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The plan is nothing, but planning is everything… and these are the four words that will start your planning session the right way (it's how I set myself up for success.)

Please leave a comment below and tell me about the project you're most excited about for this upcoming year.

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104 Replies to “4 Words That Will Change Your Results Next Year”

    • Luke Lee Tet


      Hi Deirdre, I have a book coming out in early 2015 also. Are you self published? I am a little scared as I thought that the publishing company I was going through was helping me market my book however they are not in the way I thought. So I’m doing it myself using what information I got from Jeffs book Launch. Do you or anyone have any tips for me?

      • Annie Magee


        Hi Luke,
        Just read your post to Deirdre, and I too have a big book launch project for the new year. I’ve just had my book self published with an American company. I’m from Australia, and although I have the support with marketing through Amazon and Barnes & Noble, set up by the publishing company, here on my own country’s shores, all the marketing is up to me. Just like you, I have clung to Jeff’s generous sharing, it has been a great inspiration. I’m very creative myself, and have extensive experience with even co-ordinating, so it’s not all that daunting to me. Prayer helps! Another resource I have found valuable, not sure if you have heard of it -Author Learning Center. Go check it out, online you can go in as a visitor to take a look around, but joining will give you more support. There are lot’s of great articles and short videos with tips for marketing, launching etc.
        Hope it all goes well for you.

    • Your message is exactly what I am doing now! Taking a break during the holidays allows me with a rested mind to do exactly what you are recommending.

      Happy New Year to All 🙂

  1. My project for 2015 is the screenplay for my book which I hope will be picked up by a TV or Movie mogul. It has to happen as I couldn’t have worked harder to reach this point! Wish me luck! Angels! Are you listening?

  2. So pleased you are a Solstice Man! I grew up near Stonehenge in the UK, so have always been part Druid and march to the rhythms of the seasons. 2014 was a year of groundwork. 2015 will be the year to move out, launch a couple of programs, using the system of this guy called Jeff Walker and show Baby Boomers they do not have to give up on their retirement dreams. Show them how to use their current knowledge and skills to benefit others and generate added income to enable them to Live Their Retirement Dream.
    Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah – whatever to you, Jeff and to your family and to one and all.

    • Corinne Floyd


      Me too Susan – I like to be aware of the Solstice – Best Wishes for your 2015 launch. Merry Christmas too. I am excited about planning for 2015 – thank you Jeff for the 4 words – I will be using them as I plan. Corinne

  3. Thanks Jeff for your direction. I can’t think of a better day than the winter solstice to debrief and plan for the year. Excited about my publishing projects!

  4. Becky Rothstein


    Thank you soooooo much for the 4 words
    I am so excited for the project of leading bigger groups of positive thinking
    although the hows is not clear yet.

  5. I’m most excited about learning how to create my own epub files, so that I am one step closer to greater dostribution of my self-published books.

  6. Super stuff Jeff! Glad to know I’m on the right track…I had already decided that instead of New Year’s resolutions I was going to focus on what to do differently in 2015! Thanks for the confirmation and the great tips!

  7. Excited about launching the next phase of this website so that it will make money. Excited about developing my youth ministry and mentoring ministry programs. I have been following those same 4 words for the last 30 years too ! I just like to switch them around because I want the bad news first ! Thanks for caring.

  8. Another great video Jeff so thank you! Because of your videos and your book (which I discovered recently), I created my first survey last month as part of my pre-pre launch for my Autism ABA Help program which will be launched in the first quarter of 2015. I had over 300 respondents to my survey in less than a week! Plus I was contacted by parents and professionals from Maryland, New Jersey, Scotland, and Dubai about speaking or consulting in those places. I’m glad I found you and will continue to follow your work in 2015 because when I review “what worked” your launch formula was high up on the list! Thanks so much!!

    • Timothy Pettet


      Hey, Mary Barbera – If I wanted to point a friend toward what you are up to Autism ABA Help, would those words do the job on Google or do you have something more specific that I could use? Love the teachers. Tim

  9. Yes Jeff,

    daily i have to read your emails. i have a special folder where i group all yo emails,
    and thanks alot for educating us

    Merry xmas

  10. Quantella Owens


    I know that this is contrary to what everybody believes about v-mail, but I hate them. I don’t see any of them and I stay on your mailing list on the off chance you will offer the seed launch program seperately and in an affordable incarnation. Would it be too much trouble for you to consider offering a transcript-only choice on these? I am not interested in a five minute discussion about Winter Solstice and I have limited time….so when I get an email that offers “four words,” I expect to be able to read it quickly and get on with my day. I may be expecting too much choice, but it would be nice.


