This week’s video is about a choice I recently had to make… spend a quiet Saturday catching up on a work crunch, or spend it getting lost in the wilderness with a bunch of people and dogs. Can you guess which option I chose?
- October 13, 2017
Great. Another good way to tell time out and recharge the batteries is practicing meditation. I practice Transcendental Meditation because it’s the best scientifically validated type of meditation, and I tell you it really works! Besides it’s not just about taking time out, it’s even been documented to improve iq, creativity, resilience to stress etc. Highly recommend!
You are right Jeff, taking a timeout with friends in nature is ever recharge our mental and body to creativity
Thanks for your insights that I always like to hear from you.
That sounds like so much fun… I will try it this weekend too.
Katherine Bright
I love this video Jeff because you have passion and show you are a real person. Great advice.
Suzanne Snyder
Thank you Jeff! Funny thing, I am facing the same decision today. I am going on a hike and dreaming of all the work I could get done if I just stayed home. You inspired me to just go!! Thank you for helping me take that step to take a break and go out into the great outdoors!! Suzanne
Linda Raglione
Hello Jeff,
There is nothing better than communing with nature.
So happy for you.
Charles Palmer
I think what works is the change in activity. I spent nine days travelling, going to events etc. By the time I got back home to Cambridge I felt pretty worn down. So today is Sunday. A nice breakfast in bed with the wife, no work, phone my sons, and go to to see Blade Runner 2049 this evening. And wake up tomorrow recharged.
Deborah Rezac
Thanks Jeff for this lesson today. Great passion in telling this story. I almost felt like i was on that hike with you!!
Walter Gerson Rodriguez
Thank you for reminding us to take time out to recharge and rejuvenate to help us live a better life as we help our businesses grow.
Don Olund
Perfect timing for this video release. I found myself in a similar situation this weekend. I’m glad I decided to spend an afternoon with my mom and brother going out to lunch. The heavy lifting—preparing a talk for today (Sunday) and shooting video for my membership site was delayed for some very important connect time with my aging mom. We had a great time together! The things I needed to get done were accomplished. Keeping work/life balance in check leads to a more fulfilling life. Thanks Jeff!
Nancy Christenson
Oh Man!
Did I need to hear this today!
Thanks Jeff!
Josie Tytus
When you’re ambitious, it’s easy to steep yourself in your work without coming up for air. But this is a great reminder that we do our work to have a life. Life is happening out there. Life energizes our work. Forgetting to stay connected to life only hurts the quality of work we’re capable of.
I soooo needed to hear this today Jeff! Thank you. I often think about you with these sorts of decisions and lately the “catch up with work” choice is the one I’ve been making. Pivoting to not allowing my renew and recharge time to slip! Seeing the mountains in the backgrounds also helps! 🙂
Thanks for the reminder…it’s so easy to forget how important it is to recharge. I’m just starting a new venture and I’ve been so engrossed in all my work that I’ve not taken the time to step away. Heading out on our boat this afternoon to do just that! : )
Yes! I was in the same spot last Saturday, and I”m so glad I went to that event. Thanks for sharing. (Makes me feel less guilty too.) 🙂
Thanks, Jeff! You’ve just inspired me to catch the last rays of today’s sunshine out on my bike. 🙂
Cindy Marvell
Enjoyed this and the previous video. I’ve noticed the things I plan to do once a week I’ve been very consistent about whether they were Erik or health related. I’d thought to move on with this way of doing things to get around the daily grind of keeping my life going and participating with others. Is it okay to have a lesser plan that’s consistent? Or does daily meditation for instance have to fuel the rest?
Carrie Sechel
Love this! I just got back from a hiking retreat to Rocky Mountain National Park and it was awesome! I came back with a clear mind and more ideas than I know what to do with!
