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I just found a long lost treasure buried in a corner of my office (with original packaging!)… and it brought me back to the start of everything. It's been a crazy journey, from struggling stay-at-home dad to tens of millions of dollars in sales. And it started with this one simple bit of treasure…

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95 Replies to “This Long Lost Treasure Changed My Life”

  1. Iraida Yudintseva


    lol 🙂 floppy!)))
    You should put it in a frame somewhere on the wall 🙂

    What kind of camera do You use to shoot this? Doesn`t look like a webcam…

    • What kind of camera are you using and how do you jump between the close up and the wide angle shooting.



      • @Nick: we are always using a variety of gear. This one was shot with a pro-level Canon DSLR. The edits were all done in post-production. We’ll do a video about how we do video soon.

        • I’ve been dying for you to do a video about doing videos!! Can’t wait, thank you. This one is brilliant….you are the master for sure!

        • FInally @JeffWalker!!! Can’t wait to see your video about video…LOL what kind of Canon? 🙂 I’ve been a PLF owner and you are so generous!!! I still haven’t been able to finish it yet but you are helping me get through it.
          Thanks so much for all you do!
          Rita 😉

  2. Thanks, this is so inspiring!
    It reminds us that a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.
    We all start somewhere and have to keep living our dreams.

  3. My first video with you, Jeff. Wow! At age 55, I am now suspending unbelief and launching my first company. Excitied to get my first five beta customers. Seeing your success inspires me.

  4. Thanks for your inspirational story? What was your first few info products?

  5. Videos like these is what pushes me to finish my product. I know i’ll go through that barrier one of these days.

  6. I know what you mean by turning point. Glad you got that little floppy disc and glad that I can now learn from you because of it. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us! 🙂

  7. I don’t remember where I heard it but I remember watching a video where a guy showed a 3.5 floppy in a video and in the comments somebody posted that it was so cool that they made a 3D print of the “save” button LOL!

  8. Jeff
    Thanks. You connected. I’ve been up all night writing and loving it but I am on auto pilot…so tired. We have a major problem in Australia with domestic violence escalating. My book is aimed at people using methodologies to stay emotionally strong. I would like to start a website where they can speak up, stand up and be heard safely. I would like to highlight this issue, speak up for them and use case studies and petitions so it empowers them. Any ideas?

  9. Jeff
    I can remember similar situations along the office story. Bottom line life just seems to move too fast. We need to have a routine and stick too it come he’ll or high water. Which reminds me, I need to finish cleaning mine up.
    Thanks for the push.

  10. Thank you Jeff! You are a true inspiration; watching your videos has convinced me that I owe it to myself to at least try to make it happen. Today, I will be releasing my first blog on Tumblr where I talk about “Loving Yourself First”. I guess, for me, it was a mix of fear and procrastination, waiting to have the perfect text, the ideal words, but in the end, I was not helping anyone by keeping all my thoughts hidden on my computer. Ironically enough, my coaching niche is guys coming out of the closet; and yet I was myself hiding and waiting for the perfect timing to be perfect!!! Well! I am not perfect, and I will never be, but I will always aim to improve myself.
    Your videos made the scale tip and I am now 49% scared but 51% convinced that this will work.
    I too play guitar and my wish is that one day we can pull some strings together. I wrote the last sentence then erase it, then typed is again, thinking I might sound ridicule; it is like being shy of dreaming big.
    You gave me inspiration and courage and in a few hours my first blog will be published. From my soul to yours: Merci! Jeff, Thank you! I wish you an awesome day!

  11. Ray Schweiger


    Wow …..

    Reminded me of when and how I got started answering an ad somewhere 1993,for selling coupon books as a fundraising tool for non profit organizations. Answered that ad got a big box delivered of samples for free and recieved a call from a gentleman from Indiana whom now is a great friend and upline business partner with me in the wotlds largest shopping network for B2B. …

  12. Jeff, I must admit. You are one of my biggest guilty pleasures! Listening to you is always uplifting and encouraging. Thanks!

  13. Mxolisi Nehru Bovula


    This has happened also to me. Mostly this is caused by lack of confidence build up by many years of being fed incorrect information . I also have and still see stuff not acted on but someone had picked and is making a run for it. I wished I can grow out of it

    Mxolis N Bovula

  14. Hey Jeff, I loved this video.. So encouraging.

    I just launched my first product, a training course, and I was shooting for fifty people to enroll. It’s still in the launch phase but so far I’ve only got three people.

