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There’s a big election in a few days… and a lot of people are thinking that their well-being is all about who wins and who loses this week. But as an entrepreneur, I’ve got a bit of a different take on this. Here’s who I’m voting for…

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16 Replies to “Who I’m Voting For…”

    • I thought this was week. You should deliver on your tease, and you didn’t. The video is fine but shouldn’t have such a miss leading title. This what typical IM’s do, I never thought of you as typical before, you have always been above the rest. Disappointed.

  1. Hi Jeff, love your audio blog on “Voting” very much. I am from Germany and follow the US election “battle” very closely. If I was allowed to vote, I would feel a little torn apart… that’s why I really like your way to vote for entrepreneurs. If we stay with our mission, we surely make the right choice. Best wishes Kai

  2. Jeff you are brilliant! I’ve grown to love you through your videos. They are understandable, down to earth and they show me you are such a real person who is actually doing this!!
    Thanks Jeff!
    Tracy from Georgia

  3. Love this video and totally agree. I think we can get too caught up in the election and forget about our personal responsibility to design our life. We are super in America.

  4. Carole Poche


    So what does it cost to be in tour mastermind group? Do you have men and women from all ovee the world and from all different walks?

    • Yes, we have men and woman from all over the world, and yes they’re from all walks of live with wildly different businesses. These days it’s invitation only, because space is extremely limited and it’s very rare for people to leave the group.

  5. love it too! The Perfect Self campaign slogan is vote for me, or vote for you either way we both win our votes! The Perfect Self is all about me, I, and you known, shown, and grown as The Perfect Self. we were all born perfect and each day it is our job to embrace each of our perfectness more and more.

  6. I knew the strategic leverage point was your mastermind group! Thanks so much for confirming that it’s “all about people.”

    I’ve been training people to network for 20 years and agree with everything you have discovered. Mastermind groups, in person, make the difference.

    Now I’m working on a physical space to create mastermind groups. It’s the science of networks. Thanks for the awesome confirmation!

  7. Jeff, your wisdom, simplicity and humbleness is a an inspiration.
    Your results show how respectful, honered, and loved you are.
    Thank you for all your videos.

  8. Agree 100%. Thanks Jeff for voting for us, but it also works the other way around. My wife and I chose you and your team, because you proved that you could help us change our world, and that of the hundreds of thousands of parents that we serve in the Hispanic community.
    So THANK YOU!! We will change the world… all of us, together.

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