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So a couple of days ago I flew into San Francisco – I was going there to give a talk at Brendon Burchard's “Expert's Academy” workshop.

When I stepped off the plane in San Francisco, I had no freaking clue that within an hour I would be helping “blueprint” a product launch for Paula Abdul – a product launch that will likely kick off with appearances on all the biggest talk shows on network TV.

(That should make for a nice pre-prelaunch!)

What a crazy world… I start the day flying out of my one-gate airport in tiny Durango, CO and a few hours later I'm helping strategize the best way to use a series of appearances on the biggest TV network talk shows as part of a product launch.

This is the deal… it was one of those times when all the travel went smoothly. Got off the plane in San Francisco on time, found my driver right away… and made it to the hotel in no time.

I walked into the lobby and there was my old friend Frank Kern and new friend Dean Graziosi (Dean is on TV every day, and his company does $1 million in sales every WEEK – all driven by infomercials).

Turns out Dean is working with Paula Abdul on releasing a new product… and he was hoping to get some help from Frank and I with figuring out a product launch sequence. It was all a surprise to me, but it sounded cool – so we got right into it.

And that's how I ended up sitting at a table with Paula Abdul, and Frank and Dean… doing some big picture strategic planning for this launch.

Now frankly, I don't have any idea about the inner workings of all those TV talk shows (it sounds like there's a lot of gamesmanship about which show you're going to appear on when) but I've got a pretty good idea on how to drive a TON of traffic from an appearance on those shows (think of the most famous TV talk shows – yeah, you know the ones I'm talking about. Household names. Millions and millions of viewers.)

And trust me, Paula and her manager were VERY interested in our strategies. Paula told me that mainstream Hollywood is just starting to wake up to Internet Marketing… and that the agents and studios are both fascinated by it and scared to death of it.

(What's really cool is that Paula's launch is for a product that could make a serious – and very positive – impact on the hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. and beyond. Within minutes of meeting Paula, it was obvious she's got a HUGE heart and she's on a mission to help a lot of people. And with Dean's help, she's been able to tap into our crazy world of Internet Marketing, and the whole product launch world.)

Which all goes back to my “Powered by Internet Marketing” blog post… as I mentioned, we Internet Marketers are going to continue to play a larger and larger role in “real world” big business. It's going to happen gradually at first… but look out world, here we come.

– Jeff

P.S. I didn't forget about that Flip video contest… we had soooo many amazing comments in the “Powered by Internet Marketing” post. In fact… it got me EVEN MORE fired up… and I'm going to be expanding on what Internet Marketing means to me… but for now I just want to announce a winner for the Flip.

So here we go… the winner is Mel with comment #83. Congratulations! You'll be getting an email from Betty on my team to arrange for shipment.

P.P.S. A product launch for a major celebrity using mainstream TV… pretty cool, eh?

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54 Replies to “Paula Abdul and Product Launches…”

  1. Wow, Jeff! Hot dog! Congratulations. There’s so much pleasure in helping people. The rewards are far greater than money can offer. You are a great guy and I expect you will be more in the public eye with this launch. Lots of karma coming your way.
    All the best!

  2. Hi Jeff,

    Pretty cool news that you’re involved in planning Paula’s product launch.

    I got to meet her & spend some time with her recently & as you know by now, she not only has a huge heart but she is very savvy when it comes to positioning her brand & she has great business instincts. Plus she’s usually a few steps ahead of what everyone else in the entertainment industry is doing.

    Looking forward to seeing what you came up with!


  3. Jeff,
    Great work on this. 🙂

    That’s a huge opportunity for her. (and you 🙂

    Look forward to seeing how you handle the launch
    and your strategies for working within broadcasting.

    All the best,
    Jack Duncan

  4. Jeff
    that is awesome.
    Yesterday I got calls from two companies asking me to go do launches for them (cause they heard i had done a few successful ones for another company)
    I better go back and review PLF2 =0 .
    Opportunity, Opportunity, Opportunity, its every where if you genuinely want to help people =)

  5. Jeff, this is amazing! I can’t wait to see this all unfold. I’ve felt for awhile that it was a matter of time before you guys started getting into the mainstream and it’s happening already!

  6. @”Paula told me that mainstream Hollywood is just starting to wake up to Internet Marketing”

    lol yeah.. they used to think making millions online is a hoax. Show them how the game is played Jeff… and leveraging mainstream TV? Talking about one heck of a launch 😉 Way to go man.

