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The third episode in my “Time Travel” series – these are the things I learned when I first started out in online business (way back in 1996). This ones all about marketing – and the one method I learned from the old-school direct marketers that made all the difference.

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20 Replies to “The Old 2-step (Time Travel Part 3)”

  1. You’re right Jeff, most folks don’t understand the importance of marketing and copy, let alone the thought of using it.

    Your reminder today about the 2-step process is timely for everyone – the mailing list is “old school” but it WORKS. Staying in touch with followers (weekly, monthly) and every now and then share an offer for a product or service is a great way for people to get to know you better, like what you do, and trust you.

    You rock! Happy Sunday – I’m near Brisbane, Australia waving from your future! 😀


  2. Clean. Sharp. Not yelling as usual. It’s pure pleasure listening to you Jeff

  3. Cindy Brucksch


    Great nuts and bolts for a successful marketing rationale! Thank you.

  4. Hi Jeff, I have listened to you for years and enjoy your point-of-view on so many topics for success.
    I like you have been very successful in my family life…professional life… financial life… because like you…I’ve made other people successful…
    Thanks for being you…

  5. Woo hoo! A friend suggested that I join the Tony Robbins #Facebook #7DayChallenge. I said I was still working on the Jeff Walker LAUNCH program I had just purchased to take a newsletter/blog to make it breakeven then profitable.

    Friend said, ‘Tony will help you finish it! Tony will also help you get your house fixed from the mold/contractor problems and get those books published and some cash flow for the brilliant work on nuke matters you share freely [Like Jeff shared the stockbroker’s expertise]’

    I was delighted after the UPW – Unleash The Power Within to hear a chat between the two of you…. it’s probably this one. Watching and Listening again!

    Anticipating more miracles, and they keep on coming!

    Carry on! #BabySteps …. unleashing the power within!

  6. Great video! Soooo…..I need to read about marketing. Would you consider doing a follow up video to this one with a list of a few books that you might suggest we read? Thanks for your consideration!

  7. Jeff, seeing you walk the talk, and continually doube down as your business evolves, inspires me. I just want to thank you for your tenacity, your message, and your transparency. I’ve watched your weekly videos for years, from the very onset of writing and publishing my first (of six now) books. Without your reminders about exactly WHAT marketing is, and why success is unlikely without it, I doubt I could’ve remained optimistic nor continued stepping up to market book after book.

    I’m still learning to temper the marketing process to who I am and what I personally want/need from my books and readers, but marketing principles are universal, and you teach that so well. Your stay-the-course good example was reinforced a few weeks ago when my new book, ‘Silence of Islands—Poems’ (total departure from my previous genre), was my best launch yet!

  8. Thank you for being an inspiration and helping us non marketers open to share our gifts with the world…

  9. Sitting here in week two of my seed launch course I realise that my marketing did not deliver because I didi not get the two step right, work to be done on lead magnet and nurture sequence into launch

  10. Hey Jeff, this is Marcelo from Brazil.
    I check every single video that you publish and it’s always amazing.
    Your mindset resonates a lot with my thoughts.
    Thank you!

  11. Mohammadhosein


    Hi Jeff
    I’m from Iran and i read your book which is translated to persian.
    I’m so glad to know you and my Email is in your list.

  12. I totally agree that “Marketing” is Critical!
    Therefore, I have been Marketing of, and, on since a little girl years ago.
    I find it comes easy to me!

  13. Jorge Antelo


    Hi Jeff, i am enjoying Time Travel Series so much. If you doubt about what Jeff said, let me tell you that . Last week I witnesed a man with 24 years of experience in Spanish online business (huge list, strong presence in his marketing) who did his first Launch using Fórmula de Lanzamiento. He did for the first time 7.000.000 US in one week. This man learned Fórmula de Lanzamiento from one of Jeff Students. Luis Carlos Flores. Jeff, the Impact of your Work still Changing the world.

  14. But what did you actually do to get them to raise their hands?

    You had an online newsletter. Then you discovered “direct marketing.”

    So what did you do? Did you advertise your newsletter in direct marketing ad mags, magalogs, ad sheets, trade publications? Did you buy ads on online sites? How did anyone know you had a newsletter to sell before they’d know to find and look at your sales letter?

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