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So right after Thanksgiving I took off on a little planning retreat – I love doing that. I just sit down and “create” my next year and beyond… in any case, I couldn't help but be grateful for the security that being an entrepreneur gives you…

I would love to hear your about your planning for next year and beyond… please leave a comment below (and please like my Facebook page here.)

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73 Replies to “The Security of Being An Entrepreneur”

  1. Jeff I hope that you becoming a RockSTAR with your newfound abilities to shred are part of the 5 year plan : ) Nice to see you again in the blog!

  2. My plan for the next 6 months is clean up.

    I’ve spent the last 12 years being a fire hose and putting out a whole bunch of content on 50+ websites and websites all over the Internet.

    I need to spend some time getting that cleaned up, which I think will help me get a clearer picture of what assets I have and can leverage into creating something really great.

  3. This was very inspiring Jeff. I totally agree that once you have those business building skills, it creates a sense of entrepreneurship security. I’ve grown my business so quickly this year, and I was also able to take Marie Forleo’s B-School (she speaks highly of your work). Now that I have a great foundation, I’m focusing on nurturing relationships with other people who’s work I admire. My plan for 2014 is to update and relaunch our most popular program, Fresh Start: A 21-Day Cleanse. We are also working on creating a monthly subscription program for our awesome community. And we’re exploring publishing a green smoothie recipe book the traditional route, creating an app, and setting up a physical product shop online. We also want to focus on creating fame through national and global platforms. We’ve built a successful business by building our own community of over 300,000 health seekers just through our own efforts (no affiliates or paid advertising). Wishing you continued success in 2014 Jeff!

  4. Hey Jeff,

    awesome little note here – and soooo true and important 😉

    Love that perspective of yours,

    Founder of “My Mission” (where people uncover and unfold their mission in life)

  5. Jeff, thanks for this inspiring video. It’s a great reminder of why it’s important to have security in todays’ world, and why we should be thankful. I haven’t had the privilege of using your Product Launch Formula, but hope to in the not-too-distant future!

    I don’t know about the next five years, but my immediate plan is to launch an Evernote training system for people who are leading and creating: artists, pastors, leaders of different types, bloggers, writers, etc. It’s called The Take Note System ( and it’s the first product I have offered. I’m honestly a little terrified because I have no idea how it’s going to go. But I believe I’m offering something valuable, and am excited to be taking a leap into the world of online business. 🙂

    I have enjoyed your videos and content, and look forward to eventually being able to use the PFL!

  6. Good Morning Jeff,
    Thanks for sharing. Over the next five years my goal is to transform so many of our Mastermind Partners businesses that we literally change the failure rate of small business in the world. The ups and downs are part of the game, I agree. But two out of three businesses failing in the first six years doesn’t need to be the norm any more. There are great systems for success, like your Product Launch Formula, that can dramatically lower those failure rates. Happy to be a new Platinum Mastermind Member, and look forward to our journeys.

  7. Jeff, Thank you for your inspiring video. I’ve missed your blogs! Starting to plan our new year from the perspective of what we’re most grateful for in 2013 helps us to create what is most important to our happiness next year. I have always named my years. 2013 was named expansion and I quadrupled my business, and more importantly the love in my marriage. I’m still formulating what I will name 2014 but it will be about a meditation practice on healthy abundance. Declaring our goals publicly is so powerful so to answer your invitation to do just that: I will launch my first product in March 2014 – How to write the greatest story every told – your name. I will start the new year recovering for three months after an ankle replacement. I tried to move the surgery so I could apply to Plat but the Dr. say no way. So I’m naming my new ankle “PLATINUM A G0-GO” It will get me to Plat next year. During my Physical Therapy I’ll create my entire video course and write a book. That will be my first mediation on Healthy Abundance. I’ve also had my first speaking engagement this year and I plan to do 6 more in 2014. One speaking engagement every other month sounds like a healthy abundance. I can’t wait to read what everyone else has planned.If there is a favorite book you’d recommend to read before the new year can you share it with us?

    • @Canon: wow… couldn’t tell from your dancing at PLF Live that you were going to get an ankle replaced!

      I really like the idea of naming your years… and I’m not alone, some other folks mentioned how much they liked the idea as well. Congrats on your first speaking gig, and I love your recovery plan.

