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There's a crucial moment in every business, when it's pivoting on the edge of success or failure – that's what this one is about (along with the one thing I did that doubled my business in a single week).

Next up… Day 14: My Big Break + A Complete FAIL

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19 Replies to “Day 13: How I Doubled My Business In One Week”

  1. Hey Jeff,
    Inspirational piece of content. Launching products is one of the best ways to grow your business. I somehow haven’t been able to do it until now probably because of my “Superhero” syndrome. I keep doing everything myself and that impacts. I think I need to outsource some of the current work that I am doing and I need to focus on creating products.


  2. Thank you for sharing Jeff! I like your story about this particular launch with the newsletter! Maybe you can talk more about what is a newsletter, what is the purpose of a newletter and what you recomend to include in a newsletter for it to make most clicks on to website 🙂

    You are the best, thank you for being such a big heart for teaching us all your knowledge in this wide field of online business.

    With Love,


  3. Hi Jeff, thank you so much for this series of videos.

    Quick question you say that you did a launch for $34k. Am I right in thinking that you where launching a subscription product (they have to keep renewing to continue getting the newsletter). If so how much of an impact did the recurring revenue make and was it a conscious decision to do this or was it just the product you where selling at the time.

    I ask because your current business PLF does not appear to be based around recurring revenue.

    Thanks, Alastair

  4. I love hearing your very personal transformation in the early years. I am at that point that the leads are starting to get more consistent and the funnel is working. Time to turn up the traffic and see how it scales!!! It’s very exciting but there have been some very lean and scary times getting here.

  5. Hi Jeff,
    Thank you for this 30 day video challenge. They have been very helpful.
    I’m just getting started.
    Question: Can I apply PLF to filling an in person events. And if so how?

  6. Loved this video, Jeff! I especially loved the concept of sacrifice, both of time and money, to grow your business. I want to make the sacrifice of time and money, but I’m not sure how to do it. I know there has to be a process, but I don’t have a lot of money to grow out my web site idea/concept. I know that I just have to keep pushing forward and hope that getting the content I need will see me through. Thanks for putting this video together – I needed this!

  7. This is very inspiring stuff Jeff. I’m a stay at home dad as well and I’m struggling a bit right now and hearing your story really helps keep me motivated and shows me what’s possible.

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. Thanks Jeff, some great inspirational info here. I want to launch my first product, but just having a hard time making myself just go and do it.
    Your story really give me the want to go out and JUST DO IT.

  9. Hi Jeff. Great to hear the time line and stages you and your family planned.
    My story, I was working as the showroom manager for the largest tile, marble and bathware importer in Australia. We opened the new showroom, nothing like it at the time. Australia went to 7 day a week trading….staff did not like this change, for another year I juggled to work in this amazing place with great people, I was the only female executive in the company.
    I decided to take a job as a sales person in a small bedding shop, loading trucks, cleaning the w.c , washing the shop windows, loading beds on top of cars, it was crazy busy, but I could pick the kids up from school some days, arrange to go to school events.
    During my ‘spare time’ I started my own interior design business. I studied design and colour for three years at The Rocks at Shillitto Design School with Peter Travis in Sydney after leaving school. Going from designer suits to jeans and shirt was a great move. xxxx

  10. I’m just about to launch my second product. Breathing out. Magical moment. Thank you, Jeff for inspiration! I cant stop dreaming of Colorado

  11. Ndifreke Atauyo


    Jeff, thank you for sharing your video series with us – your students. I must say getting the best coaches and mentors since I started my online business journey back in 2001 was the one thing I did that brought my success in web design nigeria. secondly, following your instructions on product launch formula was the number one factor that tripled my web design launches and free live seminars in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. Jeff – I am most grateful for the insights and wisdom you shared with us today. Blessings to your business.

  12. Thanks Jeff. Love your series of videos. You are helping me a lot with inspiration and common sense. I am in the process of getting ready to launch my first online course after 25 years of offline consulting. At times it seems daunting. But listening to your “focus on the basics” is very reassuring. Understanding my target audience is my primary goal. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and for a peek at how you built your business while raising a family.

  13. Thanks for the inspiration!

    My partner and I are following your launch plan and a question has come up. We surveyed our 23,000 person email list at the beginning of the year to learn the kind of content they’d like to receive via a video course. We took that info and have created the product. We’re editing it now but it will be 3 hours of content via 16 modules along with a workbook and private Facebook group.

    We’ve scripted out our PLC videos and will be shooting those next week and we plan to launch in September to our email list. My question is, it’s been 8 months since we talked to our list about the course. Would you recommend reaching back out to them? If so, what approach would you take? We used the survey approach to plant the seed about the upcoming course, but that was 8 months ago. Is there a good strategy to let them know that a course is coming their way before we release the first PLC video?

    So many thanks!

  14. Hi Jeff, Thanks for this video, this was exactly what I needed today. My challenge right now is how to get started figuring out what the market wants that I can provide. What other resources are there, how can I find out more about finding out what the market wants?

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