It might be the ultimate entrepreneurial superpower – the ability to shift perspective and understand the viewpoint of another person… whether it’s a client, prospect, or team member. If you can put yourself in someone else’s shoes, it’s the shortest path to influence, collaboration, communication, and connection.
- March 25, 2017
Hi Jeff,
Any books, courses or persons you recommend to learn the above skill?
Jody Weima
This is also something I’ve had to learn over the last few years in life, let alone with work. A hard lesson, but necessary one.
Thanks so much for the vid. Great perspective (and beautiful weather!).
nilesh pandya
nice advice.
A farmer from India
Chris Downs
Thank you Jeff! Your perspective and delivery of the Core “Super Power” needed to make a difference in our world is magnificent!
The ability to actively listen while being present in the moment, focused on the person or people/ Group or Audience which we are serving is exactly what I needed today.
The definition and words you chose to share gives me the thought process to make sure that I am in the present moment and actively listening while processing what I am being told by my team as well as my customers that also includes our vendors also.
I am grateful for you sharing your implementable wisdom.
Thank you for sharing your Love with us so that we to can focus and learn to grow our Superpowers!
Abundant gratitude and Love back to you
Chris Downs
Larkspur, CO
Hi Jeff, i m style Reding pour book right now and the value Is really huge.
To be honest i didn’t know what kind of product to create until last night where i’ve got an idea before sleaping. But the problem i don’t know what To give to help people in my niche. I don’t know by what i should start.
I’m gonna continue To learn with the book.
Thanks for the video and the information.
I think i’m gonna write blogs post and ask what they need, what they search, what they want and how they would like i help them.
Thanks again, i guess i will enjoy to make PLF training To give more chance to succeed.
I wish you à great day from france
I m also a French reader.
Cheers from France to you Jeff, and bonjour a toi cher compatriote Steve !
Penny Hawes
As a solopreneur (at least for now), this advice is still so important for me to remember in relation to my customers!! And yes, it’s definitely essential in a marriage!
Thank you for always being real, being helpful, and sharing your wisdom without trying to sell on every video!
Hi Jeff
Thank you so much for your amazing videos. I really enjoy and learn from them.
Could you please make a video on how to find an enthusiastic team. What kind of quality you see in them in order to work with them.
cool. I now about once a week have a dream of you, Jeff. All mostly positive, so that is good…meaning, I guess I am learning here. Over 10 years ago, I used to work in sales (at high end clothing store, etc) and was the top salesperson easily, but now, getting over CFS (and I am healing) but coming out of HELL of lyme, etc…kind of made my communication skills much harder, so its like I am literally RE-LEARNING how to communicate with people. My huge goal NOW is permanent pleasure in my NECK so I can focus. Speaking of open ended questions, I am starting back into an online dating world, that is also something where I need to use open ended questions. Actuallly, have you ever seen the movie ‘MY LEFT FOOT?” I had a dream of that over a year ago, that in the dream I was watching that movie on my parents patio…and the guy was cured when he fell in love. I think if there is a past life, Maybe I was that guy in My Left Foot. That would make sense. he got frustrated easily.
Bruno Palvarini
Thank you, Jeff, good look in Phoenix 🙂
Monicka Clio Sakki
Thank you for this Jeff! I love the awakened perspective on the… Perspective.
This is incredibly relevant for me as i shift to create things people are looking for, instead of what I’m passionate to create… That should be a no brainer by now, but no… ! 🙂
Kate Forrest
Check out the book THE EMPATHY FACTOR, by Marie R. Miyashiro.
It’s about gaining your competitive advantage for personal, team and business success through putting yourself in the other person’s shoes! If I could learn ONE SKILL well, it would be this one!!
Jenny Payette
It takes considerable courage and humility to remove the protective ego and experience how someone else feels and thinks. Yet doing this fills in the missing pieces of the picture. This is really important to launching new products and services. It’s why we do focus groups during Alpha test to get feedback on how customers experience our offerings. Great message Jeff!
Great advice as alwaus Jeff. Simple and powerful.
Im curious, what camera and mic do you use to shoot this amazing video? Could you share that with us?
Great lesson for business, relationships and life in general!