    P.S. Mainstream Hollywood also has some tricks for creating offline buzz and stuff… but why they don’t wanna diversify it and enter the online game is beyond me.

  7. Paula knows who to go to for online marketing .
    She wasn’t born yesterday !
    congrats to you all on this perfect “marketing marriage”

  8. Gerson Machado


    Congratulations and pretty soon you will also need to launch the 48h day. Just make sure you tell us all about it. Keep up the gratitude.

  9. You are one Internet Marketing dude. Congratulations and Paula Abdul is awakening Hollywood to the online adventures and multiple possibilities of Keeping in touch with her fans.

  10. Well that’s sounding like a great trip already Jeff – I still remember the first time I pulled into Durango airport and discovered there was no easy way to get into Durango itself – classic!

    Look forward to seeing the launch from Paula – seems like she’s up to some really exciting stuff these days, onwards and upwards :D.

  11. Hi Jeff,
    congrats on that success !

    Will you talk a bit about TV product launches in PLF 3.0 ?

    I’m asking because I actually am a best-selling author in France, and have appeared regularly on TV, so it would be great to tie in my TV appearances for my current product launches.

    It would be of great interest to me as a PLM too, because I’ve gotten my clients into the media within the timeframes of their launches, and I guess you will have some great insights on how to drive traffic from that.

    Looking forward to your answer… can’t wait to see PLF 3.0 !

  12. Jeff you go from strength to strength…..

    If any of your readers are in the process of launching and need another pair of hands and eyes to review their launch/help them with their launch – do ask them to drop me an email at

    I would be happy to assist them for % of the product launch revenue…


  13. Having worked in Hollywood in various capacities, they are like any big business and they really have a difficult time turning their ship quickly. It’s just too damn big with many layers of middle management and egos throughout. But it’s filled with really smart, creative people many of whom are super entrepreneurial in their own way.

    When Jeff hits Dancing With The Stars, we’ll know he’s REALLY in, though.

    Love ya, Jeff. Let’s do lunch.

    • Lee… funny you should mention that.

      Paul actually made an appearance on stage at that event – she was on right after I gave my talk. This was after we had spent a few hours talking about her launch…

      I was backstage and all pumped up with adrenaline. Paula came into the backstage area, all pumped with adrenaline because she was about to go onstage.

      The music was CRANKING and you could feel the excitement coming from the audience… and well, Paul loves to dance.

      She literally grabbed my hands and next thing I know, I’m “dancing with the star”… with Paula giving me lessons, and even spinning me around.

      And yes, there was even a photographer there taking photos – it was dark backstage, so they didn’t come out that great… but it was a funny moment to capture.

      I’ll try to figure out how to put the photo in these comments.

  14. I find it interesting how “Hollywood” is waking up to our IM world,
    which is the same reaction I get when working with local businesses.
    The one’s that “get it” can easily leap frog ahead of their competition.

  15. Jeff–congrats on that new Hollywood connection. Will we get updates on your help in the Paula Abdul launch? It would be great to follow along as you progress.

  16. Jeff,

    Paula has realized (like many) that the Internet is connected to more people than any PR firm or Park Ave. Ad Agency could connect her to. She’s no doubt done her homework and can see just how much YOU over deliver for the fees that you collect.

    I’m sure that this is only the first of a long line of Hollywood and Sports Celebrities that will be seeking your expertise.

    On that note, please open your PLF Manager Training again with PLF 3.0!

    Kudos on your big score and thanks for all that you bring to the community Jeff. I appreciate you.

    ~John Melanson

  17. Hi Jeff
    Great to see your’re going all Hollywood…I think its an interesting take on what the traditional media views the opportunities online. Paula’s comments are fascinating about the industry’s indecision on how best to approach this. If permitted this would be a great case study as the influence and power of the industry shifts from the traditional studio and agents to regular people online and the opportunities that arise from this.

    Hope you have a great time


  18. Dave the Brave


    Hey Jeff

    That’s awesome! Just remember those talk shows can induce some Digg-like server melting trafficz…

  19. Alex Ortner


    Hey Jeff,

    I’m actually just starting to work with a celebrity who wants to be the face for our documentary film. I’m also taking over his internet marketing and am going to work to do a major launch on our film with him as the face of it. He does TV all the time, Larry King, Dr. Oz, Rachel Ray, etc. I’d give the name but we’re just now finalizing our agreements so I don’t feel I have the right to share his name yet. I’d really be curious to learn more about what you guys are doing and how to best structure TV / Internet Marketing for best results.

