I love my work. I get to help people all over the world create businesses they love – and I get to enjoy a pretty incredible lifestyle while doing it. So how did I make that happen? Here are a few things that made a huge difference for me…
So this week is just a simple gratitude.
I can't believe the life I get to lead. Just a few weeks ago, I did my Launch Masterclass. We had tens of thousands of people go through that. We had people register from 211 countries, which is amazing.
Leading up into it, I did case studies with 24 of my students. And so we did that over the span of four days. It was six a day for four days, I think is what we did. And each one of those days was me sitting there and spending 30 to 60 minutes with each person and getting to hear them tell me about the amazing results that they'd gotten and thanked me for being able to change their lives.
And so I did that launch. It went really, really well. We made a lot of money, which is good. I think we helped a ton of people, both those people that ended up upgrading to our Product Launch Formula, but also all those tens of thousands of people who didn't, who just went through the free stuff. I think that made their lives way better.
And then I got to take a week out in the wilderness, and now I'm heading to my LaunchCon event – which looks like we could have 1000 people there or more than 1000 people at that LaunchCon event. And it's going to be just an amazing event, and I get to show off the stars of my PLF community, and we're going to have a ton of fun and it's just going to be exciting.
And this life, how did this happen? It's just absolutely ridiculous because I started with those super humble beginnings.
You may have heard that story of – I was a stay at home dad, hadn't made any money in so long… And now I look, it's been about 25 years. And it's been a lot of work over those 25 years, but to go from this place where our family was. We were in pretty serious financial distress, or maybe distresses is overstating it. But there was not much money to go around. We were barely scraping by.
And, psychologically, times were hard and I hadn't made any money and I hadn't had a job in five or six years. And I was staying home taking care of the kids and that was great. But still, I thought there was something else out there. And to turn around to see where I'm at now is ridiculous.
I often talk about those baby steps and putting one foot in front of the other and just figuring out what the next step is. And that's how all of this happened for me. That, and learning about marketing and direct marketing and continually getting better at marketing and continually working on my marketing skills so that I could basically express myself in a way that people would want to buy from me. And that made a huge difference. And it's just been a rocket ride up from there. Plus a lot of personal development, a lot of putting good habits in place, and a lot of just perseverance and one foot in front of the other – baby steps. Because it all looks like beauty and grace right now. But there was plenty of times in there where it wasn't all beauty and grace, where I was confused, where I wasn't confident, where I didn't know the next step. But I just took the next best step, whatever that was.
So, just a simple, short message of gratitude that I can't believe who I get to work with, who I get to help… The people I have on my team are incredible. I've got this incredible team around me now, my partners and my PLF Owners and my community – I have just so much gratitude for all of them.
And of course my family. My wife supported me every step of the way, even when I didn't have a clue what was going on, she was behind me all the way. My kids, behind me all the way. My parents, behind me all the way. And I know that's not something that everyone has. And I have a lot of gratitude for that.
So that's all I've got for you. I don't know if I've just done a pure out gratitude video for you, but, yeah, I just can't believe this life I get to lead.
Come out and see me at LaunchCon, and let's go get ‘em this week.
I’m so glad you shared this! Seriously. So many people use their story as a ‘woe is me, buy from me’. You didn’t do that. You used this moment to show that it wasn’t always beauty and grace, but you kept going with the baby steps. Incredible.
It is so inspiring to read such successful stories which inspire us and push us to think in the same way! I believe that money should not be the reason of limiting us to access courses like yours. I do believe I will find ways to register in the future! Thank you
Marie Fourie
Thank you. I’ve been on your mailing list for a long time, and although I’ve never done a launch with you, you’ve always been an inspiration.
Oprea Gabriela
I’m so happy for you, man! Thank you so much for all the amazing content you offer! You rock it! :)))
Kathy O’Connell
You say people from 211 countries registered for your course. Yet there are only 195 countries. While I am a PLF owner and so enjoy your weekly videos, I find myself struggling to trust what you say. Another reason for this struggle is when I went through PLF, I reached out with a particular question and no one got back to me. In your master class you raved about your customer service. No response would never happen with Marie Forleo, who by the way, doesn’t charge for her upgrades and is very genuine. Would love to feel like I could trust you more. Thank you for your content.
