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There’s a moment when… after you get your head above water and start to achieve some success… you can start to think about the life you’re building for yourself.

It’s all about the idea of being able to lead the life you want, not the life someone else tells you to live.

In a word, it’s freedom.

In my community, we call this “Launch Life”. Sometimes we get clever and we make it a hashtag – #launchlife. It’s a bit of a touchstone for our community.

There’s a trap, however. Once you start to get a little freedom, it’s easy to get caught up in the world of “more”. And by that I mean more of all kinds of things that won’t necessarily make you happy… more obligations, more followers, more consumption, more complexity, more busy-ness.

At times, even questioning those things can make you feel like a rebel.

This past week I got the chance to sit down and have a conversation with someone who is very aligned with my approach to business and life in many ways… 

His name is Olivier Roland. He’s been in my Platinum mastermind for eleven years, so I’ve watched him for a long time – and he’s one of the most original and iconoclastic thinkers I know. 

Olivier and I sat down and he shared with me his unique approach to building a life-changing business and discovering a fulfilling path in life. Of course, we hit the record button – and I think you’ll like it.

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8 Replies to “A Rebel’s Path To Freedom”

  1. Beatrix Willius


    Olivier sounds like a french Perry Marshall:
    80/20 Sales and Marketing

  2. An important line: there are a million methods, but only a few principles.

    • That comment hit home with me too!

      Thank you Jeff, Thank you Olivier ! American in Europa here. I feel like I am finally finding my business marketing tribe whose values are in line with my own – FREEDOM, white space, be in nature, cross cultural fun & respect, some humility and most importantly, NOT mindless consumerism. Bless you! Reading Launch now and will definitely buy Olivier’s book.

  3. Mike Gorman


    I must say I resonate with the spirit of this little conversation. I am among the ‘rebels’, i have been rebellious since i was a very young person; the system never had much appeal for me. There are many paths, many approaches to publishing on the WWW.
    I just thank the universe for Tim Berners-lee, the Web has released mankind from the prison of plutocracy; but it is up to us to seize the opportunity.

  4. Olivier Roland


    Thanks for the interview and the insightful questions Jeff, it was awesome ! 😉

  5. Steven Newton


    Well then…apparently I have the “Bass Ackwards” Pareto Principle mastered. 80% of my productivity only produces revenue 20% of the time. Time for a rethink on that…As always Jeff, great life learnings.

  6. Uau! Que coisa boa começar a semana vendo essa entrevista maravilhosa! Minha alma não parava de gritar: é isso! é isso! é isso!
    Obrigado Jeff por me apresentar esse seu amigo.
    Quero ler o dele sim, pois é O CAMINHO que quero para a minha vida.
    Wow! What a good thing to start the week seeing this wonderful interview! My soul kept screaming: this is it! that’s it! that’s it!
    Thanks Jeff for introducing me to this friend of yours.
    I do want to read his book, because it’s THE WAY I want for my life.

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