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One of the greatest gifts we have as humans is the ability to choose how we react to the challenges in our lives – and our results are 100% dependent on that choice. This video was inspired by Peyton Manning and how one of the greatest football players in history reacted to one of his most challenging seasons…

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75 Replies to “Peyton Manning (and Winning When You’re Not At Your Best)”

    • Paul Wakefield


      Great perspective. I think Churchill said it best “Never, never ever give up.” Any leader worth their salt is always thinking of what is the next step. Life is like a big flow chart, right turn – straight – left turn, then again, then again but doing it proactively with the next step(s) planned. There is a term call “fog of war” which translates to being lost and not seeing the forest for the trees. I think that you should always try to plan two to four steps ahead realizing that you may have to change but have alternatives when the situation demands it.

    • Experience counts for more than, much of the time, we give it credit for. He may not be as fast but he has a wealth of knowledge the team can tap in to. We underestimate age!

  1. Austen Wilson


    Wow! I needed to hear that!

    My question is how do you balance this concept with thinking about the long-term?

    • Austen, with regard to your question I think it’s a matter of knowing where you want to go in the long term, but then quickly refocusing back to your next step in order to get yourself moving. And even if your next step is a mistake, quickly learn from it, make an adjustment, and then take another step. It’s like once you decide on a long-term goal, then after that you just glance at it but you keep the majority of your focus on the next thing you need to do. At least that’s my take. Hope that helps /Dan

  2. Thanks for the great story about Peyton Manning! Yes I agree, everyday is an adventure. Sometimes life is difficult, reminding each other to live in the now, and asking ourselves “What can I do at this very moment to help me, or the situation I am facing to move forward in the best form I can offer?” is often what we need to keep moving forward! Thanks for sharing your nuggets of truths!

  3. Roy Harrison


    Hi Jeff,

    Great to hear your cheerful voice and a face of smiles ! I too have a hankering for the outdoors having spent a large part of my life Scouting, being at sea and working by the sea.

    While I am not a sports fan by any stretch of the imagination, I do respect sports people, as they do give us other aspects of life. With Peyton Manning, as you so observe, he redirected his efforts to get back on the field. In life, when we get blown off course, we take corrective measures to return to and then make good the course line, which may include deviation for other justifiable purposes to make good the Arrival Port, in good safety.

    Kind Regards & Best Wishes = Roy

  4. bruce barton


    Jeff I love what you said about Peyton Manning and the next step and focus whats next.

  5. Last week I was asked to define success in one word. It took about 4 or 5 days for me to realize that my one word is FREEDOM. Sounds like that what you’re saying in “What’s Your Picture of Success?” Thanks for sharing!

  6. Hi Jeff,

    Breaking your plans down into manageable steps is key. Resisting distractions, to focus on the step you are taking now, can be tough!

    I’ve decided on a much tighter content creation strategy. 1st post under the new system to be published today!

    Thanks for the inspiring video.


  7. Hi Jeff, I’m not sure when I signed up for your list, and I’m not much into football (but my husband is so I try to understand/learn). I do really appreciate these inspirational stories and your question, what’s my next step? Very pertinent for me right now, personally and professionally. Thank you for creating the video and sharing inspiration in a practical way.

  8. Jeff,
    I needed to see these stories today, thank you for making this! A great example of what’s possible based on your attitude and actions, instead of focusing on reacting and your age. I celebrate the people who prove age does not matter! Only results do.

  9. Dhruv Rathod


    Hi Jeff, it is always a delight to hear you and read your books. This video series is also a masterpiece from you. One thing about you is that you give out extremely valuable and helpful content for free which; is very rare to see nowadays since everybody wants to sell. But you’re a genuine man who will always be a pleasure to work with. Thanks! Dhruv

  10. Great stuff Jeff, we often get caught up in the overall vision/plan/strategy etc.

    It really helps to simplify by just looking a few moves ahead and doing that!

    Keep inspiring….

  11. The best way to combat overwhelm and keep moving towards your desired direction is definitely one step at a time. Thanks Jeff.

  12. Great post, Jeff! I am a Peyton Manning fan and have been since I lived in Tennessee when he played for UT. When he decided to return to college for his fourth year rather than go into the NFL, he was savaged by the press: “He’s afraid of the NFL” “He’s not strong enough to play professional football and he knows it” “He’ll never make it in the big leagues”, etc. They were wrong! I admire Peyton for the courage to follow his gut and do what he wanted to do, which was enjoy college and win the SEC for UT. Another great lesson from him is to listen to your instincts, not your critics.