  8. Heya Jeff,

    I’m soooo thankFULL for my family and children. I’m also very thankFull for people like yourself sharing so freely tools and techniques for creating the life I want (being with my my family) the way I want to do it.

    With the knowledge gained from your courses and the Live Event (You ROCK!) I am able to help anyone with a passion to develop and launch a successful business.

    THANK YOU!!!

  9. My plans are to develope the people around me in the matter of enterpreneurship and also develope my training business. Also support my wife in our MLM business around the world.

  10. Jeff, solid stuff, my friend. Thanks for always injecting the personal perspectives. These threads echo through all your work. Authentic.

    On this end… excited about using PLF to help Internet entrepreneurs put more options for smooth exits on the shelf – so the pillow feels a little softer at night while they’re growing their business and there’s an exit plan and safety net when they’re ready for the next personal milestone or when life happens, like partner breakups (happened to me too in my first business).

  11. Best regards from Holland. Nice to hear your positive sound zo now an then!
    Keep up The good work and thanks! Arjen

  12. Thanks so much for leading the way! I am working on refining the look and feel of my membership site to support young entrepreneurs. I’ve learned so much for watching you, and some of the other IM leaders and am refining my content, and site as I go along. Looking forward to running more Google Hangout interviews in 2013! Would love to know if you are open to an interview for my EXPERTS GALLERY to inspire some young kids! Let me know! I am in Chandler, AZ!


  13. Jeff; Thanks!
    This has been a gratitude filled time for me as well, and part of what I’m thankful for is this whole PLF Live community – you have a great bunch of friends and students and co-conspirators for success, I’m thankful to be part of the tribe 🙂

    (keep up the great work dispensing awesome sauce!)

  14. Thanks Jeff for another “knock on the head” video reminding me that I am very lucky to be doing what I am doing. It’s a lot of work and this is the first year I can really take time to focus and devote the necessary time to really work my business. Its a slow go, but I am taking time, as you are, to strategize and focus on what will be the most effective use of my time and talents.

    Thanks again. All the best.

    My plans for my biz is to continue helping people with the best of my ability,
    give them my time, and give them money, and get more to give more.
    in Gratitude,

  16. Hi Jeff, I always appreciate your authenticity and energy – it is refreshing and devoid of the hype that I find from so many folks who communicate/sell on-line. You obviously “work on yourself” and it shows!
    My plan for the next year is to get a new area of business up and running – different from my current work in the corporate sector although I plan on keeping that part of my business alive and well as I expand into my new venture – offering workshops/on-line coaching groups/1-1 coaching for folks over 50 who are wondering “What’s next?”. I also want to join a Mastermind when I get my infrastructure up and running and have some success under my belt – the time is just not quite right now for doing that, but I do have lots of support for the phase I am in. Thanks again for your videos and genuine “presence”!

  17. Hello Jeff:

    Always good reading your blogs! My 5 year plan is to have my health and fitness products firmly branded with solid marketing channels in place….thanks to PLF. Looks like you are in Scottsdale AZ for your retreat. Enjoy!

    Attitude of Gratitude in motion, Robin

  18. Ronald Evans


    My plan is to host and develop a website at so that people can interact dynamically with the most important technical document in the world the International Building Code and then to establish live online communities for professional builders in cities throughout the US and globally such as San Francisco (, Philadelphia, New Orleans and many more so as to enhance communications between users, professional builders, and solar energy researchers and developers.

  19. Hey Jeff,
    Great message. I’m too am very grateful for my family and friends; they’re what drive my ambition to be productive and helpful to others.
    Lori and I enjoyed PLF Live 2013; it was great to meet you and shake your hand.
    My launch is coming to light. We appreciate you and your team for putting the PLF Modules together and uniting 100s of us PLF-Owners to your Awesome Event.

    Cheers 🙂

  20. Ahh, Jeff this video couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m gearing up for my first seed launch on January 8th. I have a lot of supporters, and also well-meaning family members who want me to work for the government. They care for me and want me to have security, but I could never do it. Thanks for validating the security that entrepreneurship can provide.

  21. James Klobasa


    Hey Jeff…

    You’re right…being an entrepreneur gives freedom.

    And becoming a Product Launch Manager has
    allowed that path.

    As we move into 2014, I am seeing the same challenges
    for people in growing and launching…though the greatest
    one seems to be their focus on money instead of

    In 2014 I’ll be searching for people on a true mission.

