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Some thoughts on Memorial Day and all the heroes that have built and preserved our freedoms and our way of life…

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17 Replies to “Memorial Day thoughts…”

  1. james ehrlich


    Great video for today….
    Here is a great quote about 2 of our holidays–

    Thanksgiving is a day when we pause to give thanks for the things we have…
    Memorial Day is a day when we pause to give thanks to the people who fought for the things we have

  2. In my house today at 3 PM today we will observe 5 minutes of silence in honor and memory of the men and women who gave their lives in service to our country. I want my son’s to know today is not a day set aside for BBQ’s and swimming parties. It’s not a day set aside for great deals on a new mattress, new car, new couch or new outfit.

    I want them to know this is a day that has it’s roots in our own Civil War and has grown (over decades of wars) to be the day we honor all Americans who have died while in the military service. This is a day when we not only remember, but those of us who still can, must resolve not to let their sacrifice be in vain, but to rise up in their place and continue the fight for liberty and justice for all.

    Today should impact the way we think about the freedom we enjoy. A day to count our blessings that were won at great cost.

    For all of you who have lost precious sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters or anyone you love due to military service, I grieve with you today, I stand in humble gratitude with courage for the courageous, honor for the honorable and love for the ones who lost their beloved.

  3. Great video. Nice to hear positive thinking amongst so much negative thinking.

  4. Thanks for posting this on Memorial Day Jeff. So many gave so much and I hope a few Americans have taken a moment – just a moment – to contemplate what happened at Gettysburg, Antietam, the Marne, the Somme, Omaha Beach, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Inchon, Heartbreak Ridge, Ke Sanh, Hue, Tikrit, Kirkuk, Kandahar and so many other places. Maybe in between the 3rd and 4th beer or before the second hamburger at the Memorial Day picnic. Maybe a moment. Just a moment.

  5. great quotes but times have changed,it seems our goverment is the one creating troubles in the world then we send our kids to fight not for our freedom but for wealth of corporations.we have destroyed the world and with it destroyed our way of life.we have no freedom what we have is a slow corporate-goverment dictatorship.
    god bless america

  6. Jeff, that was a really great video. As an Iraqi Freedom veteran, I can tell you that I really appreciate you acknowledging my service. Veterans don’t serve because they want something in return, but they do want to be remembered. I also like the Patton quotes and I actually got to laughing when I thought about what kind of an Internet Marketer George S. Patton would be! Thanks for taking the time to make this video.

  7. Hey Jeff,

    Thank you for sharing this video. Here in Australia we have Anzac Day, which is a day where we remember everybody who has fought and died in wars Australians have served in.

    Yes we owe it to those men and women to become the best we can be, regardless of the setbacks we have that seem insurmountable at the time. The daily struggles we have as entrepreneurs are nothing compared to the sacrifices they made so we can continue to enjoy the freedoms we have today.

    Lest We Forget.

  8. i like and today is our slavery freedom celebration in guadeloupe and i am doing my fisrt launch on the 11 th of june


  9. Thanks Jeff, great thoughts. So thankful for the freedom to create!! Love the quotes as well as the reminder to get going and to honor those who came before. You are a hero and your inspiration as a leader has brought us far!

    A special thanks to all those who also paid a price for our freedoms we so enjoy today. I honor and celebrate their lives. I know that there are a few in my life. One is my dad, no he did not die in battle, but came close being a Vietnam Vet who took a bullet to save another man’s life.

    I am honored to celebrate all hero’s, especially the one’s still with us, because he has been one of the greatest people there for me as I create my future and make that impact. His support has been a gift and blessing along with his love.

    Thank you…and create on!!

  10. Thanks for the post Jeff. It is the becoming a hero, serving others, that resonates for me. if I don’t serve, help others and share my beliefs, values and knowledge and enthusiasm, what is there? Lets go get ’em this week. Thanks, my friend, Bob Tewsley

  11. Jeff,

    Thanks for doing this video. I am a retired, 22-year Army First Sergeant who is also a Gold Star Dad. My son Sergeant Eddie Jeffers was killed in Iraq on September 19, 2007. He wrote a very famous article titled “Hope Rides Alone” that went viral on the internet. He also wrote two succeeding articles (all three are lined at my website). Take it from me, you can never be too thankful for the sacrifices our fallen have given. Great quotes from Patton BTW; two of my favorites.

    Dave J

    • @Dave: Words cannot begin to express the gratitude I’ve got for you, your son, and the incredible sacrifice that both of you have made. Your son’s words in those articles are incredible.

  12. My work is in the non profit sector primarily education and ministry. What I am wanting to launch is a nation (tribe,community) for my athletic program and my coaching ministry. I listened to your interview with Darren Hardy. You got my creative juices flowing and gave me good info to help me get some traction.

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