Irina Benedict
Hi Jeff, I am in PLC just doing module 3 and I was in learning mode. Before starting I thought I would watch your weekly vblog and WOW. It was exactly what I needed to hear as I was in impasse with my team. I took 2 pages of notes just from this 4 minute video. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Jeff, so true! Thanks for sharing this great insight!
Steve Mc.
Thanks again Jeff for the weekly wisdom of one who is further down the road. Appreciate the mentor-ship even if is just through your Blog right now.
Thanks Jeff! I love the idea of leadership being about harnessing and activating resources (team, finances, etc.) rather than imposing a vision on people or telling people how to get it done. Cheers!
Thanks for sharing Jeff.
I find, as an instructor, I watched to give my students/clients everything on day one, which ofcourse is completely an unrealistic expectation of them. I know all this stuff that I take completely for granted that has taken me some 35 years to acquire, and I think should be just common knowledge. Thanks for helping me see this again and for letting me know I do not suffer this alone.
Josie Tytus
I get the essence of what you’re saying Jeff, and I would caution those that easily succumb to losing themselves and the Vision of their business for the sake of the sale or for being ‘accepted’ for the sake of the sale. Where Experts differ is working with a congruent team that understands and appreciates the Vision by contributing to it. As the leader or Expert staying open in this way allows the Vision to become better than you had imagined. I believe that’s what you’re saying.
Truth well told, setting perfectly emphasizes the perspective aspect and invites inclusion. Your team understands you and your clients. Thanks to all of you for a memorable pleasant video lesson.
Annette Giacomazzi
Jeff, It’s safe to say you’ve been in my production and marketing departments. 🙂 I’ve always “thrown” something at my team and have high expectations for them to have the same enthusiasm and vision for “it.” 🙂 I have been working on this skill (presentation of my idea) for decades. Thank you for the reminder!
Annette (owner of a rockin’ manufacturing and e-commerce company)
Please excuse this rant, Jeff, which seems relevant to your theme of putting yourself in your prospect’s shoes when communicating! I’m getting increasingly annoyed by the recent approach of many of the top internet marketers (no names mentioned, but you know who). They are all no doubt offering wonderful, valuable courses, and, when I don’t sign up for them, they send a drip email that says they’ve “noticed” that I have yet to sign up for their course, and express “surprise” considering the great value that they offer and my failure to sign up. All true! But has it occurred to them that there may be a valid reason for this – and not acknowledging it implies ignorance or stupidity on my part (not intended, I’m sure, but …)?
I follow over 20 internet marketers (including you) all of whom have many valuable insights to offer. (I know it’s too many, but I’m reluctant to prioritize.) Having already signed up and attended several courses, I know the time for me is best spent now in developing my service offering.
I believe in the basic human principles of accepting people where they are at, and respecting their truths. The wording of these drip emails do neither. I’m not expecting a reply to this admitted rant; but I do hope quiet words of caution will be spread amongst your community – and I thank you in advance for contributing yours!
Thanks Jeff, I love and apprecitate your insights Truth
Kim Joblin
Thanks Jeff. Simple effective. I got it
Plus I watched all 4 videos. And enjoyed them. Cheers Kim
Andrea Denner
Hello Jeff!
Yes, yes on all of that. The second half of what you said is what my husband, Joe, teaches to his small business owner and leadership teams. But that first part…..WOW. That was exactly what was needed for us recently.
We purchased PLF in December of 2015 and are just about on our second launch. For the second launch, the product has changed and even the format of PLF is being tweaked for his audience. The hiring product was always on our radar, but we decided to do a how to become a great manager product for our first launch. Even though it is a fantastic product, we realized that what business owners needed more was a “how to hire” product. And since he has even more testimonials for his teachings in this realm, and it seems to be a significant need, we are hoping that this second launch will be highly successful!
The launch tweaking was more in the presentation of his pre launch content (timing and also length of video). We are definitely excited about this time. But there is NO WAY we would have known how to do any of this without PLF!!!
Michael Schötensack
Thanks Jeff, love your authentic style! This is just what I needed at this point!
Thanks for sharing this, Jeff! Communication and shifting perspective are so important. Great insight.