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So this week was the 22nd anniversary of when I started my business. There’s no real way I could have predicted I’d be where I am today, but there is something I’ve focused on that’s kept me innovating and successful. I think it can work for you too…

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38 Replies to “What’s the Next Step?”

    • Can’t wait to see what you all have up your sleeves this time – 4th round PLF launch and I am going to finish my launch this time😀! Thanks, Sheila Galligan

  1. Happy Anniversary, Jeff and team! Innovation is the key to not get bored in business. Exciting times ahead. I’ve been watching the PLF gold in the vault non-stop this weekend, I’m so ready to launch! Thanks for constantly inspiring us.

  2. Phyllis McCrory Rowan


    Hands up from me too! Best of luck in your new Launch. Thanks for the reminder that the next step is the one that really matters in the long run.

    • Happy Anniversary Jeff! This video was kinda Alfred Hitchcock-ish. Put us on the edge and then…next weeked us! Good stuff as always Jeff. Thanks!

  3. Congratulations on your anniversary and the new upcoming launch! I can’t wait to see it….Also, your set looks great and you look great! Keep it up!

  4. Philip Ashcroft


    Happy Anniversary Jeff, great to look back on such awesome success,
    I’ve followed you for a long time now and have read your Launch book.
    Your weekly video’s are a great boost always with such valuable information,
    delivered in such an honest and down to earth style.
    Thank You

  5. Congrats Jeff on your Anniversary. Looking forward to seeing what you’re going to launch. Have a great weekend.

  6. This is great timing for me! I’ve casually read Launch twice before…maybe 3 times and even have the PLC workbooks printed, but wasn’t ready to move forward. I just finished reading again this week, this time with intention. So, next step for me: finally become a PLF owner, do my first launch and come to LaunchCon!

  7. Thank you for being always so inspiring .

    I wish us many more! Happy anniversary!

    Thank you for being you!

    Hugs and love,

  8. I loved this lesson because am finding myself shifting a lot in the business and worried that I should stick with what I know. I look forward to the new innovation.

  9. Thanks for being an inspiration to us Jeff – and Happy Anniversary! Who knows what the next 22 years will hold!? 🙂

  10. Love Love Love innovation when I see it. I recently retired out of an organization that touted innovation. Our fearless leader even went so far as to decree that all staff must be innovative, and he provided a dedicated email for everyone to send their innovative ideas to. (that might be a bit of insight into why I retired early). I’ve been following the online marketing game fairly closely since the internet bootcamp guru days of 2010 and have seen some tremendous innovations in that time. I’m happy to observe that Jeff has been pretty close to the bleeding edge of most of them, in one way or another. Because of him and a few others, I am happy to say that my product launch is scheduled for early November. I’m just getting a few of the critical pieces in place and then off I go. Thanks to Jeff and his team for (in)directly creating and reinforcing innovation in this online marketing world over the years.

  11. Thank u, Jeff, for writing your book! It was my guide to my 1st 4-Video Pre-Launch series & I’ve got $9,000 in 2 weeks! For me, that is huge! I’m grateful for you & for putting your knowledge out for everyone to learn from.

  12. Great inspiration again Jeff!
    Thanks so much for putting these videos out as I find so much value in them!

    I feel that often we want to lead the change and be in the fore front of it all with innovation. And then there are the other times that we just have to adapt to it all and in a way handlle the ever increasing entropy.

    It’s like this dance with reality that sometimes we lead and other times we adapt.

  13. Beth Schumaker


    Well said! Dr. Rick Hanson, a fantastic neuropsychologist, talks about “Just one thing”….meaning what is one thing you can focus on to advance your journey? Similar to focusing on the next thing and giving 100% to that action. Incrementalism is the ticket.

  14. Wow, congratulations on your 22th year of amazing success, Jeff! Such an inspiring video to watch on a Monday morning! All the best to you and your team! 💛👏🎉

  15. Thank you for keeping us inspired Jeff. All the best with the PLF and congratulations on your Anniversary. Many more years and many more people to support :). It was a pleasure meeting you in AZ. The people I met there have been also an inspiration. Thank you for putting this together, give us your knowledge and help us connect with amazing people that increase our growth.

  16. Congratulations! You’re an online Sherpa I trust & therefore find the adventure fun while potentially frightful. Seeing your success over the long haul is encouraging. Thanks for your videos, Launch 📖 and all the great content you freely share. ~ Connie

  17. Congratulations on 22 fantabulous years! 🙂
    And this message couldn’t have come at a better time.

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