    And yes, family, travel, fitness and education will
    feature heavily…

    I wish you all the best for 2014 and hope to meet
    up again soon.

    James 🙂

  22. Thank you very much for this video. It’s remind me how much is important to have clear plan and goals, time frame and do planing on time. When I look at background of your video I can’t resist to have wish that I have you (and people like you) in resort as a guest. This resort is my project for next year. Now I have everything: plan, goal and time frame. Thank you

  23. Joey Osborne


    I’m proud and thankful to be a new Plat Mastermind member in Jeff’s organization! I’m also very excited about all the potential that lies ahead in 2014. I’m hugely fueled by the knowledge that I’ve acquired, and I have tons of self confidence with my ability to create and recreate when necessary, but how cool is it to have the opportunity to pay a few dollars to have total access to Jeff’s knowledge and expertise. I can’t wait to again in 2014 spend at least 10% of my annual income on the type programs that Jeff is referring to. So far my ROI has got to be 1000% and I love all those affiliate mailings!!

    Thank you Jeff!!!

  24. Partnership break up? Say what?

    I thought you started in the stock market niche, using PLF (un-be-knowns to yourself at the time, in fact, I thought that is how you came up with PLF

    • Exactly… started in the stock market niche, and that’s where I disovered/invented PLF. I had a partner in that business for many years, but our partnership broke up in early 2005… and I started teaching PLF in October of 2005.

  25. I’m so grateful for my family and friends, too, Jeff. And I love the security that comes have the skills of being an entrepreneur. My dad used to tell me, “Son, your ability is in your ability to perform.”

    I’m just at the front end of planning 2014. Right now, the main thing I have is a theme for next year. It is “build the launching pad.” My business doubled this last year, and I want to really focus this next year on getting the infrastructure in place to go to the next level.

    Thanks for all you do!

  26. Julie Cairns


    Hey Jeff, Great blog. Reading through the comments someone was mentioning that they name their years. 2013 was named Expansion and they quadrupled their business. What an awesome idea!!! I’m taking that on board. So in this moment I have resolved, 2014 for me will be named “Journey”. In 2014 I will enjoy the incredible journey I am on and marvel at how blessed I am to be on it, to have the skills I have and the resources I have to make the most of it, and I will stop and smell the roses more. I’ll be journeying with a smile on my dial. 🙂

  27. Jeff, inspiring stuff. I’m planning 4 product launches in 2014 off the back of a seed launch I’m currently preparing. While I hope everything will go flawlessly inevitably there will be some learning and recalibration along the way. For me, 2014 will be the year my business kicks into gear and I make a difference helping new writers get their book out. I’m going to take a leaf from Canons book and name my years. 2013 was definately Discovery. 2014 will be Reward.

  28. Hey Jeff great video and thanks for the inspiration. It’s a shame we don’t have a thanks giving celebration in Australia or New Zealand. My plan for 2014 is full steam ahead with my online business. I now truly have the time to dedicate to it as I sold my offline Business which was in Legal Conveyancing. I left this profession after 30 years and have no desire to return to it. So I have put it out there to make it online, so I can change my life, my family and be able to give back to Society in many different ways. It truly is amazing out technology is changing our world. All the best with your plans for 2014 and to everybody else who has commented here. God bless. Cheers Kim 🙂

  29. Jeff – I was in your PLF this year but had to drop out due to some serious health issues that ended with me losing the sight of my right eye (left eye is “low vision”). However, the skills I learned and the incredible positivity that I came away with from my time spent in PLF helped me clarify my business. To that end, I will be traveling to the Dead Sea area of Jordan next year to assist with the documentation of one of the most famous permaculture sites in the world. To raise money for that, I’m teaching a course beginning in Feb 2014. (I’m halfway to my goal and haven’t even advertised yet!) My plan is to take PLF in 2014 even though I’ll be in Jordan at that time. I might even do a launch from there.

    Hope you don’t get tired of hearing this, but…YOU ROCK!

