When I think about what got me to 22 consecutive million-dollar launches, it’s not just one thing – it’s a mix of small shifts and big lessons.
That’s why, a few minutes before I went live for the final session of the Launch Masterclass, I grabbed my camera and recorded a quick video – so I can share some of them with you.
Whether you’ve been launching for years or just starting out, there’s probably something here that will resonate with you…
Maybe it’s how I went from a stay-at-home dad with no sales experience to building a business that’s helped tens of thousands of people. Or maybe it’s the reminder that the road to success is taken one launch at a time.
Wherever you are in your journey… this video could be the nudge you need to keep moving toward your next big win…

I'm just minutes away from my final live broadcast in this Launch Masterclass. Here's the setup – it's a pretty simple setup we've got going on here compared to what we normally do, but we've still got some gear going on. So that's what it looks like and I've actually got some good light on me here in one of my videos for you. This is now well… we're in the last few hours of this launch. This is now my 22nd consecutive million launch. Most of those launches were multi-million dollars so that's 22 consecutive million launches for one product over the last 19 years. I'm selling my Product Launch Formula® Coaching Program which I first released in 2005 and I've got a lot of thoughts but a lot of emotions coming down here – it's always that way coming into the end of one of these masterclasses. My team and I, we've been pouring our hearts out trying to create as much value as we can before we invite people into our full-blown Product Launch Formula Coaching Program and I guess the first thing is just massive gratitude that I get to do this work. When I started out in the mid90s I was a stay-at-home dad taking care of a couple small children. I literally had made no money in probably about five years, six years probably at that time I had no sales experience no marketing experience no entrepreneurial experience. I didn't know anyone who ever started a business – no one in my family had ever started a business and the idea the only money I'd ever made in my life was from a paycheck and the idea that I could create value in the world and someone would pay me for that value they would give me money for that value was just it was just a dream. When it first happened it was a revelation. I was like just blown away that someone would pay me. It was that first order. I just wanted to do a backflip and so the thought I had at that moment was like I did this once I can do it again and again and again – and I might even get better at it and of all the thoughts I've had in my life that might have been the most important and that's what happened. You know that first launch did less than $2,000 in sales but that they grew from there and then after 8 years of figuring out marketing and sales online you know back then there was no one teaching online marketing so I had to figure it out on my own and then after eight years of working on figuring that out, I published my first version of the Product Launch Formula program that's changed the world. It changed online marketing. My students have done over a billion dollars in sales and so to go from being a stay-at-home dad who had no confidence who thought you know could someone possibly pay me for something I created to go from there to be able to sit here and tell you that I've had you know tens of thousands of people go through my program that it was that I've had a billion dollar in results for my students. And, oh, by the way, I literally invented a business model because this was… there were no other products that came on the market, and stayed on the market and got continually updated. You see that everywhere. It's like the standard business model now, but I literally invented that business model. There's no other training that was on the market in 2005 that's still on the market. You know at some point well I know when it happened – it was in 2008 that this shifted from being about making money because make no mistake in the beginning I was desperate to make money – our family was a one-income family and times were incredibly tight and so we needed to make money. I was desperate to make money. My goal, my big goal was in that first year was to make $10,000 and I hit that goal which was awesome, but at some point and it was really 2008 it shifted from I've now made more money than I ever thought I would make in my life to being about impact and helping people and that's you know that's where it's all goes right now. It's I am just showing up you know in now 30 minutes, I'm going to go live and I'm sharing with people because I want them to step over the threshold and step into this world where they can create a business they can launch a business basically step into that world where they can have thoughts in their head and then create with those thoughts and then put that creation onto the world and get paid for it and when that shifted for me it was unbelievable. It was just amazing you know then all of a sudden I stepped into this world where I created this I could create my own life I could create my own economy and I get all the freedom, the freedom to work when and where I want with who I want the just a crazy income that I never could have imagined – never could have imagined and this ability to make an impact and now I'm going to go live and the cool thing about this business is I get to hang out with so many great people have this amazing team that I love but I've got these clients that I've gotten to know some of them over well some of them over decades now. It's amazing. So on this broadcast, I'm going to have four of my clients on who have done amazing things and created amazing businesses and helped so many people but have also become people that I hang out with and that I've gotten to know and who have just become incredibly dear to me. Just massive gratitude that I get to, that I get to do this, that I get to play this game you know. I'm deadly serious about it but it's like playing a game and you know dollars is a great way to keep score in this game and I always figure the more my business grows that's just because I'm helping more people and that's my scorecard of impact. So a little rambly right here today because it is it's an emotional time. I'm about to show up. I'm going to rock it on this broadcast we're going to have fun and we're going to take this masterclass into the end so if you join me during this masterclass, awesome, I can't wait to see what you create if you didn't join me then you know maybe some other time, but this is the reality is this is that in this day and age, any of us can create a business that will succeed and exceed our dreams in a bigger way than you could possibly imagine.
So let's go get ‘em this week.
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