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Here's the simple 2-step process that Dean Jackson uses to fill his high-end events with a single email or Facebook post (he regularly sells out his events that cost anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000.)

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59 Replies to “A Simple 2-Step Process to Fill High-Ticket Events”

  1. Love this video – you absolutely bring value Jeff! You two are fun to watch…I could only imagine the ‘secret mastermind’ you’ll put together ‘value, fun, & success’…just pure brilliance. I’m a PLFy, & between all the content on there you provide, the real life examples, & these great videos here…its inspiring. I’m excited to streamline my value I bring to others – by inspiring, uplifting & motivating peeps to go for their dreams too! Will see where my path unfolds…I know I’m clearer know having joined your program. My mind and horizon has expanded expotentially over the last few months by being open to what the universe is presenting me…you & so many other like minded experts came into my life & I feel richer because of that! So thank you, & thank you for all the great resources you provide. You are an amazing gift to the world!

    • I agree with you, Malcom. Jeff is already a well known brand and he can request anything he wants. The people will follow him. The only problem will be for us, who cannot afford. I wish to be there to have the money for. His wisdom is priceless.

  2. Hi Jeff,
    Thanks for the wonderful humorous energy and wisdom you two share inthis video! I am taking the latest round of Product Launch Formula and loving it! It is helping me “reactivate” my interest in marketing strategy and planning” which was my first love in the start of my carear. Later I followed my passion for Sustainability and business transformation to start my own Consulting business. Anyway, I am rekindling my love for marketing as I study PLF and it would be great to be part of anything you are doing with Dean! As we learn in PLF – Marketing is about giving value!
    Ciao, Stuart

  3. Loving the La Ferrarri and that Bugatti Veyron in the video….But are podcasts really that powerful?

  4. 🙂 Sounds like you are at a great event and I am watching and wondering what kind of event draws leaders like you?..I can’t even imagine the electricity at your table. Really good advice. Nurture and communication. Happy Sunday.

  5. We started podcasting and video casting 8 years ago on our channel Polymer Clay TV that is how we developed a following. I have been following you for a while when I happened upon your book. That is what changed everything for our business. We followed your launch process when we launched our virtual retreat and I am happy to say we have over 900 Attendees and growing. It truly was a business changer for us. I recommended it to a friend who was doing a membership launch and she was very successful too she made $21,000 in her 5 day launch. We have two totally different businesses and it worked for both of us. A big thank you for sharing your gift ! We are proof it really does work!

  6. Made me smile …

    Step 2 … post the event invite on your social media.
    Step 1… spend 150+ hours marketing beforehand to build an audience and deliver value!

    Priceless … and so true. Having produced large events myself for the past 3 years (500+ people in attendance) I can attest to the 150h+ workload and the importance of investing that much time building great value and a large audience that cares.

  7. Jeff. I must find the time to finish your book. Launch. So far a very interesting read to page 13.
    I have recently become somewhat despondent with the internet marketing game, Why? Because after searching for good mentors here in the U.K and finally narrowed it down to Three & began following their teachings, it appears that the majority have jumped upon the High ticket networks like MOBE & EMPOWER, banging out emails to join up. These networks are very expensive to get started for a newbie.
    I just want to learn about some good, ethical internet marketing opportunity & not be sold networking schemes which would be out of reach for most people.

    • Richard, you are not alone out there with your thoughts on staying motivated within the UK, People who have become successful doing what we want to learn are not very good at being mentors in the way they are in the US. I now follow several mentors in the US and subscribe to one so that I am able to connect with like minded people who encourage and support me, and like Jeff, actually want you to succeed. Don’t give up, you will get there if you have the passion for what you do.

    • I get the UK issue. I am an American living in London. In a prior life I spent a decade living and working on the west coast, California mostly, At some level you just have to get past the issues. As Suzanne says, find what you need and forget the boarders. I do think you can find much of what you want in London as the people living there are not so stuck in traditional thinking.

  8. you guys are hilarious. great video. common sense is so wildly effective sometimes!

  9. Funny. I have a 2-step process for creating a $100 million company. Step 1: have a product or service you can sell $100 million worth of. Step 2. Have a way to accept payments. 🙂
    You guys looked like you were having fun though.

  10. This is awesome!I liked the part Dean says Do you think you have just added value and both laughs. Keep on good work.

  11. Thank you for this! Found myself cracking up with you guys’ antics, and learning at the same time.

    My first introduction to Dean Jackson. Thanks so much, Jeff! 🙂

    Interested in whatever you’re plotting soon! Will follow along. . . much love!

