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On the way to dinner at last Platinum Plus meeting, my son Dan busted out the camera and starting asking some tough (and funny) questions. Here’s a little peek into the brains of some of the most successful entrepreneurs I know…

Appearing in the video:

Stu McClaren –
Melinda Cohan –
Brian Kurtz –
Bari Baumgardner –
Shelley Brander –

The big takeaways…

  • What your biggest fear reveals about how you should be building your business.
  • The one uncomfortable question you should be asking if you want to grow as a business owner (and as a person).
  • Why you should stop worrying about strategy… and what you should be focused on instead.

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38 Replies to “Gurus In A Gondola Getting Dinner”

  1. Anna Hopkins-Arnold


    Looks like those Gurus on a Gondola were visiting Telluride (a few hours north of Durango).
    I found the answers to what questions people SHOULD ASK to be very thought-provoking. What risk should I take next? and How can I put more of myself into my business? Food for thought.
    (PS. turns out some of us folks in Durango are learning what Jeff does)

  2. Great insights but watching Stu lean against the glass made me really have to rein in my fear of heights!

  3. It seems like there’s a theme of stage fright and having confidence to stand behind what you believe in. My fear is not reaching my full potential because I was too lazy to put in the effort to truly contribute.

    As a public speaker and life coach, speaking to the public and personal development are already core strengths. Intellectual smarts will only take you so far, heart smarts are the keystone that’s solid enough to build your future on.

    I’m sure this video will help many people who need to focus on becoming better as a person, not just as a business owner, because the former builds the latter.

    • @Trevor: I wouldn’t call it “stage fright” or fear of standing up for what they believe… all the folks in the video are good friends of mine, and I don’t think any of them have a fear of walking onto big stages and speaking. And they all have strong messages, and aren’t afraid to share them. I think what was expressed in the video is a lot more nuanced (even though it was light-hearted and spontaneous).

  4. This was one of my fav posts Jeff , and I was only familiar with Stu, not the other gurus. Nonetheless I found value from each person’s response. More like this please!

  5. Wow. I found this VERY inspiring. Once again, the willingness to be vulnerable and not let the ego work so hard to project “superpowers” turns out to be the actual power that transforms. Thanks, Jeff, and guests!

  6. Peter Leckemby


    Taking a step out to do what you are afraid to do…so many achievers have overcome this. Very inspiring. As a people pleaser, I have to frequently remind myself to detach from the opinions of others. And my business is personal and professional development! I can only share what I have been willing to do myself if I’m to be authentic. That’s a big part of what pushes me to get out of my comfort zone.

    This was a big help! As always, thank you!

  7. One of my favorite videos. Thanks Jeff. We all have that inner kid waiting to be picked for dodgeball that we grow through. A really insightful fun piece. So, how was dinner?

    • @Laura: it was extraordinary. The gondola ride was just the beginning… after that we got in a snow cat that took us to the top of the mountain. And then the food was exquisite… and the dinner conversation was wonderful.

  8. great sharing, community !!! Can always count on Jeff to lead real, heartcentered conversations.
    Really grateful to all of you.

  9. Great video! Those type videos almost enable me to see myself there. Familiar message, of course, for those of us who “follow” these and other gurus. It always comes back to that “I’m not enough” gremlin that haunts and/or attacks us. That last question though….it felt different somehow. Was it the “secret sauce “ aspect along with the impromptu? Great question, Dan! Great idea, Jeff!!

  10. Jeff: This is one of my favorite videos! Very spontaneous, and loved the answers your PLF masterminds gave, especially when talking about what they fear most. I know my biggest fear is simply taking the first step in developing a business (and knowing what the next step is to take after that). And kudos to your son for asking some terrific and insightful questions! Please put up more videos like this – I think you hit the right inspiration using Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee format. Favorite comedian?

  11. Great video Jeff! A fear I’ve thought about is when I put a new product out there or an offer for group coaching, I realize once it starts it never ends. If you think about the big picture in your business, that can be a little overwhelming. Thanks for all your insights!

  12. This video is amazing! Really resonated with this and deal with fears that are blocking me. Great to know lots of others feel the same. Thanks!

