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Have you ever taken a test to gauge your entrepreneurial potential? 

There’s one hugely important factor all those assessments seem to overlook: whether or not you have a growth mindset.

A growth mindset is the belief that you can always learn new skills and improve. It’s a can-do, “no matter what happens, I’ll figure it out” attitude.

(The opposite is a fixed mindset – the belief you’re forever stuck where you are… with no hope of growing or making progress.)

The most successful entrepreneurs I know spend time cultivating a growth mindset. They understand that it’s key to overcoming the challenges we face as business owners.

And if you’re looking to achieve great things and reach your full potential…

Here are six ways you can develop a growth mindset for yourself.

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13 Replies to “How to Upgrade Your Mindset (6 Ways)”

  1. Verónica Ramos García


    I think the mayor serbacks for me as an entrepreneur have been getting a chronic illness. It made a huge dent on my mindset because I found that I couldn’t do many things that I took for granted and on the other hand, it was catastrophic financially.

    Now I have learned to build relationships, which have opened doors and re-develop a growth mindset and also to budget to invest in trainings.

    Little by little I am feeling unstuck. It has been a process but I have learned to cultivate the progress vs. perfection mindset which is, I think, pivotal for persons like me that find themselves with their lives turned upside down in a very short time. I simply refuse to quit. I just take a different approach, and it’s working. For example, I couldn’t join Launch this year but I will next time because I have added the course to my list of must do things. But in the meantime, I read your book and saw your Masterclass and I will apply what I have learned and I am beyond grateful for that opportunity.

    Thank you!

  2. Brooke Musterman


    Yes, I would definitely be interested in a series. You know, I have been looking for tangible ways to get into the entrepreneurial mindset for months. I think you just laid it out perfectly for me. Thank you!!…b

  3. Very valuable to hear about growth mindset and millionaire mindset. I would like the millionaire mindset series. I also value your mind expanding visions of wealth during the Launch and would like more of the same. Thank you!

    • Masha,
      You can create one if you can´t find one and start by just reaching out to one person whom you would like to be part of your group. There have books been written about Mastermind groups, one of them by Lynn McTaggert.
      I once belonged to a Großmann group. He was the father of time-planning systems and later belonged to a mentoring group.

  4. Thanks, Jeff. I appreciate all of the resources that you share with us so we can grow. I’ve aligned with your PLF because I believe that it offers exactly the right resources to amplify and activate my own success mindset 10X. Grateful!

  5. I’d like to engage with that road map to $1 million launch, thanks, Jeff!

  6. Joseph Weissenberg


    Growth Mindset is a wonderful term for doing the impossible. Endorse Challenges, Look for Feedback, Find Mentor, Join Masterminds, Embrace Value. Embracing Failure and to learn from the failure is only possible through feedback. Thanks for reminding.
    I think I can add another growth mindest: Never give up.

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