and taste it and just keep putting one foot in front of the other and following my guidance.

  6. Love the connection between your experience with Paulo and my work with Live My Passion Now! Another sign to solidify that I AM on the right path as I guide people to live their passions. Jeff, your impression of Paulo is such a powerful of example of how, once we begin on that path of living our passion, the momentum carries us on and on, and we, subsequently, can positively impact the lives of countless others. Thank you for sharing your experience!

  7. Hey Jeff,

    what a cool thing to have had the pleasure of doing. What is it that you do that has you meeting these literary superstars Jeff?

    Thanks for sharing 🙂


    • @Paul: It’s sorta funny, but I was talking to my sister on the phone recently… and she asked me the exact same thing. How is her little brother getting to meet these really amazing people? 🙂

      So this is the deal… I really try to stay humble – I actually think it’s a competitive advantage, and it’s the key to having any longevity in this business. So with that being said, I’m going to step outside my humbleness for a minute and answer your questions…

      Here’s my best answer – if you add enough value to enough people’s lives, then amazing opportunities will start to open up for you. It doesn’t happen immediately – and it’s almost never a direct path – but I’ve seen it happen over and over. 🙂

  8. His “The alchemist” also impacted my life, I owe him a lot as he the guy who filled me with passion and courage to do things that are defining and joyous.
    Wish I could be there with you on that walk on Santiago Road

  9. Jeff,

    I saw your email and this blog right after watching the first and the second video of Brendon Berchard interviewing Paolo Coelho. How inspiring. Paulo is such a genuine, warm and friendly philosopher and lover of life. And he shared such insights about love, the night before I am being interviewed on WOW Wednesday about my favorite topic, my life’s work, Healing Through Love. Both Paulo and Brendon added another piece to my insights that I will be sharing. I would have also enjoyed hearing you interview Paolo and bring out some different issues and perspectives.

  10. Jeff, thank you for sharing your adventure with this amazing cast of inspirational beings. We are blessed to live in a time where in one moment you are having this extraordinary experience and in another we are witnesses to it through the story of your heart. I’m grateful to you, kind and brilliant sir.

    Have a fabulous day.

  11. Hey Jeff,

    I like the article. I find it fascinating that a lot of people I know who barely ever read and perhaps only own one or two books have a copy of the Alchemist. I think Coelho has changed more lives than we would believe!

    Just a bit of info about the Road to Santiago: there are a series of roads all over Europe, all leading to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. There’s one that starts here in Madrid, but the most famous stretch is across the north of Spain, starting at the French border. Perhaps the Geneva section is a part of that. Supposedly the roads lead from Rome and Jerusalem… Whether they’re still maintained all the way through is another story.

    Thanks for writing,

    • @Daniel: thanks for that information… and yes, I’ve now learned a bit more about the Road to Santiago. In fact, one of the folks in my Platinum Mastermind has walked the road, and he shared many of his experiences.

      It was amazing when Paulo took me by the arm and walked me over to a building and pointed up to the sign of the sea shell high up on the building. I’m sure that’s why he had us meet him at that specific restaurant that was on the road.

      It was also special for that that I had just recently read The Pilgrimage, so when he showed me we were on the road, I knew exactly the significance it had to Paulo.

  12. Hi Jeff,
    What a night! What a dinner! What an opportunity!

    I know that Paulo Coelho and “The Alchemist” has had a huge impact on you both personally and professionally. The opportunity to meet someone you admire and who has impacted the world in such an amazing way is one of life’s true pleasures and one that few people experience.

    I am so pleased that you had the opportunity, thanks for sharing the magic of the night with us.


  13. Thanks for sharing your experience, Jeff! Always appreciate the wisdom contained in your messages and the style in which you write. Watching the interview with Brendon, I couldn’t help but think of my friend Pepe Romero, the spanish guitarist. Paulo reminds me a lot of him, from the captivating Spanish accent to the wisdom in every word! Their radiating love recharges the soul, especially in person and through their work.

    Funny that you had dinner with Paulo last November in Geneva. Shortly before then, I moved from California to Austria with my wife! (4 hours away) … and even funnier, I just read The Alchemist this weekend, and next on my list was The Charge. Maybe there’s been some messages floating about the Net that snuck past my conscious mind straight into the subconscious. Either way, I will take it as omens that I’m practically sitting on top of my Personal Legend! We’ll have to visit Geneva soon and check out the Road to Santiago.

  14. Sharon Mauldin


    Thank you, Jeff! What an amazing night!

    I always appreciate your authentic, heartfelt notes. This one offered me great morning inspiration as I sit in curiosity about what’s next for me.

    With gratitude,

  15. My copy of The Alchemist just arrived last night – thank you for inspiring me to pick it up to learn the wisdom that inspired you to go on and be such an incredible role model and superstar! I’ll see you soon Jeff

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