A pretty well-known entrepreneur in our industry had a launch that didn’t go so well. His takeaway?
“Launches just don’t work anymore.”
He thought what happened with his launch meant that people weren’t willing to dive into big-ticket offers upfront anymore.
Now, I’ve been in the launch game for a long time – since 2005 – and, sure, launching looks different today than it did back then. But I’ve tracked around 70 or 80 businesses closely, including my own clients and those in my Mastermind groups, and you know what? They’re still seeing incredible results.
Yes, we’re facing some headwinds, and sure, things have gotten harder over the past few years. But the concept of “launches being dead” just doesn’t line up with what I’m seeing.
The real difference is in knowing what actually works now and how to evolve with the landscape. And that’s what I want to dive into with you here.
Embracing the New Reality
In recent years, there’s been a big trend of using long live broadcasts for launches. You’ve probably seen these: three to four-hour marathon sessions, sometimes six or seven of them for a single launch.
I’ll admit it – I helped start that trend back in 2018. But lately, it’s been clear that people’s patience for sitting through hours of live content has just disappeared.
So, instead of trying to fight the trend, we adapted. We went back to video but with a fresh twist: short, bingeable content designed to keep people engaged without overwhelming them.
Here’s how it looked for our most successful launch in nearly a decade – and what you can apply to your launches:
Key #1: Make Your Content Consumable
Short, Bingeable Videos Are the Way Forward
The shift from long broadcasts to short videos was huge for us. Instead of one long live stream, we released two “lessons,” with each lesson broken into eight to ten mini-videos – only three to seven minutes each. Think of it like an entire season, delivered in quick, digestible episodes.
And guess what? It worked.
Compared to a similar format we ran a few years ago, people watched double the content this time around. They weren’t just clicking in, they were sticking around for the whole ride.
The lesson here? People want content they can consume on their own terms, and by making it easy for them, you keep them engaged.
Key #2: Go All In on Engagement
Make It Personal – Make It Interactive
Our launch was all about making people feel part of the process. Here’s how we pulled it off:
- Personal Replies: Instead of the usual “thanks for signing up!” email, we did something different: we invited people to reply. Just a simple ask, but it led to over 10,000 responses, creating real back-and-forth connections. And as a bonus, it boosted our deliverability, helping to keep our emails front and center in their inboxes.
- Special Report Reward: Sent a little something extra – a special report – for those who replied, adding a personal touch and real value.
- Expansion Packs: Created a bonus for those who completed lessons, adding a sense of reward and encouraging them to keep going.
This approach wasn’t just about numbers, it made people feel part of the conversation – and the launch.
Key #3: Earning Their Live Attendance
Let’s be real. Live attendance is powerful, but it’s also a big ask. So instead of expecting people to show up just because we invited them, we put in the work upfront. We used the video series to build excitement and engagement, then wrapped it all up with one high-energy live event.
This combination of “on-demand” content leading into live broadcast became our “magic formula” for earning attendance. People were already invested in the journey by the time we went live, and the show-up rate was incredible.
Here’s a twist: during the live broadcast, we turned off the chat. People could still leave comments (and we could see them), but they couldn’t see each other’s.
Why? It kept the audience focused on the content rather than getting distracted by a flood of chat messages. We tested this approach after a suggestion from one of our Mastermind members, and it made a huge difference.
Key #4: The Power of a Great Offer
You can’t outlaunch a bad offer. You can have the best launch strategy in the world, but if the offer doesn’t resonate, it’s not going to work. With Product Launch Formula®, we’ve refined our offer year after year.
It’s the longest-running training program of its kind, and we also added something our audience was buzzing about: an AI component. It’s what people wanted, and it positioned us to stay ahead of the curve. The takeaway here is that no matter how good your launch tactics are, your offer has to be compelling. Don’t overlook this, make sure your offer is strong, relevant, and something you’re genuinely excited to stand behind.
Key #5: Don’t Launch in a Vacuum
This is something I emphasize in every launch. Great launches don’t happen in isolation.
Here’s how we kept it dynamic:
→ Pre-Briefing: Ran ideas by trusted people who know this space, ensuring our approach was solid before taking it live.
→ Feedback Loop: Collected insights from experienced voices, allowing us to adjust quickly when needed.
→ Debriefing: After launch, reviewed everything to see what hit the mark, what missed, and where we could improve.
This isn’t a “one and done” method. It’s a continuous cycle that keeps us sharp, adaptive, and ready for whatever shifts come our way.
What This Means for Future Launches
Bottom line: adapt to what people want, prioritize engagement, and build an offer that speaks for itself. But more than that, stay curious and willing to innovate. The tactics that worked this time around might look different in a year or two, and that’s why I’m constantly evolving.
If you’re gearing up for a launch, remember these lessons. Launches aren’t dead, they’re just different. It’s up to us to stay ahead of the curve, keep experimenting, and adapt to what actually works.
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