    When you were talking about “that turning point” it made me think, maybe that turning point is that decision to go in another direction, but perhaps the turn itself its more of a wide curve.

    I’m pretty much where you were back in the mid 90’s. I’m hoping that in due course I’ll have a testimony like yours where we can live the life of our dreams and be an impact on so many other peoples lives!

    Thanks again. 🙂

  15. Wow!! I’ve been watching your videos and they are completely changing my perception of what’s possible! This video is just the message I needed to what today.. Thank you Jeff!!!

  16. Jeff, well said. Belief is the gate. Either we open it or close it. Unfortunately we don’t know it in present tense. for reflective persons like you, connecting dots in the past gives the lessons.
    Thanks for this lesson Jeff. I love this.

  17. Great video, Jeff. I agree. Each time I have trusted my intuition about taking a bold step and risk, it has led me forward to the life of my dreams. Getting connected with you was one of those times, so thank you for helping me with your ideas, methods and coaching.

  18. Love this Jeff. You come across as so authentic and real . And just love your message and what you came to earth to do! x

  19. Hi Jeff,

    Have the looked the creator of that info product up and reached out to them? That would make an awesome follow up story. Great launch. Thanks!

    • @Julie: yes, I did. About five years ago or so… sent her an email and said “Let me tell you what you’ve done for me and my family…”

  20. Suspending disbelief…such a great point Jeff. It’s key to moving forward. Thank you for the reminder.

  21. Thank you Jeff !

    This reminds me about my long lost treasure, which is newsletter we have printed in April 2000, just after my visit to Athens, Greece.
    The US company, called Space Imaging – and their European Affiliate, Space Imaging Europe – invited all professionals, dealing with the Earth Observation from satellites – to the first meeting in Europe – with access to the First on Earth Very Hight Resolution satellite – IKONOS. I have hopped into the plain and flew Athens to this meeting. Barely had money to make this trip and hotel.
    I have dreamed on the way back to Warsaw, that this would be wonderful to “have” such a Satellite Ground Receving Station for IKONOS satellite, in Poland. Such a station would cost at the time around $ 30 million and it was beyond imagination a small company like mine, employing only 2 persons in 1999 – could somehow reach such an ambitious goal.
    But in the same way like you did – I allowed to myself to believe, that maybe somehow – there is a way to reach it.
    In the same way – like in your life – I allowed to myself to believe “that content of this floppy” can change my life.
    ANd it did’. 4 years later President of Poland hs cut the ribbon to the Satellite Center in Poland.
    The start of the road – was hope in my mind – that “this somehow can be done” 🙂
    Thank yu for your story. 🙂

  22. Thank you. I have enjoyed all that you have shared, however, I am not sure how to use it with my pet sitting.

  23. Suspend your disbelief and start to believe you can create a bigger you and better future. Thanks Jeff for such an inspirational message.

  24. Jeff, So inspirational! Another great personal, heartfelt and engaging story!! The business tools and methods are important of course but your inspiration is the real driver! Can’t wait for your next book! 🙂 Tom

  25. HI love your story. It is inspiring. It is overwhelming to go to work during the day and get my story out. I am in the process of self-publishing my children book.

  26. thnk you for this ” special ” 5inches and half , ancestral thing , but that existed

    Young people it was a long long time ago

  27. Hi Jeff,
    It’s really special you sharing this ‘re-discovery of a lost treasure’ with the world.
    The biggest challenge in embracing change, for me, is to do away with my disbelief and taking a leap of faith.
    This video just re-echoes what I might be missing, by not taking a step in a new direction.

  28. Thanks for your inspirational story Jeff. It might be “my biggest problem”. Everything is fine so I don’t have a sense of urgency. I don’t even have kids. 🙂

  29. So true, Jeff, about taking the first steps, and the good ones cost something – time, discipline or resources. Thank you!

  30. Does your wife know about it now? Haha!
    Are you in the same house? I assume not but who knows.

  31. What’s really funny is that they still called it a floppy disk (because the 5 1/4 was flexible) even though the 3.5 is actually rigid….not so floppy!

  32. angel ortiz


    thank you jeff for the extraordinary stories of success by people who believed and succeeded in themselves accomplishing what they never thought they would. Your words and mentoring have made a difference in my life . Because of great people taking action and helping others do the same i truly believe the power of example you are has truly made you very special . thanks again and God Bless

  33. Hey Jeff,

    Two things:

    1). Where would we all be without that little relic and YOU’RE TAKING MAASIVE ACTION!!

