As an entrepreneur, your life gets a LOT easier when you get the RIGHT clients. And a big part of getting the right clients is making sure you don’t get the WRONG clients. Here’s how…
- March 3, 2018
As an entrepreneur, your life gets a LOT easier when you get the RIGHT clients. And a big part of getting the right clients is making sure you don’t get the WRONG clients. Here’s how…
Joseph Skinkis
Great points.
Fun! Intuitively, I’m there with this idea – you have clarified it, so now I can use it! Thanks to you in a T-Shirt, dress shirt, Santa suit, or whatever you want – I’m listening!
James Heid
Hi Jeff, I have watched a lot of your vids and have always been impressed by the info and vid quality.
The frivolity in this one is simply awesome.
Thanks for all you do.
Kind Regards, Jim
doreen miller
So true when you put it like that. Needs courage to repel those who are not your type of client-but easier if you give yourself a reason-so thank you for that
Just perfect video !thank you
WOW! This video just solved my current problem. Thank you!!! I was trying to figure out my ideal client avatar, and realized I was doing it ass backward. I was looking at it as, what kind of people would like my services, instead of, what kind of people do I want to serve. It’s a game changer. Thanks again.
Jeff! You are a God sent inspiration!
Jeff: Thank you so much for this timely video. Thanks for reminding me I cannot be everything to everybody.
I love to ski. (Heading to Italy this week.) And I understand that skiing a mountain that aligns with our level of skiing is similar to attracting the audience that fits our niche. Great analogy!
Gerald Strever
This is good shit, Jeff!
John Rogers
Very interesting and highly descriptive. This is about having the presence of mind to understand what makes you special.
Thank you for this insight. It was perfect for me!
Heidi Baxter
As a fine arts painter I’ve had a range of clients…those who own a Rembrandt or two, and those who know nothing about art but love my work. This video clarifies for me my marketing niche…the very confidant and sophisticated collectors who choose their own art; and it highlighted for me the importance of reaching everyone through my open studios. Thank you Jeff!
Hey Jeff, That ad is so funny and you really make the point very well about honing in on who I’m looking for as clients. Thank you and nicely done! Marie
Olu Burrell
I love the concept behind the question of “Who do I want to be a hero to?” as a way to pinpoint your ideal client and to develop your niche. Thank you for the gift of that kind of inquiry.
Kazzrie B. Dodd
What a perfect illustration (Ski resorts) of narrowing the niche. (“I will take the luxury resort for three, Bob!”) … BUT if it were horse trails, I would take the horse wilderness comparable to Silverton Mountain. Each to his own, ae?!
Greg Jameson
Jeff – as a fellow skier and internet marketer, this was one of your best videos ever. I’m going to use this content in my coaching programs. Thanks for an awesome example! Cheers, Greg
Carrie Sechel
Wow this hit home today… I’ve spent way too much time and money trying to be everything to everybody. I know deep inside that I need to be bolder (is “way more bolder” grammatically correct?!). Thanks for pushing me!
I’m completely agree with you, authenticity is very important to create a tribe. Thanks a lot for your videos that help me a lot !
Kim Armes
Love the apology to Ron! I have the same viewpoint, I want people in my life that see me for my abilities not for the image that I can paint on.
Charisse Tyson
Jeff nails it once again.
Jeff: Really informative video this week. My key takeaway is to know who your tribe is for your product and niche. Your online marketing should be centered around attracting the tribe you wish to help with your product. And, more importantly, your marketing should also “repel” those folks who would not benefit from your using product/service. The ski resort analogy was really helpful in understanding your thoughts here. Thanks again, Jeff!
Randy Redinger
Pretty cool Jeff. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard/seen a better illustration of this concept. I’ll be able to refer back to this in my mind in future marketing campaigns. Thanks man!
Pete Leckemby
As I hear this it sounds like repelling the wrong client adds an additional level of attraction to the right client. Almost like they will enjoy doing business with you more because you aren’t distracted serving the wrong people.
Is that accurate?
Thank you, as always for great content every week!
Jeff Walker
@Pete: yes… that’s it!
Michael E. Schmidlen
Substance is WAY more important than style!
I loved this video. As a Natural Medicine doctor, I always wanted to attract serious and dedicated clients who are willing to do their 100% to get well.
Just exactly what I needed to hear today! Thanks! Good skiing!
Patricia Dent
I loved these clips on who you don’t want to serve… and you’re absolutely right. It doesn’t work in the first place – and it can be so painful trying to be something that you really don’t want to be for someone you might not even resonate with. Such a valuable reminder. Especially since they often end up being the PITA clients you end up firing once they have driven you crazy. Thank you.
