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Just got this question – what would I do if I lost my business and had to start over from scratch? If I had no list, no product, no contacts, no positioning? How would I start over? Here's my 4-step plan…

Have you had to start over? What did you do?

(Watch Part 2: 4 Things To Do When Starting Over)

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48 Replies to “4 Things to Do When Starting Over”

  1. Always great info! I just read your book, Launch. Fantastic stuff. I learned so much, and your videos just reinforces the info in your book. I’m launching a new product on Tues. and I’m using the info I used from your book. I hope to invest in your PLF in the future.

    Thanks for sharing so much valuable info.

    Lou Serrano

  2. Thank you, for a great video! I’m beginning many things, including finding a new place in working life, again after big life changes. I’m also interested to become a entrepreneur, but that’s maybe not the first step at the moment. However, your teaching was extremely valuable and it’s applicable also to many kind of situations. Thank you for sharing this of free, it’s valuable to learn this kind of things from someone who knows by his own experience what he is talking about. All the best for you business, you are doing great work!

  3. Yes, I have had to start over. It was both a humbling and a rewarding experience. Starting over led me to my true purpose and passion in life. From a 15 year career as an accountant, to virtually becoming homeless. The lessons I learned were invaluable. My journey led me to an unplanned career in Real Estate Finance, Financial Services and Banking. I transitioned from there into the nonprofit world at a Regional Chamber of Commerce, and eventually into .a role in Economic Development, where I currently sit. All my life, I’ve dreamed of starting and growing businesses. Now, that’s what I do for my community. Every single day.

  4. Thanks for summing that up!

    Btw: Love your videos, they are exactly the right length.
    (funny that this is the first thing I look at when starting a video)

  5. You hit it out of the park again, Jeff. Timing for delivery was great for us. I’m helping my wife start a new business and am in the process of explaining to her the value of video marketing, an email list and live events. This video was as good as you directly coaching. Love your work.

  6. Jeff
    I always look forward to seeing an email from you. I lIke to absorb the information that you present and your steady stream of videos seem to have a way of keeping me focused on my Success.
    I’m quite new to this online business concept but your videos like today’s video on confidence, are excellent motivators.
    I always enjoy each one of them.
    The video today from your Student and Friend, Professor Susan, was an excellent video. I certainly wish her much Success as well.
    I am very impressed and proud of what you have done, raising money to build the school in Kenya.
    Keep up the Great Work !!!
    Your Student
    Gary Helm

  7. Phyllis Rowan


    Thank-you for your advice how to get momentum from a zero position. Hope is a verb here, not a feeling. Time to get going!

  8. Thanks I needed that. Even though I’ve been following you for years and bought PLF3 years ago, have been to your 3 day workshops here in Scottsdale, I was just in a bit of a low spot about getting people enrolled in my next program. Watched the video this morning and Hmmmm… need to do more of that right now. Don’t need to be starting over, I need to do the same things that work.

  9. Thanks Jeff! I am totally starting over, literally from square one. What if you
    didn’t have any experience setting up a website, creating a landing page and/or a squeeze page.
    What resources would you use to get the basics of an online presence? Remember, you have
    no money!
    I do have a self-published book with great testimonials from heavy hitters like Jack Canfield and
    Mark Victor Hansen, Robert Allen, Joe Vitale, etc. I could publish a chapter at a time on the blog I
    will be creating.
    Who would you hitch your new wagon to: Eben Pagan, Dan Kennedy, Perry Marshall, Jeff Walker :), etc.

    Thank you , I will be following your 4 steps, although with no money, it will be a challenge getting to live events.

  10. As always, I look forward to your words of wisdom! Starting over is not what we think about as we begin our businesses, but I certainly have had to regroup and take a hard look at what I am doing in the areas you described. Great advice. You are my hero!
    Happy Valentine to you and yours!

  11. Jeff, always interested in your messages. This was helpfull, because I have just given up my eCommerce site to concentrate on custom silk floral design for professional/commercial spaces. Wondering how to get into your circle of influence. lol

  12. I chose courses that eventually led me to train as a justice of the peace, a tutor in adult education and training, and a marriage celebrant. 99% of these courses were free through various organisations. Despite my muscular skeletal injuries my mind needed activity and interest, and whilst I’ve not made money nor am I able to do more than part time work, I know education and sharing that new knowledge is living to inspire. I love your mentoring Jeff.

  13. I’ve heard for years that the money is in the list and I’ve tried setting them up. I just fail at getting people to sign up. It’s definitely an important area to learn and to test and to persist.

  14. As always, you are inspiring and so down to earth. Your 4 tips on how to start anew are very useful reminders. Perfect timing. I just enjoy listening to you and learning from you, and am still working through your PLF course. Thank you, Jeff!!!

  15. Thank’s a lot Jeff. Tis is really very helpful and inspirational. It’ll help me to move in the right direction.

  16. Yet again you’re able to meet us where we are and deliver super beneficial help in an easily digestible way. I cannot thank you enough!

  17. The classic question, this one seems to come around often because it reveals the essential bones of online business, what it is that drives the business aspects. A list seems to be the essential core of most online business because it is the central data base , the core asset from which you build revenue – sales of course is important, but regular consistent sales is what makes a business-thanks for this!

  18. Bill Hughes


    Thanks Jeff. Sometimes it’s the simple things that make the biggest difference. The key here seems to be consistency.

  19. Hi Jeff

    This video was amazing! So helpful for me starting from scratch. It is so easy to become overwhelmed when starting out but your simple 4 step plan has laid a great roadmap for me.

    I have dedicated today to building a squeeze page and tomorrow to building some lead magnets.

    Thanks again, looks like it’s time for me to get implementing!