Jeff Walker
The question of how many countries there are is actually a rather complex question. The United Nations says 195, FIFA says 211, and there are 249 countries defined in the ISO Standard List (source: https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/how-many-countries-are-there-world-2019). As far as our count, we took the number direct from Google Analytics, which I’m guessing uses the ISO Standard List of 249.
I’m sorry that you didn’t get your question answered. Can you tell me exactly where you posted it?
And yes, Marie is wonderful… and she’s been a friend for nearly a decade.
Evelyn Arteche
I’m grateful to have heard about you Jeff Walker and found your free stuff. I’m working on my pre-pre launch and looking forward to success. I’ve been a caregiver most of my life — as a single parent of two girls who are now both in college and taking care of my Bedridden mom for 3 1/2 years before she passed last year (2018). Meanwhile I was putting myself through school ultimately earning my bachelors degree in nutrition and this year 2019, earning my masters degree from teachers college @ columbia university. I’m proud of what I’ve been able to accomplish thus far and I know in my heart that the best is yet to come. Life has been tough but I’m tougher.
I recently read: “the strength within us is always greater than the task at hand.” I see this is true in my own life and for so many others who have commented on this post. Wishing you all the success and happiness, you guys deserve it.
Sophia Marriott
Hi Jeff…just wanted to say that I am so glad I found you very recently (via Denise Duffield-Thomas)! There is always something that clicks within me through your videos/emails and it is so true about the ‘baby steps’ and ‘showing up’. Just a few months ago, after nearly four years of attending markets/pop up shops etc… I finally reached my goal of being able to open a bricks and mortar shop. The next step is amping up my online presence.
Looking forward to learning/gleaning more from you and hopefully being able to partake in your course in the near future!
Many thanks,
This just blessed me so — grateful for you and the message!
Adeola Fadairo
It’s gratifying to see you talk about the downside and the huge inner determination to move on, this to me is inspiring as l often question myself if l’m on the right track of my journey because of low season of the business. Thank you for sharing this.
Mike Gorman
I am one of the people on your list who might not have launched with you, but I always gain ideas and inspiration from your story and from your distinctively different approach Jeff, so thanks for that mate.
Julie Helmrich
One of my favorite parts of Sunday is reading this / watching the vid. THANK YOU!
Jill Koenig at LiveYourDreams.com
When we’re in the day to day of running our business, it’s so important to stop and look at where we started and how far we’ve come! I’m grateful for the things I’ve learned from you, so proud of your success and the impact you’ve had on me and so many other people. Thank you!
Love your work, Jeff.
Cary Ellis
Thank you Jeff – for continuing to give back by inspiring and encouraging all of us – we are going to get this thing – I’m moving forward solidly after 2 years of your new Launch Master Class…. will have good things to report soon.
It is grueling & takes determination & commitment – to get all the details done well!!!
We are growing!!!
Best to you!
🙂 Cary
Diana Liu-Morgan
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for sharing your journey with us!! I just started your PLF classes 3 weeks ago. Finished Mod 3… haha… yes you got me at your last launch!! 😉 Looking forward to meeting and learning from you and your students at LaunchCon early next month. Can’t wait to see my launches in action!! And I’ve got a lot of work to do… Have a wonderful week!! My best, Diana
What jumped out most for me is when you said: ‘…so I could basically express myself…’. To me that’s the ticket. When we relax and be and trust our authentic selves, we are giving our gifts naturally and then are naturally related in Life. Thank you for being such a great demo of Jeff Walker.
Namaste Jeff – heartfelt gratitude to and for who you be and all you do for so many and that includes me … thank you for including me iin your gratitude through which I feel supported and I am so grateful for. Blessed be. In my love, your family, your team, all the people in the Launch family are
Walt Hampton
Such gratitude for you, Jeff…. and the amazingly powerful work you do in the world.
Sharon Shazz Nembhard
My gratitude is that I found your FB Page. I know your teaching is what was missing when I first encountered the digital marketing phenomena and got lost because I had no product. Yes, I’m one of the freebies who has learnt SO MUCH from your recent training and I know you must get to meet me soon. Thanks Jeff, I appreciate you for what you were willing to give away, it must come back to you in double portion. Blessings.
Just got a copy of Launch from my husband last week. Looking forward to reading it!
Do you ever do events here in Durango? Just curious.