Rhonda L Liebig
This video really is speaking to me this morning. I have been doing a bit here and there of tweaks in my business and getting deeper into who is my core audience. You “rock it” Jeff when it comes to getting me thinking. I started off with this video multi-tasking and by the end I was sitting and reviewing where I have tightened my message and where I need to adjust in other areas. Thank you for sharing your expertise my friend.
Luiza Prigenzi
Fantastic message Jeff.
Sophia Samuels
Jeff, your message/analogy focusing on ski resorts and their draws on levels of skills was/is great in explaining the purpose and value of finding one’s niche and not compromising on the most appropriate of clients for one’s business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kudos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much for the amazing example
This is pure gold, Jeff. You’ve also just helped me figure out why I keep getting stuck with creating my avatar. Instead of torturing myself with the question of who my ideal client is, I’m now asking myself who isn’t the client for me and it makes so much more sense.
Kate Twhigg
LOVE this video, one of my favourites.You’re comments totally resonated. You have to be authentic! I’ve been blessed to work in the film industry and am now a full time artist. I have always appreciated that I get to wear practical and comfortable clothes of my choice!
Also chuffed that I got to read a comment by a fellow painter, Heidi Baxter, as I have been wondering how Product Launch Formula can work for me selling and promoting my work.
BTW, you look way more authentic in the t-shirt, it’s you 🙂
Thanks Jeff
Hi Jeff,
Absolutely right, targeting audience and securing laser focus on only the perfect fits really make it easier for marketing activities and for business planning.
Thanks for sharing and all the great content!
Barry Friedman
Just the idea of doing an ad to put off all the wrong people. Mind blowing!
Jo Merriam
Brilliant Marketing! Advertising for a micro-niche!.
Lynne Falconer
Fabulous video this week, Jeff and just what I needed. I can see clearly now – he he he! Thanks
The second part of your video was also OH! so timely – thank you for sharing.
Andrea Lewis
The idea of repelling potential clients is quite frightening and seems counter-intuitive but it makes real sense. You can sweat blood trying to help people who don’t actually want to be helped or you can focus your time and energy on those who actually DO want what you have to offer. Thanks for this very helpful and timely post.
Elisabeth Williams
Glad you keep saying it because I seem to keep needing the reminder. Particularly the part about repelling the clients I don’t want. Thanks!
That 1 star review cracked me up. That would be me saying it’s too hard. That was a genius ad!!
Elvire Smith
Oh my goodie gumdrops, this video really hit home, thank you so much. I am relatively new to you, your info, you everything, and now I am sort of addicted. Been around the block many times for a long time, but never hit a homerun or anything like it, yet I know that people like my videos, because they tell me, and I go like: Oh yeah, thanks, and do not take it any further, but I’ve got this burning passion inside of me that as I learn more, I want to share more, help more people, and somehow hearing you talk today on various videos and reading the first chapter of your book, I go like: I am getting ideas, I really think I can do this. Thank you Jeff, you stirred something big in me! 🙂
This video was perfect for me. Exactly what I needed to focus on. I love how you tie in stories with your messages. Such an inspiration! Thank you Jeff! p.s waiting patiently for your next podcast episode 🙂
Jamie Goins
Brilliant. Just the message I needed today. Simple but profound message. Thank you for these insights.
Loved it!! You are such an extraordinary teacher, Jeff. Such great gems you continually toss our way. 🙂
Thanks Jeff,
Love this, attract your tribe, WARN the rest to stay away! Well, not exactly, but it felt more fun and
free to say it that way!! 😀
How awesome is that ad! Made me laugh when I saw it 🙂 What a way to put a perspective on a negative review, thanks for the short video Jeff! Think about “who you want to be a hero to”, what great words at the end.
Love the “Who do I want to be a hero to?” sentence. Thanks for the reminder that those who do not connect may simply be a perfect client for someone else. Loved the satire in the video response as well.
Love your message Jeff! I am trying to educate people on niche marketing but it is a difficult msg to get across to them. I know because I used to be one of them. Can you give advice on what to say to people who truly can help everyone, such as health professionals?
Cut and dried.
Jeff Walker!
The more I listen and watch, the more aware I am becoming.
Thanks for sharing as ever!!
Beautiful and suffering rings in that video.
Making the defining steps to get online! Right now!!
Christene Cronin
Love your response to the tshirt guy! Well done!
I totally agree to either saying No to some prospects or even firing some clients. I have done both and feel less stressful and more sure of my goals.