  13. Awesome !!! Love this. Sending to everyone I know and using at work for motivation. Thank you !!!

  14. Peter Brodie


    Really great video as usual, Jeff. Thanks. It really resonated with what I needed to hear right now.

  15. Hey Jeff
    Thanks as always for your videos and support. I love the tropical island subtext in this video. Awesome. Today I’m feeling like Peyton with a wounded foot. Just so happens that today is the open cart day for my 2nd launch. Not really feeling the joy of this process, as my niche is so small that email optin-rates for the PLF free videos are pretty poor. I teach stress reduction, mindfulness and spiritual awakening. I JV partnered with 3 other teachers and the optin #s for the free teaching was a miserable 114 emails. Do the math. There is no math to do! I’ll have to scrape beg borrow and steal to get signups over the next week. Of course, yes I’ll do what is next, but I’m pretty damn tired of playing this game with a broken foot. I’ll be looking to expand my market niche, but with no current cash flow it makes doing so that much harder. What I’d love to have right now is a REAL JV partner. One who knows how to play this game, respects my work, has a gi-normous email list and would benefit from partnering. Perhaps this would provide the momentum to take this work I provide… to the superbowl…. Thanks again for your ongoing support and videos- you da man. Peace J

  16. Jeff, I am not sure you know … but my household is 100% Peyton Manning fans. He truly is an amazing champion, and an example of how to approach “problems” and “challenges”. Great message!

  17. Antonio Vac Jr.


    I am a 79 year old retired engineer looking for ways to create an extra income . This video was very, very motivational.
    Now I keep on asking myself “What is your next step?”

  18. Laurie Fritsch


    This is such good advice. Share it as often as you can Jeff. At one time or another, I know I will need to take the next step following various circumstances that may come my way. I will remember to take the next step immediately, and as always trust God to help me do it with His guidance, remembering that the joy of the Lord is my strength as I take the next step. And the one after that, and the next step after that one.

  19. A journey is made up of a thousand steps, and when your feet hurt after 900 of them, the next step is to rest, regroup and figure out how you’re going to do the last 100 (1 by 1).

    Totally agree Jeff that the only route to success is living in the now and planning for the future. The past is done, no amount of worrying is going to change it. The only things the past can offer is a reference for the future, and lessons learned. The rest can be thrown away!

    Cheers Jeff, always great inspiration in your videos!



  20. B Unlimited LLC


    Great post Jeff! Your best NEXT move can be as great as winning or losing the game (in bizness, success, etc).

    Thks for the insight shared through this video.

  21. Gary McDonald


    Thanks Jeff….the question what’s my next step? is just what I needed to refocus/ reset for going forward at work and refocusing and starting my business!


  22. Thank you so much for your thoughts on “what’s next”. I was having an exceptionally bad day until I saw this and you helped me shift focus! Namaste!

  23. Excellent post Jeff! I am in this phase of my business, to figure out the next step. Any more videos to help me with that process could be helpful. Also a Peyton fan…..go Broncos!

  24. Great video Jeff. I need to work on getting healthy again as well. Not being healthy is throwing off other parts of my life as well. Cheers – Martin

  25. Thanks for your thoughts here, Jeff. Putting one foot in front of the other and focusing on that takes the mystery and fear out of a new track. Wishing you a great year ahead!

  26. For years when working with my staff I have always sat down with them quarterly, drawn circles and put in them all the things we want to accomplish. Once I do this I pick the most difficult 3 things that need to be addressed. Then Ask everyone to to focus on just those 3 things. I also keep a list of everything we discussed, 30days later we revisit all of the issues. Now I’ve only asked them to focus on the 3 but I found by just focusing on the 3 out of 12 issues we list we will have done more than half of all the issue without reengaging or looking at any of others.
    Thanks for the reminder. This stuff works.

  27. Great message Jeff! Keep taking the next small step in the right direction. Thank you for the reminder!

  28. Thank you for this inspirational message. So helpful to hear this today.
    Thumbs up!

  29. Jeff,

    I love your stuff! Just about to kick a book campaign into gear and “Launch” will be guiding me along the way. For any new fans watching and commenting on this video, get LAUNCH! You will love the book!