  12. One of the best straightforward video giving the true motivation why to go out there and do your thing!
    Thanks so much guys 🙂

  13. This is a wonderful video thank you Jeff, yet again, I’m so with you and Dean on adding value. One thing that I’ve been doing recently on my FB author page is applying consistency 🙂 this has been a very challenging one for me to maintain, but it is starting to pay off. I’m measuring my results, by the numbers of likes and shares and also by the interactions that occasionally happen. However, one thing that I have realised that I no longer do is attach any expectation to the outcome, so my following has been much more organic and this suits me. I just post what I love and once I get over ‘being vulnerable’ and doing some videos, I think that I will reach an entirely new level. I love that you and Dean both do this in your video – thank you 🙂

    Thank you again for the 3 videos you posted last year end, I took action on something that you said in Video 1 and had a massive result from that – but can I for the life of me find it? 🙂 Oh well, the beautiful thing is that you took time out of your incredibly busy day pre-launch to connect with me and acknowledge. I thank you so much for that and for all the amazing work you are doing and what I’m learning from you. Have an amazing week.


  14. Wow really interesting concept and truly valuable – I think most people think its all about just the marketing but you make the huge point that its all about the value you provide which decides whether people will listen to what you say.

    I would love to attend an event with you guys in CO

  15. Hi Jeff,

    Authenticity is what comes to mind as I watched that video….and a great example of PLF pre launch in action!! Authentic people always bring value.

    To answer your question, YES PLEASE! A program with you and Dean would be remarkable!

  16. Ditto to all the positive comments above – great energy, great fun, great rapport and great advice. Grateful for the big smile and great affirming encouragement I received from you both. Keep modeling it for us.

  17. You gave testimony to my favorite quote “Where two or more of you agree in my name it shall be done”. Love the content, the energy and would sooooo love a time in Durango!

  18. 😀 for the shitty video with the phone, you couldn’t say better words to demonstrate how to give value in easy way ;D

  19. yes ! beyond the hills are the infinite joy… yes jeff you bring value all right !
    I suggest the secret meeting to be in another place… an exotic one: come to Rio de Janeiro Brazil !
    there will be a lot of extra-ordinary outdoors adventures… saluti RomanBRuni

  20. Yet more proof that when you love what you do, it shows! An event with you two would not only be advantageous to my business, but certainly a fun time as well. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Thank you Jeff. You don’t even know how much value you add by accident. I always wondered how you did these videos. Did you have some film-maker follow you around? No, you do this on your phone. That is just so cool.

  22. Love the term PLFly – that’s what I am also at this point, although I am implementing.
    And of course I’m thinking, if his free stuff is sooo good hid paid stuff must be amazing!

  23. Thank you – simple and powerful….hard work, providing value and having a blast doing it!

    February 8 2015: Making a commitment to be at an event with Jeff and Dean one day : )

  24. lol! Jeff were your “blazin the crop” with Jonas Hill’s dad (okay Dean Jackson) before shooting this? I was wetting my pants.
    I’m shortly to launch a service for novice traders [stocks, forex, etc] to help accelerate their learning curve and acquire the good trading habits used by most professional traders.
    I only had the idea late Nov – after watching your PLF PLC, then got your book Launch for xmas, now my launch is only weeks away.
    All thanks to your book and all the great videos you post. Thanks a million.

  25. Awesome message Jeff and Dean – reminds me of what Gary Vaynerchuck talks about a lot lately reminding everyone in business that they are in the “THEIR BUSINESS + Media Company” In other words, with today’s technology and consumers use of that technology businesses best reach their market now through media (podcasts, videos, live events, interviews, etc…)

  26. Great video guy! I get so caught in wanting to create perfection that it immobilizes me. You guys are just talking on the street sharing bits of wisdom. What a great example of, like Nike says, “Just do it!” I just got a PC (used to be in the Mac world). Can you recommend a good app or program to create a podcast. I think I will try that vs. writing a blog as I never seem to get the blogs complete. Podcasting sounds great.
    Thanks for sharing. Good stuff!
    Dr. Jeanne

  27. How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice … How do you fill a high-ticket event? Add value, add value, add value …

  28. You two were having fun! So creatively done — with a cell phone video camera and exuding confidence. Excellent! The PLF will soon be utilized more extensively, as I am closing in on completion of the first draft of my first book. At the heart of my lack of speed … a more than mildly limiting belief system. Fortunately, you have a program for that! The PLF is a formula who can help EVERYONE to understand that we don’t need to have chemistry with everyone; just those who are followers, with whom our message and special expertise resonates. From God’s mind through your lips!

