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It’s my favorite holiday. We’re celebrating Thanksgiving in the U.S. this week – though with the pandemic raging, it’s going to be a different experience this year than what most people are used to. Here’s what I’m doing to mark the occasion. I think you should try it too, wherever you live…

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23 Replies to “When Times are Tough, Give Thanks”

  1. 1-For being Alive!
    2-For being Healthy!
    3-For my beautiful family!
    4-For my dogs!
    5-For being able to live a comfortable live!

  2. Thanks for all the inspiration Jeff

    I am actually going to start a launch today

    It has been far too long since I last launched something

  3. Thanks, Sir Jeff!
    I’m grateful for you for this inpiring message. Happy Thanksgiving day to you there in the US.

  4. Even on the other side of the world, we celebrate the spirit of your Thanksgiving holiday. Thanks for your powerful message – gratitude is so underestimated in terms of it’s power to change your mindset 💕💕💕
    Thankyou Jeff – I’m grateful for you and your life’s work. ❤️❤️❤️

  5. tammy huckabone


    Gratitude helps attitude, and helps put things in perspective. Thank you, Jeff! Gratitude to you and your team. Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. I always love watching you.
    “Let’s go get ’em this week” gets me every time!
    Thinking of doing my first seed launch NOW and I’m too grateful about having such a great mentor (YOU!)

  7. Thank you Jeff. I am grateful for your coaching and guidance, which helped me create my current amazing life of freedom and creativity and joy. Blessings from Santa Fe.

  8. James Kirby


    Thanks Jeff
    I am thankful and grateful for being able to spend Thanksgiving at home. You see, I have spent 36 days in the hospital with the covid19 pneumonia. I was so grateful that I got out of the hospital even if it was 4 days before Thanksgiving. I am grateful for the way my family stepped up and made sure I had a great Thanksgiving. I am like you Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Thank you for allowing me to show my gratitude.

  9. Inspiring!
    You know, this is by far not the first or the worst pandemic in US history. In Victorian times there was some kind of pandemic pretty much every ten years – including Russian flu which hit in 1889-90, killed a million people worldwide and may have been a coronavirus which hopped from a cow in 1889. And of course diptheria which killed six of my grandfather’s brothers and sisters.
    And of course the biggie, Spanish flu in 1918-19 which probably killed 50 million people worldwide.
    Since 1945 we’ve had a holiday from pandemics – provided by things like the polio vaccine and the growing scientific understanding of how pandemics happen.
    One thing I’m enormously grateful for is that SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t affect children so badly. Yes, it’s sad when older people die at higher rates than young people (I’m 62 myself), but imagine if the rates were reversed… It just doesn’t bear thinking about.

  10. So inspirational, Jeff! You are so natural and motivating….I’m grateful for my health, my business with my team/students/impact on the world it is making, my friends, my family and my sweetheart. And more…let it all manifest and let us come from our hearts with overflowing gratitude! xo

  11. Great message Jeff. I share your sentiments completely.

    I hope you and your family are doing well down there in beautiful D-Town.

    2021 is shaping up to be a great year full of opportunity.

    Sincerely – Bill Burniece

  12. I am grateful for all the information you shared last month.
    I am grateful for the help you gave John Gallagher
    I am grateful for all the herbal information he shares
    I am grateful for the help you gave Anne LaFollette
    I am so grateful I have signed up for her mini classes!
    Love this Life!

  13. Every day, I write a journal of what I’m grateful for and post it on Facebook for anyone who wants to read it (I don’t hide my feed to non-friends). I’ve been doing this since March, 2018 and today is Day 970. I will hit 1000 near the end of December.

    Today, November 29, I mentioned a hike with friends, what I liked about a play we saw last night, what makes a play a timeless classic, receipt of a nice gift from a friend, editing my proposal for book #11, “Leveraging the Great Pivot,” and the yummy dessert my wife made as part of our dinner. 532 words and 4 photos.

  14. Ingrid Clark



    thankful for my left hand to be able to type. thankful for delightful people who stopped to call the ambulance for me when i tumbled down a flight of stars on Wednesday eve. thankful for Swarovski Crystal who paid for my health ins. while I was in furlough. Amen for docs and nurses who took care of my fractured wrist and face. Thankful for the service and nurturing money provides. Thankful for not having Covid, no heart trouble, no high blood pressure, no seizure, no extra weight.
    Appreciate my assertive spirit who insisted that I go home instead of being kept in the H, pumped full of pills, and talked into a facial surgery without explanation.
    What do I do with all the meds the hospital forced on me to take home?

  15. I love the gratitude message. I’m grateful that we stop at Thanksgiving. I always point out that we should be having more of a gratitude practice daily, which is what I do upon waking to going to bed. Sometimes it is harder to do than others, and I do my best….

  16. Peggy Riordan


    I am very grateful this year. Just a few days before Thanksgiving my husband had a massive heart attack. The paramedics worked miracles to keep him alive. He is home now and recuperating. His heart had stopped twice and now he is here with me. Yes, I am so grateful to everyone who helped him live. I am so grateful to everyone who prayed for him and continue to pray for him.

  17. I’m grateful for my continued good health, being able to work remotely and still get paid, blue skies, popcorn (my favorite snack to make myself), and the internet (how I’ve stayed in touch with people this year). Also grateful for you, Jeff, and PLF.

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