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What's your picture of success? If you're going to hit a target, you have to get clear on what you're aiming at.

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22 Replies to “What’s Your Picture of Success?”

  1. Hi Jeff

    I like the way you address your presentations. It is free of complication and formalities. wish you all the best

  2. One of the things I am looking forward to when I move to Ridgway, is the availability of being outdoors more. Thanks for a great video…

  3. My picture of success was you in front of a huge PLF audience in that video you posted earlier. 🙂 My trading seminars get 30-50 people, you had hundreds; you’re doing it right; congrats.

  4. I agree, My success is measured in my leisure time. i am working on that and it is coming. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. Jeff thanks for the words of wisdom as well as the beautiful scenery. Now I don’t have to feel bad if I am not out to make tons of money
    Miss Colorado- perhaps that should be my goal- return to Colorado one more time

  6. Once again Jeff you uplift me in my quest to find a building upon which to lean my ladder of success…….. 🙂

  7. Well said, Jeff!

    Designing a life is one of the major reasons why we moved to Niseko, Japan.

    Endless winter, bottomless powder – I’m sure you’d love it here!

  8. Andre Ewert


    I agree with all you say except Snow no longer motivates me…lol..I am more of a Beach Bum…lol..Great programs. Happy 2016 Jeff.

  9. Hi Jeff.
    For me it’s about being able to have the time to “smell the sunshine” – something I’m always telling my people to do whenever it’s break time in a training session. Being able to get outside in the fresh air is such a precious gift and many of us don’t give ourselves the gift as often as we should.

  10. Very True Jeff! Ultimately its all about being in the happy state of mind at end of all the hard or smart works!!!

  11. I love this video. Some people feel that sitting in an office all day and earning a big paycheck is success but they don’t realize that you can be just as successful in your own business and live life on your terms! Thank you!

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