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During my Launch Masterclass, someone asked, “With attention spans getting shorter, shouldn’t content be shorter too?” It’s kinda funny, since they asked that question about 2 hours into a 3+ hour broadcast. The reality is, I wouldn’t worry about the length of your content. There’s something much more important to focus on…

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19 Replies to ““How Long is Too Long?””

  1. Great points Jeff, and spot on.

    I do think there’s a distinction to be made between what that guy was talking about and what your training was however.

    As I see it there are two types of video promos: Sales videos on YouTube or a website are intended to pique someone’s interest in the product as quickly as possible and get them to go to the offer, so those do need to be quick and concise, but videos in a webinar like yours are for people who already want to create a business or improve an existing one (or they probably wouldn’t be there in the first place) and those have to provide value, and it takes time to do that.

    Unfortunately I wasn’t able to check out all of yours, but what I did see was over the top amazing stuff, and by far the most informative presentations I’ve ever seen outside of the actual product. Which I do have an older version of btw.

    Thanks for the amazing work, and also for being real (and a very nice guy) rather than a sales machine like so many people are today. 😱
    John Michael Christian

    • Consuelo Castañuela Helbling


      Close to the importance of the list! Great answer to a natural question for today’s in a minute world.

  2. Kate Fulkerson


    Hooray for this information. It is not only useful but it also gives me hope for humanity.

    I think one of the differences between your videos and infomercials is the content, the quality. You are actually teaching in these videos, not just selling.

    • Yes, there’s a difference between a video aimed to sell a product and those used when someone signs up for advice.

  3. Just goes to show how easily we start looking at the next shiny object or next trendy claim. I also used to be concerned about long presentations, BUT I watched every minute of the Masterclass.

    I have to keep reminding myself that I only want a tiny percentage of the population to work with and those people will listen/watch my stuff for any amount of time as long as it has VALUE to THEM!
    Thanks Jeff – you are a star 😊👍

  4. Hey Jeff,

    I was curious if this still applies to people starting out? I understand you want to make sure you still get your message across. But aren’t people less likely to invest in your video if they don’t know/like/trust you yet?

    It may just be my personal preference for shorter content blurring the topic. I think I’m less likely to give somebody I don’t know even thirty minutes.

    I’m not saying it doesn’t apply to newbie content. Just that they should be even more succinct getting their message out.

    Thanks for all you do!


    • @Jeff: I think if you’re just starting out, then you have to work harder to get your messaging on point and grabbing the reader/viewer from the start. But the reality is that no matter what your reputation or positioning is… you’ll need to grab people right away in any case.

  5. Hi Jeff:

    Your comment about keeping it interesting and they’ll stay is really important. A number of years ago, I was at a science-fiction convention and a group of us spend an entire evening reading the Rules and Regulations pages from the front of the telephone book. I’d challenge anyone to find something more boring, but we spent the whole evening laughing so hard, my stomach hurt the next day. What made it so interesting and funny was that each person read a section acting as one of their favorite SF characters, with the character usually being completely out of context with what was being read. Yes, keep your audience interested and they will follow you for as long as you let them.



    • Caesi Bevis


      Wish I had been there. That sounded fun!

      (We did similar on Maui reading Tsunami warning info in phone book decades ago while in university. Today in light of the big island of Hawai’I, Indonesia and Thailand tsunamis, these aren’t such a funny topic anymore. )

  6. Namaste Jeff
    Totally agree with you – we are doing this for our target market. It is a matter of walking a mile in someone else’s shoes meaning taking the second position and observing – – becoming the witness to what it is specifically the markets needs and wants. The fact that most of us sat through your amazing “live” videos is proof that you walked a mile in our shoes. Thank you for being who you be and all you do for humanity.
    Blessed be.
    Love only

  7. Hi Jeff, thanks — another interesting video making a good point. I’ll admit I did watch huge chunks of the launch videos via the concierge page and it did strike me that they seemed incredibly long and as such an interesting ‘risk’ to take on your part as the widely acknowledged expert in the launch-field. I hail from a generation that was used to sitting for longer periods without taking a break or requiring a pattern interrupt to keep my interest during ‘learning events’ (such as school lessons and university lectures) –and I find the pandering to the less than 7-minutes meme seems irritating many a time. But equally (particularly with a patchy connection like mine) 3 hours+ was a challenge and I missed a good deal of what i would like to have listened to — either due to technical issues or simply having to go to bed! (even during the open art period I couldn’t catch up with everything) Even so, much of what I did manage to listen to was inspiring and makes me want to follow your lead and use your model…

  8. This was such a great question and fantastic reply! Thanks so much! I’ve wondered about this as well. Typically, if I see a post on FB and when I click on ‘see more’ it takes me to another page, I disengage… lol So I try not to do that to people, but this does give me hope 😉

  9. So glad to hear you say this Jeff – and irony in the fact the person was asking this about two hours in to a three hour presentation really made me laugh out loud!

    And what you say here about how longer content can be valuable is music to my ears, as my natural tendency is to write long in depth posts sharing a stories and reflections and insights – which often come to me in the process of writing. Using other mediums of audio and video is a bit more mixed – as I have produced short videos that convey a message using visual language, and have presented programmes on the radio combining speaking with playing jingles and music tracks, where I can be more succinct and structured.

    But when it comes to writing, especially, even when I try to be more succinct it’s an effort. And my long postings do tend to polarise opinions – people tend to either engage with them and appreciate what I’m sharing, or else conclude ‘TLDnR’ – too long did not read, or even react in a hostile way because they are either intimidated or jealous. This is all in a social context rather than business and marketing, but clearly the same principle applies, that some people will engage if they relate to what I’m saying, and others will switch off. It’s how I’ve made friends on social media and also gained a few haters!

    I’m currently in the process of applying what I learned during your launch masterclass to how I plan to launch a course in tantric meditation that I have helped to produce, presented by a tantra teacher who learned from the mystic Osho. He and the movement was the subject of a six part documentary series on netflix earlier this year that got a lot of attention, and his own live discourses used to last for two hours or more. So there’s a good example of how longer content and presentations can hold people’s attention if what is being said is compelling enough, and also if the speaker has a sufficient presence. I certainly find your own relaxed and chilled out style very engaging and easy to follow.

    In the ‘sideways sales letter’ I’m now planning for the tantra course, I’m planning to use a short dramatic video to grab people’s attention, and then a 50 minute introductory video as the free opt in, for those who are interested in learning more, so this re-assures me that a combination of short and long can work, and the longer video will be engaging for the right people.

  10. Jeff, I agree with you about studying other marketing and websites. My faux pas may help others; I recommend this often to businesses or entrepreneur wanna -be’s. ( my area of expertise is competitive intelligence ).

    But – oops – I forgot to formally do it for myself. Time to start a spreadsheet and track competition. I informally researched other sites. And you are right – patterns and new niches show up when examining the big picture.

  11. Angela Sutton


    I’ve been thinking about this a lot. It’s tough to be brief in presentations and videos … And it makes you stronger …. A good exercise is to go decide what the audience’s key takeway from each video should be. I also love chunking videos into a series along a theme and then using each part of the series to build up anticipation for the next. PLF does that so well! Great stuff

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