Fourteen years ago, I created an offer that still generates consistent sales every year – adding millions of dollars to my bottom line. It’s the type of offer you could use to quickly double your business.
Even better, it’s surprisingly simple to set up and you don’t need a fully laid-out plan to get started.
The last time I created this type of offer, I casually mentioned it in a video and quickly received my first “I’m in!”. I didn’t even have a sales page or a link to send them to.
Here’s what this offer is… and why now is the perfect time to make it to your audience.

High ticket offers can literally double the size of your business very very quickly so here's a good rule of thumb no matter what you're offering if you look at the number of buyers you have approximately 20% of them will be willing to buy another offer from you at five times your price so if you have a $1,000 offer then you can make an offer at $5,000 and approximately 20% of the people will say yes to that if you are from experience to go deeper to have a more intimate experience a more connected experience a more high-end experience those people will be there and if you get 20% of your people to buy at five times the rate then you will effectively double your business now there is a lot that goes into this and we've been talking about this I'm at this is Mastermind week for me I'm wrapping up my masterminds I have two Mastermind groups one of them were 14 years in we just had our 42nd meeting the other one were four years in and we're just wrapping up our 12th meeting these are amazing groups we have people that have been in for 14 years it's absolutely ridiculous so 14 years ago I made a high ticket offer and people said yes and they've been saying yes for 14 years it's literally added millions of dollars to my business and the Strategic byproducts it's brought me it's brought me Partners it's brought me contact partners it's brought brought me coaches it's both coaches that work for me as coaches but also coaches that I pay to help me get better at things so right now the industry is changing in a huge way there there's so that that's what we've been focused on is where is the industry going right now and one thing we're all trying to do I mean I think all the time we're always trying to do this but now more than ever because there are some challenging times we're all looking to add margin to our business where can we find sales that bring high margin that that are high highly profitable and I think whenever I'm looking to find margin in a business in this industry one of the first places I look is what kind of high ticket offers can we have can we use that will bring in additional sales without bringing a lot of extra costs so one of the things to do when you're doing a high ticket offer is just to start to talk about it even if the offer doesn't exist yet so I did this a few just a few months ago I put out a I I did a campaign or or or made an offer for something I called Advanced campaign design and I started talking about it in I think it was in early April and when I started talking about it it wasn't even 100% clear what it was it was just that I was going to work with a very small group of people and I was going to personally help them with their launch we were going to get in a room there's just going to be a few a small number of people in the room and we're going to walk through the actual core of their offer of their sequence of how they took people through their launch made their offer what that led to what the next offer was and I was going to do that with a very small group of people we called it Advanced campaign design and I started to talk about it I did in a few videos on this channel even before I put together a campaign and in just talking about it and just starting to talk about it I had one person reach out to me and say I'm ready to buy it even before I officially it was for sale even before I had a sales letter or anything about it he said I'm in because I started to talk about it and you know what we're going to be doing it again which is one of the reasons I'm talking about it right now we're going to do it Advanced campaign design for a second time in November the first time was awesome this time's going to be even better so here I'm starting to talk about it if you're interested leave a comment for me reach out to my team we'll get you some details one it comes but that's one of the keys of it of putting together High ticket offers we don't always have perfect clarity on what it is but what you're looking for is those clients that want to go a little bit deeper that want more custom experience so as you start to talk about it and start to get feedback from the market that can help you figure out what it's going to be high ticket offers can radically change the math in your business they can change the profits that you keep within your business because what you're doing is you're reaching out to people that have already paid you and in my experience it's 15 times easier to make that second sale and especially when you're selling to someone at the high end remember people don't buy high-end because they love you they buy high-end because they love themselves it's not about you it's about them taking care of themselves them treating themselves them saying yes to themselves that they want to move faster and and make it easier so high tier offers can be absolute magic for your business.
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