    • @Jennifer: I’m so so sorry to hear about your health issues… what a huge setback! I’m glad you were able to pull some positive out of PLF, and it sounds like you’ve got an amazing journey ahead of you… 🙂

  30. Thanks loads Jeff for being one step ahead with planning for 2014! I plan to use plf ((yes I’m a customer) tp launch a monthly membership site). So there is the seed launch (which I’ve done), the internal launch (which I’ve also done) and now the membership site launch (where I need wisdom for 2014). Then with the membership site launched, I plan to follow that up with a JV launch. All using kajabi, aweber, and paypal. Or maybe amember and aweber. This I hope to do by the first quarter of 2014.

    How’s that for planning sir! Warm greetings from Manila, Philippines.

  31. Over the next five years, I’m going to see my new social enterprise soar . . . with many thanks to product launch formula. We’ll be creating learning, hope, and happiness for families all over the world – not to mention income for those poorest living at the bottom of our economic pyramid. i just finished writing the ‘vivid description,’ which is part of the businesses’ vision/mission statement . . . and i see great things ahead. aren’t we fortunate to have the WWW??? and the tools with which to develop it? – thanks again to product launch formula. of course, there is so much to learn and i know we will stumble but we’ll make it. in five years, if you have a special needs kid, you’ll know the name ‘yonggo.’ 🙂

    thanks jeff. sarah

  32. I love to plan my next year this time of year. I wait until after Thanksgiving because I have 9 kids and 8 of them are adults, 1 is an 11 yr old and 4 of the grown kids have kids, so as a mom I am very busy on the family front during that weekend. We get our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving so then there is the decorating, etc. I found it creates too much stress to add a planning session and that is not fun. So in two weeks – I get my “me” time.

    I do however know much of my plan for 2014 because I like to plan right before I go to sleep at night. I created an awesome product training that I just launched. I sold 30 ( my goal was 60) price point = $1,997 each sign up. I have one more week of open cart. But in 2014 I plan to make this product evergreen and sell more through Facebook ads. My goal is to take my coaching business that is at $120,000 annually now to $500,000 in 2014 and $1 M in 2015. That is on top of our brick and mortar business ( Real Estate brokerage) that always does well as we are in a high end market. We don’t need to do as many sales because they are higher priced homes. But my husband has more and more taken over the reigns there so that I can focus on the product launches. I also plan to pay off all of our debt in 2014. I have about 12 other products in different niches that are in my mind, on paper and some in early planning stages. My plan is to launch a new niche product each year. I also plan to hire more people to help so that I can delegate more and more and more.

    • @Katerina: if you’re already at 30, and you have a week until you close your cart… then you’ve got a great chance of hitting your goal of 60!

  33. Well, I’m a codebreaker, I have been trying to understand internet marketing. I’m finally able to put all the pieces on the board game called my brain. I have a clear picture of how to build the business, how to move, and adjust the pieces to the puzzle. My first step is to put my brand, and my list on steroids. Install my strategies, and become known as a top affiliate. Build and introduce my content to the world. Start my own affiliate program.

  34. I appreciate your experience and outlook, Jeff. 2014 is going to be an awesome year for the info marketing space. I am going to end 2014 having made a significant footprint in the space I am entering, which is the info space for biz op.

    Thanks for all you do to teach correct marketing techniques and principles.

    Phil Anderson
    Rise Freedom Group

  35. Great stuff Jeff, keep having a plan, stick with the plan, keep getting out of my comfort zone and enjoying it, wake up with gratitude, and keep learning from outstanding mentors like you. Happy Holidays!

  36. Hey Jeff,

    2013 has been a transformative year for me (professionally and personally) and I am poised for a life changing 2014. This is the year that my business will mature from a passion project into a super-charged value creation system. Thanks to you and others, I have all the tools, training and formulas I need. Now, it’s up to me to execute. Bring it on.

    Thanks for the inspiration.


  37. Hi Jeff I love preparing for the next big year. I am loving our Product Launch Formula and Mike Dillard’s EVI program for building my business skills. I plan to have my book launch by beginning to mid Feb and the membership site very soon after that. I know you and your work will help me with all that. Thanks so much!

  38. I’ve turned my attention off my 2 successful products to focus on the one that came up 6 months ago from your Seed Launch course. It’s already making money, changing lives for the better, and the ripples just keep on spreading. Thanks for that challenge, Jeff. Over the next 5 years I’m going to grow to where I have 10,000 people/month going through. We are going to rock the health of the world and get a lot of ‘food’ companies mad at us 🙂 Blessings for the biggest year of your life, too!