  11. Merry Christmas Jeff and team! Saw you at Experts Academy this past September. The project I’m most excited about for 2015 is a new training program I’m going to develop for people who want to get their face/product online with video… the idea came directly from EA and I cannot wait to launch this baby! Thanks for your inspiration.

  12. Very inspirational. This is a great time of year for so many reasons. Celebrating the birth of the savior, family time, andplanning next year’s marketing. Thank you for the information and motivation.

  13. I am so excited to be planning to launch my creations, which include the Angelheart (R) Symbol of Love jewelry collection and With Me Always storybook, on Mother’s Day, 2015. My life’s journey has been filled with miracles since my Angelheart (my son’s nickname) died in 1993. My company was formed to celebrate, cherish and remember the bond of love that shall live for all time.

  14. Thank you for this program. You stress the word ‘value’ over and over and you deliver Value. My 4 words every morning are: “How can I serve?” Wishing all a most Peaceful and serene holiday season.

  15. Hi Jeff,

    I love how you distilled the concept of debriefing to such simple yet powerful words. For me, 2014 was a year of searching but now I have a plan and this is my baby that I am hoping will see the light in 2015:
    I always thought of business as something that is anti-spiritual, but I am working on finding a happy medium: supporting my family while preserving the culinary heritage of a nation that is being consumed by war and transferring this knowledge to people who need to make peace with food. What has worked well for me? Believing. Do differently? Be more assertive about my dream and go for it.
    Merry christmas and a very happy 2015 🙂

  16. Merry Christmas, Jeff! Thank you for the video!

    I’ve been goal setting for years … and I’m very thankful that you let me know about BYE because it added some elements I hadn’t done before. I’ve completed my goals for 2015, and I’ve created a new morning ritual, and I’m truly expecting this to be my best year ever!

    One goal that I am totally pumped about is doing my music CD launch in 2015! My goal for my album has always been to go Platinum with it–so far I’m over 1/7th of the way there. This is the year I’m taking the leap with a launch, and I anticipate it will be quite a ride! Thank you for all of your work and encouragement!!!

  17. Hi, Jeff

    Merry Christmas!

    Thank you for your tips.

    Next year I will start promoting courses, e-books and digital material to get money to start my own networking

  18. This coming year I’m most excited about resigning from my job and growing my business full-time. I have set the goal for myself to pay of all my ancillary debts by September 1st and move forward without that dragging me down. I plan to do 3 launches this coming year and grow my list exponentially. The future feels very bright indeed.

  19. Thank you for sharing all your wisdom Jeff! Love the way you relax me to take baby steps and keep moving to reach big results! 🙂

  20. Jeff, this is my first winter solstice planning session. I’ve always done this after new year’s day so this is a fun change.
    My “worked well” was the conversion of my 11-year old graphics and web design business into a worker cooperative to empower others to become entrepreneurs. I couldn’t afford to hire people and our local unemployment rate was 16.7% as of January 2014. This was the only way I could help build the local economy and give others an income working within our rural community.
    Our “do differently” results from lacking a clear direction or having a laser focus. We were scattered between setting up a corporation and marketing ourselves to a large enough marketplace for sustaining our 8-member partnership. As a result, we lost four co-owners and now need to find new partners in order to be the full-service marketing agency we advertise. The new plan is to focus on promotions and allow our organizational structure to evolve into the democratically managed model that best serves the current marketplace.
    Our long-range goals include assisting others to grow their dreams using the worker cooperative business model. Our community has so much growth potential and we believe the cooperative structure will reduce employment stress, save families money by working local, and build a more sustainable and resilient local economy. Our second annual worker cooperative workshop will be presented to the community in the spring of 2015.

    Thanks for your great training Jeff. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, your staff, and your family!

  21. Hi Jeff,
    Thanks for another useful and informative video! Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

    Robert Seth

  22. Happy Christmass to you and your family and,of course not forgetting your “List”.
    My next year is gonna be DO or DIE.I don’t enjoy the work that I do and so I’ve made up my mind to take a risk
    and go full time on my own.That way I can achieve my goals faster.

  23. Beatrix Willius


    Such a beautiful fireplace. Have a great christmas, Jeff and everybody else.

  24. In the world of Lean/Agile project management there are three questions I use for a lessons learned exercise at each iteration of a project:
    What did we do that we want to continue doing?
    What did we do that we need to stop doing?
    What do we not do that we need to start doing?