  13. So much goodness to unpack. Shout out to Bari. I’ve been fortunate to meet her and have been the recipient of much of the impact she makes in the industry. I believe what makes her so powerful is the depth of her heart as it relates to that earlier life experience and how she’s now using it to help others stand out in a big way. Not everyone needs to be in the spotlight. It takes a strong army of skilled, talented people to make those on the platform light up.

  14. Åsa Johnsson


    I can say, Jeff, I also love to walk bare foot, even in wintertime (in doors).

  15. Jeff, I love that you did this in a gondola! I love to ski also (as you have mentioned in you do in at least one past video, one being about ski Fridays (loved that, too) and as a matter of fact, have been cast as a skier in a more contemporary version of an opera! (Big stretch/risk for me– first time).

    It was great to hear all of you weigh in, and the piece about the people’s biggest fear transforming into their biggest strength and what they help others with was great to hear. Not entirely new, but I loved to hear it as part of this informally set panel that felt more fun and seemed more organic than the run of the mill entrepreneur’s panel.

  16. Awesome thank you so much for sharing!! The fear of disappointing myself for me. And not being good enough. Transcending those and recovering from painful paradigm shifts have been my challenges. Looking forward to the program Jeff. I want to learn your formula. 😁☀️🌊🎵🌅✨ Peace. And Love. ✌️🙏✨💢

  17. Gondola? I was expecting Venice. Then I remembered it was Jeff – I ski every Friday – Walker! 😀
    Loved the video. Please, sir, may I have some more?
    Authentic, spontaneous, funny, enlightening – all in 6 minutes!
    I want to know what others in your Plat Plus group would answer to the last question of “What question do you WISH more people would ask you?”
    Or perhaps ask, “What is the single most important question people should ask you (the “guru”) – but don’t?”
    That could be a very powerful message, especially if you took it to Plat Plus members who serve a variety of audiences, not just business development (dog training, nutrition, weight loss, overcoming trauma, etc.).

  18. Thank you Dan for doing this and thank you gurus for being so real and leading in this. It makes it so much easier for me to leave off my mask and move forward. Thank you for being so open and leading the way.

  19. Loved the impromptu nature of the video. I have had a burning, but hopefully simple, question for a long time. How do you get the YouTube video to automatically roll into another video along the same topic? They always seems to be from a different era of PLF but along the theme.

  20. Been watching your videos for years and I never could figure out what you guys are selling to create a business around. I started working on learning how to build a business online as far back as 2007 and kept working at it until 2016 without any success whatsoever. In fact, I even ended up going through a divorce partly because of trying to make it happen and spending lots of money. Now I’m single, back in a job, and still can’t figure out what it is I would be able to sell online. I know it sounds stupid, and it probably is, but what does one do when he can’t find his product or service? I love to teach and write, but what is it that I have to teach and write about that could be created into a product to sell online? You say things like – “I simply create a new campaign with a new product”, and I know you’re telling the truth, but I look at myself and simply cannot fathom what product I could create and sell. Anyway, love your videos, love your inspiration, but just have not been able to break through.

  21. I loved this video! I appreciated the “gurus in the gondola” being so honest! It’s a great reminder that beneath our confidence we are human! Thank you!

  22. This was a definite top ten video. I was impressed by your son’s, Dan, questions. It may point to a perspective that you can always use a pair of fresh eyes. Dan may have been video taping for awhile, so he’s had time to ponder and reflect on the content. This time he’s had the luxury to ask his burning questions.

    Great job, Dan, and kudos to your father for giving you the reins!


  23. I cannot wait for my husband to come home next week and see this. He doesn’t have a clue of my new adventure with PLF. This is awesome 🙂

  24. I love seeing all of you in a group just being really real and caring about others. It makes it easy for the average person to identify with all of you and look up to you as mentors. The positive things you talk about are worth having and they really do seem graspable. It’s eye-opening for anyone who puts successful people on a pedestal far from themselves. Thank you so much for sharing this, and thanks for the fun-loving spirit of it!

  25. Also, Dan asked FABULOUS questions! More group videos like this, please!

  26. Awesome group of people. I attended a mastermind with Stu and Bari was seated next to me. On my entrepreneurial journey that was the best time and money investment that I have made. They are awesome.

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