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Here's a very simple formula to get stronger, faster, better… in your business and in life.

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A very simple formula to get stronger, faster, better… in your business and in life. (Click to tweet.)

Successful people look for role models who can pull them higher. (Click to tweet.)

Always be looking for people in your life who are just a little further ahead. (Click to tweet.)

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26 Replies to “How to Get Better”

  1. Hey Jeff. Looks like a fabulous day to go running and what a backdrop!

    Great point you make about looking for someone just a bit ahead of you to push you that little bit further, that little bit faster.

    It is so easy to get sucked into watching the superstars in our industry and want to emulate their success when whilst that might be possible in the long term, we just have to draw level with person just that little bit more ahead of us. and then once we are there, find the next “runner” we can catch up to…and then just rinse and repeat until eventually, we become the pacemakers for those behind us.

    I also think your point about celebrating others’ success is also really important. It ties in beautifully with the principles of the Growth Mindset (Carol Dweck).

    Thanks for your thoughts on this. You always provide great value and insight in all your videos but this one really connected with me where I am right now. Thank You

    Michael T Royston

    • Anthony Beckman


      I saw the connection to Carol Dweck’s work as well. Its really a stronger place to see the world from. Keeps me on the positive side – even when i may not be seeing immediate successes. Great point!

        • Hi Jeff,

          Carol Dwecks book is here (highly recommended):

          Her TED talk is here :

          You will also find information relating to this topic in Bounce by Matthew Syed which is another excellent book which ties in with your points today

  2. Its always a pleasure to listen to you because you speak spontaneousely about your great work that matters.
    I took your advices as tresoured lessons.
    Thank you Jeff, you are awsome!

  3. Anthony Beckman


    Excellent message, Jeff. Thank you. I’m always looking for the person who’s a few steps ahead of me – along the path i want to be on – and use them as inspiration. I find when I celebrate others successes and have an abundance mindset – more good comes as a result.

  4. Glenn Tobias


    It’s great to see good people like you winning. Thanks for being genuine and transparent.

  5. this is great metaphor for NYC in general. Having just moved here and 3 mins from that spot you are on, the only reason I can give when asked why is the desire to be someplace where most everyone around is pushing to be a little stronger and a little faster. Good video Jeff, thank you!

  6. I think the finer points of human evolution did not come about because of competition with the saber tooth tiger, but competition between ourselves. We are our own best friends and worse enemies. There is no more dangerous animal on earth to humans than humans. It stands to reason that if our survival largely depended on how well we could communicate or fight each other for resources, those top evolutionary qualities had an enormous pressure to develop.

    I think your run along the Hudson is a beautiful metaphor for this. It also demonstrates we don’t have to be the fastest to reach the finish line, but that we have the endurance and ability to compete to get there. Though life isn’t a race anyone can win it does have a finish line, and if we embrace competition to improve ourselves it gives us the opportunity to have a worthier run while we can.

  7. Love this! Good job being consistent with your exercise routine while traveling. You didn’t mention that as one of the important parts of your run today, too! 😉 Yes, finding someone else to pace with is so important, especially when their pace is a little bit better. Thanks for the encouragement!

  8. Without a doubt – SO TRUE! That’s why I love ALL your messages! And love so many people who follow you because we resonate with this and lift each other!

  9. Thanks Jeff for pulling me along with you on your upward and continued path of success. Your videos inspire me every week I watch them! Have a great week!

  10. I’m a South Dakota boy, but I remember running in NY being a special experience too!

    Great point about becoming inspired rather than jealous by people who are further ahead than us.

    It seems like how much joy we experience in life is directly connected to how often we take things personally. The more we can make it about “us” instead of “me”, the better off we are.

    Thanks for taking the time to make this video. Glad to have a role model like you, Jeff.

  11. @Jeff, here’s to celebrating your wins and the consistent action you take! I’m super curious who those few people are who are slightly ahead of you, who will make you better, and who you intentionally try and surround yourself with? For those who you don’t already know personally in some manner, what are your best practices for beginning to run in their same circles?

  12. That is great,

    I always see a better version of myself runnung a little bit faster and doing the things a little bit better than me. And then I jump in him by modelling him.

    Then I become better.

    Jeff these videos are soo good and inspirational. I’m going to model you and jump into the example you are setting.

    What is that earplug you are using? Does it have a microphone on it? Did you use your hand as selfie stick? And could you point me to one of your videos on choosing and setting the frame? Your framing is always awesome. I mean what you see in the square of the camera. How you position yourself against the background.



  13. Jeff I have been studying how my mind works during the last 8 months by reading a lot of books about creating my dream life and dream business online. Imagination is a great higher faculty of your mind.

    So I got a lot better in the 4 aspects of my life by imaginating a better version of myself in those areas. As a short film writer and producer I can imagine 4 characters. 4 better versions of me. In wealth, relation, Health and Finance. And ask myself what are they doing better? How are they feeling better? Are they seeing, smelling, tasting, touching, hearing and thinking better? And then I become that character. The power of storytelling.

    So in your example; the better running Jeff Walker; what is he doing better? Better is not a good word, but you see what I mean. Now that version of yourself has a mind program working. You can download that program in your mind and execute it. Instantly. While you are running next time look at the image of the better you ealking in front of you. Then try to catch him. Jump in him in your mind. You will become him. You know that when you feel a smile on your mouth. Yeah…. And then he will try to rub fast than you again so you see the image of him walking in front of you again. He has upgraded himself. He is always learning like you. Now you need to download his new program again. During one single run you could be improving your program more times Jeff.

    My desire is to model what you do with producing video series, lauching. I need to download your seed launch program, the emotions everything. Cause it is a better upgraded mind program then mine.

    My desire is to teach, train and coach 10.000 persons in 5 years how to create their dream business online from scratch. And have a Micro Multinational like me. Based on their unique talens]ts and passions. Free at last. Free at last.

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