    2). “Suspend your disbelief and have confidence in yourself.” That is so powerful across the board. That’s going to be laminated and placed on the shower wall to soak in everyday.

    Thanks for your continuous massive action!

    • @Frank: it works for hard goods as well. See this video for one example:

  34. Hi Jeff.
    I have LOVED your videos. ONLY wish I had found out about your program a year or so ago BEFORE I wasted ridiculous money on something other. My passion is natural wellness and have a newer site (, but boy is this tough. Husband lost his job just as I announced to my former employer (as a middle school teacher) that I would not be returning this year so I could build my online biz. Whew. Now two of us with NO income and THREE girls in college and one getting MARRIED in two weeks. Soooo appreciate your enthusiasm and sincerity! It helps to maintain focus here… hard work in a good direction does pay. Focus Focus. Looking forward to learning lots more from you! Thanks for all the free content you share!! Ready to learn and do more! 🙂 Blessings!

  35. Kortney Jmaef


    ITs kortney Jmaeff, your message totally resonates with me. Im looking forward to a lot more info from you and your product launch formula
    Im interested in taking the product launch training, my business partner (who also wants to take the training) is away until October 1st.
    Heres my question, will the training be online so we can review it later at our convenience, or is it all live stuff?
    I think that this will be a lot of fun and I always wanted to have an online business.
    Please let me know if you have a chance.

  36. Jeff – perfect timing for me. Not only was the floppy disk a hoot to even see these days, but the $99.50 was what touched me. I am currently spending money to get my launch up and running. Aweber, Lead Pages, David Garland’s and Amy Porterfield’s stuff, so my ‘leap of faith’ is trusting, and I do, that spending money that I really don’t have now is the best investment I can ever make. Blessings on your current launch, I am a fan of yours!

  37. Hey Jeff,

    Another great video! I also purchased that course back in the nineties but unlike you I didn’t take action on it then. It was a great course for its time and even gave a ton of private label articles you could resell. I actually still have the “bonus” VHS where Sheila Danzig is talking about her business during a wedding they were at! I was going to give it to you at PLF Live last year but didn’t bring it as I thought you wouldn’t be accessible. I will give out to you next time I see you! Thanks for your continued teaching and help!

    Take Care,
    Rob Anderson

  38. Thank you for this post Jeff!
    First, it was fun to hear your comment about having an office that looks “presentation quality”.
    Your video reminds me of a course I invested in last year and it was transforming. Making a decision to invest in ourselves is one major step, but we also have to apply what we learn to see the results.

  39. yay! this is so inspiring! thanks for sharing. i have really enjoyed all the videos and am looking forward to the next one. i am also really looking forward to creating my own seed launch!
    question: how do i participate in the conversation here in the comments. i have commented on other videos and responded to other people’s comments, but your videos are so popular with so many comments below them that i cannot find my comments when i go back to the conversation. how do i stay involved in the conversation, as opposed to just leaving a comment and moving on?

  40. More good stuff , more gems , and yes I am ‘walking your talk’ this week end with a map of products which combine what I have done over the larger part of my life with the beginnings of solutions to the mess of problems we have in our world today; an information product that has never been conceived of before , yes really!!

    Without your guidance and your process I would not have made the connections with the past and the present which will add depth and value to the products I will launch . Watch this space and look out for C4C, the Checklist for Change based on ‘common sense for the common good’ I hope you might be thinking “yeah ? how in hail is he gonna do that? I hope you might be just a little bit intrigued.

    Thanks Jeff

  41. Thanks Jeff. It’s amazing how one investment in yourself can change everything!

  42. Actually, that wasn’t even a “floppy” it was around the same time, which seems like 1M years ago. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane. $99.5 was a HUGE investment 20 years ago, you took a giant leap of faith. Good to be reminded of all of the tiny decisions and actions we must take along our road to success. Thanks!
    P.S. I took would like to know what type of camera was used to shoot this and also, how were you able to do that zooming? Did you have another person shooting it? I live alone and work from home so I’m looking for technology that can be done with one person only…..

  43. Hi Jeff,

    I am finding I look forward to your e-mails and the content to improve. I am just getting started with my Inbox Magazine and even though I have a website, it is not published yet. I liked your analogy of a baby learning to walk. We are living in an instant gratification world now, and sometimes we have to sit back and review what is our goal, our passion, and what it takes to accomplish the results. I will admit, I have been dragging my feet, but I see from where you have come and know I can accomplish my dreams and goals with education and perserverance!

