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A couple weeks ago I shared the one word secret to my success: partnership. But how do you get those partners? That's what this video is all about…

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31 Replies to “How To Make Connections and Find Partners”

  1. Crazy timing for this video. I was just making a list of strategies for working with partners and affiliates for a launch I’m developing for early next year.
    By the way, I’m super excited to be attending PLF Live in October!

  2. Just finished your book – Launch, which was fantastic so thank you for that. One of the things I say to myself often, is ‘I’m an introvert, this won’t work for me, because you need to be an extrovert’ Well this video just proved me wrong 🙂 Thank you Jeff, always great, solid and practical stuff. Much appreciated. Annie

  3. Thanks Jeff.

    I’m definitely going to be taking this on board.

    I’ve become a bit of an introvert but I made a decision last month to get away from behind my screen to get out there and meet folks so this from you definitely validates that decision.

    You rock,

  4. Nice video! It turned my waffling into a GO for a workshop I was thinking about attending. Hopefully I can go to yours too!

  5. So right on Jeff!! I just got back from John Assaraf’s Cloning for Business Success where Frank Kern spoke and I wanted to add how important if is to run your ideas past others in these events since “you don’t know what you don’t know” about your business, landing pages or website without a second set of eyes or ideas. Great message!

  6. Very true, Jeff.

    One of my favourite memories is talking to Marlon Sanders for an hour over a few beers at an event he attended in Australia many years ago.

    Sheer marketing genius…

    • Your comments was appreciated by me here in Australia I did order Jeff Walkers book a long time from the beginning but i guess he had not printed yet! I am beginning to think He had not even written it yet. God know how many millions he got before he put a pen to paper. I still have not got the book but I do see people getting it on video so I will have to wait and hope he has not forgotten me. I am still just learning.

  7. You always deliver clarity Jeff, you have the uncanny ability to focus on the essential elements and also to perceive the pain points of your audience – probably because we are kinda the same in terms of our personality types – but in any case I gained some insight from this video and yep relationships make all the difference.

  8. Hi Jeff, I’m actually sitting in a cafe shop in Dallas reading your book. I’m so excited to start my first launch, but my one problem is too many ideas. Has that ever happened to you? So, when there’s a live event you suggest in Dallas. Let me (us) know. It would be great to meet the masters (especially you) to keep me focused.

  9. As a fellow introvert, I agree with you full-heartedly. I have found myself doing similar things if I hear or see someone with a common interest, though I never thought of this as social marketing. I guess it is. Thanks for turning the lightbulb on in my mind.

  10. Hi Jeff,

    Meeting new people is so important. We have a number of local events we go to as they come up. This hasn’t netted us any partners but certainly have found people to refer to and that refer to us. Looking forward to PLF Live in October!

  11. Great video and perfect timing for us.
    We do have valuable connections at the moment – and indeed, real relationships that have been built over time – but really want to reach out to more and new JV’s for our upcoming launch. Live events are definitely one of our favorites to meet and connect with likeminded people.

  12. Jeff, you just gave hope to another introvert! Thank you for sharing your story with Frank Kern. I can’t believe he’s also an introvert! I will gather up my courage and do my best to create connections at the PLF Live in October.


  13. Very Important video for me to hear. I appreciate the elaboration on how you meet folks who may become important partners. And just how simple it can be.

  14. Hello Jeff!!! How much I am happy to see this you video, it made me exited, bcs, man, what you said is great. :*

  15. Thanks for the video. Between you and Brendon Burchard I get tons of great information. Do you like a challenge? As an Aussie, down here in Oz we do not have seminars, live events or any type of meetings where people can meet and network, nothing like in the US. I am trying to seek a JV or mastermind to partner with in this space but it’s failed so far. Any suggestions how to shake up this country a little?

    • Well…well…well.. my sentiments exactly I am in the Mid-North-Coast, Taree, NSW we really do not see these kinds of people and meetings like Jeff Walker has. However I will love to partner with you on a J.V. I got burned so many times, but i am not ready to give up I just need to meet positive people like you. please if you interested make contact

  16. Hey Jeff,
    I was just making my list of JV and through your video I realize how important it is to attend Live Events. I would love to come to your Live Event in October, but I live in the Netherlands, and my cash flow is not flowing as it will be in a year. I did your PLF and really enjoyed it. Have a 100 questions for you, but for now I just keep following you. Thanks (by the way, I see a little more grey in the hair 🙂

  17. Just a quick comment here. I would have to agree that live events are where the true partnerships are formed. Just finished your book “Launch.” Congratulations congratulations. You are awesome! To sum it up, “Launch is a book that will allow anyone, including a guy in a bathrobe to make thousands, even millions of dollars. It is a simple step by step formula that shows you how to create a real business using the online world of marketing, that can be managed anywhere in the world through the internet.” I am starting to read it again and focusing in on the details of where I can create a better launch sequence. I am in the middle of a test launch right now. I just did my pre-pre with a simple survey and just about to send out 3 videos over the next 12 days. Here goes! Thanks Jeff may you continue to be a Beacon of Hope and Light! God bless

    LIFE – Live In Fullness Everyday

  18. Mark Battuello


    Looking forward to an event once my website is up and running!
    Thank you Jeff!

