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I love sharing success stories, and this is a really special one for me…

This interview is with Erico Rocha – who went from quitting his job to doing multi-million dollar launches… to hosting his own live event for 2500 people. And he did all of this in Brazil.

(I shot this one on the streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil… it was a bit noisy, but well worth it!)

Please leave a comment below and let Erico and me know what you think…

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25 Replies to “When The Student Becomes The Master”

  1. Hi Jeff! Every sunday I am waiting for your video.. Erico, I watched your video today in your LF live and it was amazing!!!! When I saw Jeff there in the end, I could not believe.. wow!! Jeff was there, …! And then 3 hours later I can watch you both together in the city that I was born. Thanks for all inspiration that you both bring for my life. Next year I will be there with you….

  2. Two amazing and GIANT persons 🙂
    Thanks Jeff and Erico for inspire us.
    I live in Brazil and i know the huge impact Erico is doing by teach entrepreneurship to the masses.
    Best wishes for you two.

    – Tiago Simões

  3. Always so uplifting to hear great stories like this, especially with all the negativity out there in the news at the moment. Many thanks for posting it, Jeff.

  4. Hi, Jeff. It was amazing to have you here in Brazil. Thank you and Erico Rocha for all the Information, Insights and Inspiration, three “Is” that are changing many lives here in Brazil and around the world. See you both on PLF Live in Brazil next year. On stage, this time. ;=)

  5. Thank you for the inspirational message. I need to “connect” with my “friends” outside the US. Focus + intentional work= success

  6. I was there!! It was amazing. Lots of positive vibrations and everyone very motivated preparing their launches and anxious to transform their lives. PLF rocks!

  7. Caroline Myers


    Love it! I found out about Jeff actually through Erico Rocha! I’ve been learning so much!! 🙂 thanks!

  8. Very inspiring. I love the energy, respect and love that shines through. This is awsome.

  9. Wow, what amazing energy, Jeff and Erico! Love the palm trees in the background, love the street noise, love the beaming faces. Congrats to you both!!!

  10. Jeff and Erico, Congratulations for what you both are doing to make this world a better place to live. Thanks much.

  11. Thanks, Jeff!

    Yet more proof that consistent small increments of progress accumulate to something outstanding.

  12. Such a great video and inspiring interview! So happy, too, to see PLF go around the world!

  13. Brazil, what an amazing country, a place to be for PLF and for Jeff. To see PLF and Erico getting traction in Brazil is such an outstanding accomplishment!!!! It is so eye opening and hopeful realizing how we are all together and steadily changing Humankind!

    Keep it up guys, we are changing the World, one country at a time.

    Parabems Erico, Parabems Jeff!!!

  14. That’s so amazing to hear about the product launch progress. I loved the video and enjoyed the information you shared over!

  15. Wow! Inspired by unedited video. Live in Kingston, Jamaica and always want to visit Sao Paulo, Brazil. Will definitely be following you and Erico. Your videos can benefit people all over the world—by contributing to a better way of life for all.

  16. Susan Peirce Thompson


    What an awesome interview! Who knew PLF was rocking the house in Brazil!?!?!?! Jeff and Erico, you’ve given me ideas for licensing my product overseas too…Erico, I’m so stoked for you! 2,500+ at your live event! WooooHoooo!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  17. Jeff and Erico, I want to thank both of you for the enlightening videos! I needed a good positive swift kick in the pants and you both provided that. Thank you both for giving that to me. They’ll help me move forward. Thank you!

  18. WOW… this is soooooooooo cool Jeff and Erico… How cool for you Jeff that you are seeing your work change lives all over the world. And how cool Erico that you had the courage to start this movement in your country. CONGRATS to both of you! And thanks for inventing this Jeff. I’m super new but I hope to master this some day soon.

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