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What is it REALLY like behind-the-scenes of a big product launch? I took a few minutes away from my book launch to shoot this video for you.

(And yes, the video is a bit ragged and shaky, because that's what it's usually like behind the scenes!)

And if you want to get a FREE copy of book during the pre-sale (limited quantity, limited time, all I ask is you pay the shipping and handling), then go here:

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31 Replies to “Product Launch Behind-the-Scenes”

  1. I was up for a few hours last night in the ‘backstage’. This morning the results were beyond believable. Must have looked pretty good on stage 🙂

    Thanks for the reminder that by doing it, I’m doing it.

  2. Jeff, you have changed my life. Your teaching has allowed me to have the life of my dreams.I am excited to receive your new book. Already on the list to receive it. Jeff, may I ask what equipment do you use for those amazing crystal clear videos? Thanks

  3. Charles White


    Good video Jeff. Thanks for the honesty. Next time if you could talk about the particular problems when running the campaign, ie, PayPal won’t work, website is down, server problems, etc. that would be helpful. Also, please talk about the cost of the campaign, those who are using hundreds of dollars vs thousands of dollars to promote their campaign. Have a great day!!!!!

    Charles White

  4. That is a great nugget of wisdom – “Do not compare our back stage to another’s front stage.” That is great advice in many types of businesses.

  5. I have been saying this for years. Thanks for articulating it here. My own bootcamp in this awareness actually did come from working in the theater and opera. The more fabulous and lavish the production, the more intense the back stage process. In Yin Yang teachings we say, “Where there’s a front, there’s a back. The bigger the front, the bigger the back.” I have observed the truth of this repeatedly throughout my life. Makes sense to me that it also appears here in the product launch world. Naturally. The thing I am taking away from this chat is more about the team. I’m extremely curious about the team players needed for a successful, high quality launch. I have been a solo-preneur for some time now, and I am just overwhelmed by the huge amount of work and effort involved back stage. I would be grateful for a template for the human resources required to fulfill a successful launch. The definition of a disfunctional company is where there is one more job than the number of people on the task. I feel like I am trying to do three jobs all by myself, and I’m tapped out. Any helpful tips here would be appreciated. Also… I have a great product I’m ready to see launch… anyone looking to partner up?

  6. Jeff, I’ve been watching you from afar since PLF 1.0… I have completely appreciated your rise to success and look forward to creating my own path to success in similar fashion (with vision and deliberate, focused, calculated dedication)!

    One thing that’s been nagging me for the longest time (since blogging began), has been personal / public… or even backstage / frontstage profile/persona.

    I’m a private person, and there are times when I don’t want my personal world (or flubbing/learning) to spill out into my professional world, etc. furthermore, i value the privacy of my own family too… sure, i’m “nobody” when it comes to public celebrity status or the world of “who’s who?” BUT i’m still trying to find that balance for when the audience and attention do come with the eventual path taken as I establish a more public and authoritative role in my industry.

    sorry for the rant… i know this isn’t quite the topic of your post, but it does involve “frontstage” vs. “backstage” presence. do you have a past blog entry/opinion or even some material in addressing these concerns? anything would help put to rest this final nagging in the back of my head. I want to be authentic, but sometimes being “too raw or authentic” can work against the more polished / professional image that I want to build.

    HELP! 🙂

    thanks for reading… and thanks for the service you share with the world!

  7. Hey Jeff,,,

    It’s true my friend…the most simple content can host the most powerful message!

    I recently launched a WSO and it failed big time, after hours of hard work to create it and the funnel…however that was my failing for NOT building the right buzz and affiliate acquisition to pre-launch.

    This very cool video has set the mood for the re-launch…a new game plan…thanks dude…John.

  8. I was hoping for a few outtakes too… to actually show us your back stage mess. I do appreciate your words of description, but an actual peek back stage would be fun to see.

    • @JT: yeah, I try to avoid selfies, and usually my hand is more steady. I’ll write the shakiness off to sleep deprivation. 🙂

  9. Pat Monahan



    I gotta tell you. I’ve been struggling since PLF2 and made all the classic miss-steps. I keep finding my way back to you. And it’s a comforting thing when I do. Your comments are what I truly believe inside. Although no one else around me believes me, I’ve had enough small successes to know ABSOLUTELY, that I will get there.