    Thank you for sharing your journey!

  44. Wow… that’s a souvenir to treasure !

    I do have something at my home that has just as much importance to me as this floppy drive.
    It is the CD-roms and Notebooks of PLF 1… That I received as a bonus from you waaaaaay back in 2008 when I joined one of your classes… And those worn-out notebooks and CDs changed my life.

    Seeing this video reminds me how grateful I am that you took that leap of faith all the bay back in 1995 and that you were able to share your brilliance with the world and with a young Frenchman in particular 🙂

    Thanks for being you.

  45. Judith Mitton (Jude)


    Dear Jeff, I have been following you now for A little while, first I’d like to thank you for your works, it has helped me a great deal and I know I have much more to learn from you.
    I have started writing my first book, it’s an Autobiography with information on how to and where to go for help, regardless of how hopeless things may seem,. I was going to keep going and I wanted to tell you more. I know I do this , and along with Dr Wayne W Dyer,
    R.I.P. Earth Angel, Louise Hay. And yourself I can do this. Thank you.
    Namaste Jude

  46. This is a great motivational video! Humble beginnings with just a few steps and some curiosity helped to form the business you have now. I cannot wait to have the kind of impact you are having on my life for others!!

  47. P.K Eastman


    What a sweet and incredible story. Thank you. Your material always inspires me.

  48. Hi Jeff: I think you might be creating a believer in me. Your testimony about beginning your business and facing you own doubts and taking a chance on doing what you love has inspired me. I saw many of the things you acted upon but fear of being wrong stopped me from stretching in ways that I had to in order to be a more successful.

    I like the first few videos and will watch more. Thank you for sharing your case studies and I will be watching more and we shall see what emerges.

    Joy and Blessings, Barb

  49. Thanks for sharing this Videos!

    The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle, arousing the viewer’s curiosity to discover what meanings lies behind the pictures and whether there is a thematic affinity between them or, are the associations purely aesthetical.

    1. Video
    Nostalgy about great little things
    Ideas should spread ever faster, and even the most radical will quickly become commonplace

    2. Video
    Heart-to heart talk cosy feeling two guitar players who don’t play guitar
    Only the madman is absolutely sure
    Take it easy have fun not take things or yourself too seriously

    3 Video
    tauching story amazing inning insistence jugglery

    The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple
    The “paradox” is only a conflict between reality and your feeling of what reality “ought to be”


    Shelly Brander Yarnspiration super-super

    You have forgotten who you are, who you were designed to be.
    But you are amazing, you are happy, you are fulfilled, if you live your dream life. You have forgotten this, it’s time to remember! Now! You Know now that all is in your hands, you do have the power to perform miracles.

  50. This was incredibly deep Jeff! It was like taking the car of Back to the Future movie and see how it all started. For some reason it made me think on Jim Rohn’s quote:”You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of”. Keep doing the great job that was destined to you.

  51. So great! I just love your stories and your transparency. I’m doing a Pre-Launch tomorrow, after doing a bunch or PPLC and can’t wait. Tons of excitement and feedback and I just want to thank you for all of the wisdom and inspiration!

    And to all of you who are doing launches: YOU ARE AMAZING! The guts and work it takes to put yourself out there, to put a video or a product online, out to the public, that expresses your heart, soul, passion and desire for change for others, is AWESOME! I didn’t think anything of it really, because I’m a rather fearless extrovert. But then I realized: “Wait. No one else I know personally has the guts to do this. I must be a freak!” So, to all of you SUPER-FREAKS out there: Woo hoo! (This is me giving a virtual cheer, with virtual high fives!) Keep up your awesomeness!

    • Wishing you tremendous success on your Pre-Launch tomorrow, Chris. Hope you keep us posted on how it goes. Virtual cheers and virtual high fives back to you SUPER-FREAK!

  52. You know…the times… they’re a changin’ ;))) but some things could be quite resistible. Like your small 3 inch floppy and its content. Almost every new thing in our life is something old and well forgotten.

  53. Great memory Jeff on the size of a floppy. Thanks for your story and sharing what you have been gifted with.

  54. It’s a testament to print that in this digital age, direct mail and print is still making piles of cash for the people that know how to use it.

  55. Love the little bit of history. I wish I could say I didn’t know what a floppy disc is! It is a testament to technological innovation that many in your audience might not recognize what that thing is. Now I’m looking at putting together my first product using a webcam and a webinar service that cost me very little. Wow.


