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Nobody has a straight path to success.

Nobody wins every time.

In anything worth doing, you’re going to experience your share of significant setbacks… I certainly have.

I mean… even when I try to make it look easy, there’s plenty of messiness behind the scenes. 

This is what keeps me going…

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20 Replies to “Stamina for Marketing (and Life)”

  1. Anne Merete Fjeld


    I am launching today and is just now tweaking my sales process – I am teaching knitters to make Norwegian sweaters … and after having followed you this last year, I have subconsciously adapted your message on trusting the process and passes it on to my students. Now I am going to add – You have to fall in love with process. I give them the tools and the methodology but they have to practice, trust the process … thank you …

    • Crispina ffrench


      This is awesome Anne! Thanks for sharing your wisdom – pass on the Jeff Bombs to your peeps! Yessss

  2. Jessica Sarapoff


    Thank you for this video. It made me realize why I’m not consistent.
    Now, I need to remember it… I’ll put it in large letters somewhere.

  3. It’s hard to love the pace of success. But I am beginning to learn to appreciate it.

  4. Some great advise Jeff. I really enjoyed this video. I’m currently working on a course to launch teaching beginners how to play guitar. I’ve been struggling on what to price the course for. I tend to price my offers on the low end. I’ve been teaching guitar for over 50 years. What are your thoughts? I would appreciate your comments.

  5. Peg Roberts


    I couldn’t agree more. It’s easy to get caught in that trap. Sometimes it takes a while to figure that out so this video is really helpful.

  6. Thank you so much, this was really important to hear today. 🙏🙏🙏

  7. Katy Goshtasbi


    I don’t know if I was more mesmerized by the background or by Jeff’s inspiring and spot-on message! 🙂

  8. This message was meant for me this morning – thank you. Recently sold a successful business to follow my heart and its been tough starting from scratch – I have made one of my goals to enjoy the journey and I will learn to love the process.

  9. Welington Pereira Jr.


    Thank you, Jeff! I am struggling with some minor issues and really needed to listen this today.

  10. Sharon Feder


    The email I just published to my list of high creatives was all about the process. I LOVE the process. Process is all about love. For me even the “product,” be it a performance or a filmed course, all tap into the process at different stages, and the more we let the process part show the more engaging we are for our audience.

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