  39. Hello, Jeff. Enjoyed your video. Thank you for posting it. One of the things I always try to do is learn from the teachings of those who have achieved what I am reaching for myself.

    For the coming year, I am finally going to take a shot at a potential business venture that I have been avoiding for the last 3 to 4 years. My avoidance has always been because I thought it to technical and too complicated for me to understand the workings of it. But since I do enjoy the selling of physical products, and after reading a VERY DETAILED eBook that was coauthored by an associate of yours, Eric Holmlund—I do hope I spelled his last name correctly—I have decided to just go ahead and start learning and working it….I am referring to eBay.

    While working on this new venture in the coming year, I’m also going to rework my blog in the process. I’m deleting posts that aren’t doing anything, and will replace them with posts partly based around different ways to sell physical products through various outlets. Hopefully this will also help with Adsense and affiliate links, plus maybe teach others interested in the same type of business model. Possibly even get a network built up of like minded individuals….Also plan to sign up for your Product Launch Formula this coming year as well.

    Just want to say, thanks for all your help, Jeff. Marketers like you make it easier for others like me to get ahead in the world of internet marketing.

    God bless you and your family.

  40. Hello Jeff, thanks for the video. It’s great and generous to share your thoughts and projects for the next years. For the next year my project is very precise now : to do a launch on february 2014 with a product i was working on in 2013. I have a lot of work to do yet, and feel very happy. I hope this product will help a lot of people and, perhaps, will start to change our mindset about our world and its values..? I keep in my mind the souvenir of the Arizona event, a great moment of Faith. With my best wishes for you and your family

  41. HI Jeff,

    With two business partners, we’re creating our expertise and skills into an online business.

    We’re passionate about helping and assisting businesses to gain an online presence and increase their online presence. The 3 areas of expertise we have are Online Development and SEO, Online Marketing and Online Relationship Management.

    Our website will be live in January and we’ll have our products for sale, low end and high end, plus coaching and training. Our ideal target market/Ideal client is the mid tiered business owner who currently has a thriving offline business and needs to be online and needs training or help for his staff to implement.

    High end we all love coaching and are experienced coaches, and will give on site coaching where possible as well as online coaching and training. We all want to speak on stage and share our knowledge to many industries and networks and share our simple yet powerful strategies to help and assist business owners, entrepreneurs and start up businesses.

    Next year our PLAN is for our online sales will increase from $500 a week to $5000 a week in the first half of the year, through to $10k per month by end of the first year with 2 high end coaching clients. Second year we’ll have 5 high end coaching clients by mid year, increasing to 10 by end of the year, our online sales will increase to $30k per month. We will speak at networking events in our city of Perth, Western Australia, up to 10 times in the first year and then doubled in the 2nd year. We will speak on stage as keynote speakers once during the 1st year and up to 5 times in the 2nd year.

    We have long term goals, to own commercial property throughout Australia, New York and India, and to employ more staff and give more people jobs…..but our mid term goals of up to 3 years needs to be refined.

    Thank you for your video, we are all entrepreneurs and need to be reminded that we’re creating our own security because we All feel so blooming wonderful about what we’re building, and more importantly, the demand for assistance from us is increasing every week.

    Kind Regards,
    Margit Borbas
    Perth, West Australia

  42. Beatrix Willius


    This year was the first year I saw some traction in my business. Over the christmas holiday I plan to build a product for the SMB market and next year I need to have double the sales compared to this year.

    Great surroundings, by the way.

  43. Jeff – you are an authentic good guy and really engage with your audience. My plan is to take my UK insurance consultancy business, from the current build and preparation stage to full launch in January 2014. No guesses as to who my inspiration has been to make this launch a success.

  44. Jeff, nice recap and sharing your visions for the future. I´m still in the mental zone where I know I have to launch, but I still have doubts. Not a good feeling! While I do an internal battle, my list is growing and so I must be doing something right…
    Good luck in 2014 Jeff, and good launches everyone!

  45. Hey Jeff… just got back from a mini-getaway myself – Paris. Had a nice 3 days with my wife and met my niece + her husband there who came over from the US. A big goal for my wife and I has been to travel more… and we’ve done a TON of it this past year. It’s fun! (It’s also quite affordable since moving to Europe)

    I have to admit, my favorite trip of 2013 was to PLF Live, because I got to mix business with pleasure! – and I feel like I grew on a lot of levels, and have amazing new friends.