Christine Murphy
Hi Jeff:
Thank you! I run a full time technology project management company AND I am trying to pull everything together to do a seed launch of something that is completely un-related to my 28 years in technology in January of 2018, I am working like a dog, loving it but I do feel that I get truly creatively burned out and I absolutely need to walk away from work but when I do it I feel guilty as heck so thank you for the reminder that I need to walk away. If for no other reason than I come back with my cup filled back up again.
It reminds me of one of those books you open and it expands. Of course, you’re getting away from the day to day stuff, but it’s like …The story expands.
Lynne Falconer
Thank you so much for sharing this Jeff.
I plan to take time out for my inner game so that I can recharge and be better and better.
Thanks again!
There’s inspiration in nature and being amongst friend – and also in being Ferris Bueller. Glad you enjoyed it. You needed and deserved it – we all do!
John Knight
Sounds like a great day. & its also something I teach. the Late great Dr Stephen Covey’s sharpen the saw routine.
sabrina sadiki
Hi Jeff, thank you very much for sharing you idea with the world, may God bless you.
John Ellsworth
This is so true! Thanks for sharing this experience, Jeff!
Totally understand where you are coming from Jeff.
Although I have recently turned 61, I am fortunate enough to live in the country and I’m able to walk 4 or 5 miles each day and throw in the odd 8 miler on occasions, weather permitting of course! Unfortunately, I’m invariably by myself because other friends don’t have as much free time during the week as I do, but that in itself gives me time to think and to come up with new ideas. And walking at a steady 3 to 4 miles per hour with Pink Floyd (!) pumping through the Bluetooth headphones and I feel great.
But when I do a *whole day* walking as you did, the feeling afterwards is like nothing else. The body is wholly transformed and tingling throughout. Ready for anything and anybody!
I gave up my gym membership years ago and whilst I’ve resigned myself to never being a male model, walking is my way to physical and mental fitness and I simply *have* to find time for it.
Carmen Cook
…you have to take care of your inner game…your mental game…your spiritual game. Oh Jeff, I so needed to hear this today. I have a parental family matter which is quite disturbing. After several taxing years making little progress, I had walked away and said to myself I did as much as I could, but now I need to look after my own family, my hubby and myself. Today it’s come up to haunt me again. But I know the answer. After losing a whole day to fighting unpleasant fires, it’s time for me to again walk away – I’m still not able to change anything. I need to take care of my inner game…my mental game…spiritual game… Ah thank you. I’m re-linking to my inner peace.
Self-care is paramount to being able to live long and finish strong. It’s also the thing that is easy to put at the bottom of the list. Thanks for promoting business and wholeness.
nice. a couple weeks ago I went on a hike, well, by myself, high in the mountains. on a clear day, when the leaves were changing! I hiked 30 minutes! THAT FELT SOOOOOO GOOD! I was SOOOOO happy for that short time.Keep in mind, in 2007 I was dying from lyme disease and other such stuff, and could hardly walk 1 minute from my bed 20 feet to the kitchen! so fast forward 2017,,, I worked HARD to get my life back, SO THAT I could enjoy nature again. Still have to w ork hard to get it back, next goal is PLEASURE IN MY NECK…but the reward is so I can do what I used to do…
which brings me to this point: Just had to say…if geoengineering doesn’t stop within the year, ALL life as we know it on planet earth will die…
Jane Tornatore
I love this! A lot of my work is with family caregivers and I give this message all the time. I’m also working on doing it more myself. Constantly telling others helps me. 🙂
Deb Mac
HI Jeff, I get caught in that trap of working day and night in a big void and there is nothing more refreshing than getting a dose of ‘reality’. Simple pleasures and moments in nature certainly wake up the senses and re-energize the body and mind. I wonder why some of us get stuck in the ‘have to do’ mode when there is so much to gain from those mini-escapes. Anyway, here I go….for a bushwalk at the lllawarra Fly
~ Deb
You’re a good man, Jeff.
Just what I needed to hear.
Glad you went for it and enjoyed recharging your creative juices. Sometimes you just have to go for it! I had a similar thing happen recently and usually I would have forgone, but it was just so obvious I was suppose to go for it and, so…I did.