    Bye the way. Would you mind, really quickly, to just tell me what camera and lapel microphone are you using in this video. Did you have someone shooting the video for you? Anyway, I would greatly appreciate you letting me know.

    Thanks so much!

    • Hey Jim,

      Dan from Jeff’s team here. I shot this video with a Canon 5D Mark III and a Sennheiser ew-112p G3 mic. Hope that helps you.


  30. Kevin Ostrowski


    Always like to listen to football and stories. Very good video. learned something today, “focus on the next step”. Move forward! Hope your Bronco’s do well. Cleveland browns fan. What is their next step? Cut Manziel? Draft a quarterback? I will forward this video to their analytical department.
    Thanks for this video.

    Kevin O.

  31. Nick Mangeris


    Hi Jeff, Very inspiring! You delivery is believable and motivating.

  32. Sir Branson could have asked, “When does Peyton Manning get here”?

  33. Great inspiring video- have always loved Peyton- very classy guy and humble- am pulling for the Broncos and they appear to be the underdog
    Jeff, you are the best!

  34. “What’s your next step?” Thank-you! I needed that reminder and the inspiration of people who kept going during life’s big challenges.

  35. Prashanth Godrehal


    Great post. Keeping every moment as challenge and planning the next step is great..

  36. With so many things to plan and organize for a book launch, website problems and now domain transfer, I was feeling overwhelmed!
    So glad I stopped and watched the video.
    Susan M B Preston

  37. Steve Nebeker


    I like what the Hockey professional, Wayne Gretzky, said about the next step: Go where the puck is GOING (not where the puck is AT). Yes, to stay on top of your business, you must plan ahead and keep moving. We all know big businesses that didn’t keep up with the change times and now they are out of business or on their way out. Love your messages, Jeff !

  38. Jeff, I like the fact that this message focuses on being grateful for what you have, accepting any present limitations, and being focused on moving in the direction of your goal.

    The key thing I’d like to add is for people not to let their inner voices judge whether they can achieve it. But, to simply set the intention, observe it, and then take the next step where they are right now, with what they have right now, and believing it is a matter of time until it is achieved.

  39. Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for that. 2015 was very professionally and personally challenging for me, and I definitely did not make it through unscathed. I’m contemplating a change of career at 48 years old and it is very daunting. I’m trying to be good at what I still do and to find something new to take me on. I appreciate what you’re saying here and it helps me to feel more motivated that I can make it through the next set of challenges.

  40. Larry Sykes


    Thanks Jeff! You’ll be hearing my name in the future. Listening to you today was one of my next steps toward reaching my goals. Great advice. Thanks for your positive and knowledgeable insight.

  41. Jeff you’re a great story teller, I love the story line and its connection to – ‘do whatever it takes to get the job done on your terms’. Peyton definitely shows us how to do just that, while also so showing us to focus on what we do have instead of what we do not have.

    And as a BIG fan of the BRONCOS – I remember the 2 Super Bowls we did win – it was not John Elway’s perfect rocket pass that won but more Terrell Davis’ legs. So for me it says, pay attention to what does work and work it.

  42. I very much needed this.

    I’m in a big transition time, and even though this much calling to me, I can only focus on this one task I have right now, before I move on.

    I’m keeping the vision, and working on what’s in my hand right now.

    thanks Jeff

  43. Cynthia Sutherby


    Thanks Jeff:

    I love peyton manning great story. I am 71 I am starting a new business , it is called, “Gathering woman. Your story gave me the moment to move forward. My husband pass away and it has been
    Hard to move forward. Thank you ( my husband and I both had our own business before)

  44. Jeff,

    Great stuff. Good to know you’re a Bronco fan too. And a Manning fan and student. Little did you know while filming this that the next game, SB50 would also be a win and Peyton would be the 2nd QB to walk away with his final victory being the biggest one of all.

    Pretty damn cool.

    There is much to learn from great performers in all areas of life but sports is uniquely situated for teaching us.

    All the Best,

    • @Shawn: you’re right… when I shot that video I had NO IDEA that they would win the Super Bowl! Fun to go back and watch that video now after that result!

  45. Really appreciate you Jeff. Shared your video online as I am a Passion Coach to journey with those that have a desire to be free, and to have joy and peace in their life.

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