Black Friday isn’t just a chance to sell a bunch of stuff… it’s an opportunity to set yourself and your business up for an entire year of sales. Here’s what I’m doing.
Follow along with my Black Friday campaign here:

A winning Black Friday strategy is based on this fact – that it's far more likely for someone to buy from you a second time than it is for them to buy from you initially.
So in all of my results, the average is 15 times people who have already bought from you will buy at a rate 15 times higher than someone who has had no involvement, that has not bought from you in the past. It's absolutely amazing but give me that list of buyers and I'll take it every time. 15 times higher results.
So then you overlay that fact with this idea that Black Friday has become a buying holiday. It used to be just in the States now it's around the world. People love to buy in Black Friday. They go shopping on Black Friday. It's become an entire season.
If you take this idea that people love to buy on or around Black Friday and then you take this idea that people, once they buy from you they will buy from you again at a far higher rate, that's the seeds of your strategy. So what you don't want to do is discount your primary signature offer. If you have some amazing course, if it's a membership site, if it's a coaching program, whatever, you do not want to discount that because all you'll be doing is pulling in sales from your future sales. And you'll be eroding your positioning. You'll be basically seen as someone who discounts your best stuff. So don't do that. Instead, create another offer that will strategically lead into your larger programs, your larger offerings, your signature course. Your signature site – do not discount that.
Create a smaller offer, a more intriguing offer, maybe it's a bundle so that you can make that first sale and then later on you can sell your signature. Whether it's on an upsell or it's a postcard upsell or it's a follow-up campaign, that's what I love to do.Focus on generating the buyer in a season when people are primed to buy and that's how you have a winning Black Friday strategy.
And for us, what we've put together, this crazy offer that's normally you can't buy and yes will it strategically lead into other sales, absolutely we'll do a ton of sales, in fact, because there's a lot of excitement building we've actually started a wait list. It's a whole different topic for another time. Wait lists are generally not my favorite thing to do in the world but for this offer it's generating excitement where we've actually started a wait list for our Black Friday sale.
I'll put a link down below this video. You know, watch the strategy, model the strategy, see how we're building value and then we'll just deliver a great experience and then that will lead into subsequent offers in the coming days, weeks and months.
That's how you design a winning Black Friday strategy. You use it to generate, not dollars, this isn't a dollar grab, it's a buyer grab. In my company we call our buyers “Owners” so for us, it's an Owner grab. It's a way to bring people into our ecosystem, serve them in a huge way, get them really excited, and get them ready to buy our next offer.
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