    Any feedback or consulting I could do with you would be phenomenal.

    Thanks for sharing the news. 🙂


  20. Good work mate! I’m really curious to find out about the product she’s launching with your help. Whatever it is i’m sure it will be a success. I mean how can it not be with the launch legends leading the way.

  21. Jeff,

    Sounds like a most interesting collaboration; taking infomercials and product launches to uncharted territory.

    Paula is going to be speaking at the upcoming “Paid For Life” program in San Diego June 26th and 27th, benefiting the “Just Like My Child” Foundation which is hosted each year by Mike Koenigs. Will have to get an update from her at that time of how her collaboration with you and Frank is going.

    Please update us on how things progress on this launch.


  22. Well, that certainly makes a change from the IM space and with a bit of real estate thrown in! Keep us in touch with developments, it would be great to watch the launch unfold.

  23. Vince Smith


    Hey Jeff

    That is great! I have partnered with Dean in the past on some of his ventures. Great guy and a marketing powerhouse. Great to see you guys teaming up with Paula. Sounds really exciting.

  24. Jeff…

    This sounds great man. I’m anxious to see all this happen. Unless you’ve changed, I’d say we’ll all benefit from a trail of cool tips you leave behind.

    The whole Hollywood mindset should be a hoot.

    I can see it now… Glam Video and Rock and Roll Backing Tracks (you know where to find me if you need some guitar tracks).

    Go get ’em!


  25. Fantastic post Jeff and SO agree with you! I’m just now getting into this celebrity space myself with info production creation and launches. I can’t reveal names until the deals or done. (I know a bunch about TV, have some close ties in this arena.)

    But what I can say is I’m AMAZED and SHOCKED at how many celebrities are burning through so much capital and CAN’T figure out how to monetize themselves online.

    It’s a huge space and in need of MANY Product Launch Managers with tons of different skills and expertise. Can’t wait to see her launch…

    Apologies I couldn’t make it the Platinum Mastermind, sounds like you guys had an amazing 2 days…

  26. Awesome Jeff.. Big Hearts attract Big Hearts!

    Exciting how Hollywood feels about Internet Marketing and gravitating towards it more!

  27. Jeff-

    Congratulations, thanks for leading in this and keeping us informed. If there is anyone in Internet Marketing who can make a serious impact, you’d be the guy.


  28. It was a great event, and having you, Frank, Paula, Brian Tracy and all the others there was some sweet icing on a very sweet cake! Keeping my eyes on it all…

  29. That’s awesome Jeff. I can personally say that the “Product Launch” format is seeping into main stream, main street businesses. I have a client that I have been doing their social media and video marketing for a year now…his sales team has been the typical on the phone, on the streets pack…the social media and video has been primarily to support his SEO as well as the branding of hiim as the expert in what he does. At any rate, I kept asking if he had a product/service on the back shelf some place that could be put out to a niche market over the net…well have our first pre-launch webinars hitting at the end of the month…they’re very excited about it…and may just take that niche by storm…!! Some pretty cool case studies about all this stuff on my blog by the way…Cheers! KellyGerards

  30. This is exciting Jeff. I’ll watch with interest on what results on your meeting with Frank and Dean and Paula. I love the idea of applying your product launch formula to something that will benefit mankind in a big way.


  31. Interesting progression Jeff, congratulations!

    And so sorry I could not make the meeting, but I was here tapping into the energy with great success!

  32. Congrats, Jeff… After this launch, a lot of eyes in Hollywood will be opening to the power of strategic internet marketing and killer product launches. You guys are going to help Paula crush-it!

  33. Hey Jeff,

    Now you’re not going to going all Hollywood on us are you? =;^P Just kidding and I’m happy for your success because there are some very deep pockets in that area. I was wondering though why you said that Hollywood is “scared” of this stuff?


  34. Sean Wyseman


    Thanks for the encouraging words. I was telling someone last night that multimedia internet marketing is in its infancy and that it represents a massive future wave. Thanks for yet another great confirmation.

