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When does it get easy? When do the challenges end? Here’s a little insight from Day 15 of my 18-day wilderness raft trip in the Grand Canyon…

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44 Replies to “When Does It Get Easy?”

    • Great that you are a Whitewater Kayaker! The River is a Wonderful Metaphor for Live with its lessons that Rapids give you! Go with the Flow is one! I have been a whitewater Kayaker for over 33 years and a professional whitewater rafting guide for over 30 years!

      Love the Mindfulness, and how you are attributing this to business! I have not paddled the Grand, perhaps one day!
      Thank you and Safe Navigating! Paddle hard 🙂 (raft Guide jargon)…

  1. Hi Jeff, Lava day. And hopefully there will always be the next Lava because that means we’re growing…And doing awesome things in our lives–That is such a great big message–and even more powerful and beautiful from where you are standing in the Grand Canyon. I love this video. Such a great reminder–it arrived at the right moment. Thank you as always!! Have a great day out there!

  2. Amazing video Jeff! Thanks for This Amazing message! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Enjoy Your Lava-Day! (En Thanks for the phrase… “I am Always above the Lava”!

  3. Many thanks, Jeff; Fabulous and adventurous experience. LOVED every minute!

  4. Alan Jerram


    Brilliant Jeff – thanks for sharing. Really puts into context out journey and challenges as we foster and have shared it with others who are about to undertake 100km in 30 hours at Trailwalker for Oxfam in the UK in 3 weeks time.

  5. Thanks, Jeff, this and your how to know you are ready video were just what I needed today. For the past year I have been saving and getting ready to do my internet business full time. Tomorrow I am resigning from my job. I am proud of my work as a teacher for 20 years. I am moving on to my next right step which will include a new kind of teaching. I am excited and afraid and I prayed for courage this morning. Your videos helped me know I am on the right track. I am committed to my passion of helping and healing. Be safe and enjoy your trip!

  6. Amazing journey and insights! Thanks for taking the time to share your trip and thoughts. Good luck with lava!

  7. Wonderful metaphor! Enjoy the ride, it sounds incredible LOVE! The background! WISH you could get us a shot of Lava!!!. It would be amazing to see it.

  8. Hi Jeff,
    Thanks for taking the time from your trip and Lava Day to share a great story with a thought-provoking principle!
    Keep having awesome days!

  9. Thanks for the great memories of rafting in the Grand Canyon. A life changing trip for my daughter and me. My mantra for this week as I travel to Scotland to explore my homeland and ancestors and prepare to take my work to the next level: “You’re always above lava.” Thanks Jeff.

  10. Awesome video – both the message and the scenery! I totally agree… the excitement of life is constantly growing and expanding… thanks for the reminder!

  11. Thank you, Jeff. What a great metaphor and reframe about challenge! We rarely think about the excitement and growth of challenge while we’re facing it! The Lava Falls Rapid is a great visual to hold in mind. I’m facilitating a team on Tuesday who will be navigating some big rapids in their business; they are currently complacent with the way things are and resistant to change. This is such a great message and counterpoint about bringing on the challenge for the growth and juice in life. I will share your message with them and have a conversation around it. Thanks for taking the time on your beautiful trip to share your Sunday message.

  12. Danelle Denney


    This was very timely for me. Thank you!

    I have been doing this since September 2015. Really doing it, not dabbling. We had a “dud launch” in early June and now we are doing it again this coming week.

    Thank you for your training, support and inspiration over the years. See you at Launch Con!!!

  13. Jeff: Great video, with a timeless principle to boot! Thanks for helping me to remember to stay above lava with the challenges ahead of me! You’re the best, Jeff!!

  14. Jenny Payette


    This is one of the most inspirational lessons Jeff has ever shared; thanks for putting the wind into our sails!

  15. Hey Jeff, I have been down the canyon twice and I LOVED seeing you there! Lava Falls is a harsh mistress but such a highlight of the trip. Scared the heck out of me. I loved seeing our VERY experienced river guides each prepare in their own way. One “dressed for success” and had a white shirt and tie that he brought out for the occasion. The paddle boat was all women who decided to appease the water gods by going naked! The bailing out of the water in the boat at the end of the rapids was quite entertaining on that one!
    I think the business success metaphor holds up here in that we all have our own unique style, even within the framework you give.
    Here’s to all of our continued success; in business, in finding our personal bliss, and in serving our communities.

  16. Cheers to Lava Jeff. Have a blast. Great message. Nature can teach us so much. All we need is to disconnect to connect and you brought a fantastic story. Thank you!

  17. Endless rapids to paddle through in life. Great to view them as inspiring challenges, and to look forward to being tested! Awesome perspective, Jeff.

  18. Awesome message, Jeff. Love it. What a cool thing to film it right there before you do it. Way to go.

  19. Hi Jeff,
    Wow, I love it., white water kayaking is such a great metaphor for life and business. One of my goals is to run that river in the next 16 months. Onward, Fred

  20. Hey Jeff!
    Loved the video inspiration! Thanks for the preview of the River.

  21. What you said about Courage, Commmitment and then Confidence and capability really resonated and inspired me because that is what I have been doing. So thanks

  22. Roger Davis


    Hi Jeff I just love your adventurous approach to life.That is why you are so successful.I also Kayak (sea) and I use to be scared of big waves
    3 footers, then I started to attack them and my fear disappeared.I am sure you will continue to have an amazing life and great success
    Thank you for sharing Jeff

  23. Love the 4 C’s: great advice! The more we do each day to reach our goals the more we gain momentum, and the feeling is rejuvinating.
    Thanks a bunch 😉

  24. Thanks, Jeff! I, too, have been in and have fond memories of the canyon. I appreciate your metaphors! I think in metaphors myself.

  25. Gregory J Neiman


    I bet you shot the falls at least well with that kind of attitude. Thanks, Jeff!

  26. Hi Jeff, I hope Lava was incredible! Thank you, this comes on an appropriate day. I just put out an ad for a “first mate” on my business journey and I’m breathing through the initial response, all those opinions are awfully loud! But I can do this. Thank you for the encouragement as always!

  27. Reminds me of sailing in a storm out in the Australian seas in a yacht with a great crew and being in front of the pack, exhilarating –

  28. Hi Jeff, Good timing on the video – about the push into a massive challenge and the Lava metaphor was really relevant!
    Thanks 😀

  29. Very truly inspirational story. I am from Kenya and you are truly living the dream life I aspire. I would like to come over to Grand Canyon one day. I curious, whats the cost? I want to start saving for this trip. Awesome story, you are great mentor out there.

    • The answer to the cost is complicated. Most people do it with a guide, and then it’s very expensive – thousands of dollars. When I do it, it’s with a bunch of friends and no guides… and then it’s much less expensive – more like hundreds of dollars. Of course, to do it yourself you need the skills and the gear… and you have to go through a lengthy permit process.

  30. Hi Jeff,

    I love how you look through the lens of “above Lava”, both on rapids, and at life.
    Figure-out-able. Yep. Love it.

    Keep up the great work!

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