    2014 is going to rock. Several product launches planned for my niche, as well as my partner’s niche – focusing on one at a time as the calendar goes on. Currently putting together the launch calendar for our businesses for the next 12 months, which includes our own launches as well as JV promos, as well as pre-pre launch style stuff.

    My partner and I have also been able to start changing people’s lives for the better with our stuff this past year. So in 2014, going to multiply that and keep producing good energy for all of us.

    Attitude of gratitude is abundant for sure. Have a great week.

    P.S. @Tom Matzen, love your vision for lowering business failure rates.
    P.P.S. @Canon Wing, sending you love and good vibes for a speedy recovery!

  46. Thanks Jeff. Needed to hear that message today. I am in complete agreement that the best security is having the skill set to create a successful business. Thanks for being honest that its not always easy – lots of ups and downs. Nevertheless, it is always worth the effort. Planning my own mini-retreat for early Jan. Wishing you all the best for the Holidays and in the coming year.

  47. Hi Jeff
    This is very interesting. I am very new to the online business, still waiting to make my first sale. Which I am sure will happen one day. I am really grateful for your advise.


  48. Thank you Jeff! I just had a bad break up with my partner last week and the business is gone. So, in this stressful time you video really helped me maintain perspective. I will start my business again over the next few months and really enjoy your stuff, plf training, etc



  49. Thanks Jeff
    When I came home from PLF Live this year I knew it was time to get busy! I have owned your system since 2012 and because I have been so busy as a single Mom and Grandmom and running a manufacturing business alone I haven’t had the time to dig in and learn. Well I just let my business go and will make 2014 the year to Launch. I am really thrilled… I am finally digging in and learning….Thanks for all the good information and support! Oh! one more thing! I have wanted to say this since returning from Arizona! I had the wonderful opportunity to have lunch with Mary and Daniel at PLF Live it was such an honor and pleasure. Thank you Mary for Giving Jeff the patience and support he has needed I am sure through all these years to be able to Bless sooo very many lives. You are awesome! See you again next year! Lesley

  50. Elijah Miti


    Thank you Jeff Walker I have learnt quiet a lot from you this year and I am thankful. The past year I spent it creating products and coaching programs and put in place an email autoresponder to build my list which has grown to 460 in 4 months , I also put in place my first Product launch for my latest book “Bestseller Strategies & Tactics” which I turned into a Coaching Program.

    I also did try your SURVEY technique and from the answers I got to created a Coaching Program called “Ocean Business Blueprint”

    Finally the past few years I have been writing books and last year I wrote 12 books and so far I have written 37 Books

    My Five year Plan is to Increase Sales through partnerships/affilliates and Learn more Sales techniques to hit my first Million Dollar Product Launch.

    Thank you once again and I look forward to learning more the coming years.


  51. Jeff,

    I am right in the middle of working with my clients on setting their goals and my own for 2014. My goal is to sell my online goal setting weekend scheduled for January. But my larger 2014 areas of focus are on developing multiple opt-in offers, stronger online presence (guest blogging, social media, you tube), developing my low cost and mid cost products for sale and speaking at multiple live events.

    I take each area of focus and break them to:
    Vision (what does it look like a year from now)
    Purpose (why is this important)
    Message (what is the core communication / transformation others will get from this)
    Goals (I set the benchmarks for each area, over the next 4 quarters)
    Action Plan (last I strategize and set the mini goals for each area over the next 12 weeks (each quarter)
    Then every quarter I determine where I am at on that area of focus and re-peat the process for the next quarter.

    Great seeing you at PLF and wish you and your family a great holiday season and an awesome 2014.

    Ryan Gromfin

  52. Jeff, great video. Yes I am always dedicated to building business skills, learning from those a few steps or beyond in front of me. I am dedicating this month as well to building the plan for 2014. My book Running in High Heels for women in leadership is coming out, on the heel’s (excuse the pun) of 2012 The Renegade Leader. A book takes your vision off site for bit but now it is going to serve at the hub for my business, my plan will include a virtual leadership academy, executive coaching and building a community and mastermind for innovative, driven renegade CEO’s who want to stand out from the pack. Learning from you, your services and products will not only help in my own business but in that of my business clients as well. Grateful for all you do and how you do it in your authentic way!