  25. Hi Jeff,
    thank you for another inspirational Video! I was just starting to write my “wish” and “goal Setting” list for 2015 and also think it is the perfect time to do so. I have read your book (for which I would like to thank you!) and want to create and Launch a new Website next year. I am currently in the process of writing my first eBook and try finding an idea for a free gift for my squeeze page. I am already excited about growing my E-Mail list, which is currently very small and do my first ever “Jeff Walker Launch” :-). So wish me luck for that.
    I wish you, your family and everyone who reads this a wonderful Christmas time and a lot of success and happiness in 2015! We are gonna get them :-).

  26. When I was a programmer and program manager, we called them “post-mortems.” It was often difficult to schedule because some people would turn it into a blame session which it wasn’t supposed to be. I think I’ve avoided doing it for my consulting business because I’ll feel like I’m taking myself to task, so I think I’ll follow your advice and just focus on on neutral words and goals.

    And Merry Christmas, from my family to yours.

  27. That was a fun exercise, Jeff! This year’s “did well” column was really long. The other column was short. Good year! <3

  28. Thank you Jeff for all the inspiring words of wisdom.

    Your earlier advice on writing down the three things
    to be thankful for, as a daily exercise works well!

    Happy New Year Jeff, family and everybody else.

  29. Definitely your PLF Live worked well!!!! It’s still paying off for me and I’m gaining every single day from the community forum. Psyched to see what you do in the New Year….and I’m ROCKING!!!!!!!!! CW to share with you what I’m creating with your support.

  30. Marry xmas from the holly land…
    Where it all got started with a new born child that got a seed launch, internal launch, jv launches all over the world… And even a resurrection launch!
    It can give us all inspiration that it can start humble and small and grow big and forever…

    So, my inspiration and plan for this year is to get the structure and content ready to launch my art therapy clinic… And to actually have a seed launch… Starting a dialogue with clientele on the net…
    (I am a bit behind… Got stuck whistling , only look at the bright side of life….)
    Keep the open heart going,
    and the fire in the living room…
    Blessings to all

  31. Hi Jeff
    Enjoying your videos. Have new book and ancillary products launch early in 2015’Look forward to following up with your progam

  32. Jeff,
    Have a merry xmas. I could not afford your program, but I am encouraged by your 4 letter phrase. Maybe that will get me through to 2015.

  33. My next project is becoming a dad but first things first, I only have been married for one year and recently got a full time job after working as a freelancer for 4.5 years.

    This means I now live on a fixed monthly income basis and one that barely pays the bills and debts so that won’t cut it.

    So my plan is to either start working as a freelancer on the side until I make my own company a reality and then quit my current job or… (this is the scary part) accept the fact that I’m not disciplined enough to make it happen and start figuring out alternative ways of making more money without actually quitting my job.

    I’m still thinking about all of this, it’s still so confusing but I think I’ll start getting rid of bad habits, creating new and healthier ones and take it from there.

    What would be your take on this Jeff?


    PS. I linked to my personal blog here where I normally write more related stuff about self development, it’s a bit outdated though.

  34. Thanks Jeff for your words. I am planning now for next year business/marketing plan. Goals are very important. Everyone should set them.

  35. Great Stuff Jeff and wonderful reminder. As always inspiring and yet simple…..

  36. Jeff, you make it so easy. You sound so simple and yet so impactful. Please hold my hands and help me take definite steps toward success.

  37. By the way I didn’t told you for 2015, I’m really excited cuz I’ll build a new section about what to see or do in Paris at my website
    It’s something new about how to discover the “blue” or “water” side of Paris. I’m so excited because I shot wonderful picture of Paris that I’ll bring up to people who want to discover more about the city 🙂

  38. Happy Holidays!!
    Thank you so much for your wisdom! YOUr video’s are so informative and interesting. This Year, I plan to finish my second book. It is a health book and I am really excited.

  39. As always Jeff, you offer solid tips in such a friendly manner. My plans for 2015 are to use my inventory of articles for a big series of eBooks, get Pinterest boards going (have material ready), and start a podcast series. Whew ! But they all inter-relate. Can’t keep waiting to do this, I turned 64 yesterday!

  40. Great Advice Jeff!!! I need to do that THIS WEEK. What worked well, what can i do differently. It really is important to debrief and also plan. I think i have a fear of planning lol. It’s time to get over it 😉

  41. Great awareness tool ! So, this past year I made decisions towards doing more projects that were in my area of passion and less about the money. That was the good part. What I’ll do differently is planning out farther and not getting so wrapped up in what’s happening just right now.