  19. Has Jeff was talking I could see myself in the shuddle bus going to the live events, and meeting Jeff Walker, and Frank Kern that would be awesome!! However we just dont have these events in Australia. However its now time to change all that, I want to do a live event in Australia. It would be so nice to get some J.V. partners to do this with me in Australia hosting a live events like they do in the USA. O wow let run with this o.k. guys.

  20. Next month will be my first Network Marketing Event. So I couldn’t come to this blog at better time.

    I never thought of it that way. I never knew that this is where most partnerships started.

    Im so excited about next month event. I ready to build relationships.

    Thanks Jeff for this awesome tip

  21. Hi Jeff,
    I am Peter from Germany and a PLF-Owner and right in the middle of a seed launch 🙂 Crazy things going on ! 🙂
    I am just struggling with the question of which comment system to use.
    I have no good experiences with “Disqus”, it´s too complicated.
    Could you recommend something? Which one are you using?

  22. thanks for the reminder….I am going to be your next success story! Just read the book….heard about it from John Gallagher

  23. Jeff, I can’t agree with you more. Not only did I meet you at a Live event and create a whole new business plan that quadrupled after talking with you for a half hour, but at this point 90% of my partnerships are with people I met at live events. There’s no better way to get to know someone, see if you vibe together, and see if you have the same goals and standards. At live events like PLF Live you know most everyone you meet understands best practices for launches and how vital JV partnerships are to their success. At the last PLF Live I joined with several new naming clients which have grown into amazing partnerships but I also gained a new business partner and launched a new business that was completely out of my line of sight. Partners help you see what you can’t and you help them see what they can’t that’s what makes it so valuable. I never hesitate to go to live events because I always leave with so much more than I invested. It can be overwhelming meeting so many people at once, especially if you’re shy like I am. But you just have to force yourself to be social. I have this trick I do, I’d like to share. At the end of each day I like to go over each business care I collected and I ask myself three questions:
    Which one do I feel I just have to support because I know with the right product name and branding they will be a big success?
    Which people do I want to partner with because I just love what they are doing and I want to help put that goodness into the world?
    Which people I can help with an introduction to one of my personal business contacts. Then I put those business cards into those three categories. I make the introductions right away so that it gets done before we leave. Then I pick my top two or three connections and make it a point to connect with them the next morning before the doors open. This way I can build on that new relationship at the start of the day and ask them if they’d like to have lunch together. When you’re shy it helps to have a plan and to make it a game, for me it’s like playing Where’s Waldo the next day rather than the pressure of getting a partner. This helps me get over any shyness and really enjoy it. I’m looking forward to PLF this year. It’s going to be a great way to spend my birthday.

  24. I love this Jeff. I’m an introvert as well, so I’d rather been off on an adventure hiking a mountain or skiing, but I absolutely agree. It’s all about getting yourself out there. Being you. And sharing that love and passion of what you do with others. When you do, people connect, and they feel that bond. It can happen via internet however it’s a much slower process. It all depends on how fast you want your business to grow. We each must look at ourselves and listen to what our guidance is telling us. If you have the confidence and the presence to build those relationships in person, you’ll reap big rewards!

  25. You are so right Jeff. I attended my first life even this last weekend and it was amazing. The partnership opportunities was excellent

  26. I understand that you have to go and connect with people and you Jeff have had great success but I have attended meetups and have not had the same success as I find when I mention affiliate marketing there is a lot of people that do not know what affiliate marketing is. Also people are really only interested in talking with people who have status and experience and not interested in newbies. I will keep on trying and I won’t give up. All the best to you.

  27. Yes, totally agree that live event is the best way to make connection and find JV partners. Jeff, glad to know you are an introvert too. No wonder I feel a sense of connection watching your videos. 🙂

  28. Any strategies for improving the quality of the contacts at live events? Homework prior, types of meetings, etc.? Shifting from random chats to a more orderly process is what I am thinking about.

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