    Keep ’em coming so that soon, I’ll be joining you in a Mastermind Group! Durango, ‘eh? I like the sound of that. Colorado is my favorite play ground, when I am on land. Love it when I get so far up the mountain that my cell quits working. 🙂 So, I’m with James Burchill above — and you, JW … That 150+ hours part reminds me of a famous quote of Thomas.A. Edison, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”.

  29. The 2-step simplicity reminds me of the EZ 2 line tax form joke from years ago. Line 1: How much did you earn last year? Line 2: Send it in.
    Cha-ching! It’s kinda like that once you get up and running on all cylinders, isn’t it? Thanks for the chuckle guys. I’ve got a long way to go. At least the path is lit with wisdom and wit by those like yourselves to help keep me on track.

  30. Jeff,

    Fun video. Clearly you were having fun. The message is one you consistently hammer home to us. Give away massive value and you’ll be successful. Thanks for the reminder. I might be interested in the marketing seminar. Let us know you’ll be teaching.

  31. Great Video Jeff! I finally took time for myself to finish my first product. I’ve slowly built up my email list and I’m right about where you were at when you got started and I’m thrilled about it. I have my website up with a squeeze page and my first free eBook to build up my list even further. I attended your event last October and I’ve hesitated to sign up for this year but after my writing retreat I’ll be signing up shortly. Your added value approach is inspirational. This video in particular reminds us that it just takes time. Do the work and the money will follow! I remember making the promise to do my launch in 90 days. Well, it’s probably over 90 days but I’m cool with that. I’m almost there.
    Many Mahalo’s! (yes, I’m in Hawaii so I can finish my first eBook).

  32. Wow. Such a simple idea is to build a community with podcasts. Alot of work is the reality of creating this content for you audience but such rewards. This has made me think about how to do the same content delivery with videos to my audience of landscapers and snow providers. Great quick interview….

  33. Jeff Motter


    Dean and Jeff,

    You guys really are amazing! The value you provide is off the charts to any and all who will listen and just do it.
    As you say, I feel like I know both of you as I would a close friend or trusted advisor, because I’ve spent hundreds
    of hours with each of you. (Dean I did have the opportunity to meet you at a 2.0 event with Joe and you are the same
    person… in person- one of the kindest people I’ve ever met) I’m not an “internet” marketer but I can promise everyone
    that what both of you teach and share works in the real world of bricks and mortar too. I’ve worked with some of the
    largest and smallest companies on the planet and find something I can “swipe” from you everyday for my businesses and
    those of my clients. And the amazing thing is that this short, fun video is really an extremely useful marketing lesson all
    by itself.Give value to people, hold an event just for those you’ve helped, tell them about the event and invite them.

  34. aloha and thanks Jeff!
    I love watching your videos not only for the content but for repeatedly showing us how you can deliver value being real without a lot of fanfare! Thanks again and all the best for any future endeavors…!

  35. You are so spot on! The difference between successful launches and unsuccessful launches is the value before the sale. Building value and authority helps make the sale so much easier.

  36. I always read and watch your e-mails. No matter what stage I’m in with my work and life.
    You add value with your tips and I love to see someone that is truly genuine and not “directed”.

    Cheers and thank you.

  37. What a fun video!! You two are having so much fun, it’s contagious. I don’t think you need to change a thing and hope you don’t mind my observation: your message is helpful, and the videography is hilarious… looked like you two were out on a boat bobbing in the … what? pool? with the sun shining in from the left on a hazy, somewhat overcast day, outdoors with the voices in the background echoing as though in a shopping mall atrium. It had a very dizzying effect, somewhat disorienting, and at the same time euphoric because of your smiles and giddiness. It drives home the point that you make in other videos about building relationships with your target audience. All you two needed to do is share your biggest secret while having fun and talking with us as friends. I’ve much to learn!! Thanks for sharing!

  38. This is so cool! Okay, I stop editing my videos for weeks and just start posting them. Thank you! I’d definitely be at your event if you come to New Zealand 🙂

  39. I would definitely be interested in coming to a Durango event, after seeing how much fun you two have articulating your messages of: Share Your True Selves and Add Value. Authenticity is so welcome in business these days!

  40. Going through my inbox, deleting thousands of emails, but the subject line caught my attention.

    TOTALLY hilariously honest: do 200 top flight podcast episodes and then you can do anything you want!

    Work hard then get stuff. The real American dream.

  41. Tremendo mensaje de valor y simple que nadie se imagina lo potente seguimos abriendo las puertas a un mundo de posibilidades que no tienen fin Gracias…Gracias!

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