  35. I’m surprised it took Hollywood this long to catch on to the world of Internet Marketing. Much respect being given to the fathers of IM! Good for you guys. Keep the hard work and thank you for providing everyone new tools that generate us web traffic and money!

    All the best,

  36. Nothing but good Karma to you Jeff!

    Hard work delivers amazing results…and like you said to us at the #plm event…

    “People may be smarter…but no-one will work harder than me to achieve the result I desire…”

    There’s a lot more than just a ‘hard work message’ in that one sentence…

    All the best…James.K

  37. Hi Jeff, cool story.

    Just want to ask if you can document the whole process of this product launch and let us know, in real world, how to do a good product launch?

    Thank you 🙂

  38. Congrats Jeff, Dancing with Stars, hey when is your first Movie coming out 🙂

    I can only see IM grow and grow, the scam issue seems to be gradually fading and the genuine people that want to help others are starting to shine through, keep up the good work.


  39. Pingback: A Business Explosion

  40. Hi Jeff,

    it was great to meet you at the Experts’ Academy last weekend (I was the copywriter who you chatted with briefly after your presentation), and especially good to hear about just how well this event turned out for you. How cool!

    You definitely wowed us all with your great info (thank you!) and I can’t wait to see where the new Paula Abdul connection will take you.

    Thanks & Congrats!


  41. Wow! That is exciting lol 🙂 What you are saying is true that internet marketers ARE most definitely going to impact the world in a big’s now just a matter of time.

    Let me just say though that I can’t wait to be in a position where I can go and help other people do HUGE launches like Paula’s..I’m barely going to be starting my seed launch..and I’m working on getting my autoresponder sequences and everything set up to start building a list but I’m sure I’ll meet you at a table sometime in the near future..we might end up planning something together 🙂

    Talk soon

    Your Friend,
    Eddys Velasquez

  42. Hi Jeff,
    I am watching your “Product Launch Disasters” video right now. After watching the “Product Launch Millionaires” it felt as if the scales had been removed from my eyes. As an affiliate marketer newbie implementer, I will be watching carefully the process you follow. I have no list and no money (in fact I am dead broke), but, I do have a process I intend to follow in the next couple of weeks.
    Your videos are a tremendous inspiration and revelation. I would love to be a part of whatever you are launching. Not so much because I could probably take advantage of the abundance/prosperity that I so much desire but I am certain I could find the platform for giving the gift that I can be for others.
    All the Best,
    Tim Stanforth
    on twitter @tjsitback

  43. Well done Jeff, our IM community forget the the big world has to still catch up with us. Which means there loads of opportunties out there, just get the knowledge and apply it.

    You are great leader Jeff

    All the best
    Martin R Bellinger

  44. Jeff! Just finished Module 2!!! I can barely sleep at night, just imagining and visualizing the possibilities…breathtaking! I wish I had the time and space here to tell “my story”, but I’m sure one day we will cross paths, and if you’ve got a few minutes (yeah, right!) we can have a soft drink and listen to how my life went from a “blues song” to a LOVE SONG!
    Guitar, huh?

    Wait until you hear who I used to tour with, and who I won a Grammy writing songs with!

    Best to you and yours,

    Greg Sain

  45. Wow Jeff, good stuff! I didn’t know you also did some work with Paula Abdul. I agree with some of the other comments on here, helping people is what its all about!

  46. Jeff,

    So i have a real comment on this one. A few years ago (like a decade) i bought a dean grazosi real estate package. Can’t remember what i spent, but it was a couple dvd’s and a booklet. He taught me about boundary line adjustments. Subsequently, i bought a 22 acre parcel for 425k with no money down (did an 80/20), rearranged the parcels (so it went from one having a killer puget sound view to all 3 having killer views. Sold one lot for 325,the other (after the crash for 250) and refi’d the house at over 600. Should have sold the house … Still have it. Nothing and noone bats 100% … Especially wet behind the ears investors. Anyway as Dean was to my budding real estate career, i look to you for my Internet marketing career. Except back then all the money i subsequently spent on a coaching program with dean, left me stuck with a worthless coach who (and im not being all macho pridefully ignorant a+ personality here) knew way less than me and was as helpful to my investing as Bank of America’s front line is at helping me short sale my 600k house. Anyway … I am confident our experiene won’t be that way. … Again … I dont care if you dont post this.

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