    Hearing you say it on your selfie movie recharges my batteries fully. Thank you. I hope to shake your hand someday, but not until I’ve created the peace in my financial world that I desperately need. Not because I love money. Not at all. But because even though I’ve lost so much….I still want to be able to walk my daughter down the isle, and not that she wants a shmaltzy wedding, I want to provide “whatever” it turns out to be without the stress and pain that’s going on today.

    Thanks for putting it all out there…’re truly helping people. I’m sure you are well aware of that…..but thanks anyway! Good luck with the book launch. I’ll go study it now and I’m sure I’ll learn plenty.!

  10. thank you Jeff to share your experience, discovery and pleasure with us.i will read your book with a great interest. when you speak of all the work you did i do understand you.i hope one day to be able to send you a report of my first launch… few days ago i wrote in one of you commentare: i am ready…and my virtual assistant let me know hr was going on holidays…and i have to wait a little more…so is life….and we have to do with, but each time we are learning something. the best to you and your family, your unique and fantastic team…;-))

  11. Unfortunately your book can not be ordered and sent to Russia, it seems a bit strange to be honest. Or any omission on the part of your logistics.

    Thanks again Jeff for the video.

  12. I dunno about his smile Roma?
    Maybe it is a jubilation smile of … “wow, I can’t belive it came out as smoothly as it did.”
    It’s that smile and twinkle in his eye at 3:50 that I can relate to.
    ( and NO I have not purchased Jeff’s product, yet … and I am not a partner)
    I do appreciate his peppy “you can do it!” motivational vids.
    This one included.

    Congratz Jeff

  13. I am really looking forward to the book Jeff, got my holiday reading sorted now and my notebook ready.

  14. Jeff, I am so happy for your success, you are a man of authenticity, who smiles from his heart, and lights our spark of inspiration with your eyes. May your book be all that you desire it to be and go to all the places and hearts that you desire it to go. Px

  15. I’m so far behind, I think I’m first – but I do appreciate your gentle tenacity. When I see one of your emails in my inbox, I smile. I’ll launch this fall … Maybe a selfie is the way to go? lol. Good luck with your book!

  16. Hi Jeff, you are a great speaker and thanks for sharing your knowledge. Just wondering if you use a teleprompter at all? If so, that means a lot of script writing too.
    Perhaps because you have been around for so long , everything comes from the top of your head.
    Maybe next time you are shooting a video, you can use your iphone to shoot a second, behind the scenes video showing us you set-up, lights, camera etc…that would be interesting.
    I’m looking fwd to receiving your book.
    Steve, South Australia

  17. Just gotta say,
    my head was in a ‘space’ when I woke up this morning, andI was over analysing my business and my journey so far.
    My feelings were that I was falling behind where I want to be, and that was all blown away, like cobwebs on the wind, by watching your video Jeff. Thank You.

    Keeping it real in this video lesson, has grounded and centered me again, and I’m off and racing again!

    I’m on a good strong path and all is coming along nicely. I get it. All the very best Jeff, you deserve it.

    Light and Love….Margit

  18. Hey Jeff,
    Thanks for all videos, I watch them all and knows how value them to me that I have looking around for a while. Thanks for you contribute your knowledge, You hard work created internet email marketing, and created internet millionaires!

  19. Jeff,

    Great video – being involved in theater in my spare time; I love the “back stage” vs. “front stage” analogy! We are just starting rehearsals for the summer show and it’s amazing how much hard work goes into it before the curtain opens – I will definitely have to borrow that saying :)!

  20. Okay, I just got your book “Launch” – read it in one sitting- Simple, to the point, Love It! I am in the beginning stages of a product launch right now- so timely! I am in the process of expanding my offerings from strictly personal empowerment education to more specific content for marketing and PR for successful artists, healers and coaches. I’m getting an incredible following in south Asia/India for my Open Road products And don’t quite know how to translate my Moto-inspired empowerment message to a “Dream Into Action” Marketing educational offerings to this group. I am confusing my list-so they’re not buying. I am shopping for a business coach- But in the meantime…
    What programs or videos do you recommend? Perhaps you might be interested in mentoring a lifestyle brand like mine?
    Keeping it In the Light,

  21. “Never compare your backstage to someone else’s front stage.” Take away: Success may look easy for some people, but anyone who is successful can tell you it takes a lot of work. We are covering you – Jeff Walker – in our Leadership Mastermind right now, and your words of wisdom always speak to me right when I need them.

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