  42. Jeff, your approach is truly insightful. I’ve been launching product for 15 years and I’m currently using my experience to launch my wife’s website — it’s a site to help women accept themselves and their bodies how they are and to stop beating themselves up with the unrealistic expectations from media. …anyways, with how long I’ve been doing this, I thought I “knew it all” but your Product Launch Blueprint was truly inspiring. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and your positive outlook.

  43. Thanks Jeff. Your video message just gave me a kick in the butt.
    My project for 2015 is to create a sustainable agriculture learning center/demo site on my farm and invite people to come, visit and learn.

  44. love these two questions to cut thru the confusion, the backtracking to figure out who was/is responsible. This could be each year’s business plan!! So simple , so effective!

  45. As I get ready to enter a big year (claiming it!), this is great for seeing where I’ve been and where I want to go. I’m really looking forward to rebuilding my writing career, continuing to build my photo business, and my big project is my nonfiction book. Thank you!

  46. Kelly Critser


    I appreciate you and the work that you do. I’m excited to put together my first launch, nervous but still excited. I think of it this way – If I show you how to give effort – you’ll show me how to win.

    Merry Christmas!

  47. Lovely and empowering Jeff. Thank you.
    This is the year I’ll finally get my business Present Source off the ground and have my first opportunity(ies) to bring mindfulness to business leaders and their teams. What worked well was getting clearer on my purpose and learning new ways to make good decisions. What else worked: using my network to get honest feedback on the idea and how people can or cannot see that working. I’ll keep doing that. What I will do differently this year is spend enough time on this new business to allow it to flourish.

  48. Hey Jeff!

    I’m really enjoying your videos and feel so blessed and grateful to have you as one of my amazing online mentors! In 2015 I’m launching a huge new coaching endeavor for Suzuki music method practice parents to help them solve practice problems , develop their relationships with their kids and create an environment both physically and emotionally prepared for advancement.
    It’s crazy exciting for me to have found a super tiny niche that is responding with awesome enthusiasm to the seed launch of my partner and I and making it so easy to succeed at the next level in January 2015. Thank you Thank you Thank you!

    Merry Christmas!

  49. Wow Jeff, I find your words inspiring, thanks for this warm video. Changing into a positive angle is the best way to start 2015!

  50. Jeff… thanks so much for these words of wisdom. I had been think about what went well and what to do differentky so this was a wonderful confirmation. The best part is that I also know from you not to be so hard on myself.

    Merry Christmas and many blessings for continued success and your most prosperous year ever – 2015!

    • For starters…not to use my tablet for comments because it changes my words and incorrectly corrects them …sorry for the typos!

  51. Thank you, Jeff, for a very inspiring video, and thanks for the reminder to let go of the boat anchor we all drag around called “self Judgement”. Merry Christmas!

  52. Happy Solstice and Merry Christmas Jeff! I’m so glad I took the plunge and signed up for PLF 2015. It’s helping me plan and achieve my goals — finish my first book and build my business are two big ones. Happy New Year!

  53. Nila Sweeney


    Thanks Jeff. Your words never fail to inspire me. I’m dreaming about doing big things in 2015. Enrolling in your Product Launch Formula course has been the most fruitful decision I’ve made this year. I’m now slowly moving towards my goals and I can see myself achieving them in the near future.

  54. Hi Jeff and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    I took last year off and put my IM Business on hold to mke a major life change. Now my husband and I are in a new state, close to my Mom, and starting up again.

    We have7 sites/sales funnels in the works. Some of them brand new and some resurrected from past projects. He’s left the corporate life to work with me in this business. This was a HUGE leap of faith but we’re exciting about the possibilities!

    I wish you a glorious Holiday Season and a fantastic New Year!

  55. i’m really excited about finally opening and allowing myself to give birth to a big project – a set of classes based on something dear to my heart.
    i am really grateful for the content you share. i will be staying on the list 😉

  56. Worked Well, Do differently.

    Do differently is very important. Thank you for reminding me to use better words when reflecting,


  57. Hi Jeff and all of the other awesome entrepreneurs in these comments. Reading your comments and listening to Jeff has been brilliant and an amazing start to my day.
    My year has ended on a high note with me taking a step away from a salaried position and moving forwards to work for myself again, generating and creating my own dream work.
    2015 is looking rather wonderful.