  53. Hey Jeff, As always I enjoyed this video. Having run a successful traditional business for many years I decided to start an online venture and have learned so much from your material. It seems like I have a penchant for starting unusual businesses ( my first company was supplying products exclusively to county and state prisons ) and now I am creating beautiful pendants with the cremains of people and pets. Neither business really had a working model to follow so I’ve had to learn everything from scratch. Which is why I appreciate all the information you give. Look forward to using your product launch in 2014. Thanks Pat

  54. Dear Jeff, you have been a wonderful inspiration to me, I have been dealing with cancer
    and that sidetracked me from my blog. May I ask you a favor: Can I find out how you make
    your videos, equipment you use, techniques, etc? That is something my blog is missing
    and I hope to set it up to make videos in a similar format to yours and load
    It is always best to learn from the best, ones like you, so I hope you will mentor me as
    how to get started on this. Thanks, John Wright

  55. I am enjoying your postings and energy. Lots of new changes lies ahead of us for the next following years and I looking in your direction. I love your marketing tools. Thanks for being an inspiration in my life and for our business in Norway!

  56. Hi Jeff,
    Obviously you have inspired so many new businesses. I watch your videos first thing with a cup of coffee and get even more pumped up. You are so generous to share your ideas on how to build your presence on line. So I appreciate you and I am grateful for your teachings.
    I am going to be a motivation speaker this year. By April 8, I am going to hand my husband a check for public speaking. I am a going to teach people to stop snapping, bickering, nagging, yelling and swearing at their loved ones, co-workers and customer service reps. I am a certified life coach and I help people have a change of heart by teaching people to become aware of their words, tones, and action. I am bringing back THE GOLDEN RULE in the home, business and while they do their everyday errands because I am The Positive Drama Queen and my job on this earth is to spread as much love as I can.

  57. Thanks Jeff for reminding me how grateful I am to hear someone who is at the same place in life. I recently wrote some new goals to achieve in 2014 myself. But have you heard the story about the Internet Marketer who placed a magazine clipping of a nice hose on his vision board only to have the joyous realization some time later that he was now living in this very same house. Such is the power of love which is the law of attraction which is faith. So Jeff may it be unto you according to your faith your imagined new goals.

  58. Jeff, thanks to you I purchased Jeff Johnson’s course last week. I have gutted it out for years as a police officer, leader and speaker. I have spoken all over the country and still feel like a “starving artist”. God gave me a gift and through guys like you, I will march on…

    Thanks again,
    Chris Swanson

    P.S. Are you a Spartan by chance?

  59. I’m not sure whether I think of myself as an Entrepreneur or just a ‘free spirit’ – one thing that’s for sure though, I couldn’t work for someone else.
    All that trading your time, by the hour, for a few dollars – no thanks. They say having a job is security, but let’s face it, nothing could be further from the truth.
    My goal for next year is to earn as much money as I need and to go out there and bloody well enjoy myself!
    To your success…(and mine for that matter)

  60. Jeff I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m sure that was me talking 🙂 Roller coaster ride – highs and lows. Change is opportunity if you have the entrepreneurial spirit. My ultimate goal is to spend more quality time with family and give back to others. No better enjoyment than facilitate others success. 2014 the tides will change for the better. Be mentally, emotionally and financially stable to weather any storm and “live” life to the maximum. I love your advice plan for next year. Plan for the next 5 years. Think big – short and long term.

  61. Daniel Piesik


    Jeff it is a real pleasure to meet you. It has only been two days that I have known of you, but in that time you have heartily stimulated my mind and my emotions a great deal. Over the course of the next six months I intend to embark for the first time on Facebook, twitter and making myself a blog post. In addition to the above I intend to participate in several internet marketing courses over the next six months. Following that I hope to be developing several different lines of informational products directly connected to the specific niche market I intend to concentrate my productive efforts in. As that effort bears fruit I hope to be in closer contact with yourself, seeking your expert services, in the launching of those products onto the market.

  62. Absolutely Jeff!

    Learning how to generate income through business building has by far been the greatest asset I could add to my family for our security.

    Being an entrepreneur requires that you learn the ability to recreate yourself when circumstances change. I’m thankful that I know how to do that.

    Great video Jeff!

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