  56. Dear Mr. Walker,

    Thank you so much for this short clip and for your life’s mission. My recent treasure is the audio book “Launch”, by you. I’m a practitioner of shamanic arts and I work with my clients one on one, and although I LOVE WHAT I DO, I want to reach as many people as possible.

    When I started listening to your book I couldn’t see how what you teach can apply to me, after all I AM my product, I facilitate people’s spiritual healing, but the more examples you gave the more hopeful I became – I CAN produce a product that will help people take their healing into their own hands!

    The most peculiar thing was when you mentioned Durango, CO – since February of last year my Spiritual Guides want me to relocate – to Durango, CO. I visited the town late last summer and instantaneously fell in love, and now in a process of find a place there.

    Do you need one more assistant in your business? I would love to work with you, and live in Durango!


  57. Jennifer Zoetewey


    Jeff; Thank you for the videos and motivation to launch. I appreciate the information.

  58. I have been looking around recently for marketing advice and hadn’t really found anyone I could relate to, then I come across you Jeff! I love the amount of really good quality advice that you give away for free- this is, I think, what sets you apart. Thanks so much!

  59. Hi, Jeff!
    What fun to hear your story about how the material on your found floppy disk gave you the seeds for starting your business! I was cleaning out our storage unit recently and found the various prototypes for our most successful product—Sneaker Balls Air Fresheners for Sports Shoes and Bags invented in 1988.

    Those physical items can unleash a ton of memories and are powerful for including in our writing and videos for helping our clients connect with us. I will keep that in mind as we are developing our videos and course. You are the Master of Connection!

    Thanks for your continuing generosity and insight.

    Sending smiles,
    Mary Lou

    P.S. I have an off-the-subject question for you about this video: Is that a wooden dryer for homemade pasta that I see in the background on your kitchen counter? If so, what’s your favorite pasta?

  60. Hi Jeff, I would love to know the name of the person or company that helped you “launch the idea” to launch your online business back in 1995. Wouldn’t it be nice to give them credit too, since they had such a huge impact on you???
    Just think….. 20 years from now, some multi-millionaire could be doing a similar video and hold up your material and tell people how your information changed their life. Wouldn’t you love to be acknowledged too???
    Wishing you all the best for continued success!

  61. David Altmann



    My guess is that

    a) the $99.50 were quite an investment for you back then as stay at home dad, and
    b) there was not even a 1 day money back guarantee.

    So the leap of faith back then was maybe even bigger than nowadays where, e.g. with your Product Launch Formula, there is a 30 days money back guarantee.

    How do they say these days in US English… “amirite?” 🙂

    Best regards from Greece

    • @David: yes… that was a very large investment for me at the time. I can’t remember if there was a guarantee… but I think there probably was one.

  62. Hi Jeff, I used to work much with this technology in the past, I still have some of that pieces as a souvenir. I know exactly how much of info it can be put inside, and I can say it can be a big amount of text and some decent quality images too.
    The above leads to this: The content is king because of the quality, not the quantity. It does not need to include 1000s of pages and 100s of images and videos to get to the point, to have a high perceived value…

  63. Love that you shared this and still had the original course. It is true that all great things have humble beginnings. You made the commitment, got started, did the work, and built a great business and life. Now you’re helping others. Good on ya’ mate!

  64. Hi Jeff

    That was actually a very moving video! It took me back when you talked about floppy disks and dot-matrix printers (and receiving information in the mail).

    I love finding treasure like that myself, and thinking what a difference those things have made in my life. I get really annoyed with myself though, when I find information products that I never did anything with and it’s clear that they worked really well for other people.

    All the best


  65. Hey Jeff,
    great video as always.
    I have a similar story to tell about a 1999 course from Ken Evoy “Make your site sell” which I printed out (120pages) and carried through all of my personal development phases. Simply couldn’t throw it away. 😀
    With the help of your book that you kindly sent me for free at the beginning of 2015 (thanx again!) I finally started to act upon this knowledge and created my own membership site. Thank you for pushing me over the fence! I hope that our paths will cross someday – I’m in the process of becoming a permanent world traveler (aka Digital Nomad), a freedom only an online business can give you. So just a few months after the final decision it already changed my life profoundly for the better. Keep up the great work and go get’em this week. 😉

  66. Love the back story! I still have 3.5″ disks in my files…lol! Looking forward to how you do your video’s and more stories from you.
    I learn so much every time. Keep up all the great work, and wonderful (very useful!) information!!

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