    Wishing you all a great Family Time over this Christmas period. With joyful love LINDA

  58. Hey Jeff – Merry Christmas and Happy Return of the Light to you also!!
    You are a Treasure! Your Kind and Cooperative Spirit is such an Inspiration and Encouragement to and for us out here in Creative Land! (This latest gem is SO Powerful.) I have Asked the Universe for what I Want and now I will Allow that into my life without any resistance. Your ‘Four Words’ are SO Aligned with Lighting the way on this day! I have bootstrapped and bought over the years to streamline my learning curve. I Asked for “easy-peasy’ for biz and you showed up in my in-box last summer with your Fabulous book – Launch! Just what I wanted!
    I have a couple Books in process – a Monthly Membership website in development and Premium Packages about to form. 2015 will be a Magnificent year for us ALL! Thank you for Asking and for your constant Caring and Encouragement, Jeff! Much Love and Many Blessings to You and Yours in this Season of Love! “And God Bless Us Every One!” Merry – Happy – Celebrations to You – YES, YOU!!!

  59. After four months watching and listening to Jeff’s “buy my book” whining I finally got the book for myself christmas gift. Jeff, you are wonderful, enjoy your holidays, all the best to your family too… next year will be better…

  60. Hey Jeff, great post! We’re about to have our end-of-year meeting, and thanks to you the coming year is looking better & better! Happy holidays to you and your family as well.

  61. Hello Jeff

    Thanks so much for always sharing valuable “direction”. As you well know, the more people you help, the more successful you are… As one of the multitudes you frequently touch, thank you.

    We are embarking on our first online offer and we are actively putting a “running” strategy together to guide into 2015 with enthusiasm, courage and no fear.

    Merry Christmas to you, your family and your staff and the most wonderful and exciting 2015!


  62. Hey, Jeff, thanks for all you’re doing to equip us for 2015. My son, Jonathan and I have a 7 1/2 year old Pastoral Leadership Consulting firm. In the first 30 days of 2015 we are switching over to Infusionsoft and anticipating our third launch of our online membership group called the Inner Circle. But biggest of all, we are going to use your principles to relaunch the entire firm in the spring. Very pumped for all that entails. Thanks again, Jeff.

  63. Looks like everyone is doing their own product launches .. do you guys launched an e-book or product every month or a product every few months, ? Does Jeff has a facebook group that we could all meet up and shares ideas and help out each other. Would be great if someone could give me the facebook link to sign up.

    Thanks and Cheers .. Christmas is just round the corner .. Time of sharing and caring ; )


  64. Elaine Milner


    4 words–very simple but very useful. I love it when simple and useful come together. I’ve tried complex goal setting for the year, and it wasted a lot of time. I felt like I had accomplished something but wasn’t able to follow the plan in real life. You are certainly right also about not beating ourselves up for what we didn’t accomplish. We’ll feel better and accomplish more if we don’t do that.

    Thanks for the good advice, Jeff. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and happy new year.

  65. Thank you Jeff and team for your inspiration and enthusiasm. I love this video and really appreciate your words and wisdom. Winter Solstice also happens to coincide with my birthday. Each year I feel increasingly blessed to have been born on this amazing starlit day :). What worked well for me in bucket loads this year is appreciation and authenticity. Seeing everything from a 360 degree perspective as opposed to a linear one. I am continuing to focus on seeing everything through the eyes of wonder, amazement and pure unadulterated joy for 2015. Let’s go get them :). Many many thanks to you and wishing you your family and communities every blessing and joy. Christina

  66. Andrea Scalici


    Jeff, I plan to develop and release my first product next year. I’ve been thinking about planning out my year but your blog light a fire under me. Thanks for the push!

  67. Project I’m most excited about – launching my business! …with the help of Jeff and PLF, as well as some other courses I am taking in videography and facebook advertising. I’ve put myself into a position (and I forget what the catchy phrase for this is – somebody help me out), but I’ve put myself into a position where I absolutely NEED to succeed. I’ve invested the remainder of my money in trainings that will set me up for success, and I have to put it to use or I will not be able to pay my bills very shortly. So I’ll be going from zero to … who knows? It’s scary and exciting all rolled into one.

  68. Thanks Jeff! All your teachings have a special place in my life and I wanna always thank you for keep doing it! Cheers for you and your team! Merry Christmas

  69. I am excited about launching a new product next year. I did a very small launch in 2013, that was my very first one.
    In 2014 I did almost nothing special, but learned more. And now I can really see a clear “do different” that I am sure will make this next launch much more efficient than my first one. I am from Brazil, hope my English is at least understandable. You are great Jeff.