  20. After I sold my multi 7 figure business 10 years ago, I started over. Built my first business before the internet days and starting over with the internet and social media was so foreign to me. When i started over I did not connect with influential people, joint venturing nor did i do video. Biggest mistakes. I did publish but reluctantly, and did build my email but without connections and going to a limited number of live events, it was slow to start.
    Great advice and what I teach my business clients! Odette

  21. Wise words, Jeff – a great way to start the week (it’s already Monday morning here in Japan).

    Cheers, Tim

  22. Jeff, it is always enjoyable experience to learn from you by watching your videos and you always gave simple but very useful info and right to the point. I am planning to build my email list but still need doing it in a free way. I think I really have to start to use those pay services such as Aweber . I hope you can tell us more on how to use Facebook ads in a better way if you will use it and the best way to promote Clickbank as well. Well, looking forward for your great stuffs in the days to come .

  23. Great advice, Jeff – well said. You make an excellent point about getting people/leads opted in to an email list vs just focusing on social-media followers alone. I also like your ‘subscribe’ link overlays on your youtube videos, and jump-cuts in your video editing. Well done as always, thanks for inspiring me to get my video blog launched as well. Your point about focusing on publishing & connecting to an audience is good advice.

    To success,
    Ken C

  24. SOLID info Jeff. Thank you for sharing – I hope folks take it to heart, especially getting out there and meeting people. That is soooooo important. Every dime I make is the result of actually going to events and getting to know someone.

    Hope to make it to one of yours someday soon as well 🙂

    Thanks again!

  25. Jeff … this is your BEST little GEM yet. It is so POWER-PACKED with a real-life illustration that … it truly SCREAMS that … “THIS STUFF WORKS!!!” Hope you don’t underestimate what, again, this GEM is to a listening audience. It’s your best power-packed 10+ minute video yet. Great Job … Awesome-sauce …. Cheers.

  26. Everyday can be a “start over” day. I know when I want to do more and get frustrated, I wake up knowing today is a new day. Start over and win Chris.

    Thanks for the reminder Jeff. You’re a gift to many.

  27. Thanks for the great tips Jeff.

    I would say that meeting people in live events does set you apart and build long lasting relationships. That’s how I “accidentally” met my mastermind group. Having said that, promoting as an affiliate is a good way to prove your ability to help them in concrete and tangible terms. If they have an affiliate contest, you’ll also get exposed to other partnership opportunities when they see you on leaderboards.

    Keep publishing, Jeff!

  28. Jeff and Susan… very inspirational. I’ve been 34 years in the health field, 28 years in the birth field. I got cancer and both careers are over. The two careers kept me at a five figure income. Survival. Now, with both careers over, hanging on a thread financially.. I am writing a book, working on a new BRAND… ME… creating a website, email list, blog, social platforms, figuring out a launch…putting together a 6 week module for cancer patients and Cancierges, (Cancer Caregivers) working to develop the ‘message in the mess’ and truly ‘starting over.’

    The two videos, yours first Jeff, and Susan’s testimonial are inspiring and bringing a bit of light to my dim portal. I feel fairly overwhelmed yet, since I am still here and cancer free, unlike so many others I know who are still dealing with a cancer diagnosis, treatments or have actually died, I am finding the grace and gratitude in being cancer free and somehow through ‘Divine Support’ continuing to create my next steps.

    Thank you, for sharing, becoming a beacon of light within this transitional phase in my life. Blessings and love. Judith Elaine Halek

  29. Thank you Jeff for what you do, you changed my life. I have been following you for while, and your teachings for me have been an eye opening.
    God bless you.

  30. Jeff, great video.

    I too bought your PLF book in July 2014. Great investment.

    You’ll be happy to know my first guest blog article is being published at next month. It’s about how free content is good advertising. It’s a great article. You think it’s one thing, that free content advertises your offer and it’s really another, that you make free content from advertising. Really fun. It’s great for newbies and experienced alike. I hope you get a chance to check it out.


  31. Ok, I’m officially in love.
    (Not sure this is the right way to connect with influencers but hey, what have I got to lose?)

  32. Jeannie Long


    Took awhile but finally watched this video, your e-mail stayed in my inbox until I could get to it! Yes, I am starting over, and this time I am creating my own product over which I have complete control over all aspects of my business (lost a previous business due to marketing restrictions by a company I represented). Publish, build a list, get to know your potential joint venture partners preferably in person, awesome advice!

  33. I had to start over when I made a way to live in an inexpensive part of the world that I enjoy, because being here meant leaving my previous occupation behind.

    Well, I viscerally disliked engineering anyway—no offense to engineers reading this, it just wasn’t for me!

    The good news was that it was very clear at the time that the Internet, broadly speaking, could certainly provide me a way to support my wife and I here in Bali, Indonesia. I just needed to find out a path to that point; and hopefully one that wouldn’t end up being as much of a ‘job’ as what I’d left behind.

    Fast forward eight years and I can say my hope that I’d find ways to make money online was well-founded, and actually I’ve gone in so many interesting directions that at times I’ve spread myself too thin. Focus + execution turned out to be my biggest challenges, and that is a very different skillset than being a well-regarded employee…..

    Thanks Jeff. I’ve learned a lot from you over the years and I’m once again leaning into your education— always a pleasure with your smiling, low-key delivery!

    The latest ‘start-over’? Yes, and that’s OK!

    I’m fleshing out a product for my site which ironically started out as a 100% non-commercial repository for my writing on themes that are important to me. Thank goodness I put an email collector–as a total afterthought, I confess!–back in 2009 when I created the site.

    I woke up one day recently and realized that some of the 2,500+ people on my mailing list would probably appreciate a product from me that would help them in the same way they tell me my posts have. It just goes to show that a) you never know what will end up flying and b) start building your list from day 1!!!

    Thanks again Jeff.

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