  70. The added gentle thinking concept it’s so pivot to reducing stress. It’s also known to increase creativity and positive future outcomes. It’s a paradigm shift that gives back in spades.

  71. In 2012, I wrote a business plan for a Green Sustainable Community that will take multi-millions to build and be worth multi-billions once in operations. I have written a book about lifestyles dictated through the Industrial Revolution and how to clean up our act. My product and services are outline on my website. It is my ultimate goal to build and manage the Sustainable Community.

    Thank you for allowing me to share. Happy Holidays to All for you and your families.

  72. Great words – I will add them to the other ones on my bathroom mirror from you Jeff…”baby steps”

  73. More simple, helpful stuff…thank you, Jeff! As a former pro ballplayer I appreciate your constant emphasis on fundamentals and appreciate your casual-yet-intense coaching style. I’m a big believer in studying ‘game film’ of past events to better game-plan for what’s next. As an entrepreneur transitioning from traditional ventures into online business I enjoyed your ‘Launch’ book and just love hanging around your flow and community. Just about to launch a 7KeysVideo intro for a new paradigm to help folks harness their personal history, dreams and DNA for maximum impact, so looking forward with faith, hope and love…blessings and success to everyone here in 2015!

  74. Hi Jeff, my associate and myself will be launching our first membership site in January after the holiday, I’m 71 and can’t remember being this excited for a long time, I like the conversational way you put things across. Paul

  75. Jeff,

    Just working steadily on PLF, gaining much insight for the new year and new programs, being newbie to the online space. I love the Debrief and the gentle approach. We all tend to beat ourselves up..

    Happy Holidays to you and your family

    Kelly plfowner

  76. Hi Jeff-
    Thanks for the reminder to be gentle on myself as I head into 2015 planning. This past year I’m proud to say I completed my first seed launch, with the encouragement of your book. Now I’ve created an information product, to be launched early next year. You’ve made a difference to how I do business, especially for someone in my niche (holistic physician to cancer survivors). As a result I’m looking forward to more clients, more revenue and more freedom in the coming year – thank you!
    Warmest holiday wishes,
    Dr. Shani

  77. Anna from Italy


    Thank you Jeff, planning is my weak side, (; your message makes a huge difference for me!
    Merry Christmas and best wishes for the new year!

  78. Hello Jeff, I’ve just recently come across your work and wanted to say a HUGE thank you. I settled into your book like a comfy chair and I never thought I would say that about anything remotely related to marketing! In May 2015 I’ll be launching my webinar training for birth, health and therapy professionals to prepare and support expecting and new mamas and papas for the challenges of early parenthood. We have a whole bunch of new research on how to support new parents and reduce postpartum anxiety, depression and relationship distress, but it’s not getting through to the people who need it. I’ll be doing what I can to change that. I had no idea where to start with the launch but now thanks to your book, I’m excited!

  79. Thank you Jeff for a great end of the year tool. I recently staffed-up my business and we are going to have a “worked well, do differently” debrief with my entire company, after watching your video. I want to celebrate everyone’s accomplishments and then brainstorm together how to build on each person’s talents, and new skills. It’s been a year full of kick-assery but like everyone else I had some ideas and plans to that got shuffled around, this is a great way to see how we can stay focused on what worked well and retool what could work if we approached it differently. I think this is a fantastic approach for any team to show their appreciate and support for each other. Thanks Jeff.

  80. Like so many people who’ve commented here, I’m most excited about doing my 1st product launch in 2015. I just finished shooting my launch video series, and I’m looking forward to the day my 2 partners and I open cart!

  81. Jeff, many thanks for the timely reminder! I’ve used a similar technique for many years called an After Action Review. I cover WWW – What Went Well; WWNSW – What Went Not So Well; what do we Stop, Start and Continue to do. Intend 2015 being a big year and already started on Michael Hyatt’s Best Year Ever.

    All the best for 2015!

  82. Hei Jeff,

    just wached your video…and I must say, I’ve become a huge fan of yours.
    I’ve followed many, so many business coaches for the past tree years – all of them good and succesful – that I’ve become picky, in other words: I search for authenticity, sincerety and open look, deep in persons eyes. I also love careful and magical use of words, words with more meaning or new, deeper or even comprehensive meaning.
    When it comes to selling these elements are more than just ‘not being salesy’.
    With respect and appreciation, Lis

  83. I’m listening to this in mid-July as I prepare to launch a new product. It is a good massage to hear at any time!

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